Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 116

Chapter 114: Electromagnetic Pulse

Although legal gun sales can be carried out in Eagle Country, the regulations of each state are different. Buying guns in legal gun stores basically requires background checks and gun licenses.

Moreover, automatic rifles are generally not sold in gun stores, and they are basically castrated semi-automatic rifles.

Therefore, for Shen Feng, the legal channels of gun shops are basically useless.

He himself is not prepared to buy guns from ordinary sources.

It is much easier to find those illegal private sellers.

And besides guns, he was going to buy something else.

After all, for Gray Tide, ordinary guns are basically decorations.

On the way to Lincoln City, he had already contacted the seller through the dark web.

The existence of the dark web is an extremely convenient channel in Eagle Country.

This is even more true for Shen Feng.

Ordinary people may think the so-called dark web is mysterious and lofty, but in Shen Feng’s eyes, it is no different from the surface web.

From his and Jingwei’s point of view, the so-called top hackers, assassination organizations and the like on the so-called dark web are basically the same as running naked in broad daylight.

You can see clearly at a glance.

Although Nebraska is also known as the “birds don’t shit” state and is called “mid-nowhere”, it has a small population and looks like a big rural area, but as long as there are people, there will be crimes.

Shen Feng found a Chinese restaurant and ate some specious Chinese food casually, and stopped a taxi to get in.

“Hello, where are you going?” The taxi driver looked curiously at the boy wearing a mask and sunglasses.

From the skin and appearance, it should be Asian.

Shen Feng was about to answer, but suddenly got stuck.

Although his silicon-based brain can understand English, his mouth is still carbon-based, so he can’t keep up with the rhythm for the time being!

I didn’t learn English very well in high school, so I didn’t know what to say for a while.

“Hahahahaha, oh my God, there are times like this for the savior!” Jingwei’s consciousness burst into laughter, almost laughing away, “I’ll check your English test results… It seems that you barely passed, hahahaha!”

“Hurry up and help!” Shen Feng scolded in his consciousness.

Wearing masks and sunglasses all the way is cold, this is going to break the power!

The teasing was teasing, and in the next instant, Jingwei had already controlled Shen Feng’s chest silicon-based framework, and issued a standard Wall Street business tone:

“178 P Street, thank you.”

The driver froze for a moment, then nodded and started the vehicle.

There are basically no skyscrapers in the entire urban area of Lincoln City. Most of them are low-rise buildings with several floors. The whole has an old but tidy feeling.

After all, this place is really vast and sparsely populated, and even people from the Eagle Country don’t come to Nebraska very often.

Shen Feng observed the pedestrians outside through the car window, especially paying attention to the eyes of the other party, trying to find clues of madness and self-destruction.

Fortunately, it was not found.

Soon he had come to an unremarkable house in the suburbs and knocked on the door.

A swearing voice sounded, a tall and fat black man with dreadlocks opened the door, and a strange smell came out of the inner room immediately, followed by rap music of a big gold chain and a small watch .

“Buyer.” Jingwei said briefly.

The man was stunned for a moment, looked at the street outside, and then motioned to Shen Feng to let him in.

Shen Feng walked in, there was a messy scene inside, all kinds of clothes and food waste were littered, there was a strange smell, and two women with dull eyes were lying on the sofa with empty faces.

Shen Feng didn’t say anything, but walked directly into the room.

The black fat was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly followed, and was about to lead the way for the self-proclaimed buyer, but found that the other party seemed to be more familiar with this place than him.

After walking through a few rooms and turning around at the end of the corridor, Fatty Hei opened a hidden door, and a semi-submersible underground warehouse immediately appeared in front of Shen Feng.

Different from the mess outside, this warehouse seems to be in good order and very orderly.

Guns, dozens of guns, hanging all over the walls, and even a heavy machine gun, there are quite a few things.

In the center of the warehouse, seven or eight people were sitting around the table sorting out a pile of medicine boxes.

These people were black and white, male and female. When Shen Feng appeared, they immediately grabbed the gun on the table and looked over.

“Mike, what’s going on?” asked a slightly thin man with dreadlocks in front of him.

