Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 196: Yoga

As Sam observed the three divine wills, he found many postures and also the manipulation method to cultivate the body.

But that is not the discovery he was amused by.

The postures of the three methods are very similar to something he was familiar with in his previous life.

Yoga asanas.

The ancient yoga which originated from India, is one of the most favoured practices to keep oneself fit.

It is a practice that helps the body a balance between strength, flexibility and endurance. It is so common in his previous life that many people from young to old practiced yoga as daily routine.

But what he saw in the divine wills is not just yoga. The postures are completely similar to many complicated yoga asanas and they are extremely precise. But there is an attached breathing technique as well as the spiritual energy manipulation which when practiced along with the respective posture will cultivate the body.

The three methods have some similarities and three of them have focussed on different aspects.

Like on method focussed on leg related postures which increases a person’s capabilities in the aspect of movement techniques and leg techniques.

One method focused on honing the torso, so as to have defensive capabilities and the third technique is more focused on arms.

Even though, three methods strengthen the whole body and increase the fleshly strength, these three aspects are something they focussed on.

As Sam observed the postures of the three methods one by one, he only has one thought. If a yoga master was to come to this world and cultivate any of these techniques, he would no doubt be an expert who could finish a battle in a punch or a kick.

These body cultivation methods didn’t focus on the spiritual core and the usage of the spiritual energy much.

In general, cultivators even if they are mages or warriors use the spiritual energy as the main medium to attack or defend.

But these body cultivation technique uses the spiritual energy to cultivate the body. The energy will be forcefully entering the body cells which means, the skin, muscle fibres, blood, bones and even the bone marrow, internal organs.

The methods increase the vitality and the density of the cells. The body would be hard to hurt and even if it was hurt it would heal itself.

When in the battle, all they have to care is about strength and endurance

The spiritual energy can only do little help in the battle and mainly used for relieving fatigue and exhaustion and makes healing easier.

It is mostly suitable for warriors and warrior mages. But the pain of cultivation is something that is going to be unbearable.

When the spiritual energy is honing the body cells, the pain is going to be unbearable. A person needs to have an extremely high will to overcome that.

Another thing to worry about is the resources required would cost a lot. The body cultivation stages are similar to the cultivation stages of a normal technique. But to breakthrough towards a same stage the former would cost thrice as much as the latter.

These two reasons make people avoid cultivating these techniques.

But for Sam, these two reasons are not a question at all. He can take the pain and at the same time he can afford the cost.

So, he browsed through them as he was trying to decide on which technique he should adapt.

The three techniques have some similar postures which are responsible for honing the overall body and their specific aspects are the only different postures.

And after a long thought and indecisive consideration, he finally couldn’t take it and decided to cultivate the three methods.

He would cultivate the arms, the body and the legs. Anyway, he has enough money to do so and he can do so without worries.

But he is not keen on practicing one method after another he needs to find a way to combine them.

So, he went into the second floor to start experimenting and simulation.

He created an exact virtual copy of himself and made that copy do the asanas one by one in order to see the effects on the body. In order to do so, he even made the skin of the virtual copy disappear.

He could see the effects of the asanas on the muscle fibres and the bones.

He spent around ten days inside the second floor which is only a day outside.

This time his research is comparatively easier than before. Because he was familiar with yoga.

Even though, he is not familiar with the breathing technique that was associated with each asana, he can figure it out easily as there are not many possible ways to regulate ones breathing in a special pose.

They are only limited ways of breathing and he can figure out the best method with the trial and error.

And after these ten days, he came up with a routine of yoga asanas from simpler ones to the insanely complex ones which would evenly refine his body.

So, a new cultivation technique was created. Many people might think that a cultivation technique can only be created by a person who is very experienced and powerful, but Sam would call that statement nonsense.

As far as he was concerned, creating anything is a compilation of analysed and calculated data with logic.

For that one only needs, the data which needs to be analysed and good enough brain to understand, analyse and reiterate that data to create what they need.

In Creating experience is a great help but that is not the only thing.

After compiling the technique, Sam started cultivating it.

There are 16 asanas in this technique. Covering the enhancement of all the body parts.

The first one, Utkatasana popularly known as chair pose.

The second one Adho mukha asana also called the downward dog pose.

The third one prasarita padottanasana also called the wide legged forward bend.

The fourth Natarajasana, the lord of dance pose.

The fifth Poorvattanasana, the upward plank pose.

The sixth Adho Mukha Svanasa, the downward facing dog pose.

The seventh Bakanasana, the crow pose.

The eighth chaturanga dandasana. The four limbed staff pose

The ninth, Eka hastha Vrksasana, one handed tree pose

The tenth, Sirsa Padasa, the head to foot pose

The eleventh Pungu Mayurasana, the wounded peac.o.c.k pose.

The twelfth Gandha Bherundasana, formidable face pose.

The thirteeth, Sayanasana, Scorpion pose.

The fourteenth, Kala Bhairavasana, the destroyer of the universe pose.

The fifteenth, Taraksvasana, Handstand Scorpion pose

The sixteenth, Yoganidrasana, The yoga sleep pose.

As Sam performed one asana after another, he could feel the spiritual energy inside him penetrating his cells.

He felt as if his muscles fibres are being torn apart and an intense sharp pain made him grit his teeth.

He never felt so much pain in his both lives, even when he was undergoing torture training, he never felt this much pain.

While he was changing from one pose to another, his movements became extremely sluggish. He felt as if his body was being suppressed by a very high pressure.

It is as if he was being suppressed by a deep underwater pressure of the ocean bed.

Many times, his body wanted give up instinctually. But he kept on going. He could feel the muscle fibres getting torn apart due to the torrential flow of the spiritual energy at the same time he could feel those fibres getting healed by themselves with multiplied density.

Just after one session, his spiritual core became empty and Sam spit out a mouthful of Black blood.

He felt as if he was given a new lease at life.

But after that pain subsided, Sam started thing about something else.

The yoga is a thing extremely popular and widespread in the modern earth. But it was high level body cultivation in this world.

Who brought yoga here at all? How does these yoga techniques which are known to be invented in the ancient India, possibly appear in this mystical and powerful world?

Is it because someone entered this world just like Sam, or someone from this world entered the modern earth?

He felt that there might be something serious about the connection between this and that world.

He was thinking if there really was a connection between both worlds, then what caused the both worlds to lose contact.

If there really was a connection, Sam was sure that he would be one of the select few who would definitely know this even if it was kept secret from common public, but he hadn’t heard about anything.

Then Sam thought about the search for other species in other planets. There was no result at all. He was also part of the international team which conducted these searches in every exo-planet they could possibly find and the results were non existent.

It was as if the people of earth are the only ones in an isolated universe.

As he thought up to this, a bold and far fetched thought appeared in his mind....

[Read the author’s thought]

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