Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Huicheng Incineration Corps

“Huh…huh…” Shen Feng ran wildly on the empty and dilapidated streets with his weapons and ammunition.

The impact from the explosion just now was too violent, and the brain apes hadn’t found any trace of him for a while.

At the same time, the appearance of thousands of ape cavalrymen immediately disturbed the wild animals living in this urban jungle. For a time, the pika, fox and deer were scurrying around, and flocks of birds were also startled. There was a commotion in the middle, which concealed Shen Feng’s whereabouts.

Shen Feng even encountered a fox running with him, and they glanced at each other, instead of attacking each other, they each fled for their lives.

It can also be seen that, to a certain extent, these brain apes have replaced the once dominant position of humans.

Soon, Shen Feng had appeared in front of the building of Huicheng Epidemic Prevention Center.

When the stone statue disease broke out, epidemic prevention became the center of everything, and the epidemic prevention centers in each city also underwent large-scale reconstruction, and the internal structure and layout were basically the same.

The arrival of Shen Feng immediately attracted the attention of some skinners in the Epidemic Prevention Center building.

As he expected, the epidemic prevention center of each city has become the lair of the skinners.

Without any hesitation, Shen Feng took the materials on the spot and made a few huge torches, wrapped them tightly with rags that had been soaked with fuel before, and stuffed them all over his chest and back. It looked like a big torch. No. candied haws.

He then lit all the torches with matches, took a deep breath, pushed open the door of the Epidemic Prevention Center and rushed in.

Seeing Shen Feng appear, the dozen or so skinners hiding in the house rushed over with a roar, wanting to tear this human to pieces.

It’s just that before he touched Shen Feng, he was already scorched by the flames, and they all let out a scream and retreated.

The scorching of the flame is far more violent than the sun, and for these skinners, it is the most painful thing!

The surrounding flames made Shen Feng sweaty, but it made him feel a lot more at ease.

As he thought, these skinners are very afraid of flames!

Although these guys look terrible, they have a fatal weakness. As long as they target this weakness, they are a group of rookies.

What kind of boiling water did I use before, it was a bit silly.

The taste of being roasted by fire after peeling the skin, I just imagine my scalp is numb.

“kill me…”


A group of skinners surrounded Shen Feng and let out an unconscious howl, but they did not dare to approach.

This guy who suddenly appeared is simply a hedgehog, making them impossible to start!

Shen Feng quickly bypassed the skinners and rushed to the elevator.

Unlike Qicheng Epidemic Prevention Center, the elevator of Huicheng Epidemic Prevention Center is still running!

I just don’t know if it will sit in half and fall off after so many years of disrepair…


Shen Feng gritted his teeth, opened the elevator door, and rushed in.

There was also a pretty stone statue in the elevator at this time, which seemed to be a former elevator operator, with a professional smile on his face, but his clothes were tattered.

Shen Feng sighed, took out a towel from his bag, and covered it over the stone statue of the elevator operator.

The elevator was shaking, and the lights inside kept flashing. It took about a minute to reach the top floor of the 20th-floor Epidemic Prevention Center building.

The elevator door opened, and Shen Feng immediately stepped out.

After seeing Shen Feng, a few skinners wandering on the top floor immediately rushed over.

Shen Feng ignored the skinners and walked directly to the central metal door.

According to the structure diagram of the epidemic prevention center he saw before, this should be the core research room of the entire epidemic prevention center, and a large amount of research data is stored in the computers of these epidemic prevention centers.

It can be said that what is preserved here is the most cutting-edge data on stone statue disease research by human beings in this world, and the safety protection measures are also the most stringent.

In front of Shen Feng was an alloy door that was twenty centimeters thick, enough to withstand the bombardment of artillery shells.

In the corridor, a group of skinners gathered more and more. These former incinerators still had a subconscious attachment to the epidemic prevention center, so they used it as their lair and wandered on various floors.

Once there were thousands of incinerators in every city, there were thousands of flayers.

