Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 167: The new machine

As the day passed and midnight arrived, Sam was in the tower finally completing the machine.

He came out of the divine dimension and slept in his tent to make up for all the mental fatigue he has been through.

He woke up just before sunrise and went outside towards the stage at which the assembly occurred yesterday.

Sam looked at the five hundred soldiers who assembled neatly in order of their elements.

"I hope everyone relaxed yesterday, because for all you know there won’t be much time for you guys to relax in the near future." Sam said and then observed the change in the expressions of these people.

"Today, I will be dividing you guys into companies. You better get along with your teammates, you guys are going to be the partners who you should trust your lives with."

For the rest of the day, Sam divided all the candidates into ten companies.

Each company has fifty members. And all of the companies are assigned with one healer each.

Out of these companies, one company is solely made of forty warriors and the remaining nine are the warrior mages of various elements.

As for the remaining nine companies, each of them has one healer and at least five mages of five different elements.

They are fire, wind, water, earth, wood.

There are no metal elemental mages or warrior mages. It is not because he forbade them from joining, rather there are very few in the army and most of them are recruited by the City guard squad.

Just like how the General Spark maintained the thunder-wolf squad, the General of the city guard, the General mercury also maintained a special squad who are mostly of metal element users. They are like the FBI of the southern star spread far and wide within the territory.

After Sam divided the squads, he didn’t immediately train them. Because, unlike soldiers from previous world, these guys didn’t need extraordinary physical training.

These guys are mostly dependent on the spiritual energy, so if he wants them to be efficient, then he has to make them use the spiritual energy more efficiently, for that he has something else planned.

But before all that the first thing he has to teach them is the teamwork and coordination and that can be obtained by the training techniques from his previous life.

Those are most basic ones in any county’s military and those are military drills.

The standard attention, stand at ease, march fast commands helps with the coordination of the teammates.

Even though, they are the easiest and simplest of the things and are mostly performed in the military parades of various different countries, many people think that they are for show. But in actual fact, a perfect drill without a single flaw is an indication of the perfect harmony in the team.

If they can perform a perfect drill, even if the teammates have some differences internally, they can perform and execute all the orders perfectly without these feelings interfering.

If these feelings of differences and resentment towards their teammates is too deep, then they won’t be able to perform a perfect drill which in turn gives a heads up to the instructor and he can take necessary actions to bring the team to perfect balance.

Now the soldiers assembled in the companies and each and every company has certain gap separating them.

When he started giving these commands, the soldiers were bewildered.

Sam first showed them the standard actions for the attention, stand at ease, right turn, left turn, march fast and also explained the necessary commands they have to follow.

The soldiers didn’t understand why their battalion commander was asking them to do this, but they don’t have any choice.

Sam stood on the harbinger up in the air as he looked down at the soldiers and started issuing the commands.

Soldiers also didn’t fret and executed. The foot steps are not in sync at all and the sounds are like a horse galloping.

Not a single company executed their commands well.

Sam didn’t say anything and instead took out a staff and swung it in the air as he moved above all the companies.

The air currents flew like wh.i.p.s as the staff made movements in the air.



Various painful sharp sounds came out of the mouths of the soldiers.

"I want to hear a single collective thump of the feet. Even if a single soldier from a company missed that the whole company will have to suffer."

Sam didn’t provide any further explanation and immediately started issuing commands again.

"Parade, Attention." His voice echoed all over the camp. The soldiers came out of daze as they started doing the drill.

Until afternoon, they just went on with the drill and received heavy whipping. They don’t even know which side the whip is coming, so they didn’t even have a chance to defend.

By afternoon, they are exhausted and many are complaining about how Sam is making them do all the nonsensical work.

But they didn’t dare complain out loud. Sam warned them clearly yesterday. He would dispose of everyone he found annoying and complaining.

At least last time, the rules stopped Sam from making a critical hit but now he is the boss.

But when they saw the food provided to them, they were relieved. Not because, the ingredients are great, rather the cooking process changed.

Sam called up some of the Mackey’s staff who are idling around due to the lack of business to cook for the soldiers.

