Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 142

Chapter 139: Salvation Army Remnants

DNA from descendants of Arthur Seldon?

Shen Feng raised his eyebrows, and some did not agree with this statement.

After the baptism of the stone statue in the apocalypse, he himself has mastered a lot of biological knowledge and anthropological knowledge, plus the information that he searched and researched by himself, and now he is not a biologist, but half.

If Arthur Seldon’s control of the nanomachine bugs was carried out through DNA, and it has been effective, why didn’t he stop it when the gray tide got out of control?

In other words, even if Arthur Seldon didn’t end it because he died unexpectedly, the DNA of his descendants is not the same as his own.

DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid, a biological macromolecule with genetic information.

The DNA of the descendants of Arthur Seldon is not entirely from Arthur Seldon, it is completely different.

Does this really work for grey tides?

And after so long, the ghost knows where to look for the descendants of Arthur Seldon, maybe they have already been trapped somewhere and starved to death…

Seeing Shen Feng’s expression of disapproval, Daisy said quickly:

“In fact, many people know about this matter. It is a legend circulating in this apocalypse. As for where and who it came from, no one knows…but…”

Shen Feng narrowed his eyes and asked, “But what?”

Saying that, he took out a small white tablet again and placed it gently in front of Daisy.

Daisy quickly put away the pill and said quickly:

“However, there seem to be many other settlements in this world, some of which are much bigger than this… I once met a person who came to do divination. He claimed to be from a cemetery, and sneered at the Sanctuary, saying that there were only humans there. The last hope is the Zion of mankind, and perhaps these rumors come from there.”

“It is said that the descendants of Arthur Seldon may live in the Ashtide Cemetery. He should be a little boy now. He will become Moses, King Arthur, become a saint, and lead mankind to the light again.”

When speaking of this, Daisy’s eyes were full of piousness and hope, and she obviously believed deeply in this matter.

Zion, ancient Hebrew, means sanctuary or temple.

In the scriptures of Western religions such as Judaism and Christianity, Zion is also the place where Jehovah dwells.

In The Matrix, the underground city inhabited by free humans is named Zion.

After listening to Daisy’s description, Shen Feng had a very strong sense of drama at this time.

The former employees of the company and their descendants who have special identity authentication rights and will not be attacked by the nanomachine construction machine.

Legend has it that the so-called Ashtide Cemetery is populated by a large number of survivors, the last place of hope for mankind.

There are also descendants of Arthur Seldon who can control the grey tide, the legendary chosen one.

All of this is simply the background of a basic legend about the growth of a hero. The overall story is similar to that of King Arthur and other heroic stories, and it does not break away from the framework described by Joseph Campbell in “The Hero with a Thousand Faces”.

There’s a sense that someone is directing it all behind the scenes.

And if that director really exists, it’s just a third-rate director at most, this story is really a bit vulgar…

“Actually, it’s not just you, many people are looking for him… or everyone is looking for him. There are many people in the Sanctuary who want to be the descendants of Arthur Seldon and enjoy endless glory, but they all failed. …”

Daisy said a little absentmindedly.

From the slumber of the technology era, and waking up in this apocalypse where everything is broken and resources are extremely scarce, almost everyone will fall into despair.

Some people who are psychologically vulnerable even choose to commit suicide to escape all this.

In addition to their own will to survive, the reason why those who persisted to survive was to support them was their belief in this legend of salvation.

Many people force themselves to believe that one day the descendants of Arthur Seldon will discover the power in their own DNA, as in the myths and legends, and then control the terrifying tide of gray, and turn this broken world into the beauty it once was. home.

Until then, they have to work hard to live, to live…

Shen Feng nodded and did not question Daisy’s words.

It is extremely immoral to suddenly wake up a sleeping person in a sealed room.

In any case, he has a new clue.

Shen Feng sighed and put down another tablet:

“Where is the Greytide Cemetery? How did it form?”

Daisy’s face was full of joy, she quickly put away the pills, and glanced at Shen Feng gratefully.

The questions this person asked, many people here know, are far less valuable than three pills, and the other party gave her another pill, obviously partly out of goodwill.

She answered immediately and earnestly: “A place like Greytide Cemetery has always existed only in rumors, it is said that it is somewhere in the lower southeast. It is said that there used to be a sea, and Arthur Seldon finally Buried there, and later turned into a cemetery of mechanical monsters…”

Then looked around and no one noticed her, Daisy said in a low voice, gritted her teeth:

“Damn Arthur Seldon ruined everything for humanity, if you can find his grave, remember to pee on it.”

Shen Feng couldn’t help but smile, this Daisy is quite interesting.

Just as he was about to answer, standing at a booth not far from the two of them, the man wearing a hood who seemed to be picking out merchandise suddenly turned around, pointed the rusty shotgun in his hand at Shen Feng and Daisy, and shouted loudly. drink:

“You have violated the laws of the Sanctuary by insulting the great **** of the sky, Arthur Seldon, and must be sentenced to death!”

As he said that, he pulled open the placket of his clothes, revealing a worn and faded uniform of the company’s employees inside.

This is a sanctuary who performs a monitoring mission, a secret agent!

Hearing this person’s words and seeing this person’s uniform again, all the people around showed a look of horror, as if they had seen the **** of plague.

That shabby and faded orange-red uniform here seems to be the flying fish suit of Jin Yiwei, which is a clear proof of superiority, not to mention the shotgun in his hand!

Daisy’s face instantly turned pale, and she said tremblingly:

“No sir, I’m… I’m sick, I’m just talking nonsense, no, I’m not saying anything…”

There is only one punishment for the people of the Sanctuary, and that is the punishment of the earth, which directly chops people into fertilizer.

Although they don’t eat people, they eat the fruits grown with human flesh.

At this time, there were already several Sanctuaries patrolling around, arrogantly approaching, surrounding Shen Feng and Daisy in the middle, obviously not listening to their explanations.

The spy snorted coldly and said, “Take them away to be judged by the executive officer, especially these two new outsiders, who are said to have climbed up from a thousand floors below, and are definitely a heinous fellow, Holy The purity of the domain must not be tainted by them.”

Listening to his words, when Shen Feng and the two just came here, they were already being targeted.

Billy showed panic at this time, and said to Shen Feng, “Sir, what should we do?”

Although this Asian boy is powerful, all the opponents have guns.

Shen Feng smiled and said, “Go and have a look.”

Listening to this spy, it sounds ridiculous that these so-called Sanctuaries still retain the title of CEO, ie, ceo.

These people themselves are the descendants of the employees of Sky Technology Company, and they should be regarded as Arthur Seldon’s brain-dead fans now.

Speaking of which, there are more than 10,000 people here, and it’s a bit funny that they are still being monitored by spies.

“Go!” A sanctuary man shook the gun in his and shouted to Shen Feng with a gloomy expression.

Shen Feng nodded, not angry, smiled and followed behind the spy, and walked out, and Billy hurriedly followed.

Daisy was trembling with fright, but she had to follow.

At this time, she really regretted that she shouldn’t have said that for a moment, not only harming herself, but also harming this nice-looking black brother.

Seeing that the three of Shen Feng were arrested and taken away by the spies, the Sanctuary people in tattered uniforms all showed contempt on their faces, and those who were obviously outsiders were a little frightened, for fear of harming themselves. .

“Manager Amir, what are these outsiders doing?” a sanctuary who was patrolling asked with a smile, “Did you not pay taxes on time?”

They also retained the title of manager.

The spy Amir looked solemn and said, “They slandered and slandered the great **** of the sky, Arthur Seldon. I suspect that they are remnants of the Salvation Army.”

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