Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 437

Chapter 427: A Speck Of Dust

Ever since Shen Feng’s beastly war between Earth and World Beasts, he has been causing trauma to those World Beasts. The cannonballs and kinetic energy bombs have long been full of nanomachine clusters.

Even every time the sword is cut, nano-machine clusters will remain in the wounds of the world beasts, constantly devouring the flesh and blood of these giant beasts, and at the same time following the circulatory system of the world beasts all over their bodies.

At the beginning, this erosion was only slow and subtle, and the first attack was on the nervous system. When the world beasts could not feel the pain, they completely destroyed their nervous systems.

Then based on that, a little bit of erosion and swallowing.

Due to the strong electromagnetic environment in the world beast, this process takes a long time until the number of nanomechanical worms exceeds a certain critical point.

This is also the reason why Shen Feng has not completely summoned the gray tide until now.

He was waiting, waiting for the right moment.

In the surrounding meteorite belt, a large number of giant meteorites have long since become the nests of nano-mechanical insects.

The violent gray tide wriggled and rolled in space, gradually connecting into one piece, wrapping up the surrounding airspace, and then falling towards the beast ancestor.

The original beast ancestor’s body that was thousands of kilometers long also became a trapped beast in a cage in front of this endless gray tide.

Most of the World Beasts near the Beast Ancestor were swallowed up by the surging gray tide from their bodies, turning into silver World Beasts, or fighting and rolling with the healthy World Beasts around them, or rushing directly to the Beast Ancestor. The Beast Ancestor has launched an attack!

At the same time, on the surface of Beast Ancestor’s body, silver spots began to emerge from everywhere, gradually spreading to other parts of the body.

It’s a cluster of nanomachines attached to the surface of its body during the battle just now!

Hundreds of thousands of macro-electron energy groups suddenly spewed out of the beast ancestor’s mouth, slamming into the assimilated world beasts. At the same time, violent arcs appeared on the surface of the body, and the powerful electromagnetic pulse field spread throughout the body and spread to the surrounding.

The violent electromagnetic pulse and current swept across, and the gray tide on the surface of the ancestor of the beast immediately subsided a lot, but it was not completely killed.

After all, these nano-machine clusters have absorbed animal gold, evolved, and their vitality has been greatly enhanced.

“Despicable human beings! A trap! This is a trap!” The ancestor of the beast roared through the radio waves, venting his anger, and at the same time turned around and spit out macro-electronic energy **** that slammed into the gray tide that was gradually closing around him, trying to open it. A gap escapes here.

The gray tide that was hit by the macro electron energy ball immediately burst open one after another, and the gray tide that was close to closing became riddled with holes, like a piece of rags.

It’s just that.

Although some gray tides were directly vaporized by the energy **** on the spot, the surrounding gray tides immediately replenished and filled the previous loopholes.

At the same time, in the periphery of the meteorite belt, more and more huge meteorites are being swallowed by the nano-machine cluster, transformed into a part of the gray tide, and shrouded in the beast ancestors.

What makes the beast ancestors more distressing is that at this time, those ordinary world beasts are more and more contaminated by nano-machine clusters, and are gradually completely swallowed up, turning into silver metal currents, and then coercing around the same kind.

In the face of these pervasive nano-machine bugs like germs, the huge world beasts have no way to do anything.

Originally, the ionosphere on the surface of their bodies was a natural barrier, but it had little effect on these nano-mechanical insects combined with animal gold elements.

Once possessed by the nano-machine cluster, it immediately begins to suffer from pervasive erosion, until the whole body is completely swallowed and assimilated, and it is completely dead!

The world beasts, who were originally invincible, let out a painful wailing at this time, rolled and struggled in the air, and even beat their own bodies with their tentacles and legs, and even cut off pieces of flesh and blood, and even killed each other.

The green blood splashed out in space, and turned into a green liquid sphere suspended in the air in a low-gravity environment, which looked particularly poignant and eerie.

This crazy scene made Wuta and other human warriors stunned and couldn’t believe their eyes.

Originally, they thought that everything was over, and they had even made plans to die with the world beasts, but they didn’t expect that the twists and turns were just a snap of the commander-in-chief, and those world beasts collapsed!

The silver waves that appeared around completely shrouded the terrifying beast ancestor, making the existence that was like a demon from beginning to end panicked!

Although I don’t know what those silver waves are, they are obviously the backhand left by the commander-in-chief.

