Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Outlaw

Wuzhiqi felt a little weird just now, but he never understood why it was weird. Hearing this, he suddenly reacted.

Zoos were once a paradise for human beings, but for apes, it is definitely a prison without freedom, a **** of hatred.

How could Kuafu go to such a place to relax!

This is telling them that he has been imprisoned and lost his freedom!

A group of apes immediately began to gather, the horses neighed, the apes roared, and chased in the direction of the armored vehicle!

The ape cavalry all looked solemn at this time.

It has been more than half an hour since the armored vehicle left, and now they only hope that the other party’s armored vehicle breaks down on the way as before.

After all, the speed of a warhorse is also very fast, but it cannot be compared with a tireless machine.

The speed of the cavalry is about 50 kilometers per hour, and the one-time trip is only 80 to 100 kilometers at most.

However, the maximum speed of the Defender-3 armored vehicle has reached 100 kilometers per hour, and it can travel continuously for 500 kilometers!

At this time, all the ape cavalry soldiers were annoyed in their hearts, especially Wuzhiqi, who didn’t understand the deep meaning of Kuafu’s words at all!

If Kuafu really did something wrong, he would never be able to forgive himself.

In the armored car, Shen Feng had already left Huicheng with Kuafu far behind. After rushing in the wilderness for a while, he turned on a highway and ran wildly in the direction of the capital.

He was not moving at full speed, after all, there were two horses behind the armored vehicle.

If anything goes wrong with the armored car engine again, these two horses are his way back.

Fortunately, there are armored vehicles driving the road ahead, and there are basically no obstacles where they pass, which also makes the two horses go much faster.

After getting on the highway, the traces of the armored vehicles will be much lighter, and it is difficult to be traced.

“Where are you going?” Kuafu asked. At this time, his expression relaxed and he was very interested in Shen Feng.

After all, this was the first human he encountered after the large-scale outbreak of stone statue disease, and this human being was completely different from what he had imagined, and seemed to have always had a purpose.

Judging from the expression and behavior of this human boy, it doesn’t look like he has just been transformed into a human being from a stone statue.

Shen Feng didn’t hide it from the other party, and said lightly while driving: “Go to the capital.”

Since just now, he has been feeling a faint headache, as if something is cracking inside.

Could it be that stone statue disease is getting worse?

He must move faster!

At this moment, he suddenly saw something, he couldn’t help but let out a “Huh” sound and stopped suddenly.

Kuafu was also a little confused by the other party’s actions, and quickly looked outside.

Shen Feng found another rope to tie Kuafu tightly, then opened the hatch and walked out.

Next to the armored vehicle is the rear bucket of a large truck, the front of which has disappeared.

Although the tires are a little flat, they still look usable. The tires of such large trucks are generally semi-solid tires.

Shen Feng immediately found a few steel cables, tied the hanging bucket to the armored vehicle, and then built a **** with several iron plates on the door, and led the two horses up.

After closing the door of the bucket carriage, Shen Feng returned to the armored vehicle again and started the vehicle.

This time, full speed ahead!

Pulling two horses directly, the speed immediately increased a lot and began to rush on the highway.

After seeing this scene, Kuafu’s face became more gloomy.

In this way, the ape cavalrymen want to catch up with this armored vehicle by relying on their war horses alone, which is nothing more than an idiot’s dream.

“Are you trying to find a solution to stone statue disease? Rescue these human beings who have turned into stone statues? Or just treat your own stone statue disease? I can see that you have been infected with stone statue disease.”

Kua Fu looked at Shen Feng’s slightly stiff hand and said slowly.

Shen Feng did not answer his question, but suddenly asked:

“You can speak fluently? Why did you pretend you couldn’t use the language before?”

Kuafu was stunned for a moment, and then said meaningfully:

“I just don’t want to behave too much like a human in my family. Even if I am a wise man in the ape family, I can’t stop the suspicion in every ape. This may be a common problem of primates…”

Shen Feng nodded, suddenly felt a severe headache, as if his head was about to explode, he quickly raised his hand and pressed his forehead, his eyes were round, and he almost fainted.

Fortunately, the pain was fleeting, and then Shen Feng shook his head suddenly, took a deep breath, and faintly felt a tingling coming from his head.

At the same time, he felt that his mind seemed to be a lot more awake than before, even more awake than he had just woken up from a long sleep!

Various things quickly poured out of his mind, “Report on the Construction Approval of the Solar Auxiliary Power Supply System of Qicheng Epidemic Prevention Center”, various notes and diaries of stone statues, various newspapers and magazines reports on stone statues, Various technical reports on lithotripsy virus testing, etc. etc.

In the beginning, what he saw after he came to this world quickly turned into a lot of information deep in his memory.

In addition to the things he usually learned in school, there are all kinds of knowledge and information that he accidentally saw, and even a lot of information that he just glanced at before became vivid and clear in an instant. !

How is this going! ?

Shen Feng widened his eyes, feeling as if he had become an information processor.

After about ten seconds, this feeling finally disappeared, but the shock on Shen Feng’s face was hard to hide.

Seeing this scene, Kuafu’s eyes became sharp and he slowly asked:

“You…injected the last Pangu potion?”

By the way, the pangu virus potion!

Shen Feng suddenly realized that this must be the effect of the Pangu virus!

Before, he thought that the thing had expired and was useless, but now it seems that the attack needs a process.

He only felt as if his brain had just been washed with cool oil, and his spirit was extremely light, as if it was about to And the faint pain was still with him, as if reminding him that his brain would split again at any time.

Just don’t know if there are any side effects?

Shen Feng did not answer Kuafu’s question, but glanced at him and turned on the music player.

Music may be able to ease that constant pain.

The song “Desperados” of the Longitudinal Line immediately came from the player, floating on the highway:

“…Let’s go, don’t ask where the road is

Toward the wind is the only way

I’m leaving, I don’t want to ask where the road is

What is the level of fate

When the car rumbles and the dream begins to labor

It swept up the wind and re-sculpted every face

The night fog is so thick and open

There is a hunch that the end of the road is a labyrinth…”

In the sound of music, the chaotic information was quickly summarized and integrated in Shen Feng’s mind, just like the changes that were taking place in his brain.

Seeing that Shen Feng ignored him, Kuafu no longer asked, but gradually immersed himself in the music.

At this time, he suddenly discovered that among the heritage of mankind, there are many good things that he has not had time to discover.

such as music.

The music drifted, the engine roared, and one man and one ape were silent.

Almost two hours later, the armored vehicle’s engine finally made a bang, and the problem caused by the use of spoiled fuel broke out again, and the engine was blocked.

The speed of the armored vehicle quickly slowed down, and it finally became difficult to move forward.

Shen Feng put on his backpack, held a shotgun, and led Kuafu out of the car compartment, pulling the two war horses down from the back of the car.

The next journey will depend on these two horses.

One man and one ape turned on their horses and galloped towards the wilderness.

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