Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 140

Chapter 137: Sanctuary, God Of The Firmament

Sky Technology?

Similar logos, Shen Feng had also glimpsed some when he was climbing upwards in the past two days.

Basically a glimpse.

Needless to say, to be able to leave his own logo in this world that has been completely devoured by ashes, this firmament technology must be the company that created the ash tide.

is the initiator of everything.

The fishermen in front of them are wearing the uniforms of Qiong Technology, and they are obviously related to this company…

Thinking of this, Shen Feng raised the corner of his mouth and strode over.

Billy was stunned at first, and then he had to follow up immediately.

Seeing that Shen Feng and Billy suddenly appeared, the people who were fishing immediately shouted, and at the same time picked up a few metal forks around them and aimed them at Shen Feng and Billy.

A middle-aged man with a scar on his face shouted loudly:

“Stop! Outsiders? Can you talk? Where are you from?”

At the same time, several other fishermen also surrounded them with steel forks, surrounding Shen Feng and Billy in the middle.

Looking at the bald-headed black and strong man in front of him, and the somewhat thin and wretched man, there was surprise and arrogance in these people’s expressions, and there was a vague sense of superiority in their eyes.

Shen Feng tried his best to show a harmless smile, and said:

“Hello friends, we came from below, where is this place?”

Hearing this, several people’s faces showed “as expected” expressions, as if they had become accustomed to this kind of thing.

The scar-faced man said coldly:

“Which layer are you from? Do you sleep collectively or alone? Are you terminally ill, or do you simply want to travel through time?”

What he said was basically those who wanted to enter the future through deep space hibernation technology.

Apparently, they had met quite a few of them.

Before Shen Feng could speak, Billy said quickly, “We… We are from the 959th floor…”

Hearing this, everyone could not help but let out a burst of exclamation, and their expressions all seemed a little panicked.

“Below a thousand floors! They come from below a thousand floors!”

“The **** of the sky is above, there is the legendary hell!”

“It is said that when God established this world, he designated a thousand floors below as hell, and only those evil spirits live there… These two people climbed out of hell!?”

A few young people panicked for a while, but the scarred-faced man narrowed his eyes, pushed the steel fork forward in his hand, and said:

“You… come from dormant prisons? Below a thousand floors, only dormant prisons exist… Say, what crimes did you old people commit in your past lives?”

Past life?

Shen Feng raised his eyebrows, this word is a good one.

Speaking of which, these people who came from the former world to the end of the Grey Tide through deep space hibernation technology are basically no different from reincarnation.

The previous days can indeed be regarded as their past lives.

This time Shen Feng didn’t give Billy another chance to speak, smiled slightly, and said:

“We’ve all been sentenced to one year in prison for theft. I didn’t expect that after waking up, the world has become the end of the world… sigh… but people still have to live…”

When Billy heard this, he instantly understood what Shen Feng meant, and immediately nodded his head beside him.

The scarred-faced man squinted at Shen Feng and Billy, obviously not believing their words completely.

“I don’t care what happened to you in your previous life. Since you have come to the Sanctuary, you must obey the rules. Otherwise, we will represent the **** of the sky to punish you on the earth!”

Shen Feng continued to smile and said, “That’s natural.”

After two missions in the apocalypse, he had a good grasp of the mentality of the lingering human beings in the apocalypse.

The world of these people is basically in a state of collapse. If there is no spiritual sustenance, they will definitely go crazy or become a beast and completely lose their humanity.

This **** of the sky is obviously similar to the **** of Dongfeng in the end of the nuclear war wasteland, and it is also a kind of deification worship.

I just don’t know if the **** of the sky is talking about the entire sky technology company, or someone…

“Very good.” The scarred-faced man nodded arrogantly, “You can enter the sanctuary, but everything must abide by the laws of the sanctuary, and you need to pay taxes.”

Billy carefully looked at Shen Feng’s backpack.

The scarred-faced man went on to say, “Don’t worry, the people of the Sanctuary have the pride of the people of the Sanctuary. We will not rob the items of outsiders. As long as you hand in some things, it will be fine.”

Shen Feng took out a one-dollar plastic lighter from his pocket, demonstrated it, then handed it to the scar-faced man and asked, “Is this okay?”

The so-called ‘sanctuary people” who were present immediately widened their eyes, showing a shocked expression.

“This is… Demon Fire? A legendary item, it seems to be called… a lighter!?”

“Really…really a lighter! Oh my God, there really is such a thing in this world! With this, we don’t need to strike a metal knife to make a fire!”

