Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 31

Chapter 31: My World

Shen Feng was startled, he rolled over and got out of bed, but was immediately hurt by something and almost stabbed his foot.

A huge golden brick was placed on the ground, shining with gold.

Next to the gold brick, there is a mobile hard disk.

Looking at the wrist again, the black metal bracelet was shining brightly, as if telling something.

Everything that happened in the stone statue apocalypse before is true!

Not a dream!

He also found at this time that he didn’t even have any clothes on his body, and the clothes he originally wore in the end of the stone statue had disappeared.

In the next instant, a sharp pain in the chest and abdomen came, Shen Feng was sweating coldly from the pain, and bent down.

His body was still covered with large and small wounds, which had not healed completely.

Basically, it is the wound that was hit with petrified skin hard steel bullets when the eruption occurred after the injection.

Fortunately, all minor injuries.

Shen Feng hurriedly found gauze and alcohol in the room, and simply bandaged himself.

“Wang…wang…” A weak cry came from under the bed, and the golden retriever staggered out and rubbed against Shen Feng’s feet.

Shen Feng quickly crouched down and picked up the golden retriever, and immediately felt the weakness of the other party.

Golden Retriever’s injury is also not very good.

Take it to the hospital immediately.

Shen Feng didn’t care about anything else, he simply tidied up the house, covered the girl’s stone statue and gold bricks with a quilt, picked up the bank card, and rushed out of the rental house with the golden hair in his arms.

Fortunately, there was a pet hospital not far from his home. Shen Feng sent the weak Golden Retriever in for a checkup and found that there was no serious injury, so he was relieved.

“Young man, what did you do? Since you have to take good care of it, why is your whole body hurt?” said the doctor who injected the golden retriever with a frown.

Shen Feng was stunned for a moment and explained: “It was wandering alone in the wilderness before, and it only followed me yesterday.”

The little nurse next to him couldn’t help laughing:

“Still wandering in the wilderness, this is too middle-class… But if you can adopt it, it shows that you are… a good person…”

As he said that, he raised his head and peeked at Shen Feng, his cheeks slightly red.

This young man’s eyes are full of maturity that is not commensurate with his age, he is sharp and clear, his long hair is casually draped behind him, and the lines of his body are also very obvious. Looking at the distance, he seems to be a little melancholy and confused. Is he an art student?

Smell so good…

Naturally, Shen Feng didn’t know what the little nurse was thinking. Looking at the street with people coming and going outside, he just felt like a world away.

Almost a month has passed. It is estimated that familiar teachers and classmates, as well as Brother Hai, should be in a hurry to find him, and maybe they have already called the police.

He asked casually, “What day is it now?”

The little nurse next to him was taken aback and said, “July 23rd…”

Then he added another sentence: “It’s already mid-morning, the weather is very hot, little brother, you have to pay attention to heatstroke prevention… Which school do you go to and how old are you?”

This little nurse was only twenty years old, but in front of Shen Feng, she already considered herself a sister.

July 23rd! ?

one day! ?

Shen Feng clearly remembered that the day he entered the end of the stone statue should be July 22!

He spent a month in the end of the stone statue, and only spent one night in this world?

It may even be just a moment in this world!

What exactly is going on?

Is it a matter of the flow of time in parallel universes, or can the “real doomsday game” control the cut-in time?

Shen Feng shook his head, not thinking about it for the time being.

The principle of this must be as mysterious as the origin of the “real doomsday game”, and it is not something he can master now.

His own world was not affected at all, which is a good thing.

Otherwise, he would have to explain to others where he went, and maybe he would be caught as a neuropathy and put in the hospital.

The little nurse didn’t give up at this time, and continued to ask Shen Feng: “Little brother, have you already gone to college? You are so mature, do you have time in the afternoon?”

Shen Feng turned his head and looked at this cute little nurse, and said righteously:

“Miss, I’m still a minor, you’ll break the law! Xiao Jin asks you first, I’m going to school.”

After speaking, he turned around and pushed the door and walked out, leaving several doctors and nurses in the pet hospital to look at each other, then burst into laughter, making fun of the little nurse.

Shen Feng left the veterinary hospital and returned to the rental house. He first stripped himself off and began to examine his body in front of the mirror.

After injecting so many medicines, the changes in his body are really terrifying. Although he is back to normal now, he has to check if there is anything wrong.

Fortunately, except for the various scars on the surface of the body, everything is still normal. It seems that the mutant state needs to be stimulated before it can appear.

After taking a good bath and relaxing, Shen Feng picked up the girl’s stone statue and placed it beside the desk.

