Re: Eor~ Secret Life

Chapter 5

Ding Knock Knock Knock

A melodic chime and a series of knocks echoed through the front door of August's small cottage. The sky was already dark, with the moon casting a gentle light across the town, illuminating the quiet streets with its silvery glow.
Standing at the doorstep was none other than Lyra, the charming Roon-kin, her presence already anticipated by both Theo and August.
When the door finally swung open, Lyra's eyes widened in awe as she gazed upon August, taking in her flushed cheeks and radiant smile. August was simply breathtaking—her long, sexy white gown exuded a glamorous aura, and her body itself was still releasing feminine pheromones that could easily charm anyone who saw her. 

August had always dressed in her combat priest outfit, so this time she looked like a different person, and Lyra couldn't help but be captivated by her transformation.
However, it wasn't only August's beauty that caused Lyra to stare. She also noticed that August's mana was completely exhausted, and she needed Theo's support just to stand.
"L-Lady, are you alright? What happened to you?" Lyra asked worriedly, glancing back and forth between Theo and August.
"I... I'm alright, Lyra," August said meakly, her voice shaking. "I was doing research and experimenting on Theo's curse, so this is the result..."
"Then perhaps it's better for you to rest? I can come back tomorrow."
"No, it's okay. I have my Theo to help me walk, so can we just hurry to go to your mansion? The faster we go, the faster I can rest..." August firmly stated, to which Theo responded by tightening his grip around her waist to support her.
Seeing the responses from both mother and son, Lyra couldn't utter any more words and simply nodded in agreement, leading them to Broderick's mansion, which was only a few blocks away from their current location, close to the Guild House at the heart of the town.
Once they arrived at their destination, Theo and August were greeted by a pregnant lady in an elegant red dress. She looked like a mature version of Lyra, with a curvier body and longer hair. She introduced herself as Istina Myelnar, the second wife in the mansion.

Although there were many things to discuss, Istina didn't force them to stay and immediately told Lyra to guide Theo and August to their bedroom, understanding the need for rest.
As they walked through the grand hallways, Theo couldn't help but scan his surroundings, comparing the luxurious mansion with his modest cottage and his old apartment. The sheer opulence of the place was overwhelming—the rich tapestries, the polished marble floors, and the magical orbs that sparkled like constellations. Everything about this place was a stark contrast to the simple, cozy life he was used to.
And when they finally reached the bedroom, Theo was not disappointed. The room was adorned with plush furnishings, a grand four-poster bed, and elegant drapery. The air was fragrant with the scent of fresh flowers, and the soft glow of magical orbs added a touch of romance to the opulent setting.
"Here is the bedroom, Lady August." Lyra uttered, bowing politely.
"Yeah, thank you..." August replied, her lips curling into a radiant smile that made Lyra's heart flutter in awe. "Tell your mother that I will visit the guild house to talk tomorrow."
"Yess! Please rest well, lady and young master..." Lyra said, bowing one more time before stepping away from them.
As soon as Lyra's figure disappeared from their view, Theo locked the door and turned to August. He lifted her delicate form, cradling her in his strong arms, and carried her effortlessly to the expansive bed that dominated the lavish bedroom.
With a contented sigh, Theo lay down comfortably and nestled August snugly in his embrace. 
"This mansion is bigger than I thought. Are you sure you don't need a maid to help you?" Theo asked.
"For what? I don't like the feeling of having someone serve me like a maid. Besides, I only want to take care of you, and I'll accompany you wherever you want to go anyway."
"Hmm, are you saying that you are always going to monitor me? That's quite problematic... You're too clingy."
"So what? I don't care..." August murmured, a light giggle escaping her lips.
"Haah... Fine then, don't blame me if I want to do something unimaginable to you..."  Theo's voice lowered to a seductive whisper as he leaned in.
He positioned himself on top of her, his eyes filled with desire as he gazed down at her flushed face. "We are finally alone again; should we continue where we left off?"
"Geez, my son is so shameless... You don't even care that we are staying at other people's houses?" August teased, her playful tone belying the desire that simmered just beneath the surface.
"I don't..." Theo replied without hesitation, his hand already trailing down her body, igniting a trail of goosebumps in its wake. He found his way to her core, his fingers slipping under her drenched panties, feeling the slick heat of her arousal. 
"And it seems like you're also the same; look at how wet you are. Surely this is not only my cum from earlier?" Theo said, a mischivious smile on his face.
"Hmmmph~ You... you're a bad son. Just how deep do you want to drag me into your depraved world?" August murmured, her arms wrapping around his neck. "I-I could feel it; it trickled down my thigh in every step I took... Ahh Dear~ What would you do if people caught us right away?"
"Well, you should already know what my answer is..."
Before August could even form a coherent response, Theo's lips claimed hers, plunging into a passionate kiss that left them both breathless. Simultaneously, his finger delved deeper into her pussy, sliding in and out with a firm, consistent stroke, navigating the slick folds with practiced precision. 
"Hmmmph~ Ahhh~ D-dear... I can't... Mama is tooo weakk..." August whimpered, yet her hips moving on their own in tandem with Theo's thrusts.
"It's okay... Just enjoy it!"
"Ahhhm~ noo~ Together~ L-let mehhh... Let me feel youuu twooo~"
"Ohh, do you really want my cock to feel yor pussy?"
"Y-yesshh... Mama wanttt to cummm with youuu..." She murmured alongside her moan, her hips increasing its own speed as she felt the familiar coil of ecstasy building inside her.
"Nope... You might pass out, and I don't want to hang myself. So for now, you need to be satisfied with this." Theo replied, a devious smile on his face, his fingers picking up speed, skillfully alternating between stimulating her clit and teasing her G-spot with maddening expertise.
"HAhhhh~ Nooou~ Baby... just give me your... Ahh hm~ C-cock... I needdd itt~" August pleaded, her hand reaching into Theo's pants, grasping the hard bulge through the fabric.
Yet, Theo ignored her plea. He leaned down to her breast and captured the perky nipple into his mouth, sucking on it and grazing his teeth against it through the thin layer of fabric, intensifying August's pleasure.
"Noou~ S-stop... It's too... Much~ Ahh~ Babyyy... I... I'm losing itttttt..." August's voice wavered, her body trembling with the intensity of her impending release.
With the last vestiges of her strength, she reached for Theo, pulling him into a deep, desperate kiss that spoke of unspoken desires and overwhelming passion. Their mouths melded together, exchanging breaths and exploring each other with fervent longing.
Suddenly, August's body convulsed uncontrollably as she cried out into their kiss. Her inner muscles clenched and spasmed, releasing a torrent of love juices that sprayed into the air like a small fountain, the intensity of her climax overwhelming her in a blissful haze.

