Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 439

Chapter 429: Back To Earth

When they returned to the space wormhole that was hundreds of kilometers wide, everyone present seemed to be separated from each other.

Who would have thought that in less than a day, everything has been reversed.

Those world beasts that kept human beings living in the shadows, just vanished.

Even the beast ancestors that only appeared in nightmares have been completely destroyed, as if they never existed.

The tragic battle that was originally expected did not happen. Although the battle was fierce, it was relatively smoother under the Savior’s efforts to turn the tide.

So much so that until driving the super giant war armor to the space wormhole again, many people still have a sense of unreality in their dreams, and they don’t know if all this is true.

Maybe when they wake up from their dreams, they will return to those turbulent floating islands on the sea and continue to face the fear of the world beast?

Fortunately, when they saw the Savior, when they saw the back, all this confusion quickly dissipated.

That figure can give them endless power and make their hearts extremely firm.

At this time, most of the entire meteorite belt was assimilated by the nanomechanical clusters controlled by Shen Feng. There were so many meteorites here that the final size of the nanomechanical clusters formed far exceeded the size of the earth, and was still growing slowly.

This huge form was dispersed under the control of Shen Feng, so there was no strong gravitational interference.

Rao is so, the situation of the entire meteorite belt has also changed greatly.

From the outside, it looks like a super space station, no, maybe it’s more like a space city.

A large number of nano-machine clusters formed space factories under the control of Shen Feng and Jingwei, which were connected together and performed their respective duties.

Or it is used to decompose the corpse of the world beast to extract the beast gold, or to absorb the energy from the red supergiant star UY Scuti, or to become an energy resonator to establish a connection with the space wormhole, or as a biological laboratory to study the world beast evolution process.

Etc., etc.

It has completely turned into a space technology city.

And those human warriors from the water world earth have also become the managers of the entire space city under the guidance of Shen Feng, and carry out all aspects of learning and manipulation.

For Shen Feng, even if he wanted to rush back to Earth, he couldn’t go back for a while.

The space wormhole has been temporarily closed again, and he now needs the environment here as a good test site, so it will take a certain amount of time to accumulate.

The first thing to do is to understand the core of the quantum force field, and to master this force will be of great use in the future.

The second thing to do is to completely control the power of space wormholes, and it is best to master the technology of opening and closing space wormholes at any time.

This kind of technology is very important to the current Shen Feng and the entire human civilization.

With the two super artificial intelligences, Jingwei and Jingwei-2, Shen Feng didn’t need to worry too much about many things. It was enough to use his silicon-based brain to receive relevant information.

What he has to do is to look for wormhole generators in the star field near the space wormhole.

After all, maintaining such a giant wormhole requires a huge and stable energy output, and absorbing energy from the red supergiant star UY Scuti is the most convenient option.

A few days later, somewhere on the edge of the meteorite belt, a whizzing gray tide found a whole hollowed-out meteorite.

Inside this meteorite with a diameter of five kilometers is a huge energy absorption and transmission device.

Obviously also from the handwriting of the mastermind behind the scenes.

For Shen Feng, it doesn’t matter whether the culprit behind the scenes is the Whisperer or something else, the key is that the machine can work.

Time passed by day by day, dozens of days had passed in the blink of an eye, and it had been a month since I arrived in the UY Scuti star field.

All preparations are nearly complete, only the final technology to open the space wormhole is left.

“Xiaofeng, we have mastered the structure of the entire space wormhole. Although we can’t open the space wormhole directly out of thin air, we can do it with that machine… We have now mastered the mysteries of space folding and gravitational waves. After my precise deduction, it will take another 2,578 years and 23 days to completely master the wormhole opening technology, and even go directly to the parallel universe!” Jingwei has already controlled the nano-machine cluster to form She took on the appearance of a girl in a miniskirt, and said to Shen Feng excitedly.

