Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 162

Chapter 159: New York Emperor Gang

The footsteps outside the door were a little scattered, and it didn’t sound as well-trained as the snake-eye company mercenaries before.

Although they tried their best to lighten their footsteps, it was difficult to completely cover up the sound of footsteps.

There were even subtle conversations that were caught by Shen Feng’s ears.

His conscious tentacles had been released for the first time, and together with Jingwei, he saw the scene outside through the camera at the end of the corridor.

More than 30 men dressed as waiters in black suits, armed with various firearms, were about to break in.

At the front is a slender man pushing a cleaning car. He has triangular eyes and a sinister face. He can faintly see a corner of his gorgeous tattoo from the neckline.

Obviously, these people are not professionals.

However, the degree of cruelty is still more than that.

The corridors on this floor of the hotel were obviously blocked, and no one disturbed them.

Shen Feng and Jingwei felt at the same time that someone was manipulating the surveillance system and wanted to modify the content of this surveillance video.

There are others behind it.

At the same time, Shen Feng felt that on the upper floor of the room he was in, there were also light and messy footsteps, and several people walked to the window.

Tsk tsk, no wonder the ‘self” in the apocalypse of the Grey Tide was so powerful that he was killed.

There was no sign of the other party’s raid, and the number of people was large and the firepower was strong.

If there is no advance warning, it is really unpredictable.

Shen Feng couldn’t help but pouted.

Then he looked up at the corner of the ceiling, and hooked his finger at the nanomachine cluster on the side.

The room soon became silent.

The people outside the door were headed by Bian Cun and a man wearing sunglasses. After finding that there was no movement in the room, Bian Cun immediately knocked on the door again and said in a very polite tone:

“Hello sir, room service.”

At the same time, he aimed the shotgun in his hand at the door.

Still no one came to open the door.

Ban Cun and the sunglasses looked at each other, nodded slightly, and moved away.

A man behind a tall man wearing a bulletproof vest stepped forward, opened the door, and then rushed in with a gun.

The crowd followed and rushed into the room, and dozens of guns were aimed at every corner of the room.

When they came here to execute this transaction, they had already received the news. The target was an extremely dangerous person, an Asian boy, maybe a kung fu master who jumped over the wall and must be cautious.

To their astonishment, the room was empty and there was nothing.

Whether it is the bedroom or the bathroom, there is not even a shadow of a ghost.

The other party left?

shouldn’t be…

Just now, they had confirmed with the waiter here through surveillance that the other party did not leave at all after returning to the hotel.

And now because of the assassination of Cardi Cohen at the electronics show, there are police patrols everywhere, questioning suspicious people, and that kid is even more unlikely to leave here.

It’s just that he is not here, as if the world has evaporated.

The leader, Ban Cun, put away the gun, walked to the table, and touched a glass on it.

The water is warm.

Only those Chinese people like to drink hot water so much.

The other party should not have gone far…

“Bart, Bart, come and take a look.” The man in sunglasses whispered.

Ban Cun Bart immediately walked over and asked, “What’s wrong?”

The man in sunglasses was frowning and looking up at the ceiling, saying:

“Do you think that the ceiling in this corner is much lower than the surrounding area… Also this room gives me a very uncomfortable feeling, as if something is alive… You know? It’s like the ones in “Alien” The room where the monsters are hidden, and where the ghosts in The Shining live…”

Bart looked at the curvature of the ceiling and couldn’t help laughing:

“Hahaha, John, are you smoking too much? That’s how high-end hotels are, what kind of **** design are they going to pursue, for those designers, getting a straight line can kill them… As for what The living room… God, the ceiling is moving!”

Before he could finish his words, the surrounding ceiling, along with the walls and carpets, all seemed to be alive at this time, and suddenly rushed towards everyone in the room!

No, it wasn’t that the room came alive, but something was attached to it, a thin layer about the thickness of the palm of the hand, and it instantly gathered in the middle, wrapping them all in it!

Dozens of gun-wielding killers didn’t have time to react at all, they were wrapped together like zongzi and huddled together!

At this time, they finally discovered that what was wrapping them turned out to be a layer of silver-white metal-like substance, but the “metal” was constantly wriggling and deforming like a colloid, and immediately wrapped their gun-carrying hands. , so that their fingers can’t move at all!

At the same time, where the ceiling collapsed downwards they saw just now, a bald Asian boy in pajamas landed gently on the ground, picked up the hot water on the table, and walked towards them with a smile!

That’s the goal!