By the time August's climax finally subsided, her grip weakened, her body limp and spent from the intense pleasure. She fell back onto the bed, and drifted off into a blissful slumber with a satisfied smile playing on her lips.
"See... This is what I mean. There's no way I'm gonna do it without watching your reaction." Theo remarked, chuckling. 
With a tender kiss on her forehead, he covered August's body with a soft blanket, ensuring her comfort before settling back onto the bed beside her. His focus shifted to his system; it was finally time for him to reap his other reward.
[Mission completed: Make August von Dior your life partner. Reward: 1 CP]
[Side mission completed: Have sex with her. Reward 1 CP]
[The bond's level with August von Dior has reached the limit. Certain features in the relationship category have expanded] 
[Added a follower list to the User's system windows]
[August von Dior can now be listed as a loyal follower with the benefit of
  1. The user is able to inspect August von Dior's system status.

  2. The user is able to invite August von Dior to traverse dimensions and aid the User with the Covenant mission.

  3. August von Dior is able to receive her own system mission to aid the User in getting more CP]

[Total CP acquired: 5]
Theo was taken aback upon seeing all the new information. The prospect of gaining more followers and increasing his CP was intriguing, and having their aid in future missions seemed advantageous too.
'Hypothetically, If I could just focus on making my girls stronger and have someone as strong as powerhouses in this world, I could have an easy life. But can I really chase that? And what's the catch?'
He had already made up his mind to become stronger in this world, but he couldn't help but think otherwise.
Seeking clarity, he reached out to Pixie mentally, hoping for an explanation. Then immediately the familiar, domineering voice echoed in his mind, revealing a crucial detail the system had omitted. Although his followers could join him in another world, they wouldn't necessarily be with him. They might be scattered, possibly on the other side of the world. 
This revelation underscored the importance of personal strength and resilience.  Theo understood that survival would ultimately depend on his own abilities.
{You need to be wise in making your decision. Once you leave this world, you wont be able to return for quite sometimes. So make sure you and your loyal followers are able to survive in the unknown world}
'Yeah, I get that. Thanks for explaining. That answers most of my questions. But what about the followers: How many can I have, and what kind of missions will they get?'
{There is no limit. You can make the entire world to be your followers. However, you need to keep in mind that only a few selected ones can join your Covenant journey. Though I still advise you to get as many followers as you can early on to gain CP. Treat them as investments; you don't have to put your heart into them}
'Hmmm, thats a bit cruel don't you think? Do you really expect me to become a heartless cult leader?!'
Theo found this perspective somewhat unsettling. He couldn't bring himself to view people merely as tools for his own gain. Despite the practicality of Pixie's advice, it conflicted with his values.
{I am only giving you advice. It's the easiest way to get CP; all you need to do is please them according to their desire for you}
'Yeah, yeah. If you told this to the old Theo, he would be happy and accept your suggestion immediately. For me, though, your suggestion is not on my list.'
'I'm open to having a harem, but I already have two who will satisfy my needs. Also, considering how possessive August has become, I can already tell the headache they will give me. For now, I'm just gonna live my life and If I find someone who click with me and my partners then I will gladly accept them.'
{You're such a waste, but you do you, young man!}
It sounded like an insult, but Theo wasn't offended since Pixie's voice was tinged with a playful laugh that lightened the interaction. 
