Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 235: The Preparations

Sam doesn’t know that two people who can crush the planet he is living in a second almost had a fight because of him.

Because he is busy with planning something.

From the hill they are staying in, he can watch some places in the Southern star city, although they are not completely visible and he cannot see what is happening there closely with a n.a.k.e.d, he doesn’t have to use a n.a.k.e.d eye at all.

So, while his friends went on to collect the required beasts, he started building a telescope so that he can observe what is going on in the city, particularly in a person’s home.

That is none other than the General Spark. Sam is here to honor his words about General Spark.

And he can use this chance to send a message to the emperor as well as all the other nobles and officials who are after him.

He is going to deal with the emperor sooner or later and in that process, Sam doesn’t want to deal with all these officials on his journey. That would be a real pain in the ass.

So, since he already has some past grudges with the General, he can use this chance to avoid some trouble.

Although all the officials might not back down, there would be at least half of the people who will not make any trouble for Sam and that is for sure.

So, now he is going to plan and one of the main parts of that plan is this hill.

That is why he chose this hill as their campsite.

Sam wants to use one of the first elements he gained since he came to this world and the knowledge, he gained from his previous world to deal with the General, and this hill will be the main contributor to his plan.

So, he started marking the necessary positions to start digging the hole hill hollow so that it can station the necessary things that can help him.

For, the next month, the trio of Philip, Watt, and Jack are on hunt searching and bringing the beasts that Sam wanted and the main problem is that Sam wanted them alive.

So, they can only comply with him.

This month, Sam started hollowing the peak and the upper part of the hill.

Apart from that he would observe the routine of the General and spend the rest of the time researching a formation which he is designing for this purpose.

From the start, Sam has a feeling that the formations of this world are being restrained by their thinking of not using anything other than the energy nodes.

So, now he is going to circ.u.mvent that idea and use both energy nodes, runes, and inscriptions along with normal physical objects to get what he wants.

After that one month is over, the search for Sam and his group intensified in the southern star. It seems that the emperor doesn’t want to give up at all.

He learned from Mackey that the Park was completely taken over.

Sam also found some posters of himself in the city and he is successfully labeled as a wanted criminal.

Sam thought that the emperor must have waited for this long, almost two months just to paint Sam as a criminal. Because, after this long time, there is no way that the citizens would relate to this incident as an act of revenge.

Sam doesn’t know what crime he was attached to but he knew that it certainly is not a small one. So, from this point, the Duke represented the government in taking over the park, but only Sam’s share. The three-tower heads are still holding their own share.

He also learned that from this acquisition the government didn’t take Sam’s previous income and his earnings are still in hands of the Formation tower head.

Sam wasn’t the least bit surprised by this, he knew that this would only be a matter of time and even acquisition of Sam’s park might be a provocation directed at him.

The emperor must have thought that Sam is very possessive of his things and the whole thing started because his son went after Sam’s possessions, so he is taking over Sam’s possessions blatantly and he wanted to lure Sam out.

If this is really, the emperor’s thinking, then he is half-right. Sam is indeed possessive of his things, but the only thing that he is wrong about is his way of retaliation.

Sam is actually waiting for this to come out, he is waiting for the emperor to make a move and paint him as a criminal and make his name known all over the empire.

This way, he would achieve his future plans much more efficiently.

Now, his next step of the plan is to assemble the new equipment he specifically made and place them in the hill and then send a gift to someone.

Apart from that, there is a secondary task of writing something and it was handed over to the three people who are accompanying him.

For the next week, Sam started assembling the whole room he made by hollowing out the whole upper part of the hill.

The room is as big as a basketball court and Sam made a platform for himself to stand and operate the whole room in the position of the one goal post. And there is a long metallic cylinder which is placed at the other end of the court at the position of another goal post.

The cylinder is mounted on a platform and is horizontally pointed towards the southern star city.

To, Sam’s side half of the room is filled with small metallic cylindrical tubes with one end mounted with a convex lens and the other end stuffed with the energy cell of light element.

Each tube is mounted on different heights by some thin metallic stands and those stands are connected to the platform by a black metallic wire and there are some runes on the wire, the tubes, stands, and even on the platform.

The Platform is made of a metallic bed on which there is a layer of crystalline object and then covered with numerous runes.

The tubes are also high in number with around one hundred and twenty. And for every ten tubes that are mounted there is a large convex lens he made hungover from the room.

From there, for every four large convex lenses, there is one even larger convex lens hung from the wall and lastly, these three larger lenses faced the inner end of the large metallic cylinder that is facing the southern star.

This inner end also has a large convex lens and there are some runes that are inscribed on the inner surface of the cylinder and the outer end which is facing the southern star is also a lens.

After mounting everything place while checking if everything is in a right place and every object is made with accurate size and shape and if all the runes are still intact, Sam spent the next week, while the remaining three are working on the letters they have to write on behalf of Sam.

After these two are over, there is one last thing to do and it is to prepare a gift.

With that, the preparation phase for the plan would be done.

The preparation of these gifts is where the animals come into play.

All these days they collected a lot of animals which Sam requested and from each kind of animal Sam needed a different thing.

The first kind are the poisonous and the venomous Level Beasts. Sam collected all the venoms and poisons on their body and made the same poison liquor he made in the past.

Even though the level 4 poison is dangerous, it wouldn’t have much effect on a nascent stage cultivator. They certainly cannot kill them but there is something that can be achieved from that poison and that is making the person numb and weakening his immunity a bit.

The poison of these creatures has one thing in common and that is they all have an immediate but long-lasting effect; they wouldn’t die so easily.

So, the immune system of a cultivator which uses the spiritual energy to fight and expel the foreign objects will first try to send the poison out.

And since, the cultivator himself wouldn’t want to keep the poison for a while even if it doesn’t damage him much.

But this is not the whole gift, it is only a secondary one which will help him increase the effect of the primary gift.

As for the primary gift, Sam collected various excrements of the three beasts they collected, the feces of the Wild root raccoon, the urine of the yellow-skinned monkey, and the mucus of the Red fur Koala.

Sam collected these things and started doing experiments inside the divine dimension and apart from the experiments one thing he did was to feed vitality through the light element everyday to them.

After one week of the treatment and experiments, the gift was finally ready.

Now, it is time for the first step in his journey.

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