Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 121

Chapter 119: Ape Cavalry, Assault!

Kuafu’s voice trembled because he was too excited.

Over the past few days, what he was most worried about was that Shen Feng would disappear, and the promise between them would be completely voided.

The brain ape became a short-lived product in the end of the stone statue. After their generation died out, all primates once again fell into permanent ignorance and depression.

And now, Shen Feng’s voice sounded, instantly proving to him one thing, that is, everything the other party said about the origin world he came to is true!

Kuafu tried his best to suppress his excitement and said:

“Savior, I have been waiting for your call, please order.”

This is the first time that the Brain Ape Clan has accepted Shen Feng’s mission instructions. It must be done well in order to have long-term cooperation in the future and to get help from the other party in genetic medicine!

Shen Feng’s voice came again:

“Very well, I now need a thousand ape cavalry to annihilate the enemy, I will open a space channel, you can enter my world and come to me.

However, there is a time limit for your entry, only half an hour. Once the stay exceeds half an hour, it will be directly decomposed, remember. ”

Kuafu’s eyes were round, and he could hardly believe his ears.

They can enter the world of the savior!

If so, he will be able to see what the world the Savior lives in, and he will be able to judge the other party’s promise once again!

At this time, the fate of the entire brain ape family has been tied to Shen Feng, and Kuafu only hopes that the stronger the other party’s strength, the better.

Kuafu’s face instantly showed a stern look, and said:

“Mr. Shen, please rest assured, the ape will never disappoint you… We also have two heavy armored vehicles that can work together…”

“Bah!” Kuafu suddenly pulled the trigger, shot a shot into the sky, and ordered loudly:

“The savior needs us! Ape cavalry, one to ten teams, ready to attack with me! Armored vehicles cooperate!”

The sound of gunfire instantly alerted the cattle not far away, causing the bison herd to flee in all directions.

It’s just that the faces of the brain apes showed ecstatic expressions!

They have long known from Kuafu how important this savior is to them, and also understand that the other party once saved the life of the patriarch.

They have always been looking forward to the day they will meet the Savior, but they did not expect this day to come so soon!

For the continuation of the tribe, for the glory of the ape, they will fight for the savior!

As for sacrifice?

All for the apes!

Soon, the small white light spot in front of Kuafu had turned into a space wormhole with a diameter of about five meters, showing the broken road on the other side.

“Fight for the Savior!” Kuafu looked solemn, raised his arms and shouted, and took the lead through the wormhole.

Behind him, a group of ape cavalry rushed in with excitement, followed by two armored vehicles!

On the broad main road of Wuyou Town, Shen Feng was standing there, with a huge space wormhole in front of him.

When he saw the one-eyed gorilla stepping out of the wormhole armed with a rifle and riding a horse, Shen Feng couldn’t help but smile and said:


After seeing Shen Feng, Kuafu also raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and immediately bowed to Shen Feng and said:

“The battle is imminent, Mr. Shen please forgive me for not being able to dismount.”

Shen Feng nodded and said:

“The other party has 70 vehicles, two grenade launchers, three rocket launchers, a total of about 300 people, just outside the town. Leave a few alive.”

Kuafu nodded and said:

“Don’t worry, I will resolve the battle within fifteen minutes.”

Behind him, a group of well-trained ape cavalry lined up to attack formation. Apart from the sound of horses’ hooves and the roar of heavy armored vehicles, a thousand ape cavalry did not even whisper.

It’s just that the eyes they looked at Shen Feng were already full of fanaticism.

Being able to take them through a space wormhole and into another world is undoubtedly a miracle!

The might of the Savior, how could they not sigh!

While Kuafu was observing Shen Feng and the world, Shen Feng was also observing the ape tribe and space wormholes.

At this time, he has determined that there is obviously some kind of ray or energy passing through the space wormhole, which can directly kill the germs and the like carried by the traveler.

The energy required to maintain a space wormhole is absolutely enormous. After all, this is not just a wormhole between different planets in the same universe, but a wormhole between two parallel universes!

According to the law of conservation of energy, the matter and energy of the parallel universe come to this universe, and the corresponding replacement must also be carried out.

And the temporary existence of the ape cavalry does not seem to require energy replacement…

The existence behind the “real doomsday game” seems to be much stronger than he thought.

And it seems to be growing gradually, becoming stronger as he finds some origins of the end times and solves some end times crises…

But although Shen Feng doesn’t have any clues yet, he believes that with the passage of time, he will gradually become stronger, and he will always find the answer…

Soon, a thousand ape cavalrymen and two heavy armored vehicles had assembled on the main road of Wuyou Town, armed with long spears and short cannons, murderous.

The apes need the salvation of the savior, and the enemy of the savior is naturally their enemy, so they hate it to the core!

At this time, Jingwei had already blocked the satellite surveillance passing through this area, making everything more hidden.

Kuafu looked at Shen Feng and cast a questioning look.

Shen Feng nodded slightly.

Kuafu immediately raised the spear in his hand and waved it forward.

A thousand ape cavalrymen, together with two armored vehicles, immediately moved toward each side, like two black tides, rushing out of the town along the curved road!

Outside Wuyou Town, off-road vehicles and pickups have been parked, and there are even several modified military jeeps.

A group of mercenaries in desert camouflage had gotten out of the car, in a tactical formation of ten people, assembled more than 30 teams, and prepared to break into the town with guns.

According to the information they got, there is only one enemy, and the boss is in the town.

As long as this enemy is solved, a huge sum of money will be transferred to their accounts, enough to make them worry-free for the rest of their lives.

They themselves are elite fighters separated from the well-known mercenary company Blackwater Company. They are attached to Falconer’s Snake Eyes mercenary and basically do everything. This transaction, It’s a pie from the sky.

“Boss, there’s only one person inside. We have more than 300 people to kill one person. Isn’t this water in the brain?” A mercenary opened the bolt of his rifle and said to a man wearing a red hood next to him.

This man is the No. 2 character of the Snake Eyes Mercenary Company, “Cart” Chuck.

Chuck narrowed his eyes and said, “You know the shit, this is the boss’s order, saying that if there is no regular contact with him for five minutes, he will be dispatched to hunt and kill the target immediately.”

At the same time, he cursed in his heart:

Falconer, Falconer, do you want to kill the Antichrist alone and grab this glory? You idiot… Because of your stupidity, the Antichrist will be my prey, and I will see the glory of the final judgment!

Several high-level leaders in the entire snake eye mercenary company belong to the Purification Society.

The company itself is not large, and almost all the domestic elites are here at this time.

Chuck and several middle-level managers gave each other a “happy hunting” look, and with a wave of their hands, they were about to lead a group of mercenaries to follow several armored jeeps into Wuyou Town.

At this moment, the ground suddenly trembled a little, and a muffled thunder sounded faintly.

Is this… the sound of the herd running? Are there nomads around here?

Chuck was wondering when he heard one of his subordinates suddenly shout in horror: “Monkey… monkey!”

Chuck immediately turned his head to look, and saw that on both sides of Wuyou Town, in the direction of their flanks, a heavy armored vehicle and a group of black cavalry were charging at high speed!

On horseback, it turned out to be a head… orangutan!

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