With that, Theo ended his mental conversation with Pixie and refocused back to August. He opened his system windows and took a peak at the [August von Dior] in the [Follower List] windows, which completely revealed a detailed breakdown of her attributes and abilities.
General Information:
Attributes Level: 
Level: 218
Rank: 8
Element: Holy
Strength: F (16)
Endurance: F (15)
Agility: F (16)
Mind: D (77)
Vigor: F (20)
Mana: D (75)

Follower Mission: 0

Class Abilities
General Abilities
All for One, unwavering faith: Able to detect the Covenant location.
Theo wasn't surprised at how much the curse had weakened August. Her attributes was so low and in fact lower than a common teenager in the magic If anything, it fueled his determination to find a way to dispel the curse and restore her former strength. He scrolled through her extensive list of abilities and found that many were unusable due to her current lack of mana. This limitation underscored the severity of the curse and the urgency of his mission to help her.
When he stumbled upon her [General Abilities], particularly the one enabling her to detect his location, Theo couldn't help but laugh. It seemed he would never truly escape her vigilant presence. 
"I was worried that it would be hard for us to meet each other in another world, but with this, they will have a concrete way to find me." Theo murmured, grinning ear to ear.
Once Theo was satisfied with caressing August's cheek, he rose from the bed and left the room. Instead of sleeping beside her, he felt an urge to visit the library he had seen when Lyra was guiding him.
However upon arriving at the library entrance, there was something that caught Theo's attention. He was drawn to a repeated, small thud from afar. Intrigued, he followed the sound, his curiosity piqued. His feet led him through the mansion and out into the vast backyard.
Under the moonlight, his vision caught three figures. Lyra Broderick stood in an open area, poised with an elegantly shaped bow in her hands. She was surrounded by a gentle wind aura that danced around her like a protective veil. With each graceful release of the bowstring, arrows conjured magically from thin air, gleaming like tiny starfall as they soared through the night. Each arrow's path was precise, and as they found their targets, they landed with a rhythmic, satisfying thump that had drawn Theo out.

Meanwhile, the other two figures sat in a nearby gazebo. One was Istina, her serene presence unmistakable even in the dim light due to her belly. The other figure, however, was a stranger to Theo; her back was turned towards him, and parts of her figure were obscured by the gazebo's pole. 
'Is this family gathering?' Theo thought.
Regardless, he slowly approached them. His steps were light, but he quickly noticed by Istina, who immediately rose from her seat upon seeing him.
'Young master..." She greeted with a gentle nod. "Is there anything you need?" 
This small gesture from Istina prompted the other woman to rise gracefully and turn towards Theo, revealing her enchanting features in the moonlight.
The other woman was a Beastren from Tauren-kin, resembling a cow with her distinct bovine features. Her short, fiery red hair, partially veiling her gorgerous face and her captivating purple eyes. Adorning her head were a pair of unique shaped ears and curved horns, further accentuating her identity.
She was wearing a skimpy V-cut bodysuit that revealed most of her fair skin and highlighted her massive breasts that seemed like they were about to spill out. The bodysuit was adorned with intricate lace, delicate ribbons, and a subtle chain, blending allure with sophistication in her provocative attire. On the bottom, she was wearing thigh-high stockings, featuring a striking black and white cow-print design, which further emphasized her V lines curves and toned thighs.

"Ara... Isn't this the famous young master?" the woman greeted him, her voice carrying a melodic lilt as she bowed politely, her movements graceful despite the alluring attire.
Just then, the status windows appeared itself, revealing her information just like any other women he had seen.