Could they… still win! ?

“Despicable humans, just some dust, you want to trap me? Dreaming!” The ancestor of the beast continued to shout wildly in the radio waves, and suddenly his whole body emitted a dazzling light, and there were arcs shining on the countless tentacles. Dancing to the surrounding gray tide.

With each swipe, the gray tide would be torn open, and then quickly closed again.

The Beast Ancestor did not rush out, but continued to wave his tentacles while spitting out more macro-electronic energy balls.

Seeing this scene, Shen Feng was still standing in the cockpit of the No. 0 armor, his eyes were cold and unmoved.

If the nanomachine clusters were so easy to deal with, he wouldn’t have taken so much trouble in the end of the Grey Tide.

What’s more, this is the gray tide after evolution that devoured the beast gold element.

Beast Ancestor kept tearing apart the layers of nanomechanical clusters above, only to find more gray tides layer upon layer. He could feel the strangeness and power of these things, so he didn’t dare to rush into them, but hesitating. And hesitation has caused more meteorites to be swallowed and assimilated, and more gray tides come overwhelmingly!

At this time, it finally understood that from beginning to end, perhaps since the young man fought it from the earth, the other party has already laid out a game.

Even the other party showed weakness and led him to the center of the meteorite belt for the last moment!

At this time, the surrounding gray tide has completely closed, forming a giant metal cocoon with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers, completely covering this space!

Even the light from the red supergiant star UY Scuti was blocked, and only the light of the ancestors illuminated the surroundings.

This is already a huge man-made celestial body.

Having had the experience of controlling the grey tide that once devoured the entire earth, Shen Feng was not too unfamiliar with this scene.

Immediately, I snapped my fingers again. Immediately, the huge gray tide around it began to become translucent, projecting the light from the red supergiant star in, and the concentrating properties of the interior instantly made everything bright like heaven!

From the inside, it seems that it is no longer a dark space, but a heaven of light suspended in the universe.

The nanomechanical clusters in the outer layer have accumulated more and more, and the entire gray tide has become thick and huge. The thickness of the outer layer has reached tens of kilometers, and it is still increasing!

The tentacles and limbs of the beast ancestor were beaten on the inner wall of the gray tide and could no longer tear the gray tide, leaving only a deep scratch, even before the tentacles had left before they were closed.

After reaching a certain number of levels, the power of the nano-machine cluster increases exponentially. In the meteorite belt with endless resources, it is enough to be called a complete monster.

This is even true for monsters like Beast Ancestor!

At this time, those ordinary world beasts have been swallowed up, and only a huge gray tide is suspended in the center of the giant cocoon, which quickly evolves into the same shape as the ancestor of the beast, but it is dozens of sizes smaller.

At this time, the beast ancestor finally realized that Shen Feng was the key to all of this, and stopped shouting and cursing. He turned around and spit out thousands of macro-electronic energy groups, blasting away the gray tide in front of him and rushing in the direction of Shen Feng. !

No matter what these weird gray tides are, as long as you kill that humble human being, everything can be reversed!

It still has a chance!

Seeing the huge monster that was launching a death charge, Shen Feng couldn’t help showing a contemptuous smile.

The wisdom formed spontaneously is indeed incomparable with the accumulation of civilizations that have evolved over countless years, and the beasts are still just beasts.

The cockpit of the No. 0 armor was opened, and Shen Feng, who had a layer of nanomechanical armor attached to the surface of his body, jumped out of it and levitated in the weightless sky.

Then he saw him raise a hand and aim at the whistling Beast Ancestor, and suddenly clenched his fist.

In the next, tens of kilometers of grey tide tentacles protruded from the surrounding silver cocoon, entangling the tentacles and legs of the ancestor like lightning!

The gigantic tentacle monster was firmly entangled in countless tentacles and hung in the air!

The ancestor of the beast roared and struggled, but it was completely unable to compete with the nano-machine cluster that was already half the size of the earth!

He never thought that the silver-gray dust that he didn’t notice at first would eventually accumulate to the size of a planet!

A speck of dust from the times fell on it, and it turned into a Mount Sumeru in a blink of an eye!

Immediately afterwards, the gray tide, which was almost one-tenth the size of the ancestor of the beast, had already wriggled in front of it. .

This group of gray tide finally came before the giant mouth of the beast ancestor, protruded tentacles, and drilled into its mouth…


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