The scarred-faced man suppressed his inner excitement, took the lighter from Shen Feng’s hand, coughed lightly, and said, “This… It’s barely enough, let’s go with us.”

Saying that, he picked up the harpoon and walked in front, clutching the lighter tightly, his shoulders seemed to be shaking slightly.

Seeing this, several other people from the Sanctuary also held steel forks and surrounded them, as if they were escorting prisoners, they walked forward with Shen Feng and Billy.

As he walked forward, Shen Feng quickly observed several people around him.

Several of these people were fourteen or fifteen years old, but very strong and pale.

They looked at Shen Feng most curiously, and looked at the lighter as if they had seen a miracle.

From the reactions of these people, Shen Feng has already made a judgment.

They are not human beings who have awakened from dormancy, but human beings born and raised in this gray tide world!

It is precisely because of this that they have no concept of the technology of the past.

That’s why they call Shen Feng an old man.

Just listening to them, it seems that I vaguely know the existence of various technological creations, but I have never seen it.

This shows that the people living in this sanctuary obviously passed down knowledge from generation to generation, but they don’t know how many generations have passed.

Everyone circled around this floor for a while, found an upward staircase, climbed up a dozen floors, and finally passed through several maze-like passages, and went around for a while, and it took almost an hour. A place to see traces of human activity.

Floor 3000.

There are not only a few small rivers here, the air is humid, but some metal walls are covered with a lot of moss and ferns, and many insects can be seen at the same time.

At the same time, they also begin to encounter other people in tattered company uniforms, either catching insects or raising something.

What surprised Shen Feng even more was that there were dilapidated sleeping cabins in a corridor full of lamps.

There is a foul smell in these dormant cabins, but there are plants in them!

Fruit trees, vegetables, and even corn!

The crops are thriving, apparently well tended, and well fertilized.

There are more than 30 people guarding the crops here, all of them carrying steel forks and long knives hanging from their waists.

Obviously this is the powerhouse of the Sanctuary.

Seeing Shen Feng and Billy, in addition to their extremely vigilant eyes, these people didn’t look too surprised.

Finally, after walking a few hundred meters forward, they came to an arch covered with metal blades. The scar-faced man and his subordinates removed a metal plate and took Shen Feng and Billy to get in.

What appeared in front of them was a huge space with a circular dome, the size of two or three football fields.

Everything inside is not metallized, but cement floors and factory buildings!

Above these buildings, without exception, carry the eye-catching logo of Qiong Technology!

In the center of the whole area is a street. Many people wearing Cangqiong Technology uniforms, as well as some people who are obviously outsiders, are walking through it. There are some stalls on both sides of the street, and they are bartering. .

Looking around, there are at least five or six thousand people.

At the same time, some people in uniforms of Qiong Technology walked around patrolling with guns.

They still kept the guns.

Here, it should have been a factory building of Cang Qiong Technology!

“This is the Sanctuary. It is the last pure land left to this world by the **** of the sky, and it is also our blessed land.” The scarred-faced man said proudly, and the faces of several other Sanctuaries also showed proud expressions.

“Old people from outside, you can walk around in the sanctuary as long as you don’t do evil. If you offend the sanctuary, you will be shot and then punished by the earth…”

Billy asked cautiously, “What is… the punishment of the earth?”

The scar-faced man snorted coldly and said, “Of course, it is to make you the earth and provide nutrients for the plants… You should have seen those dormant cabins just now.”

Billy couldn’t help shivering. Those plants were raised from human corpses…

He hurriedly said to the scar-faced man, “Thank you for your reminder, I don’t know what to call you?”

The scarred man said with a blank expression: “Captain of the third hunting party, Gerald.”

As he said that, he touched his waist seemingly inadvertently, revealing the barrel of a revolver.

Shen Feng raised his This guy even has a gun.

No wonder these guys call themselves a sanctuary. They have food, drink, and guns. In the apocalyptic gray tide where there is no fart, it can definitely be called heaven.

I just don’t know what that **** of the sky is…

At this moment, the scar-faced man proudly pointed to a metal statue beside him and said:

“Old people, this is the **** of our Sanctuary, and the **** of the whole world, the **** of the sky, Arthur Seldon!”

“Oh.” Shen Feng responded perfunctorily and walked towards the metal statue.

Creation worship, cargo worship this thing, I have seen a lot.

But you guys, should be classified as Stockholm Syndrome, right?


(Caven today, mainly because I always feel that the expression is not good. I just found the feeling. The second chapter is being written, and the quality is the first. Please forgive me.)

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