Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 300: Encounter

Sam decided to inaugurate all the projects with a huge ceremony and the inauguration will be done by Arc, the Emperor of Arian.

Two days, before the inauguration, Sam is walking around the city for some peace.

His schedule was totally hectic for the past six months, he didn’t take proper rest at all.

Now that his part is over, all he has to do is to wait for the time. One thing, he was worried about is that his friends are not here yet.

There is only two days for the end of their six months journey.

As he walked around, he entered the biggest restaurant of the city.

It is called Mackey’s Kitchen. And the name itself is self-explanatory on who the chef was.

He wanted to relax and have a meal, but when he went inside, he saw that the atmosphere is somewhat weird.

One part of the restaurant was completely empty and the other was packed. It is as if the remaining tables couldn’t be used at all.

Right now, the city is not still open for the outsiders, so the only people here are the workers, artisans and other people from the four major professions and their relatives who get visit some of the places before opening.

This is the privilege Sam has given to these people who have worked hard. They can visit all the places in the city that are open for public and experience everything for free of charge.

And everyone knows, who Sam is.

There is a special table in the restaurant for Sam. Even though, he didn’t ask for it, Mackey specifically arranged it out of gratitude.

The table will always be empty and it has the best view of the This will give Sam a reminder on how big his development was, at least that is what Mackey said.

The table will only be full, if Sam visited it but now, to his surprise there is a young lady sitting on table as she seemed to be in a deep thought.

Sam was stunned, when she saw the young lady. She is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his both lives, at least just based on appearance.

If she was born in the modern world, she could just rule the modelling world, the fashion designers would go crazy about making clothes and accessories for her.

But that is not the thing that impressed him the most. He was torn, broken and remade, l.u.s.t is not something that could cloud him.

It is what she is doing that made him more stunned than the beauty.

She has a small metallic plate on the table and there are some spiritual stones in her hand. One look and Sam recognized what it is. It is a formation simulator.

A person can do some experiments on how the formation works on this plate, but it is not as good as the formation simulator that Sam got from the Murali’s inheritance, because the formation simulator this girl is using can only be used once. The formation simulating disc will collapse after once formation is activated, no matter the result. The formation might be right and feasible or it might be utter bullshit, but the simulation disc would surely collapse.

The young lady is noticing the table positions and placing the spirit stones on the simulator according to them.

After placing more than ten tables, she activated the simulator and... there was a small explosion. She wasn’t able to replicate the formation.

Even though, there is an explosion, there is no real damage and that is because Sam’s table is a bit special. There would be no incoming damage and if a person can manipulate the numerous small formation variations on the table, then the things happening inside the table area also wouldn’t go out.

That is why Sam is surprised, because, there is not a single person in the city who was able to notice the formations that are inscribed on the table. Much less identify the variations and manipulating them.

He walked to the table and just stood there as the lady took out another simulator and started placing the spirit stones, but this time, when she looked up to mark the table positions, she was greeted with a black-feathered coat.

She frowned and said.

"You cannot sit on this side of the restaurant, go sit on that side."

She said in an emotionless tone, not even bothering to look at Sam.

Sam was intrigued but the rest of the restaurant has become completely silent. It is the epitome of the words pin-drop silence.

After all, there is no one in the whole western continent that would dare to say these words to Sam, not even the current emperor Arc, maybe Philip would say that, but that is a whole different matter.

The young lady noticed that, Sam is not moving and looked at him. She didn’t seem to recognize him as she said.

"I told you to leave."

"This is my table." Sam said in the same emotionless tone.

The lady seemed surprised, but she said.

"Oh? But I need it."

She even pushed Sam aside to look at the table arrangements and started placing the spirit stones on the spirit stones.

Sam still looked at her as she arranged the stones, without even need to do the calculations of scaling.

Sam sat on another chair and gestured for the waiter, who nodded his head and went to the kitchen to get Sam’s food.

In five minutes, there are plates of food brought to him. Sam started eating and the girl didn’t seem to mind as he didn’t make any sound at all. She is completely immersed in her own world.

After another explosion, which shook the plates of food on the table, she finally glanced at him and when he saw his feasting, she also without any manners or formalities took a piece of meat from a plate and started munching on it.

But she was still in the daze of finding the mistakes to no avail.

"You wouldn’t get it."

Sam said, finally gaining her attention.

"What did you say?" She asked him in the same tone.

"Your thought process is wrong you wouldn’t get it."

"Oh? How do you know that?"

"I made the formation." Sam finished his meal by now and was ready to make a move.

The girl finally showed another expression other than the frustration and thinking expressions and that is the look of surprise.

As, Sam was moving out, she followed him and walked beside him as she asked.

Her long hair that was tied into a bun was completely messed up as she hurriedly picked up her things and shoved a piece of mean in her mouth.

"Wait, how did you make it?" The lady asked as she chewed on meat.

"Now, why would I say that?" Sam asked in return. One look and Sam knew that this girl is not from the families of the workers and employees, because there is no mark on her chest. The same protocol is going on.

She is definitely someone who sneaked into the city, so there is a high chance that she is from one of the six major powers.

Since, he wasn’t informed yet, then that means she just came. After seeing her though, Sam didn’t want to take action immediately and one of the reasons is, she is alone and another one she seemed to be more interested in the formation than him, who is her target.

So, he decided that he would bother her to when she made a move.

As Sam looked at the lady, he repeated his question.

"Why would I give you the details of my formation?"

She hesitated for a second before saying in a hesitant voice.

"Because... I asked?" Sam was stumped. He doesn’t know how to reply immediately. The first thought that came to his mind, is that this girl is being sarcastic. But when he looked at her eyes, he felt that she really meant what she said.

This girl is too naïve.

He observed her face slowly. The blue eyes are as clear as ice and her forehead was like piece of carved jade.

Her hair almost looked like a black waterfall. He closed in and looked at her lips and there is a small mole on the left side corner of her lower lip.

"Why are you here?" Sam asked in a calm tone.

"I am here to meet Sam."

"Oh? You don’t know how he looks?"


"Why do you want to meet him?"

"I want the formation simulator he has."

"You don’t want the shadow sword?"

"I don’t want it."


"I don’t want it because, I don’t need it. I can make my own weapons."

"So, why don’t you just make your own formations then?"

"I don’t need this formation for my use, I want it for research."

Sam stopped his questions and looked at her. He doesn’t know if she is just that naïve of plain stupid. She kept on answering the questions no matter how many Sam has asked.

"What if he doesn’t want to give you the formation simulator?"

"I will kill him and take it."

She replied with the same tone. Sam smirked at her words. She really is like that. She is just that naïve.

He was completely surprised and amused at the same time. A young lady is telling that she would kill him and he is not even angry. He felt like laughing.

"Are you telling me about that formation or not?"

"Oh? Follow me." Sam said as he led her to the nearby building and placed the formation and explained.

"I didn’t say that your formation is wrong. It is your thought process; all you did is place the nodes in the wrong order..."

After ten minutes, she showed another expression, an expression of amazement.

He shook his head and thought, how can someone be so smart and stupid at the same time.

These are the first thoughts, but as he continued the conversation, he noticed that it is not stupidity of naivety, because there is no hint of confusion on her face or no trusting smile and pure look of someone who doesn’t know the ways of world and of pure innocence.

Rather it is more of a carefreeness and confidence.

She is so confident that even if she said all that on her mind, nobody would be able to do a thing.

And Sam needed more than an hour to know that which terrified him, because this is the first person he failed to read in this world. The first person he failed to understand after coming to this world.

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