Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 449

Chapter 439: Through The Bering Strait

“Motherfucker!” In the vast ocean, Nick stood on the deck of the battleship that was about to sink, watching the mountain-like World Beast in the sea in front of him and uttered an unwilling curse.

Turning his head and looking behind him, the human fleet on the sea has long since been almost wiped out.

The ammunition depot was blown up, gradually sank into the sea, lost power, was torn to pieces by the world beast, and so on.

The commanders on these battleships are basically Salvation Army soldiers who entered the “Real Doomsday Game 1.0”, and they have suffered heavy losses at this time.

Many people have already sacrificed in the game missions and returned to the floating island market or the island at the birth point.

Since the news of the opening of the end-of-the-world mission in the water world, all the soldiers of the Salvation Army were very excited.

After all, the space wormhole on the bottom of the North Pacific Ocean has been expanding, and it is said that some giant monsters have passed through the wormhole and came to this world.

According to the calculation of the existing model, the space wormhole will continue to expand until all monsters can pass through the wormhole and come to the earth.

At that time, it is not only the issue of giant beasts attacking human cities, but the rising sea level of the overflowing seawater alone will be enough to destroy the existing human civilization.

It is precisely because of this that seeing the opening of the water world apocalypse quest, everyone understands that this is definitely because the commander has found a way to solve this problem, or if there is something that needs their help, they are allowed to enter the real doomsday game 1.0.

It’s just that no one thought that after coming to the game mission, they were faced with an endless fight with the world beast!

Although there are new weapons such as energy cannons, fusion reactors, and even super-giant war armors, humans still have no chance of winning in the battle against the world beasts.

If the super-giant war armor can be mass-produced by hundreds or thousands, there may be a possibility of victory, but this is simply beyond the existing human industrial production capacity.

The resources on earth are also not infinite.

Those giant fortress walls built next to coastal cities are also vulnerable in front of world beasts.

When it was discovered that the tentacles could not completely destroy the walls of these fortresses, the World Beast had completely destroyed these walls just by waving its sharp legs.

Offshore fortress defense plans and giant combat robot plans all failed.

Even the giant hydrogen bomb, the method of burning jade and stone, does not cause serious damage to the world beast.

Any conspiracy or conspiracy has no effect at all in the face of the absolute power gap.

If it wasn’t for the rebirth mode set in the game mission, whenever they died, they would be able to respawn in the floating island market that just appeared, and it is estimated that they would have been kicked out by the game system long ago.

“Boom!” With a loud noise, a super-giant war armor not far away exploded a huge fireball, and the ammunition depot exploded.

If Nick remembers correctly, it seems to be the war armor driven by Li Tongchen and Vasily’s group.

The war armor was pushed by the force of the explosion, shook violently a few times, and then fell down towards the battleship where Nick was.

Watching the shadow that covered the sky fall head-on, Nick couldn’t help but spit out the fragrance again: “Motherfuc…”

Then there was darkness in front of me, and I didn’t even feel the pain of death, and I lost consciousness.

In the last remaining consciousness, Nick understood that his body in the game should have been crushed into flesh, and then burned to **** by the explosive ammunition depot.

There was white light in front of him, and then the surrounding scene gradually changed from blur to clear. Nick got up and found himself in a dilapidated floating island market. Apart from a few companions who had also just been resurrected, there were only those thin NPCs in the game. The fishermen were looking at him.

Not far from the floating island market, is a super-giant war armor in a slightly damaged state, which is what the fishermen call the “holy corpse”.

Everything has to start all over again…

In the office of the Director of CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia, in the Eagle Country, Nick, sweating profusely, sat up from the “Stars” virtual reality cabin, took off his helmet, and touched the coffee cup beside him. He drank the iced coffee in one breath, lit a cigar, squinted his eyes and inhaled half of it, then put the still burning cigar in the ashtray beside him, and lay back in the “Stars” virtual reality cabin again. , wearing a helmet.

With a slight blink, the icon of “True Armageddon Game” was selected.

He still doesn’t believe it. The Salvation Army has completed such a difficult game mission. Is this water world mission really insoluble?

The undersea space wormhole in the North Pacific is still expanding, the real world is still waiting for them to find a solution to the problem, and they must solve this task in the game!

This is also the thought in the hearts of hundreds of thousands of Salvation Army soldiers around the world!

Perhaps the commander is still waiting for them to give an answer to save the world, they must not let the commander down!

At the same time, a small yacht is riding the wind and waves, crossing the Bering Strait at maximum speed.

This yacht originally belonged to a rich Russian oil merchant. It was docked in the port of Vladivostok and was equipped with the most advanced automatic control system in the world.

