Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 486

Chapter 475: The Great Work Of The Savior

Yellowstone Park is a ‘super volcano” lying in the heart of North America. Its geological activity is intense. The underground magma contains a lot of silica, which can solidify a huge amount of explosive gas in the magma. Once the gas and magma solidify together, it will lead to Massive eruption.

Every sixty years or so is an eruption cycle for the Yellowstone supervolcano, and the current volcano is in the midst of an eruption cycle.

With the induction of a million-ton nuclear weapon, this super volcano has already started its violent eruption. The magma reservoir with a diameter of about 70 kilometers and a thickness of about 10 kilometers directly rushed out of the ground like a nuclear bomb, ejecting countless explosions. of volcanic ash and debris.

At the same time, a number of active volcanoes in the tropical island country also began to erupt explosively at this time, and the billowing magma turned those areas into a lava hell.

However, what Shen Feng wanted was not a volcanic eruption, but a high-intensity earthquake generated by the volcanic eruption!

Large earthquakes with an earthquake intensity of 9 or above began to appear in these areas, causing a large number of buildings in the remaining cities to collapse, crack the ground, and break bridges. It almost became a ruin in a few minutes.

The damage caused by the earthquake was even far greater than that of ordinary nuclear bombs. The shaking of the ground knocked the stone statues that would last almost forever to the ground, and then they were smashed by collapsed houses and various broken walls.

Although it is still unclear to what extent these stone statues must be destroyed in order to cause harm to the wills of hundreds of millions, but since they are to be destroyed, the more serious the better.

“Big earthquakes are continuing everywhere, Jakarta, Manila and other cities have been turned into ruins, and aftershocks will continue to appear. The vibration waves of earthquakes around the world should be felt here. According to preliminary statistics, these volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are about Destroyed… um, 300 million to 500 million stone statues, of which about 200 million to 300 million are deeply destroyed.” Jingwei’s voice came, the data samples in his hands are too few, and he can only give a rough estimate. .

Hearing this number, Shen Feng couldn’t help frowning.

It’s not enough, it’s not enough…

However, this is to be expected. After all, although human beings gather in big cities, they still live scattered around the world. If they want to destroy a billion stone statues at the same time, they must directly attack hundreds of cities.

What he needs is a nuclear strike on a global scale, and a massive volcanic earthquake on a global scale.

More nukes are needed.

Thinking of this, Shen Feng said to Kuafu:

“I need more nukes, are there enough nukes around?”

Although he still didn’t quite understand what the Savior was going to do, Kuafu thought for a moment and said:

“I once went on a hunting cruise in the south. On the way, I found several similar abandoned military bases. There are many … strategic nuclear weapons, but those places are relatively far away, and it takes several days to ride a horse.”

Jingwei’s voice came again:

“He’s right, satellite images show that there is a military base 400 kilometers to the south, and then to the west, there is a missile launch base about 1,000 kilometers away. There are many similar bases, but they are all in Hundreds of kilometers away.”

Shen Feng nodded and said to Kuafu:

“Very well, without further ado, let’s go now.”

Although he didn’t understand what the Savior was going to do, Kuafu didn’t hesitate at all, and immediately ordered loudly:

“Prepare your horse and move on!”

Shen Feng raised his hand to stop him and said:

“The distance is too far, and the horse’s maneuverability is insufficient. This time we are going to drive. It is enough for you to follow me. Leave a few guards behind and let the other apes go back.”

While speaking, Jingwei had already controlled the gray tide to repair several military jeeps in the military base, and injected the fuel that had been separated again.

The tires of these jeeps themselves have shrunk a lot, but at this time, they directly controlled the gray tide to inflate again, and at the same time bridged the gaps and cracks in the tires, and they were immediately intact.

The human figures evolved from the gray tide sat in the cab, activated the electronic devices on the car, and started the jeeps.

Seeing Shen Feng’s magic-like performance, Kuafu couldn’t help but smile in relief, turned around and said to the ape cavalry:

“Tooth, Grayface, Nutshell, you three stay, the other apes go back first, and I will follow the Savior to carry out the mission.”

