Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 49

Chapter 49: The Fibonacci Way

“Huh…” Shen Feng let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the worst did not happen.

Fortunately, it is not a high-intensity radiation environment above 1000 microsieverts.

Short-term exposure to a radiation environment of 100-500 microsieverts will cause continuous damage and reduction of white blood cells, but there will not be too serious immediate reactions.

As for whether it will induce potential cancers such as leukemia in the future, this can be considered later.

They must get out as soon as possible.

Shen Feng came to Yinghuo’s side, took a breath, and found that the other party just fell asleep.

Immediately patted her cheek, Yinghuo immediately opened her eyes and woke up.

“We are in the forest of death now!?” Yinghuo’s face was pale, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

Those who have survived in the wasteland for a long time all understand one thing, that is, they must not go to the cursed land.

The curse of the cursed land is far more terrifying than the most ferocious gangsters, and even those legendary barbarians who eat people can’t compare with the invisible curse.

Many times, people who enter the cursed land don’t even know what happened, and their whole body bleeds and festers until they die.

And the death is very tragic.

The Forest of Death is one of the more famous among the cursed places.

In addition to the invisible curse, it is said that there are some terrifying prehistoric monsters, and even terrifying barbarians, living in the corners of the dead forest.

Except for the mayor, no one has ever returned alive.

And when someone mentions the experience in the forest of death, the mayor is usually pale and doesn’t want to recall at all.

And now, they are here!

Shen Feng patted Yinghuo’s head to appease him, took out a bottle of iodine tablets from his backpack, and poured one to Yinghuo.

“What is this?” Looking at the small blue pill in his hand, Yinghuo asked suspiciously.

Shen Feng swallowed one by himself and said, “This is an iodine tablet, which can resist the… curse here to a certain extent.”

The radioactive iodine element in the radioactive dust can be directly absorbed by the human body, and after long-term accumulation, it will directly induce thyroid cancer.

By taking iodine tablets, the iodine element in the body can be saturated, and the radioactive iodine element will not be absorbed.

Hearing Shen Feng’s words, Yinghuo quickly swallowed the iodine tablet.

She didn’t know anything else, but she knew that Shen Feng, a foreigner, was full of good things!

Then Shen Feng took out two simple gas masks and two pairs of disposable gloves from his backpack, put on one for himself, and gave another one to Yinghuo.

He bought this thing directly on a certain treasure, and it is not the same as the heavy-duty tantalum nuclear radiation protection suit that was customized by a manufacturer before, but it is better than nothing, it is a psychological comfort.

“Let’s go, we have to get out of here as soon as possible.” Shen Feng said, holding the reform counter to explore the road ahead, Yinghuo heard the words and followed closely behind Shen Feng.

After they fell from the cliff, although they were not seriously injured, their noses and faces were bruised. At this time, they didn’t care about it at all, and just wanted to get out as soon as possible.

Shen Feng looked at the value of the reform counter in his hand, tried to avoid some high-intensity radioactive sources, and meandered towards the cliff.

“Why did the crow tribe arrest you?” Shen Feng suddenly asked coldly. When he was fleeing before, he vaguely heard the cry of that gray feather, and it seemed that he valued Yinghuo very much.

Yinghuo was stunned for a moment, and then stammered: “I…I don’t know… Maybe the leader of the crow tribe is a pervert and likes middle-aged women?”

Shen Feng narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

The place where they were at this time was about a few kilometers away from the cliff, but Shen Feng gave up after walking for more than half an hour.

On the way to the cliff, there is a belt of high-intensity radiation. The further you go there, the higher the value of the reform counter will be. Some radioactive sources can even reach more than 1,000 or even close to 2,000 microsieverts of radiation.

God knows if they were exposed to high-intensity radiation when they drifted over there.

There was no way out, so I had to go in the other direction.

Guided by the value of the Geiger counter, the two walked a tortuous path in the twisting and circling forest.

Yinghuo was shocked by the prestige of the forest of death before, but at this time, he gradually realized that there is nothing here, just a forest with a curse.

With Shen Feng’s “Curse Detector”, they could perfectly avoid areas with powerful curses and leave safely.

It’s just that the more he walked forward, the more solemn expression appeared on Shen Feng’s face.

The value of the Geiger counter shows that there is clearly a low-radiation path in this forest, but it is advancing in a spiral shape, which is very consistent with the Fibonacci curve.

When they reach the end, they will be the core of this forest!

This road seems to be man-made.

Moreover, Yinghuo’s mental state is very wrong, there seems to be an inexplicable excitement, the whole person runs and jumps, as if infected by the wildly shaped trees around.

Shen Feng calmly stepped forward and grabbed Yinghuo’s arm, only to feel the tentacles burning like a piece of charcoal.

She has a fever!

He found out the antipyretic and anti-inflammatory medicine from the backpack and gave it to Yinghuo. Shen Feng did not explain her situation, but continued to observe.

In addition to being excited, Yinghuo’s consciousness is very clear, and there is no change in the slightest. It seems that everything is normal, and it doesn’t look like a fever at all, which makes Shen Feng even more puzzled.

The time soon came to an end. They walked in circles for a long time in this forest and were completely tired, so they found a clearing and built a bonfire to prepare for a rest.

The value of the Geiger counter has been hovering around 300, and Shen Feng has automatically ignored this at this time.

Even cancer will last a few months and a few years, so let’s live for now.

Shen Feng had not brought many cans. At this time, there were a can of braised octopus and braised beef being heated on the fire, plus rice porridge in an enamel jar.

The aroma is overflowing, and the firefly’s saliva has already flowed The stomach is screaming in disappointment.

Looking at these things and the “magic” lighter that Shen Feng used to make the fire just now, Yinghuo couldn’t help but admire:

“Shen Feng, you are really amazing, I think you will live a long life, at least to the age of forty!”

Shen Feng laughed and said, “I thank you.” He took the food out of the fire and used the tin can as a lunch box.

Yinghuo didn’t care about the hot mouth, and immediately began to eat, and asked while eating:

“Do you really want to find the temple of the Great God Jingwei and destroy it? It is said that they all live in a curse, and mortals can’t find them at all.”

Shen Feng nodded and said:

“It has to be done.”

Yinghuo nodded understandingly and said, “Oh…”

Then he looked at Shen Feng’s bracelet and asked, “What is this?”

Shen Feng smiled slightly:

“This is something designed by some pervert. I don’t know if he is malicious or malicious, but he is much more difficult to deal with than the three great gods.”

“Is it so powerful…”

The two chatted while eating, and the shadow of radiation that had been pressing on Shen Feng’s heart was also diluted a lot.

Except for the weird and twisted trees in this forest, everything else is fine, not as terrifying as the legends.

Suddenly, Yinghuo looked at the smooth iron can lid in his hand and let out a “huh”.

“What’s wrong?” Shen Feng asked.

Yinghuo’s voice trembled a little: “Look at our reflection here, it seems… there are three heads…”

Shen Feng’s muscles tightened instantly, he pulled out the dagger from his waist, turned around abruptly, and stabbed into a **** mouth behind the two!

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