General Information:

  • Name: Celestia Skyhoof
  • Race: Beastren (Tauren)
  • Sex/Age: Female/51
  • Class: Berserker

Attributes Level: 

  • ~User's MIND's rank is too low to extract the information~

Thought For User:

  • ~User's MIND's rank is too low to extract the information~


"Thanks for the warm greeting. I don't need anything, just walking around since I couldn't sleep," Theo replied.

"I see... Well, would you like to join us, young master?" Istina asked.

"Hmm, am I not bothering you two? I just came unannounced," Theo responded.

"Of course not." Celestia chimed in. She shifted over to Istina and sat closely beside her. "Young master, please take a seat. I have a new batch of fresh milk and since you are here, I'd love to have your opinion. Which one is the lady August loves more." 

It did sound inappropiate, considering the source of the milk could be coming from her, but this kind of interaction was quite normal for them.

Theo simply nodded in agreement since he himself was quite intrigued, curious about the taste. He entered the gazebo and sat across from them. On the table, there were two glass cups, two teapots, and an object that looked like a breast pump, confirming that the milk came from her.

Without wasting any time, Celestia leaned down and filled both glass cups with the thick milk from the pots, one by one, each filled from a different pot. Theo's eyes couldn't help but fixate on her as she unintentionally teased her nipples, her breasts swaying and threatening to spill out with every move.

"Here you go, please have a taste, young master."

"Thanks." Theo nodded, grabbing both glasses, one in each hand. He took a moment to admire the creamy liquid, noticing its rich texture and the faint, unmistakably feminine scent. 

First, he brought the glass in his right hand to his lips, sipping it slowly. The thick, warm milk coated his tongue with a taste that was both delicious and fresh, with a hint of mint. The silky layer of foamy milk added a creamy texture, enhancing the overall experience and making it even more delectable.

Then he took the second cup, savoring it with the same care. This one was just as delicious, though it lacked the thickness of the first. The absence of the creamy texture made it a different experience, but equally enjoyable. 

"Hmmm," Theo hummed, setting both glasses down as his mind formed a preference. He looked up to find Celestia watching him intently, her eyes filled with curiosity and a hint of anticipation. For the Tauren-kin, the quality of their milk was pretty important, as it could be considered the source of their pride.

"Both are quite exquisite. But if I had to choose, the thicker, creamier milk has a slight edge. Its richness and texture are simply irresistible, and I'm sure mother will agree with me."

"I'm glad to hear that. I will stock this one then." 

"Yeah... So now, may I know who are you? Are you also guild master's wife?" 

"Ohh, whoops, it's my fault. This is our first time talking like this, yeah. So let me introduce myself properly; I'm the owner of 'Cowmpanion Hearts Tavern.' And my name is Delphine. I'm here to—"

"Wait, wait..." Before Celestia could even finish her sentence, Theo interrupted her. He found the information from the system didn't match with her. "What's your name again?"



"Yeah, is there something wrong with my name?" Celestia asked, her gaze steady as she observed Theo's reaction. Istina, too, noted the odd reaction from Theo, but remained focused on soothing her belly.

"Nah... Nevermind. Please continue..." Theo replied casually, brushing off the momentary confusion. Despite his curiosity, he decided not to delve further into the matter.

Celestia nodded and continued his introduction. "Okay, so... I'm not guild master's wife. The only reason why I'm here is to restock more milk."

"I see... I do wonder though, is Lady Istina preparing this just because of my mother and me? If so this is not needed, I'm already grateful that you are willing to protect us and letteing us to live here."

"Ohh, young master, you cannot be like that. This is nothing compared to what Lady August did in the past..." Istina answered.

"You've got a point, but regardless, I'm thankful for you," Theo said with a smile, bowing politely.

Seeing how gentle Theo could be for the first time, the two women surprised.

"Young master, please get up. What if Lady August sees you like this..."

"Ara... Is this really the same famous young master from the rumors?"

They both responded simultanously. Their response amuse Theo, and he couldn't help but chuckle deep inside.

"Honestly you two are too polite with me. I don't have the royal titles anymore, and I prefer to be called by my name." 

"That's won't do. We still need to respect you, young master and Lady August..." Istina replied 

"Yeah, that's right..." Celestia affirmed with a nod. 

"Haah... Do whatever you like I guess." Theo murmured, sighing contendly. "Anyway, I already told you my opinion about the milk, so I would like to leave now."

"Wait... Young master. Where are you going? You have not enjoy the milk yet. Please enjoy more of it with us." Celestia interjected.

