Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 194: SAMS PARK

In the Sam’s park, the shopping zone is the first thing and it was in a most unique shops they have seen, but that was not the most unique and surprising thing that was awaiting the customers.

The next zone is a circular zone which surrounded the food zone.

The circular zone is full of challenges hence named challenge zone.

This is where the inscription tower and the formation tower.

There are many challenges in this place which would test many of the qualities and abilities of the cultivator.

This is an amus.e.m.e.nt park for the cultivators, instead of rides and games, here Sam combined the fun and tests to make money off of it.

Some of these challenges are completely under the formation tower and inscription tower. It was test for the knowledge of a cultivator on the formations and inscriptions and their ability to decrypt the formations and inscriptions.

These two challenges are side by side and entry fee would depend on the level of inscription or formation they want decrypt.

For a rank 1 formation or inscription they have to pay 100 spirit stones and that is only for acolyte cultivators, there would a set of ten formations they have to crack and if they do so they would win 1000 spirit stones. Same goes for the inscriptions.

For the Novice stage cultivators, the entry fee is five hundred spirit stones and rank 2 formations or inscriptions would be there.

For the Great realm cultivators, the entry fee is one thousand spirit stones.

As for Grand realm cultivators, the entry fee is five thousand. The prize of completing the set is always ten times the entry fee, but the thing is many people are done in the third round itself.

These two stalls are completely under the towers and they will pay twenty percent of their income to Sam.

There are some challenges that are a collaboration for between Sam and the two towers.

One of them is a woods challenge.

This is a team battle against the beasts.

There would be a small forest created with the wood element users and in that a team of five to ten members will challenge a pack of beasts with an equal number.

They will be provided with a list of beasts available for challenge and these beasts are captured by Sam and have been tamed by him. This is an exclusive thing for Novices.

In fact, Sam had planned this park for Novices as the main target.

In this Woods challenge, the acolytes will be given a choice to select the beasts of Level 2 and the Novices for Level 3. And the Novices have more challenges and almost made this thing exclusive to them.

The challenge is that the candidates have to leave a mark on the bodies of the beasts or destroy the token which were hung on their bodies. They are prohibited to use critical attacks and kill the beasts.

In the same way, if the beasts make a mark on the men, they are out. This is more like a paint ball game but Sam made it animals vs humans.

The entry of this challenge is 100 per person for the Acolytes and thousand per person for Novices, if they can clear the challenge, they would receive double the amount and as usual not many people were able to clear the challenge.

After all, these are no ordinary beasts. Sam tamed them and even refined their bloodline and let Yanwu and Sky train them to understand how to go against the humans in the most efficient way.

A part from them, there are element exclusive challenges.

For example, there is a fire element challenge in which there would be a series of formations through which the challenger has to bypass. The formations are made in such a way that they would make fire element attacks, starting from fire balls, to infernos and many other attacks.

This challenge can help the fire element users to increase their elemental control and for the rest of the elemental users they can increase their endurance and capabilities to fight against the fire type attacks.

There are seven stages of formations for each cultivation stage. And entry fee is 200 stones for acolyte, 1000 for a Novice, 3000 for a Great mage and 8000 for a Grand realm expert.

This is a collaboration with the formation tower and the designs of the formation are done by Sam himself and the tower is responsible for maintenance and control.

They would get twenty percent revenue from this.

Just like fire element, there are several other elements. Wind, wood, earth, lightning, water and even metal, ice etc.

They are all of similar price range and then there are combination challenges.

There are five venues where the combination of elements can be selected. The challengers could select a combination of various elements and prices would be multiplied by the number of elements they chose.

There are other types of challenges like shooting ability. This is for ranged attackers to test their ability.

For testing the ranged attacks, Sam made use of two methods and one of them is similar to skeet shooting except the targets will be more random, faster and there would be many obstacles. There are more than hundred levels for each cultivation stage and more levels one could clear the more points they acc.u.mulate and the more prize they get.

This is also from acolyte to the Grand realm cultivators. In this challenge the target would also have another segment that is not present in a normal skeet shooting and that is the hardness of the target.

The shooters are from the Dragon Hawk tribe and the shooting devices are some small-scale impact cannons except the shells are replaced by the targets. The inscription tower is responsible for making the targets and they will get twenty percent of the revenue.

Another shooting ability is about mid ranged attacking practice.

The challenger will enter a large room and the targets will be shot around the room and one has to identify the direction and the speed of the target carefully and deal with it. Just like previous ones, there are many levels and also based on point system.

The entry fee is also based on the cultivation levels.

There are some challenges which takes place between two challengers themselves. One of them is earth element control contest.

Two earth element users will be standing on two sides of a large field which will be having a dividing line in the centre. This line will separate two zones, one for each player. The goal of the game is to manipulate the earthen cubic blocks which are placed on the either side of the field and fill the opponent’s zone.

One who filled the other’s zone will be the winner. In this thing, one has to control the cubes to place them in opponents place and also bypass the control of the opponent to hinder him to not place the cubes in their own field.

In the same way, there is a field for ice element users, a field for wood element users to occupy the opponent’s field with trees.

There are some other tests like suppression test where the candidate has to go through the suppression caused by the formation and move forward.

Then there are tests for senses, where the challenger would be restricted the use of his spiritual sense and has to rely on their senses and instincts.

Some other tests for melee combat training, where candidate has to dodge the projectiles or hit the projectiles shot towards him.

In this way there are many tests that the candidates can experience.

Sam made sure that there shouldn’t be more than 12000 people inside the park at the same time except for special people under his or Watt’s recommendation. The three tower heads also have a quota to bring two people at a time.

The last zone in the park is food zone and this is first time the cultivators saw a food place like this.

There are no separate restaurants in the food zone.

All the food stalls are arranged in a circular fashion inside which there are a large number of seats to have food.

The people can also buy food there and can have it while walking in the park. There are some benches here are to sit.

The food is also one of the unique things the customers have tasted.

The food is not based on large meals, rather every portion is small so that the people can taste many dishes.

The food is served in a special kind of tree bark which is dense and clean and easy to carry. They can walk and eat.

The food mostly focussed on fried and grilled. The most attractive dish is the fired spring fowl, inspired from the fried chicken of the modern world. It has minimum servings and is limited in order to sustain the farm. There are only hundred portions a day.

The remaining are fried or grilled foods of various meats obtained from the hunters in the Sam’s shop in the city.

The most unique thing is not the food though, it is beverages.

There is a fascinating wine, Sam created with the help of the ape. Apart from them, he introduced a new type of beverage which was the milkshake.

This is the reason he obtained cattle.

The fruit flavoured milkshakes which are served with a slight chill in a thing glass contained with a bamboo straw, are one of most refreshing things the visitors tasted.

In short, the experience of the visitors can be explained in one word.


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