Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 451

Chapter 441: Beast Gold Sow

When facing the Beast Ancestor again, Shen Feng suddenly discovered that although he had killed the Beast Ancestor in the parallel universe, he still didn’t know the other party’s name.

After all, the name Beast Ancestor was coined by him and Jingwei for convenience, and this kind of intelligent life obviously still has its own name.

The violent electromagnetic waves spread to the depths of the meteorite belt ahead, searching for the location of the beast ancestors.

At this time, the ordinary world beasts that formed the beast group also found that something was wrong, and they all gathered around Shen Feng and the mechanical world beast.

Shen Feng was surrounded by beasts, but he didn’t care at all. Instead, he manipulated the nano-machine clusters that had turned into dust clouds and continued to spread toward this meteorite belt.

This nano-machine dust cloud is his home field.

“Come out! Otherwise, I will destroy the space wormhole and the wormhole generator, so that you can no longer travel to the distant earth!” Shen Feng continued to release electromagnetic signals.

This time, in the darkness in the depths of the distant meteorite belt, there was finally movement.

A violent electromagnetic wave roared towards him from the depths of the meteorite belt, full of angry messages:

“Who… is disturbing my rest? The Devourer will destroy all existences that dare to provoke!”

Hearing this, Shen Feng and Jingwei couldn’t help but look at each other and pouted.

This guy actually named himself a Devourer, and it doesn’t look like the culture is very vulgar.

A huge shadow knocked off the whistling meteorites and came towards Shen Feng.

Judging from the figure as huge as the moon, it is the beast ancestor!

The Beast Ancestor passed through the dust cloud composed of nano-machine clusters and brought thousands of meteorites that were knocked away to a place dozens of kilometers away from Shen Feng.

Rugged and mottled shell like an enlarged toad skin, countless giant tentacles dancing like snakes, rows of legs sharp enough to split an asteroid, and a huge mouth like a vortex of hell, And Jupiter’s Great Red Spot-like eyes.

Although he had seen it once and saw the beast ancestor again, Shen Feng could not help whistling.

This beast ancestor who calls himself the Devourer looks too much like a nightmare from the myth of human Cthulhu.

But this nightmare is about to be awakened by him.

The Devourer of Beast Ancestors also stared at Shen Feng and Jingwei with those huge eyes, the light of wisdom flashed in his eyes, there was a trace of doubt, but also anger and contempt.

It has already discovered that those who came to provoke it are the two insignificant creatures that are as insignificant as dust!

“The Devourer, right?” Shen Feng’s silicon-based brain continued: “Although you don’t know me yet, we are already very familiar with it. I have a suggestion, would you like to listen to it?”

“Humble dust, all you can get is death!” Devourer didn’t bother to waste time with Shen Feng, and countless huge tentacles shot out like lightning, rolling towards Shen Feng.

There are thick arcs on these tentacles, which are energy from UY Scuti, and the meteorites that they touch are directly blown into powder!

Thousands of world beasts are also rushing towards Shen Feng. For them, the will of the Devourer is an order!

Shen Feng shrugged his shoulders, he had long known that this would happen, and he snapped his fingers silently in the vacuum.

In the next instant, the world beasts that were swarming suddenly let out a painful howl, twisted all over, stopped in the void, and began to twist and struggle in place.

And the surrounding meteorites within hundreds of kilometers or even further began to burst into groups of stone chips, and then seemed to be contaminated with mercury, and gradually turned silver-gray!

The mechanical world beast composed of nanomechanical clusters next to Shen Feng directly decomposed into a huge nanomechanical cluster, and directly wrapped Shen Feng into it, forming a huge airbag.

Then, countless nanomechanical tentacles were protruded and stabbed into the bodies of thousands of world beasts around them, accelerating their transformation!

Although he didn’t understand what was going on, the Devourer’s tentacles accelerated again, and in a blink of an eye, they were already in front of Shen Feng, and the tentacles with electric arcs slapped the metal ball that wrapped Shen Feng fiercely.

This blow was extremely powerful, but it only knocked out the nanomachine cluster that wrapped Shen Feng, and even dragged the surrounding ordinary world beasts out.

The Devourer Beast ancestor was stunned for a moment, then rushed up again, countless tentacles formed a huge cage, connected up and down, directly shrouding Shen Feng in it.

“Small dust, I will throw you into the sun and turn you into ashes!” The Devourer’s evil thoughts appeared in Shen Feng’s mind with a violent electromagnetic storm.

At this moment, most of those world beasts have been assimilated by nanomachine clusters, and most of the surrounding meteorites have also turned silver-gray.

These massive nanomechanical clusters fuse and assimilate with each other, and in the blink of an eye, they form a huge silver-gray geometry that keeps squirming in space.

This thing has already reached a diameter of hundreds of kilometers from the beginning!

Shen Feng has been completely wrapped in these nano-machine clusters, as if driving a wave, watching the furious Devourers inside the nano-machine clusters.

More tentacles are constantly protruding, piercing deeply into the nearby meteorites and world beasts, and then rapidly assimilating.

Not enough, this is not enough, more is needed!

The ancestor of the beast also found something wrong with the strange object in front of him at this time, and immediately opened the huge spiral mouth and spit out a group of macro-electronic energy **** that slammed into Shen Feng’s nano-machine cluster!

The nanomechanical cluster suddenly changed its form, directly forming large holes, avoiding these macro electrons, and then continuing to fuse the surrounding meteorites while retreating.

This meteorite belt is simply an inexhaustible resource.

Devourer waved tentacles on the nano-machine cluster, but found that his tentacles seemed to fall into a piece of gelatinous substance.

The two huge celestial bodies with life were entangled while flying in the sky. Wherever they passed, the meteorites and ice crystals in the meteorite belt were smashed into pieces, and they flew straight in the direction of UY Scuti.

The size of the gray tide increases exponentially, and the more it fights, the stronger the sense of danger arises in the consciousness of the Devourer Beast Ancestor.

This disgusting cosmic sludge must be cleaned up ASAP!

A violent electromagnetic storm emerged from the surface of its body, and countless tentacles slammed into the gray tide, and huge macro electrons smashed the gray tide into holes like a piece of rags.

Get rid of this nasty guy soon!

The Devourer continued to wave his tentacles frantically, swimming in space, chasing after this silver-gray mud, as if two huge celestial bodies were chasing each other.

Suddenly, the gray tide in front of him stopped suddenly, and the Devourer was caught off guard and slammed into the gray tide, and even made its body flat.

At this time, it suddenly discovered that the surrounding meteorites had almost been emptied, and the gray tide had grown to several times its size!

Countless tentacles protruded from the gray had firmly bound its tentacles and legs, and before she knew it, it had been bound by the other party and could not break free at all!

At the same time, there is also a layer of silver-gray substance on the surface of its body, which seems to be constantly eroding its tissue structure and drilling into the body!

A huge face with a width of hundreds of kilometers emerged from the gray tide, it was Shen Feng’s face.

Looking at the tentacle monster that was already bound by tentacles in front of him, Shen Feng smiled and said:

“Now, I have a suggestion, do you want to listen to it?”

At the same time, a beautiful face emerged from the face of Shen Feng on the gray tide. It was Jingwei who had assimilated with the gray tide. Looking at the Devourer who had been bound by the five flowers in front of him, he said with some boredom:

“Stinky brother, don’t talk nonsense with this little octopus, and quickly explain it to it… In short, what we mean is, we suggest that you be the breeding machine of the earth’s civilization, responsible for the birth of the world’s beasts, and set a fertility index for you every year, only More or less, in the future you will be the beast-gold sow of Earth civilization.”

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