"Thank you for the invitation Lady Celes. Unfortunately there are other matter that I need to do. Though, I would love to visit your tavern if I have free time." He said with a smile.

Theo rose to his feet and bowed at them one more time before stepping away from gazebo. 

Instead of heading to the bedroom, Theo returned to the library. He spent the entire night engrossed in the vast collection of books, eager to expand his knowledge about the world in the past and the current one.

Theo's primary objective was to uncover information about the presumably extinct mystical beast known as a dragon. He was particularly interested because his system shop mentioned its name: [Ethereal dragon essence: A drop of liquid that can cure everything and prolong life] 

He wasn't sure if that name had a real meaning or was simply a coincidence that someone named the item with a dragon on it. Though, he did know that dragons existed in the past, and one particular Beastren kin known as 'Draco' was known to have a spiritual link with this mystical beast.

However, despite his fervent search, he found nothing substantial about the mystical beast.

Still, Theo was undeterred. At least, he had a clue and knew where he needed to go next. Furthermore, his sleepless night wasn't entirely fruitless.

He stumbled upon a variety of magical devices that piqued his interest. He learned about the various cannon-sized weapons in existence and began to ponder the possibility of creating a firearm, merging his old world's knowledge with the technology in the fantasy world. The idea of crafting a new weapon sparked a newfound passion in him, and he felt an exhilarating sense of enlightenment.

'I'm already cripled and cannot use my abilities so I might as well make something that will help me greatly, right?'

Just as he was deep in thought, still seated in the library's high-backed chair, suddenly August entered the library and called out his name. Her voice, unexpectedly loud in the quiet room, echoed off the walls, causing Theo to startle in surprise and look up from his books.

She rushed toward Theo with the sense of urgency.

"Mother, calm down. What's with the rush? I'm not going anywhere unannounced," Theo uttered as he caught August's figure within his arms. He eased back into the chair, settling August sideways on his lap.

"No, you don't understand. Something strange happened when I woke up. You weren't anywhere near me, and there's a voice in my head saying a bunch of things about you!" August exclaimed.


"Yeah, look at this... STATUS," August firmly said.

As she spoke, a system window appeared in front of August, invisible to Theo. This surprised him; he didn't expect August to have one as well.

"Did you see this? This screen shows all of my info like a guild card, but in more detailed breakdown," August explained, her finger tracing the screen, following her focus. 

"Uhh, Mother, are you really okay? I don't see anything..."

"What?! You're lying, right? It's right here in front of me!"

"Why would I lie? I really don't see anything."

"No way! Am I the only one who can see this?"

"Yeah, probably. I'm sure you won't be able to see mine either," Theo uttered with a chuckle, prompting August to stare at him.

"What do you mean by that?" August asked, her curiosity piqued.

Yet, Theo ignored her and with a firm voice, he said. "STATUS"

As soon as the windows opened, he took a peak at August's status and checked her mission.

[All missions are based on the User's deepest desires in the current situation]

[5 missions can be completed per day ]

[2 CP will be rewarded for each completed mission ]

[The limit resets at: 12:00 AM]

[Spend a day cuddling with Theo]

[Engage in a long intimate session until both Theo and the User completely satisfied]





"Ahh, so your mission is to cuddle with me for a day and have sex until we both completely satisfied?" Theo said, his voice tinged with amusement.

"How? How do you know that?" she exclaimed, a mix of shock and embarrassment coloring her cheeks. "Didn't you just said you cannot she this screen?"

"Yeah, I'm not lying about that, but I can see yours through my status windows, blue screen, or whatever you want to call it. I have something like that too."

"Dear, Can you explain it to me?"

"Yeah, of course..." Theo nodded. "Do you remember when I mentioned I got a second chance? Well, that's how I got this thing. This will be quite a complicated topic, so bear with me."

At this point, Theo thought it would be better for him to let her know some of the truth about the Covenant, from the basics of how the Covenant worked, and how they would be able to traverse into another world.

Of course, he explain everything without mentioning his transmigration and the actual menthod to become 'A loyal follower' He couldn't possibly tell her about the harem.

Theo also lied about the mission. He had mentioned that only lovers would receive missions like August's, automatically bond by her desire for him. The others would require his manual assignment.

This revelation left August feeling a mix of fascination and uncertainty. She had never heard anything like this before, and the idea that they would be able to traverse to another world was intriguing. However, the news also brought August a deep sense of dismay as her dream of living in peace alongside Theo was now shattered into pieces.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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