No matter how much you torture the soldiers, if you feed them well and provide the rewards for their efforts, they would work hard.

Sam took advantage of this break to go to the estate. Since the new machine is done, he has to test it and see if this is practical.

So, when he arrived at the estate, Watt is already waiting for him there.

Sam didn’t stop at anything and just entered the back of the mansion where the beasts are working continuously.

After asking them to stop, Sam took out a large octagonal metallic object.

The object is so large that an average person can use it as a bed.

Sam climbed on a large uneven impact crystal bed which spanned for hundreds of square yards.

The machine is basically a hexagonal metallic prism. One face of the octogen has a large circular opening in the centre.

The eight corners of the octagon have some metallic protrusions.

Sam placed the machine with the circular opening facing down wards and then he grabbed the metallic protrusion on one corner and pulled it out.

A foot-long metallic cylinder came out with one end having a pointed end and the other end was connected to a metallic flexible tube which is silver in colour.

Sam dragged the cylinder with him as the tube kept on coming out of the octagon.

There was huge roll of tube inside the machine body.

After walking for more than 30 yards Sam heated the surface of the impact crystal and after melting some, he pierced the pointed end of the cylinder there.

The cylinder has some holes on the curved surface area which are being faced towards the machine body.

Similarly, he pulled out the remaining seven cylinders from the body and placed them on the different spot.

Now, a large area with a radius of more than 30 yards was under the machine’s influence.

Sam walked towards the machine body and stood on top of it.

There are several rectangular markings on the surface of the body under Sam’s feet.

He signalled Watt to come on to the machine and after later did so, Sam took out some long cuboids made of grey meteorite sand. These are connected with the bolts and Sam is using these as moulds.

Right, Sam is using them as moulds. The impact crystal has a peculiar property and that is, it wouldn’t mix or bond with any other substance no matter what state it is in.

Even if it is in molten state and mixed with another molten metal it wouldn’t mix at all, it either floats or drowns based in the relative density, and even if they are solidified like that there wouldn’t be any form of chemical bond or alloy formation.

So, metallic moulds are best for this.

The moulds are six feet long and the cross- sectional area is around 1 square feet.

Sam then started explaining the process to Watt.

There are small circular holes on the machine base, precisely four of them.

And there are some circular pipe protrusions on the one cross-section of the moulds Sam took out. Both of them perfectly formed a joint.

After that, Sam explained about the rectangular markings, there are three pairs of rectangular markings each in different colour.

First one is Black coloured.

After Sam stood on it and injected some spiritual energy into it, a formation was formed around the machine base and another formation with the eight cylinders as nodes.

Sam then moved his feet to the next pair. The red coloured.

He infused his spiritual energy, this time there is some revving sound from the machine base. A red coloured gas was released from the holes of the eight cylinders and as soon as the whole formation was filled with the gas, the gas started burning.

Highly intense, blue flames are coming out.

The machine base was isolated sue to the formation and the flames didn’t reach the area outside the eight cylinders.

Watt saw the scene in awe as the whole impact crystal was being heated and molten right in front of him.

The molten metal started flowing towards the machine base. Watt then noticed the machine base in now floating stably and it even moved a little downwards.

But before he could absorb that, he noticed something else, the level of molten impact crystal is being lowered, then only he understood something.

The machine base is sucking the liquid and is pumping it into the moulds.

When the moulds are full and some small amount of metal was leaked from a small opening on top, Sam moved his feet towards the third pair of markings.

These are like switches as Sam placed his feet, they moved downwards and stayed like that.

Then Sam walked towards the moulds and removed them, Watt noticed that the holes on the machine body are blocked.

Sam didn’t stall and immediately replaced the four moulds with new ones and then, he moved towards the third pair of the rectangular markings which are pushed downwards and pressed them again.

The marking came back to normal and the moulds started filling again.

And after an hour of repetitions, the machine base was now on the soil and the impact crystal was cleared out within the area.

He deactivated the formations and then walked towards the cylinders. Sam showed how to change the methane tanks in the machine base and how to place the eight cylinders to Watt and left.

This machine will make the whole process easier, so he went back to the camp with one less worry.

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