Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 108

Chapter 107: Pilgrimage, Sacrifice

Hearing the words that suddenly sounded, the players present were not only surprised, but also uncontrollable inner ecstasy!

They naturally understand that this is the developer talking to them through the game characters!

The reason why they have persisted until now is that in addition to wanting to complete the three major tasks and avoid the so-called doomsday in the real world, they also want to meet the developers behind the “real doomsday game” and meet the developers face to face. Talk about it.

Originally, according to their expectations, it would take at least a few days in the real world, that is, when they revived human civilization to the stage of the steam age in the game, the developers were barely able to show up.

Unexpectedly, after just one day in the real world, when they built the prototype of an agricultural society, the developers appeared!

“Is that Mr. Developer?” The Legion Commander took a deep breath and asked in a slightly trembling voice.

After these days of apocalyptic experiences, the feelings of the players, including the legion commander, for the developer are no longer pure curiosity and shock, and more can even be said to be reverence!

After all, what the developers are showing them in this game is almost beyond the scope of human beings.

And they can feel the sincerity of the developers towards human civilization behind the game.

That’s why they want to meet developers even more.

Almost everyone has a lot of questions they want to ask developers!

“It’s me.” At this time, the boy who was wearing the hood at the beginning nodded, showing a warm smile.

At the same time, the NPCs in the game who spoke in unison just now continued what they were doing as if nothing had happened.

Hearing that the young man himself admitted that he was a developer, the players instantly felt mixed feelings. While they were relieved, they also felt relieved.

It was as if after a tragic fight, I was finally able to lie down on the soft lawn and watch the clouds in the breeze.

Feeling relieved, everything seemed to be less important in an instant.

The developers are here.

Seeing the smile on the young developer’s face, everyone felt as if they saw a ray of sunshine.

It’s just that they understand that this is just a game character borrowed by the developer. Under the appearance of this young man, there should be an old and fearless soul, worthy of their awe.

The young man put on his hood again, turned around and walked lazily towards a hillside on the side. This game image looked lifelike, like a real person, far surpassing other game NPCs.

At this time, the sky was covered with thick dark clouds, and it became much gloomier, and it seemed that it was going to rain at any time.

At this time, all the players were like pilgrimages, and they all rushed towards the hillside behind the boy.

From the perspective, it looks like a tide against the current, and like a flock of tame lambs.

Soon, the young man had reached the halfway up the hill, turned around and sat down there, and took off his hood.

The moment he sat down, a breeze came, blowing everyone’s clothes, making a hunting sound.

The clouds floated towards both sides, cracking a gap, and the sun fell like a sword, shining on the hillside, on the boy’s body.

Although this scene was very calm, it left a deep impression on the hearts of the players and touched them again.

They thought of the scene when the Buddha preached the Dharma to thousands of two hundred and fifty people in the Lonely Garden and the Great Bhikkhu in Shawei Country;

He also thought of the grand occasion when Confucius gave a lecture to three thousand disciples Xiange at the Xingtan;

There is also the scene of **** Christ preaching the Sermon on the Mount to his disciples on the west bank of the Sea of Galilee.

Wait, wait, and so on.

At this moment, they seem to have the same mind as the developer, and they are like close friends who have not seen each other for many years, and they are like close teachers and students.

Although it was only in the game, everyone felt as if their souls were on that hillside, listening humbly in front of the young man.

No one spoke, everything seemed to stand still, only the placket of the clothes was blown by the wind in the game.

After a few seconds, or a few minutes, the boy finally spoke, and he asked in a deep voice:

“Are you willing to sacrifice? For what you love, for the peace of the world, are you willing to sacrifice your life?”

Everyone didn’t expect the developer to ask such a question, but then they were relieved.

They should have thought.

Immediately afterwards, everyone present began to ask themselves this question in their hearts.

Are you willing to sacrifice?

Thinking of the blue eyes of his son Ivan Lake, Vasily nodded with a smile.

Of course he would.

Li Tongchen sighed and said to himself, “I’m a doctor… I swore by the Hippocratic oath…”

Qiao smiled, as a soldier, he was ready to sacrifice to protect everything he loved.

Nick pursed his lips and threw out “MotherFucker”, looked up at the pictures of dead comrades on the wall, and was too lazy to answer this question.

The players present had different reactions, either disapproving or solemn, and they were all hesitating how to give the developer an answer.

Just before they can answer, the developer has spoken again:

“I don’t need an answer, it’s just a question for you to ask yourself. You may be curious, who am I, what is this game about, and why can I find the antidote for stone statue disease here and see it so real? nuclear war apocalypse…”

Everyone was silent again, and in reality even held their breath, these were indeed the answers they wanted.

“I can tell all of this happened in real life. Whether it’s the end of the stone statue or the end of the nuclear war wasteland, human civilization has been destroyed at least twice, and maybe more… And this Everything is my own experience.”

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused an uproar like a thunder.

The players did not expect that the developer would say such a paragraph that far exceeded their imagination!

Did it actually happen?

how can that be?

In reality, they have never seen any stone statues in the apocalypse, nor have they seen any nuclear war wasteland.

It’s just that there is no need for developers to lie about this kind of thing, and they should be more disdainful of it…

“Parallel world theory?” At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, but it was a player who had not been very noticeable, and said in shock, “Copenhagen explains the multi-world explanation derived from reverse inference? Could it be this? …This is real?”

The players were in an uproar again, which was actually a bit beyond common sense.

It’s just that this game and everything that happens in it is beyond common sense…

The young man sitting on the hillside showed a relieved look, nodded slightly, and said:

“Yes… I have entered these destroyed worlds, and all this is bound to happen in our world, so I destroyed the arctic stone statue with nuclear torpedoes, imprisoned AlphaGo and several other artificial intelligence autonomous Consciousness, just to stop this from happening.”

“But just like Tai Chi in ancient Eastern philosophy, there must be yin and yang. When I stopped the end of the world from happening, I also discovered an existence that intended to destroy the world. It was difficult to detect and indescribable.”


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