There is no time to study this stone statue for the time being, and it must be considered in the long run.

The gold brick made him feel a little awkward, so he had to hide under the bed first.

The mobile hard disk filled with various virus research materials was put away by him, ready to study slowly.

The hair was then cut short with scissors, and although it was a little untidy, it was still neat and tidy.

Shen Feng then carried the money and walked to the breakfast stall downstairs, ordered a large bowl of wontons, a large bowl of bean curd brains, half a catty of fried dough sticks, ate them all, and patted his stomach with satisfaction.


I haven’t eaten breakfast for almost a month, and I almost vomit when I eat barbecue biscuits every day.

At this time, it was already bright, and there were more people on the street. Shen Feng got up after checking out, went to a mobile phone store to buy a mobile phone, and walked towards the school.

The original Xiaopo Mi mobile phone was transformed into a bracelet, so that he had no mobile phone to use.

Along the way, Shen Feng was not used to the world of people coming and going. Whenever there was trouble, including someone honking his whistle, he would be on high alert, for fear that a wild beast would come out from somewhere.

After all, he has been fighting in the wilderness for the past month, and his whole person is completely different.

It was not until he reached the school gate that he gradually returned to normal.

Familiar classmates are coming one after another, greeting Shen Feng from time to time, apparently not paying attention to Shen Feng’s changes.

On the other hand, some girls who usually don’t pay much attention to Shen Feng, suddenly felt that this young man was slender, with wheat-colored skin, sharp eyes, and angular face.

Why didn’t you find it before?

“Shen Feng!” At this moment, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded, and Li Chang rushed over from the side of the school gate with a group of people, blocking Shen Feng’s way.

“Can’t you run away? Don’t come to school if you have one!” Li Chang led people to surround Shen Feng and said with a sneer, “Last time four people couldn’t beat you, this time I brought eight !”

Shen Feng was stunned for a moment, with a confused expression on his face, and asked, “Who are you… who are you from?” It took too long to remember.

Li Chang was furious and scolded: “I’m Li Chang! Don’t **** pretend to be stupid for me!”

“Oh!” Shen Feng suddenly realized, “Li Chang of the male thief Li Chang!”

“You’re still stubborn when you’re about to die!” Li Chang said, “I beat you today. Even if you call the police, I’ll beat you first!”

“Call the police? Why call the police?” Shen Feng scratched his head and said with a sincere face: “Let’s just say, no one can call the police.”

“Haha, boy, that’s what you said! Come to the back door of the school with Lao Tzu!” Li Chang said excitedly.

He got up early today and ran to block Shen Feng. What he was most worried about was that this kid got his brains and ran to the police, but he didn’t expect that the other party would stupidly set such a rule by himself.

“Let’s go.” Shen Feng nodded.

…Half an hour later, a small alley at the back door of the school.

“Brother, brother, woohoo, I was wrong, I was the male thief Li Chang, I was really wrong, please stop beating…” Li Chang, who had been beaten into a pig’s head, knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

The seven thugs he called were all kneeling there in a row, all with bruised noses and swollen with tears in the corners of their eyes.

I bully and bully people every day, but I didn’t expect to encounter a tough stubble today.

As soon as they arrived at the small alley, before they could react, that Shen Feng slapped each of them in an instant, slapped them all in a flash, and before they could react, the fists and feet added together.

That Shen Feng’s speed was too fast, one person surrounded the eight of them, and they couldn’t even run if they wanted to!

They were beaten for half an hour in this way, and finally the school bell rang to save them.

Shen Feng twisted his neck, smacking his lips with a look of contempt.

These **** middle school students are far worse than the orangutans.

These people don’t know how to bully their classmates every day, and I can teach them a lesson today to relieve their boredom.

Moreover, he had been fighting in the apocalypse of the stone statue before, but he stopped fighting after suddenly coming back, which made him a little uncomfortable.

“If you dare to bully your classmates to extort money in the future, you’ll just strip off your clothes and go to school for ten laps, do you hear that?” Shen Feng said in a dull tone.

“Yes, Brother Feng’s lesson is right. What we did in the past really failed the expectations of teachers and parents. I regret it so much!”

“Brother Feng’s education helped me find my way back and saved my future!”

“Brother Feng, thank you!”

Shen Feng rolled his eyes, these guys still have a set, it seems that they haven’t played enough.

At this moment, the voice of the morning news came from the house next to the alley:

“…The Ice Dragon Scientific Expedition Team made a major breakthrough in the Arctic expedition, and successfully salvaged a prehistoric human stone statue under the Arctic ice sheet of 1,000 meters…”

Shen Feng stood up abruptly!

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