The three ape cavalrymen who were called by Kuafu immediately smiled, and the rest looked at Shen Feng reluctantly, and followed Kuafu’s instructions to leave on their horses.

At the same time, Shen Feng opened the door of a jeep and sat in with Kua Fu. The engine of the vehicle roared, and a convoy of several jeeps rushed out of the Rocket Army base and headed for other missile launch bases. .

Feeling the strong roar of the engine and touching various items in the military jeep, Kuafu’s eyes flashed with envy.

Then he laughed at himself and said:

“Although we cerebral apes claim to be the heirs of human civilization, we can’t even repair a car. It’s really ashamed to say… It’s just a group of monkeys that walked into human society from the zoo.”

Shen Feng looked at the changing scenery outside the window and said:

“There is no need to belittle yourself. The main problem of the brain ape family is still limited by the number of groups. Two thousand brain apes cannot perform a fine social division of labor, and the existing resources are enough for your consumption. There are no natural enemies. With almost unlimited resources, no one wants to spend too much energy on something complicated.”

Kuafu nodded and said:

“What you said is, that’s why I desperately want to let the brain ape family reproduce… But this is just the wishful thinking of a monkey. The brain ape itself is not a race or civilization, it’s just a dream-like mutation… ”

Shen Feng also nodded in agreement.

It seems that the words he said before have taken root in Kuafu’s heart, making him really think about the future of the entire brain ape family.

To die with the title of a brain ape, or to live as a human…

Shen Feng looked up at the somewhat gloomy sky and said:

“But you have to understand that even if you become a human, you and your ape cavalry will also become my warriors. I have a big plan, and I have never told anyone else, but I can chat with you… whether it is human or brain Apes are just pawns of some higher existence. They regard the earth as their playground and battlefield. The existence of brain apes is just an accidental product of a game… Enough, I’ve had enough, maybe we These chess pieces should fight back and let these standard bearers understand that human civilization also has its own fangs and claws…”

Then he turned his head to look at Kuafu and continued:

“Once I completely master the time and space travel technology of the parallel universe, after the brain ape family becomes human, it will become a sharp blade in my hand, fighting those unknown worlds for me… Of course, together with other human warriors.”

Kuafu snuffed out the cigarette in his hand, sat up straight, nodded and said solemnly:

“I understand, Mr. Shen, the brain ape family must show enough value to have a reason to survive.”

Shen Feng leaned on the back seat, smiled lightly, and said:

“I think you have made a decision… But don’t be too hasty, everything will wait until I solve the enemy this time and survive… In addition, a large-scale super volcanic eruption will block the volcanic ash from the sun’s radiation, and the global temperature will decrease, Entering a Little Ice Age, the world may become less livable, so get ready to move.”

Kuafu smiled, and seemed to be infected by Shen Feng’s words, showing a heroic look again, and said with a loud laugh:

“Okay, Mr. Shen, to be honest, since the first time I heard the magnificent wonders of the parallel universe you mentioned, I can’t wait…”

As the patriarch of the Brain Ape Clan, he has been bound by the responsibility on his shoulders for too long. Once he thinks about it at this time, the pride in his heart can’t help but surge up again.

He was partial to this world, and he was full of curiosity and expectation for the world described by Shen Feng.

Even if there are big horrors behind those jeeps are much faster than war horses, and they don’t need to rest, they just need to find fuel all the way.

A few hours later, they had completely left the ruins of the capital and came to a new missile launch base.

The gray tide around Shen Feng immediately surged again, and he started the step-by-step process.

Detect, fix, start, launch.

One after another strategic nuclear missiles soared into the sky and flew to new ruins and locations from the city again.

Seoul, Karachi, Cairo, Istanbul, blah blah blah.

A **** of fire and radiation is about to take shape.

However, Shen Feng didn’t have time to rest at all, but got in the car again and headed for the next missile launch base.

He wouldn’t mind blowing up the entire planet if necessary and capable.

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