And they seem to have a special preference for the top floor. Nearly a hundred skinners have gathered around Shen Feng. If it wasn’t for the fear of the flames, they would have already rushed up.

The torch inserted into his body has been burnt quite short, and even Shen Feng’s hair has become a little burnt, but the door of the research room is closed!

Although almost ten years have passed, the electronic access control system of the entire research room is still operating faithfully.

Shen Feng couldn’t help but his head was big for a while, and he turned his eyes to the surrounding skinners, and began to quickly check the remaining clothes on their bodies.

Incinerators are not the role of ordinary incinerators and cleaners, and senior incinerators will also participate in the decision-making of the entire epidemic prevention center.

In a way, they are more like an army.

Therefore, some of the highest-level incinerators also have the right to enter the top-level research laboratory!

Soon, Shen Feng’s eyes fell on an incinerator wearing a ragged white coat.

The incinerator’s clothes also wore a badge with the title of “Captain of the Huicheng Incineration Corps” on it.

You are the one!

Shen Feng quickly pulled out his pistol, wrapped his clothes tightly, and rushed towards the skinner.

Before the other party could react, Shen Feng had already pulled the trigger in an instant.

“Boom!” The sound of the gunshot wrapped in clothes was extremely dull, as if a sledgehammer had fallen to the ground.

Now the brain apes should not have searched this area, and won’t attract their attention.

The skinner’s heart was instantly pierced by the bullet, and he slowly fell down. A trace of relief flashed in the depths of the chaotic consciousness, and there was no sound.

Shen Feng didn’t stop for a moment, pulled out the dagger from his waist, gritted his teeth and ruthlessly, gouged out the skinner’s eyeball, and placed it in the access control scanning area of the alloy door of the research room.

A green beam emerges from the probe and begins to scan the iris.

“Identity verification, Huicheng Incineration Corps, Shi Changlei, permission level, first-level.”

The alloy door that had been closed for several years slammed open, and Shen Feng immediately ducked in.

As soon as he entered, the gate closed again, blocking the skinners who were coveting them.

The torch stuck in Shen Feng’s body suddenly went out.

He couldn’t help but secretly said that it was dangerous. The sweat was dried by the flames just now, but now it quickly poured out, sweating like pulp.

He took out a plastic bottle of and threw the eyeball in and put it away, and then Shen Feng sat down on a chair, panting for a long time.

Just now, he had been running all the way with heavy loads, coupled with the burning of the torches and the tense feeling at the last minute, he was almost exhausted and paralyzed, and now he didn’t want to move at all.

Looking up, this is a huge laboratory full of electronic screens and various incubators.

More than a dozen stone statues in white coats stood everywhere, maintaining different postures, with the expressions on their faces when they were just petrified.

Looking at their appearance, it seems as if some experiment is being carried out, and they can move at any time.

After taking out a bottle of water and filling half of it, Shen Feng understood that he was temporarily safe.

His purpose was not to conflict with the brain ape, but to find the reason for the emergence of the brain ape.

After resting for a while to regain his strength, Shen Feng got up and walked to the electronic screen, pressing the dust-covered power-on button, and the system that had been dormant for several years immediately started running again.

The stone statue standing in front of the screen is an old man wearing glasses, apparently the person in charge of the epidemic prevention center.

Shen Feng completed the login with his ID card, and the entire database of the Huicheng Epidemic Prevention Center was immediately displayed in front of his eyes!

Seeing all kinds of data and files appearing on the dusty screen, Shen Feng couldn’t help but breathe a little short.

Maybe this time, he can also complete part of the main quest.

“Da da da da…” At this moment, a crisp gunshot came from the street downstairs, which was extremely harsh!

Shen Feng frowned, and immediately rushed to the window, looking down through the gap in the blinds.

On the street in front of the Epidemic Prevention Center, dozens of ape cavalrymen have appeared at this time, shooting at the skinners in the surrounding buildings!

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