Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 146

Chapter 143: Roasted Brain Flower

“These humans are really unsatisfactory, tsk tsk, they screamed so miserably with a slight squeeze.”

“The weather is fine today.”

“How are your hemorrhoids?”

“Brother, borrow a fire?”

“To be honest, I think this kind of life is a bit difficult…”

The ten Mikes chatted and gradually approached, squeezing the first Mike in the middle.

At this time, Mike finally found something wrong, shook his shoulders, and wanted to throw a few hands off, but he couldn’t shake them at all, and shouted angrily:

“Are you crazy!?”

All the clones have the same personality as him, and they would not make such actions and say such words at all.

Something was wrong, there was an extremely strange feeling coming from the surrounding clones…

A clone next to him did not answer his words, but said to himself:

“Jingwei, it’s time to start, can you turn the high-frequency noise into a musical piece? It’s a bit boring to just make something like white noise…”

Mike’s eyes widened, and he said: “What are you talking about… No, you are not me!”

It’s just too late now!

The sharp high-frequency noise sounded instantly. This time, it was no longer pure noise, but brought a melody. It was Vitas’ classic song “Opera 2”!

The dolphin sound instantly resounded in the entire Sanctuary, and everyone present was shocked.

It’s just that the music was obviously processed, and it was extremely sharp and piercing, causing many people’s eardrums to be shattered.

At the same time, the tens of thousands of Mikes present seemed to have been casted with a body-fixing spell. All of them were instantly fixed on the spot, and the whole body began to decompose and collapse, as if it had become a mosaic!

Mike’s eyes widened, trying to maintain his nanomachine cluster, and said with difficulty:

“what have you done…”

He slowly turned his head and looked at the weird guys beside him, only to find that these “Mikes” were also disturbed by the sound wave, becoming blurred, and the nano-clusters in the whole body were on the verge of dissociation!

What exactly is going on! ?

Just when Mike was puzzled, Mike with the bag beside him suddenly opened a hole, and a smiling boy walked out of it.

Black hair, yellow skin, brown eyes.

It’s that Asian boy! !

Mike was furious, desperately trying to throw a punch, but temporarily lost control of the nanomachine body.

As Shen Feng walked out of the nanomachine cluster covering his body, he hummed a song and said to Jingwei:

“After the adaptation, the high-frequency noise is much better. Next time, I will directly adapt a song called ‘Dad’ and take advantage of it first.”

Jingwei rolled his eyes in the electronic space, and said, “You hurry up and do your work, don’t fix these things. It’s hard to say whether this is the body or not.”

Shen Feng took a dagger and walked in front of Mike, stabbed it into the opponent’s head, and said with certainty:

“Absolutely this. This guy was the first to speak, and he has been giving orders. With that Mike’s arrogant and arrogant urine, he will definitely… **** not?”

At this point, he had torn apart Mike’s head in front of him, but found nothing like a control center.

He and Jingwei had already deduced before. If Mike was transformed into this self-replicating nano-robot, he would definitely retain a memory, which was his original brain.

Otherwise, with the basic structure of these nanomachines, it is impossible to directly copy the information in the process of devouring the brain. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

That is to say, his body must have a brain, if there is no brain, it is not the body.

It’s just that there is no trace of any brain in the head of the guy in front of him!

“How can it be possible… Jiangshan is easy to change his nature, and it is difficult to change his nature. He lives as a real version of Jin Bing, who wants to be the underground emperor of New York every day, how can he easily change his sex…”

Shen Feng frowned at the Mike in front of him and said to himself.

A controlled Michaelson smiled and said word by word:

“Boy, there are more than 78,000 me here, go find them, find them one by one, and see if you find my body first, or whether your energy runs out first… and every one of me is me, even if you find me What about my body? Every me is a perfect me!”

Shen Feng glanced at him and suddenly chuckled:

“Look at how you pretended to fail! You almost gave me a trick…”

With that said, he walked up to the first Mike just now, and started to use the dagger to peel off the nano-machine clusters from his whole body little by little.

The head has been smashed to pieces. This time, Shen Feng starts from the neck and removes it bit by bit. His expression is very serious, as if he is dissecting a living person.

