Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 175: Philips Change

After some time, Sam left the place along with Watt and went back to the camp.

Philip woke up only at the evening, that’s how much damage Sam did.

After getting up, he looked at his body which is half-n.a.k.e.d. There are a lot of scars left behind by Sam. They are the reminders Sam left so that Philip would remember this day and stop hiding himself.

Jack and Kelly came to him to speak, but Philip didn’t reply to them and just sat on the bed without moving. He looked through the window as he saw the impact crystals spreading long and wide.

There Watt is operating the new machine Sam made and melting a large area.

He didn’t observe anything; he is just looking as he faced an inner turmoil of thoughts.

He has a past, which haunted him so much, all this time, he hid his true self behind the mask of a mischievous and naughty teenager who likes to make fun of his friends.

All the sarcastic remarks, annoying jokes everything is a mask he is using to conceal himself. In fact, he is not that overly friendly guy, he only behaved such with Sam for the rest he would be at most sound friendly and polite and that is because just wanted to treat those people in way he wished to be treated.

Which is extremely rare quality in a world governed by power and strength rather than law.

He was overly friendly to Sam because, he felt that he also had a story. The way Sam reacted as soon as he was called Bastard struck something in him.

Because, there was a time when he wanted to react like that, when he wanted to resist and deal with every injustice he suffered, but the fear of being dead overwhelmed his urge to get himself some justice.

From that time, he escaped that place and took refuge in the star wood city, he trained like crazy as soon as he awakened.

He wanted to be strong and take everything he deserved but the problem is that he is too scared do so. He subconsciously didn’t dare to go against them. But he wasn’t able to accept that self and created a mask to himself. A pathetic excuse he made up for himself to hide from the truth.

’I will face them when I am strong and until then I wouldn’t reveal myself.’

He clearly knew that they are not searching for him and if they did, he is too far away for their influence to spread. He knew that he doesn’t have to be that wary because for them he is dead a long time ago.

He was alive by a miracle. But he is too scared. Too scared that he might reveal his identity by using powers and then they will be at his tail.

With this paranoia he thought a myriad of ways his identity which are too far fetched and if any other person were to know, they might even die of laughter. He used those reasons to build an invisible wall to hide himself deep.

He wanted to be like Sam who never hid from anything. That guy stood in front of a Count, a Marquis, a General like an equal. Never bowing his head once.

He saw Sam’s journey up close. He faced all kinds of oppressions and many problems would have been over if he just made a simple apology but he never saw him giving in. He kept his pride, he respected himself, he never treated himself as inferior to any person.

In short, Sam is a person whom Philip always wanted to be.

That is why he stuck close to Sam if he can change but seems like Sam noticed this too and he just slammed open the wall that Philip built instead on waiting for it to wear down.

He just gave a beating to make him realise how foolish he has been.

He also got another message. That is if you want to be something then you have to start being and not wait to transform by some freaking miracle.

They are called miracles because they don’t happen easily and a person who is counting on such an occurrence is nothing short of a fool.

Now, Sam just woke up that fool.

Philip shook his head and took a deep breath. He went out and ate something before going to back to his room again.

Next day, he called over Mackey, Kelly and Jack.

"We are going to reopen the restaurant. Get ready."

His voice oozed of the confidence which was never there before. He has a change in temperament and his disposition also changed. He is like a new person.

The rest nodded and made the preparations. All of them went to the restaurant and opened it for business.

Their food is fairly famous and many people knew that it tasted amazing but there will never be more customers because they know that someone will come and start trouble.

So, most of the people who go there are people shameless enough to get a free meal. They will eat slowly and when the trouble starts, they will just slip away in between the chaos.

This day they went in the same way and soon after more than two hours, the troublemakers arrived. They ordered some dishes and after eating some, they started making a fuss that food is not good, it is not genuine meat or some other stuff and as soon as the waiter starts to soothe them, they would start throwing things.

Today, just as they were about to throw them away, Jack interjected and was about to drag them out just like any other time. But this time, just as he was about to angrily drag them, a blood red coloured mass flew over and hit the guy making him fly along with it.

He was then nailed to a wall. Jack watched as the metal started to cool right in front of his eyes as Philip threw water on him as soon as they hit the wall.


That person cried in pain, before he could use his spiritual energy though, Philip placed his hands on him and looked at the companions of the trouble makers.

He was thinking, how he should handle it. Should he just give some warning? Negotiate with them to not to come here? Just give a beating? These are the first things that came to his mind.

But these thoughts were just like the old Philip he doesn’t want to be, he took a deep breath and thought, how would Sam deal with it?

He got an answer within a second.

He should teach them a lesson that they don’t want to create trouble again.

Philip placed his hand on the troublemaker’s belly as he said coldly.

"You better listen carefully. I am not going to repeat again." As he said this, his arm started to release molten metal and the troublemaker started to scream.

But Philip didn’t stop, he kept on pouring cold water from other side which miraculously made the metal cool down rapidly.

"I don’t want to see you guys here again. I already lost all patience to deal with you guys."

The man was struck to the wall as the metal locked his h.i.p.s and things to the wall. If not for Philip’s control over the metal and heat, it would have penetrated the skin and made him a solidified metal statue.

"I don’t care who sent you here and I don’t care if you ready to leave your life here for them. Because, the next time I see you here, I would just create some good metal sculptures with you making them some attractions of our shop.���

As Philip said, he held the metal and pulled it with a strong tug.


The skin was peeled off from the man’s lower body. He started rolling on the floor with an unimaginable stinging pain. He was able to stop the damage due to heat with his spiritual energy a little, but he didn’t realize the effect of the molten metal going to be.

People around can see the muscle fibres on the place where the skin was peeled off.

"I don’t know if you think this much pain is worth it. But next time, you come here, you better prepared to die."

As Philip said those words, the trouble maker’s companions who accompanied him ran over to him gulping nervously as they carried their leader and ran out of the restaurant.

They never expected that they would face something like this.

All these days they came here and made a fuss about a lot of things, they did receive some beating before but they are only superficial injuries.

So, never did they think that the reaction this time would be this huge. The experience almost made them pee in their pants. Losing skin over the lower body.

As soon as a small wind current touches the spot before it healed, he can feel the sting which is a lot worse than the blunt pain.

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