Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Orangutan Fire, Can Start A Prairie

The stone statue disease on his body seems to have accelerated.

Fortunately, it is still in the early stage of infection, and there is still a lot of time.

After reading these materials, Shen Feng did not have too many emotional fluctuations, and his heart was very calm.

He had also made assumptions about how the stone statue disease appeared.

Generally speaking, there are no more than two kinds, one is independent research and development in the laboratory, and the other is from an unknown place that human beings have not yet fully understood.

For example, the Ebola virus came from the African jungle, and the initial virus of stone disease came from under the glaciers in the Arctic.

I originally thought that those brain apes were the cause of stone statue disease, but now it seems that they have misunderstood them.

They’re just a bunch of by-products of the mutating process of stone-like disease.

The stone statue disease virus has been doomed to the final outcome of mankind since the beginning of its appearance.

This terrifying virus keeps mutating and eventually becomes the ultimate form of stone statue disease, triggering the mass extinction of all mankind.

To a certain extent, this is like a time bomb hidden under the Arctic glacier after some mischievous guy has done it, waiting for curious humans to dig out the bomb.

He has basically figured out the origin of the brain ape, and now he only needs to get a little tissue sample, which is enough to complete the task.

Speaking of which, the appearance of the brain ape forced him to come to the Huicheng Epidemic Prevention Center, giving him time to check other details of the stone statue disease.

Now that he still has food and water for about three or four days, the safest way is to hide here and wait for the brain apes to leave, and then leave here for the capital.

Immediately, Shen Feng changed a comfortable position in front of the computer and sat down, and began to continue to check the various materials inside.

What is stored here is basically the research data on stone statue disease, as well as various situations after the outbreak of stone statue disease.

From the initial data, we can basically feel the whole process of the whole society from ignorance to shock to panic to complete extinction.

Regarding the terrifying virus such as stone statue disease, in addition to how to prevent the epidemic, various researchers have also put forward some new views from different angles.

In the initial stages of lithotripsy, patients experience increased strength and a dramatic increase in brain function.

According to the research, this should be the initial silicification of a part of the body’s cells, resulting in some changes.

In the early days of the outbreak of stone statue disease, many people even believed that if humans could stabilize the virus in this state, they would be able to achieve a substantial evolution in the physical functions of all human beings.

After all, the weakening of pain perception, the increased hardness of skin and bones, and the improvement of brain function are indeed evolutionary.

It’s just that this process generally only takes two weeks, followed by the decline of mobility and the gradual failure of organs, but the ability to resist strikes has skyrocketed.

It is said that some patients with advanced stone disease can even withstand the bombardment of pistol bullets at close range.

What attracted Shen Feng’s attention more were two research articles.

One of them suggested that when the human body is completely siliconized, although brain wave activity cannot be detected, there has always been a weak pulse of electromagnetic radiation in the human body, which is very similar to brain wave activity.

Therefore, the author of this article believes that after human beings completely become stone statues, it is very likely that they still have thoughts and consciousness, and they are still alive, but in the form of stone statues!

After becoming a stone statue, the stone-like human has become a brand-new silicon-based life form, which has an almost eternal life itself!

It’s just that the time of this silicon-based lifeform has been completely staggered from the surrounding environment.

Another article had a more novel idea.

The author believes that after becoming a silicon-based life form, the stone-like human may have entered a new era of thinking connection.

The body of every silicon-based human is like a huge silicon-based information storage that can store massive amounts of information, and may even communicate information in a way that humans cannot currently grasp.

It is even said that all the stone-like human bodies, based on the entire earth, may form a super-giant processor that spontaneously simulates a brand new world, or even a brand new universe.

In that virtual universe, the minds of all stone-like humans have been liberated, and they can create and destroy infinitely freely.

To put it simply, the human body of the stone statue becomes a server, and the consciousness of all human beings together create a virtual world.

It is precisely because of this that when large-scale stone statues appear, their consciousness is no longer attached to the individual, but swims freely in that virtual world. The destruction of a single individual stone statue will not cause any impact.

These two articles simply shocked Shen Feng.

Although it was only an idea at the beginning, it could definitely be called a fantasy.

Could it be that these stone statues are really still alive! ?

Shen Feng came to a stone statue and observed it carefully.

This stone statue is the stone statue of the person in charge of the Huicheng Epidemic Prevention Center.

His posture is to land on one foot, with the other foot hanging in the air, as if he is walking forward.

Shen Feng looked at his feet. After so many years, a thick layer of dust had accumulated on the floor.

At first he didn’t care, but at this time he found that behind the stone statue, in the dust, there were three deep footprints!

Although the three footprints are also covered by dust, they are obviously much shallower, and the closer to the current position of the stone statue, the more obvious the footprints!

Shen Feng checked the other stone statues in the room again, and his breathing became rapid again.

All the stone statues have two or three footprints behind them, and they are of different shades, obviously left by different years.

Are they really moving at a speed that is tens of thousands, millions or even hundreds of millions of times slower than ordinary people?

How many years did these statues take?

So what does the normal world look like in their eyes? Is it a rapidly changing and bizarre shadow?

Shen Feng rubbed his forehead, these things are too complicated for him now, apart from surviving, he doesn’t have the energy to understand them for the time being.

Now he is more concerned about the location of the “Pangu virus”, which is also the ‘stone statue type 2 virus”.

According to the information obtained in the database, the final injection of “Pangu Virus” was seconded by Huicheng Epidemic Prevention Center for research use.

It’s just that the stone statue virus broke out completely and on a large scale before the research began.

That is to say, the injection of “Pangu virus” is still in this building!

And with the continuous operation of the solar power supply system, the injection can also be preserved intact.

Shen Feng explored the research room, put on a pair of medical gloves, walked to a metal cabinet that still looked neat, and entered a line of passwords from the computer system.

The cabinet door opened instantly, and a gust of cold air rushed out. Although several years have passed, the refrigeration system here is still running.

Rows of injections sealed in glass grids appeared before them, all samples of various viruses and vaccines obtained during the outbreak of stone statue disease.

Most of these things used to have extremely terrifying power, but now they should basically be ineffective.

Shen Feng unscrewed a hidden compartment and pulled out the contents inside a small metal cylinder.

Put the metal cylinder on the table, press the button, the metal cylinder opens immediately, a white gas emerges, and an injection is pushed out.

This is the “Pangu virus” injection!

There was only a little remnant of the liquid nitrogen in the metal tube, and the injection was also dark brown, so I couldn’t tell if it was still effective.

Shen Feng took a deep breath and took out the injection.

Who cares, even if it is invalid, it is just alienated into the final stone statue virus.

If there are too many lice, it doesn’t itch. Anyway, he has been infected by the stone statue virus, so he will try his luck.

Then he suddenly pricked the injection into his forearm and injected it.

A cool feeling came from the arm, and then spread all over the body.

Shen Feng felt it for a while, but found that nothing abnormal happened, so he threw away the injection in disappointment.

Probably expired.

After browsing through a lot of information, and after another toss, Shen Feng finally felt tired, cleaned up a sofa, lay down and fell into a deep sleep.

However, after a long time, he was awakened from his sleep by the roar, and suddenly opened his eyes, only to see the whole research room full of fire!

Shen Feng stood up abruptly, and saw that the wall of the research room was brightly reflected by the light shining in from outside.

He rushed to the window and looked out.

As night fell, the sky was completely dark. On the central square of Huicheng, not far from the Epidemic Prevention Center Building, there was a huge fire. .

Around the fire, there were black apes full of brain apes, as if a grand ceremony was being held.

And among the firewood as fuelwood are thousands of stone statues!

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