Shen Feng tried his best to say happily, “Ahaha, wouldn’t that be very soon…”

It is estimated that he will not have time to rot clean by then.

“Yeah, hahaha, the harvest this time is really too big, the quantum configuration technology alone is too practical, and I didn’t expect that hybridization between different viruses can be done in this way, directly from the level of the gene chain. Adjusting, the combination of the two viruses can be ever-changing, tsk tsk, I remember watching a neon country animation called what is **** and what is the infection, it seems that a virus has been created and people are infected and then think…”

Shen Feng suddenly felt a tickling in his throat, he coughed loudly, and then said:

“Cough cough… Let’s start, let’s start! Everyone can’t wait to get back to Earth!”

When Jingwei heard the words, he immediately stopped talking and began to mobilize most of his performance to control the wormhole generator.

I saw that tens of thousands of meters in front of the huge wormhole with a diameter of 100 kilometers, a huge ring-shaped machine was suspended. This machine also had a diameter of more than ten kilometers and looked like an oversized particle. accelerator.

It is the wormhole generator.

A ray of light flickered, and somewhere in the distant red supergiant UY Scuti suddenly dimmed, and the wormhole generator also began to operate.

Without any optical path connection, the space wormhole began to emit blue light, lifted the blockade, and slowly opened!

Immediately afterwards, a cluster of nanomachines with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers stepped forward to block the space wormhole, completely covering the area, and then probing out pipes with a diameter of ten kilometers, extending to the remaining meteorites in the distance. bring.

After a while, a huge amount of sea water spewed out of the pipe, and the largest waterfall on earth was only a tap compared to these currents.

Because the space city built by the nanomachine cluster has been releasing heat and gas, this area has long ceased to be a vacuum environment below absolute zero, but has a relatively pleasant temperature.

After the huge amount of water spewed out, it immediately formed a spherical water mass in a low-gravity environment, and floated away again.

After leaving the confines of the space city, the water quickly condenses into ice meteors in a low-temperature vacuum, becoming part of a new meteorite belt.

According to Shen Feng and Jingwei’s calculations, when the World Beast went to Earth, it brought a large number of ice meteors with it, which also caused the Earth’s water level to rise abnormally.

If you want to restore the earth’s environment and restore the land to its original state, at least all the excess water must be drained and drained, so that the water level will drop to the position before the end of the world.

Looking at the rushing water, Wuta and other human warriors had mixed feelings in their hearts.

Originally, they had dreamed that one day the sea level of the earth would return to its original state, and human beings would be able to have a vast land and run freely.

This day is now…

It took about a week to drain the water. Fortunately, the space wormhole is huge enough. Otherwise, if it is a wormhole of more than ten meters, it is estimated that it will be no fun if you want to empty the excess water on the earth.

After all the preparations were completed, everyone who had been waiting on this side of the space wormhole for a long time immediately drove a super giant war armor into the wormhole, and as soon as they passed through, they completely left the UY Scutum star field. .

A large number of nano-machine clusters have also been brought over, and most of them are still here.

After the human beings completely the remaining nanomachine clusters immediately began to swallow and decompose the wormhole generator according to the established procedure, swallowing this huge machine completely, as if it had never existed. Same.

The huge space wormhole has no continuous energy support, and even the energy anchor point has completely disappeared, and it begins to shrink rapidly until it completely disappears and annihilates in space, as if nothing has happened, and all this has never existed. .

Subsequently, the magnificent space city also disintegrated, and the huge nano-machine cluster left in UY Scuti began to self-destruct and disintegrate according to the established procedure, turning into lifeless gray metal powder.

Unlike the original version of the nanomechanical worms, these gold-devouring nanomechanical worms remained in metallic form after self-destruction, and soon formed a gleaming silver dust belt at the location of the former meteorite belt.

Beyond that, only the red supergiant UY Scuti, still slowly expanding, hangs there, waiting for the day of ultimate death…


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