Shen Feng glanced at the other party and immediately confirmed his identity.

Maurice Brown, a former Eagle Nation Strategic Command soldier and local gang leader, is also the owner of this illegal gun business.

Of course, selling guns is a side business, and the main business is selling independence.

The black fat hurriedly said:

“This Asian kid says he’s a buyer, and he has the exact same accent as those **** Jewish bankers on TV! Did you grow up on the stock exchange?”

The last sentence was addressed to Shen Feng.

Morris looked at Shen Feng and asked, “Mayor of Holy Spear?”

Shen Feng nodded: “It’s me.” This was his pseudonym when he was trading on the dark web.

As soon as the voice came out, it immediately caused a burst of exclamations from the people present, this accent is too **** standard!

But it is normal to think about it. The boy in front of him looks like an East Asian, and he is probably of Chinese descent. Mathematics flows in his blood, and it is perfectly normal to be able to do financial work on Wall Street.


Mathematical geniuses don’t look at age at all.

Morris waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, walked to the side and picked up a few boxes, and said:

“Everything you want is here.”

Business is business, and he didn’t make a fuss for his current status.

Everything is premised on a smooth transaction.

No matter what the mayor of the holy gun or the Asian boy, the other party has paid the deposit in Bitcoin, so the transaction will be completed as soon as possible.

Shen Feng nodded and opened the first box.

An automatic rifle with four magazines, his preferred shotgun, and a hundred rounds of ammunition.

Open another chest, and there are several grenades, including frag grenades and flashbangs.

Then came the third box.

After opening it, what appeared in front of the eyes was a very oddly shaped gun, with coils wound around the barrel, and some bulky power supply equipment below it, which seemed to be a battery pack.

Shen Feng’s eyes lit up.

This is the main purpose of his trip.

An internal product from the Eagle Country military, a miniaturized electromagnetic pulse gun!

Nebraska’s name comes from the Indian word (Sioux), which means “flat”.

Although it is a place where birds don’t shit, because of its unique central location and flat terrain, it has always been the location of the headquarters of the Eagle Country Strategic Command.

The headquarters of Eagle Country Strategic Command is located at Offat Air Force Base, Nebraska. It was formed by the merger of Eagle Country Space Command and Strategic Command in 2002. It aims to combine space, information confrontation and offensive strike capabilities. Together, perform missions such as space and global strike.

This place is not far from the city of Lincoln.

Maurice Brown, who was in front of him, once served in the Eagle Country Strategic Command, and later left the army due to an accident.

However, his connections in the army are still there, so occasionally he can get some good internal This miniaturized electromagnetic pulse gun was created by him through internal channels. Sell online.

Of course, the price is definitely not low.

Shen Feng checked the status of the electromagnetic pulse gun and nodded with satisfaction.

Speaking of which, this thing itself is not complicated. It can even be made with ordinary cameras, coils and batteries. The difficulty lies in the combination of miniaturization and high power.

The technical strength of the Eagle Country’s military is still very good.

The cluster electromagnetic pulse wave emitted by this electromagnetic pulse gun can theoretically reach a shooting distance of three to five kilometers, and can generate extremely strong alternating electromagnetic fields (commonly known as electromagnetic pulses), resulting in destructive currents and surges, thereby destroying target electronic device.

In layman’s terms, it is to let the target explode a strong current in a short time to burn the circuit.

And in theory, as long as the energy is always sufficient, there is no upper limit on the number of times it can be used.

In addition to this electromagnetic pulse gun, there are several small bombs in the box, all of which are miniaturized electromagnetic pulse bombs with strong power.

In the face of nanomachine clusters, ordinary weapons are useless, and it is estimated that only electromagnetic pulse weapons are useful.

This was mentioned in the “Principles of Nanomechanics” that Shen Feng obtained.

“Why are you buying this thing?” Although he claims to be a well-behaved seller, Morris still couldn’t help but ask: “Go and shoot the computers of the stock exchange?”

Shen Feng smiled, did not answer, but asked:

“Do you know Wuyou Town?”

Hearing this name, a group of gang members who seemed to be fearless immediately changed their faces, and a look of horror flashed in their eyes!

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