Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 474

Chapter 463: Reverse Dyson Sphere

The gray tide formed by the aggregation of nano-machine clusters continued to devour the buildings in the surrounding darkness and rose upwards.

The base, which was originally only a dozen meters in diameter, grew larger as it continued to be swallowed, and soon reached a diameter of 100 meters, twisting and twisting up, as if it was a silver metal tower.

The Haicheng library just now was completely wrapped by the gray tide in just ten seconds, and then swallowed and decomposed into a new nano-machine cluster.

A group of survivors who were still in the underground parking lot had been brought to the ground by the gray tide at this time, just above the base of the silver giant tower, staring blankly at the silver giant tower that was continuing to rise in front of them.

On the surface of this giant silver tower, there is a slight silver light emitting, so that they can see the shape of this thing.

They were completely unable to understand what was going on.

“Immortal So? Tower of Babel? Jack’s pea vine?” The leading man muttered to himself. Obviously, although he was in the dark end of the world, guarding a library, the man also read some books.

In his opinion, that mysterious outsider must have some kind of witchcraft, and the huge tower in front of him is the root of his witchcraft.

At this moment, Shen Feng stood aside holding the glowing ‘staff” composed of the core of the quantum force field, but his heart was happy.

Just now, after reading the incredible “history”, he suddenly realized that he had been thinking wrong all the time.

When he has the near-invincible gray tide and quantum force field core, he should not have been investigating step by step.

After all, the parties involved were no longer alive when the end of the world happened, and even if he really investigated, he couldn’t find any information.

Instead, it’s better to break it!

Whatever was on it, whatever blocked the sky, it was enough to swallow it all up with the grey tide.

The style of play from beginning to end is no longer suitable for him.

While swallowing the buildings in the entire sea city, the silver giant tower continues to rise. In a blink of an eye, it is already thousands of meters high, and it is still continuing to rise!

The roar of the nano-machine clusters twisting and rubbing against each other seems to be a dull thunder from the ground.

The gray tide continued to climb upwards, and the base was rapidly expanding, swallowing up several blocks in a blink of an eye, turning into a giant tower, as if leading to the legendary paradise.

The huge sound of the tower of gray tide rising into the air immediately alerted the quantum ghosts in the ruins of the surrounding cities, and saw a little blue light lit up from all over the city, and then one by one vaguely shaped quantum ghosts came from all over the city. Gathered at the place and came towards the direction of Haicheng Library.

If you look closely, there are at least hundreds of thousands.

At this time, the three girls had also woken up from hypnosis, but what appeared in front of them was such an unbelievable scene, and they immediately looked horrified.

Usually, even encountering an evil spirit is enough to wipe out their entire tribe. The evil spirits that appear in front of them have been able to slaughter them countless times.

At the same time, in many places in the ruins of the city, there were also human exclamations, but some survivors who had been hiding in the dark were attracted by the sound of the gray tide tower and left their hiding places. , but encountered some quantum ghosts, and was then hunted down.

At this time, the base of the entire Ash Tide Tower has a diameter of nearly a thousand meters and a height of nearly a hundred meters.

Shen Feng had already put on a helmet made of sacrificial metal, which was connected to the entire gray tide tower, and through the gray tide, he had a clear view of the ruins of the entire sea city.

With a cold snort, the backpack behind him was opened by the gray tide tentacles, and the quantum force field cores were taken out by these gray tide tentacles, and then the long metal tentacles protruded, carrying the quantum force field cores and rushed to the ruins of the city. place.

Those survivors who were evading the pursuit of the quantum ghosts saw a metal tentacle like a root winding from the ground, and a ball emitting a blue light was also rolled up, and then hit the evil ghosts hard. On the body, the evil ghost was smashed into pieces on the spot!

Then, before they could react, they were already wrapped around the body by the metal tentacles and dragged all the way to the front of the silver giant tower.

And here, some survivors like them have been sent here.

Individual human survivors were rescued and sent to the bottom of the Ashtide Tower.

Although they didn’t understand what happened, they also knew that those silver metal tentacles saved them, and for a while they gathered together at a loss, not knowing what to do.

At this time, Shen Feng didn’t care to pay attention to the emotions of these people. While separating out the tentacles of consciousness to rescue the survivors in the ruins of the city, he continued to control the rise of the Tower of Grey Tide.

Fortunately, he brought dozens of quantum force field cores this time, which was enough.

At this time, the Tower of Grey Tide has risen to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, but it has not touched anything yet, and all that can be touched is still air.

not enough…not enough…

Shen Feng’s expression froze, the tower of gray tide under him expanded again, and the huge base devoured and expanded towards the ruins of the entire sea city, as if a surging tide, engulfed block by block again in the blink of an eye.

Due to the continuous twisting and climbing, the gray tide itself released a strong kinetic energy, bringing the surface temperature increase and the subtle light, which is very eye-catching in this thick darkness.

Seen from a distance, the gray tide seems to be a giant python snake twisting upwards, flashing silver light in the darkness.

This scene touched the hearts of many survivors hidden in the dark. Although they didn’t understand what happened, they knew that something shocking must have happened.

fifty kilometers…one hundred kilometers…two hundred kilometers…five hundred kilometers…one thousand kilometers…one thousand five hundred kilometers…

The more the Ash Tide Tower rises, the more solemn Shen Feng’s expression becomes.

At this time, the height of the gray tide tower has exceeded the atmosphere, and it is about to approach the upper limit of low-earth orbit, but there is still nothing above.

There was no dust cloud covering the sky, and there was no obstruction in the atmosphere, as if everything was Shen Feng’s delusion.

Due to the distortion caused by the strong gravitational and centrifugal force of the earth itself, the tower base of the Ash Tide Tower has reached the size of half the ruins of the sea city at this time, but it still has a shaky feeling.

Is it not that the sky is being obscured by something, but that something is wrong with the sun?

But if that were the case, the earth would have turned into a big ice hockey because of the severe cold, and the natural environment must not be what it is now…

Keep going!

One thousand eight hundred kilometers…one thousand nine hundred kilometers…two thousand kilometers…two thousand one thousand kilometers…

Suddenly the ascending Ash Tide Tower shuddered suddenly and stopped instantly from the state of rapid ascent.

Shen Feng, who was closing his eyes to control the gray tide, suddenly opened his eyes, and a look of excitement flashed in his eyes.

found it…

The Ash Tide Tower, which was swaying and crumbling, now had a foundation on which it was anchored, and immediately stopped shaking and became much stronger.

Shen Feng looked up and saw that the Tower of Grey Tide was submerged into the darkness in the sky, as if it was a tower that reached the sky.

The original intention of nanomechanical technology was to build a space elevator, but this time it is somewhat similar to the original design purpose.

“An unknown man-made object has been found in low-Earth orbit, and the area is being measured. It is very likely to spread throughout the entire low-Earth orbit space.” Jingwei’s voice sounded, this time it was much more serious, “…This is probably a Dyson…”

Shen Feng also looked solemn, looked at the sky in the dark night, and said:

“Yes, it should be a reverse Dyson sphere.”

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