It’s just that the yacht’s automatic control system suddenly lost control a few days ago, and then disappeared into the vast sea at night.

After the rich Russian businessman called the police, he searched by satellite, but found no trace of the yacht at all, as if it had sunk on the bottom of the sea, or had never existed at all.

Evaporated under satellite surveillance.

At this time, the whole yacht was still moving steadily, and there was no one in the whole yacht, except for the boy standing on the deck.

“Xiaofeng, those soldiers of your Salvation Army are still fighting desperately in virtual reality. They don’t know how many waves they have died. They don’t know that no matter how hard they try, they can’t defeat the world beast with the current scientific and technological power of mankind. Isn’t it a bit cruel? Tsk tsk, I can’t stand it anymore.” A narrow female voice sounded on the boy’s chest, it was Jingwei’s voice.

Shen Feng smiled and said:

“This tempering in the spiritual world is nothing, you see, they have come up with a lot of fantastic ideas, this wormhole-black hole tactic is very good, and there is a way to create infectious diseases for the world beasts. , the proposal to quantify all mankind is also very good.”

In the water world mission of the real doomsday game 1.0, the soldiers of the Salvation Army are on the verge of death every day, and the human civilization has been restarted dozens of times after extinction. This extreme environment also makes all the soldiers of the Salvation Army live in a hurry. He came up with a lot of ideas that Shen Feng hadn’t thought of before.

This wormhole-black hole tactic is one of them. Specifically, it disrupts the energy stability of the submarine wormhole, allowing the energy to reverse the wormhole and collapse, and finally form a miniature black hole, swallowing all the ancestors and other world beasts. Inside the black hole singularity.

The only fly in the ointment of this plan is that the black hole singularity after the formation is uncontrollable, and it will soon be able to swallow up the surrounding world beasts, then the seabed where it is located, and then the entire earth.

If the wormhole-black hole strategy can be realized, eventually the entire earth and even the moon will be swallowed up, and of course human beings will be completely extinct.

Of course, in general, it is better to be directly compressed into flesh by a black hole than to be drowned a little by water.

At least it doesn’t hurt.

And then there’s the plan to quantify all of humanity.

Basically, through the core principle of the quantum force field, all human beings can enter the critical state of survival/death, that is, become a ghost of neither life nor death.

In this way, when facing the World Beast, there is no need to worry about problems such as submerged seawater, and they can survive directly on the bottom of the sea.

The bigger side effect is that no one has ever experienced the quantum state of non-life and non-death. In case of being observed by an observer like the World Beast, or even being stared at by a fish, it may collapse directly to a state of death, and all mankind will become extinct. .

Moreover, the quantum mode of the critical state of life and death is also difficult to affect the material world. In layman’s terms, it is to become a ghost-like existence, and there is still consciousness, but it cannot affect the material world.

In a word, it is basically some plans to perish together. Once some plans are implemented, before the world beasts drown the whole world, human beings may have already become extinct in advance.

“With all these plans, I thought your Salvation Army was the villain.” Jingwei said angrily.

It seems that human beings in this world are not very reliable, and she is an artificial intelligence who is worried about human civilization.

At this time, the yacht has passed through the Bering Strait and is gradually approaching the area where the submarine wormhole is located.

Due to the previous tragic naval battle, several human fleets were completely wiped out. This sea area has long been blocked as a restricted area, and no one will risk their lives to come here.

After escaping a few warships patrolling the perimeter, the yacht continued to move forward and came not far above the seabed wormhole.

On the sea at this time, a tentacle with a thickness of tens of meters was sticking out of the wormhole on the seabed, swaying and shaking on the sea surface, as if it was a naughty octopus.

However, in the eyes of humans, this shaking tentacle is a terrifying monster from the abyss of hell.

“It’s almost ready. If I die, remember to donate my house to… There seem to be few reliable foundations, so donate it to the government.” Shen Feng said while putting on his backpack.

Under his feet a cluster of nano-machines quickly swam around and wrapped around his body, forming a thick layer of nano-armor, strong and indestructible.

Jingwei, who had already controlled the nanomechanical double next to him, rolled his eyes and said:

“Donate a fart, if you die I’ll take refuge in the Whisperer and donate your house to the Purification Society.”

Shen Feng smiled and jumped into the sea. Beside him, Jingwei also jumped down.

The two swam towards the space wormhole on the seabed, like two swimming fish, and in front of them, on the deep seabed, a blue wormhole with a diameter of several hundred meters lay there quietly, with only one thick wormhole. Tentacles stick out from the other side of the wormhole.

On both sides of the wormhole under the sea, the gray tide army that has been waiting for a long time is showing a silver light, rushing towards the wormhole.

As if welcoming their king.


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