Everyone was horrified. They didn’t expect that the target would not only know kung fu, but also possess the **** magic!

“What is this? Oriental witchcraft? Black magic?” John the Sunglasses murmured, his eyes wide open, “Even us witch doctors from the motherland of **** **** don’t have the ability…”

“No, Boss John, haven’t you seen Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “Terminator”? This… it’s a liquid metal robot! Definitely that kind of thing! I knew this kid must be from the government or the military People, maybe they escaped from Area 51! God knows how much evil those **** politicians have done!” A man wearing a large gold chain next to him said tremblingly.

“God, are all those movies real? What the **** is this guy? Those evil aliens?”

“God, God, please let me go, I just… just listened to the boss’s orders…”

“Are you crazy? Don’t talk nonsense! It’s just some kind of black tech weapon! Of course, this gentleman, I don’t mean to offend…”

Everyone was chattering, but in the next moment, their mouths were blocked by the surrounding metal fluid, and they couldn’t speak at all.

Hearing these people’s guesses, Shen Feng couldn’t help but laugh.

But this is also a true portrayal of the entire Eagle Country.

A country deeply divided between classes and groups.

The upper class is elite politics and elite education, the middle class is the hard-working middle class, and the lower class is completely anti-intellectualism, extremely superstitious, or believes in some specious pseudoscience.

The ultra-high degree of freedom, which is the reason for the prosperity of the Eagle Kingdom, will also be the source of its decline.


But that has nothing to do with him.

As far as the life and death of the entire human civilization is concerned, this is really irrelevant, it can only be regarded as a trivial matter that makes Shen Feng feel a little bit interesting.

Draining the water in the cup, Shen Feng dragged a chair and sat in front of the crowd, asking:

“History? Why did you want to kill me?”

Then waved his hand, and the nanomachine cluster drilled out of the mouths of Bancinch Bart and Sunglasses John, allowing them to speak.

The two of them were completely shocked by this strange power and existence at this time, but they didn’t know what to say for a while.

In other words, they still pin their hopes on other companions.

Before coming here, they had already prepared both hands.

These guys are just the first team.

Seeing that the two of them didn’t speak, Shen Feng tilted his head expressionlessly, and the small gray tide in front of him immediately began to wriggle quickly, blocking Bian Cun Bart’s mouth.

Immediately afterwards, in the horrified eyes of everyone, the surrounding nano-machine clusters began to slowly climb onto Bart’s body and face, and then began to gnaw!

Bart’s face first oozes blood, and then the entire face quickly disappears, revealing the muscles and bones inside.

And these things are also disappearing!

He struggled desperately, but he couldn’t break free from the shackles of the nanomachine cluster. He wanted to scream, but he couldn’t make a sound.

The place where he was gnawed also became a new cluster of nanomachines.

The people around even saw with their own eyes that Bart’s eyeballs, which were not covered by eyelids, were so exposed and devoured layer by layer.

Soon, Bart’s skull was eroded away, revealing the brain, then the entire head, upper body, legs, and the whole person disappeared, as if it never existed.

It’s just that the surrounding nanomachine clusters have grown a lot.

There was more water on the ground.

A puddle of clean water without any impurities.

This is something left over from the nanomachine cluster.

After doing all this, Shen Feng removed the nanomachine cluster that blocked John’s mouth and said to him:

“Go ahead and tell me everything you know.”

This John has been talking about some crazy things since just now. He is obviously superstitious and a staunch anti-intellectualist. It is much more convenient to use him as a breakthrough.

As for the stubborn bart that was devoured just now, it is much more rational and calm, and it is not suitable for torture.

It is estimated that Bart never dreamed that he would die because of his reason and calmness.

Hearing Shen Feng’s question, Sunglasses John trembled and said quickly:

“We…we are members of the New York Emperor Gang, and the reason why we came here is because we received an order from above, let us get rid of…get rid of a person…and the exact room And the hotel’s insiders, oh, and the police insiders…”

Emperor Gang?

Shen Feng frowned.

Most of these underground gang members in the Eagle Country have little culture, and they all attract the same people.

What Herman Oud Gunners, Street 18, Soul of Wheels and the like.

Some underground hip-hop singers are also gang members, and the lyrics are all about cars, money, horses, big gold chains and small watches.

The name of this Emperor Gang is also normal.

However, the other party has an internal response in the New York Police Department, and it is obviously not small.

“Who ordered you to come here?” Shen Feng continued to ask.

“Yes… it’s the underground emperor of New York City, the boss of the Emperor Gang, Mike… Mike Boss…”

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