Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 35

Chapter 35: Rose Earth

A Geiger counter is a counting instrument that specifically detects the intensity of ionizing radiation (alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays and X-rays).

This thing uses a gas-filled tube or a small chamber as a probe. When the voltage applied to the probe reaches a certain range, each ionization of the ray in the tube produces a pair of ions, which can be amplified to generate an electric pulse of the same size and be connected to the electronic device. Record, thus measure the number of rays per unit time.

The screeching siren of the buzzer ripped through the darkness, making people tremble.

Shen Feng looked at the Geiger counter in his hand, and a number was displayed on the screen: 5000.

5000 millisieverts per hour.


Shen Feng’s hand holding the Geiger counter trembled, and his legs were a little soft.

From a health perspective, the maximum amount of radiation a person can withstand per year is 1 millisievert.

A single X-ray only accumulates 0.1 millisievert of radiation, and now, the amount of radiation outside the heavy radiation protection suit is 5000 millisieverts per hour!

If you are exposed to this environment, you can eat five thousand times the usual amount of radiation every hour, tens of millions of times more than usual, and almost immediately the skin and internal organs will fester, and the whole body will bleed and die.

Turned into a lump of rotten meat.

If it wasn’t for the fact that he finally understood the reminder of the “real doomsday game” and bought a heavy-duty radiation protection suit, it is estimated that life would be worse than death now, and it would be rotten into a ball.

The most terrifying thing about radiation is that it is an enemy you can’t see or touch. It can tear you apart in silence, and the death is extremely tragic!

This kind of shock even far exceeded the psychological shock that Shen Feng had when he saw the skinner for the first time.

Fortunately, after the previous battle of the stone statue in the end of the world, Shen Feng’s psychological quality has become much tougher.

Taking a deep breath, Shen Feng looked around and began to check his environment.

It was late at night, with half the moon hanging high in the sky, and the twinkling stars illuminating the earth.

It’s just that there is nothing around, only the endless Gobi wilderness.

The ground is not just sand, but a thin layer of rose-colored glass, which exudes a magnificent and charming brilliance against the backdrop of moonlight and starlight.

The place he was in seemed to be the bottom of a big pit, like a big glass bowl, quietly placed on the ground.

Beautiful and deadly.

This seems to be the heart of a nuclear explosion.

Shen Feng held the Geiger counter and walked out cautiously, for fear that the colored glaze on the ground would cut through his protective suit.

The sound of the glass being smashed, the heavy breathing in the protective suit, and the alarm sound of the Geiger counter buzzer were intertwined, strange and interesting.

Fortunately, as he continued to walk out, the value on the Geiger counter began to drop rapidly.

Four thousand…three thousand…two thousand…

Finally, when he reached the edge of the big pit and stepped out, the value of the Geiger counter became eight hundred.

But it’s still not safe here.

Shen Feng continued to walk towards the periphery, looking up, the wilderness was flat and there was nothing, only a few sparse strange trees with extremely hideous shapes in the extreme distance.

Shen Feng walked towards the distance step by step, listening to the sound from the Geiger counter, and gradually frowned.

He has been walking for more than three hours, and the surrounding scenery has hardly changed. It is still the same desert, but occasionally he can see the bones buried by the wind and sand.

Some of these bones belong to humans, and some belong to animals. I don’t know if they are poor people who died after accidentally entering the high-intensity radiation area.

At this time, he didn’t see any city ruins at all, not even an ordinary building ruins, so he couldn’t judge what happened in this world at all.

The radiation from a small-yield nuclear explosion dissipates quickly, but that’s airburst radiation.

Once the nuclear bomb is grounded and exploded, it will cause extremely serious radiation pollution to the ground soil and water sources, especially the radioactivity brought by the megaton-level high-yield nuclear bomb, which is enough to last for tens of thousands of years.

If in the nuclear war that broke out in this world, all the nuclear bombs exploded on the ground, then maybe everything has been polluted, and human beings have been completely wiped out.

Don’t say anything about the ape family, even if the Transformers come, they will be blown up by the radiation on this dead planet.

Hopefully it won’t be the worst case scenario…

Shen Feng was full of worries.

Fortunately, after he walked for four or five hours, the sound of the Geiger counter finally became much smaller, and the value above became 200, and it was still decreasing.

Shen Feng heaved a sigh of relief, it seemed that the worst had not happened.

At this time, the oxygen cylinder inside the heavy radiation protection suit was almost used up, and there was less than an hour of oxygen left.

Shen Feng took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and began to imagine the scene of being chased and killed, as well as various tragic scenes.

After a few seconds, he suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils had become feline-like vertical, and the muscles of his whole body had bulged a lot.

Then the whole person rushed forward suddenly, like an arrow off the string, rushing towards the distance!

At this time, his speed far exceeded the running speed of ordinary people, which was comparable to that of vehicles.

After running wild for half an hour, the value on Geiger’s counter finally dropped rapidly, to below 10 microsieverts, but Shen Feng did not stop, but continued to run wildly.

Finally, a ruined town appeared in his field of vision, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

And the buzzer of the Geiger counter gradually stopped beeping, and the value above had fallen below 1, and soon returned to zero.

Then Shen Feng stopped abruptly, threw his backpack aside, checked it with the Geiger counter, and found that there was no problem, and then he was relieved.

Then he opened the backpack, took out a prepared bottle of radiation contamination cleaning potion from it, and just poured it on the outside of the protective suit and began to wash it hard.

After the bottle of cleaning potion was all poured out, Shen Feng directly threw himself into a sand pit next to him and started rubbing it, as if he was taking a sand bath.

After tossing for a while, he began to quickly take off the heavy radiation protection suit. After getting out of it, he picked up the quantum backpack and began to flee wildly towards the ruins of the town in the distance without looking back.

After passing through the heavily radiation-contaminated area just now, the outer layer of the protective suit and the Geiger counter were already contaminated with radiation, and it was no longer necessary.

Even if you stay for a long time, it is estimated that you will be irradiated.

While running, Shen Feng took out a Geiger counter and stared at the values on it.

After more than half an hour, he came to the ruins of the dilapidated town and breathed a sigh of relief.

There is no radiation here.

To be honest, he was really scared by the ultra-high-intensity radiation just now.

And this thing seriously affects reproductive ability, he is still underage!

The ruins of this town are really just a ruin. There are only some broken walls half-buried by yellow sand, and there are no traces of human activities at all.

Even the things in those buildings have been emptied long ago, and there is nothing left.

Shen Feng finally found a fairly complete three-story building, climbed along the fairly solid load-bearing wall to the roof, and found an open space on the roof full of big holes to lie down.

I haven’t slept at all tonight, and I’ve been running all night in fear. I’m really tired.

“The player has successfully entered the end of the nuclear war wasteland, which is a world of mass extinction caused by global nuclear war. Game tasks: 1. Find the cause of the global thermonuclear war. 2. Find the nuclear weapons control procedures of the three major powers before the war. 3. Obtain a residual nuclear warhead. 4. Be alert to the hazards caused by radiation and avoid death.”

Glancing at the game tasks on the bracelet, Shen Feng looked at the stars in the sky and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, the sound of running, mixed with shouts, woke Shen Feng from his sleep!

He hurriedly climbed to the edge of the roof, took out the binoculars and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw two people riding two horses, chasing a running man!

These people were all dressed in rags and looked like they were begging for food, but they were holding sharp long knives in their hands!

And the person being chased had his knees bent backwards!

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