Soon, he had dismantled all the nanomechanical clusters of Mike’s upper body to the position of his abdomen.

With a wave of the dagger, a layer of nano-machine clusters has been removed.

A silvery white thing was exposed.

is the cerebral cortex.

Shen Feng laughed and joked: “You are bad enough, your brain is about to hide in your crotch, tsk tsk, you almost lied to me.”

The Mike he chose at the beginning was originally the body!

It’s just that the remaining brain is deeply hidden in the body, not the head.

Seeing that Shen Feng had discovered the main body’s brain, the surrounding Mike couldn’t help cursing and roaring.

“Damn yellow monkey, you will pay for everything you do!”

“I’m going to kill you, kill you!”

“We are of the same mind, and we are already different people. Even if you destroy that brain, it will not affect us!”

“It won’t help at all, nothing will change, unless you kill seventy-eight thousand three hundred and ninety-two of us at the same time!”

It’s just that although they were so anxious, they were affected by that **** weird high-frequency sound wave. It was extremely difficult to even move, and their whole body was in a semi-dissociated state.

Shen Feng carefully observed the brain wrapped by the nanomachine cluster, and said casually, “I’m so afraid, since this brain has nothing to do with you, then I’ll be a roasted brain flower.”

Of course he wouldn’t be fooled by Mike’s nonsense.

If the brain really had nothing to do with them, they wouldn’t be so anxious.

A small part of the cerebral cortex of this brain has been swallowed and assimilated by the nanomachine cluster, but not completely.

Shen Feng carefully stretched out his hand and pinched the brain, just like pinching a piece of tofu, and then with gentle force on his hand, the surface of the brain was slightly dissociated, and some gaps appeared.

Shen Feng immediately saw the internal structure through the faint light.

Most of the brain’s material is preserved, except for a small cluster of nanomachines.

It seems that the whole brain and part of the nano-mechanical worm are perfectly fused, becoming a half-biological half-mechanical brain.

It is similar to Shen Feng’s silicon-based brain.

However, the function is obviously not comparable to the silicon-based brain.

After all, the structure of these nanomechanical insects is relatively simple, and it is difficult to have more complex performance.

Speaking of which, the greater role of this half-biological half-mechanical brain may be to become an individual with higher authority, so as to coordinate the relationship between other replicas.

After all, replicas with the same memory and personality may not necessarily work together.


Shen Feng continued to observe the brain carefully, and even put it back into the nanomachine cluster in front of him, in order to observe this thing’s control of the surrounding nanomachine cluster.

It gave him a lot of inspiration.

Soon, Shen Feng had basically understood the working principle of this thing and came to a conclusion.

This should be something that was created artificially, and would not appear out of thin air.

With Mike’s own brain structure, he is just an ordinary person, and the nano-machine worm will not merge with his brain for no reason.

unless there is an external force.

And that maker, probably the guy who made him feel like he was hiding behind the scenes…

Shen Feng was thinking about when he heard the sound of rumbling footsteps not far away, as if thousands of people were running together.

In the next instant, different types of construction machines poured in from the entrances of the sanctuary. These construction machines were all humanoids, but compared to those previously encountered, except for the silver metal light in their eyes. , each one looks like a normal human being!

The shape is extremely beautiful, and each has a perfect body and a beautiful face.

Also, they are completely immune to high frequency noise!

The same electromechanical sound sounded in their mouths at the same time:

“Discovered, illegal saboteurs violated Article 22 of the company’s regulations and authorized killing and expulsion.” First release https://https://

“It was found that the virus constructing machine violated Article 23 of the company’s regulations and authorized killing and expulsion.”

“It was found that the illegal saboteurs violated Article 22 of the Cang Qiong Technology Company and authorized the killing and expulsion.”

“It was found that the virus constructing machine violated Article 23 of the company’s regulations and authorized killing and expulsion.”


The illegal saboteur is obviously Shen Feng, and the virus construction machine is naturally Mike.

While speaking, the heads of these construction machines wriggled and twisted, and quickly transformed into the form of guns, like human-shaped firearms walking upright, aiming at the Mike robots and Shen Feng present, ready to shoot!

In the next instant, all the guns are fired!

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