Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 498

Chapter 486: Obelisk

On the mountain where the doves are made, there are many pine trees, and there are birds, whose shape is like a black, with a written head, a white beak, and bare feet. She was the young girl of Emperor Yan, and her name was Nuwa. The girl swam in the East China Sea, drowned and did not return, so she was called Jingwei, and she often held the wood and stone of the West Mountain to hold her in the East China Sea. – “Shan Hai Jing Bei Shan Jing”

The name of Jingwei itself comes from Shanhaijing, and in the myths and legends of Shanhaijing, Jingwei itself was transformed from the daughter of Emperor Yan, Nvwa. This reduced version of the Jingwei copy program is named “Nvwa”. It is very appropriate.

Hearing Shen Feng’s order, the girl immediately replied:

“Follow the master, a detailed operation plan has been generated according to the blueprint you sent, please review.”

Shen Feng immediately opened the information he had just received, and a document called “Utopia Civilization Cultivation Plan” immediately appeared in his consciousness.

This is a plan on how to revive human civilization and inspire the rise of human survivors.

The whole plan is extremely detailed, even down to how the human survivors should dress and eat healthy and so on.

In general, it is divided into several parts:

1. The industrial and information society restart plan.

By re-operating various industrial and information-based equipment in the past, the entire human civilization can once again restore the material output of the past.

2. Population breeding plan.

Encourage fertility, vigorously develop test-tube babies, human cloning technology, and embryo genetic debugging technology, and increase the number and quality of the population in the shortest possible time.

3. Knowledge contest plan.

Through an appropriate reward and punishment mechanism, human beings will be motivated to study civilized knowledge and science and technology. The population with the strongest learning ability and creativity will be given priority in the supply of social resources and social honor, and the lazy will be punished until social death.

4. Thought Stamp Program.

Through deep hypnosis, the mind can be stenciled to all people, and if necessary, minimally invasive brain surgery can be performed on specific people, and a message can be engraved on all mankind:

The terrifying existence in the universe has been coveting the earth and human civilization. This world will still be attacked and face the danger of destruction at all times. Human beings must enter the space age as soon as possible and set off to the sea of stars to avoid all this.

After reading these detailed plans, Shen Feng nodded slightly, and revised some of the terms that were too strict, while also fine-tuning some of the terms that were too relaxed.

Then he ordered the girl:

“Immediately implement the “Utopia Civilization Cultivation Plan”.”

The girl sent the message confirming the order, and the conscious body separated from Shen Feng, and began to gradually control the entire reverse Dyson sphere and the global gray tide, and implement the plan that Shen Feng just made.

“Xiaofeng, doing this will completely deny the so-called individual right to choose and liberalism, and the human civilization in this world will also become an extension of your will. Are you sure you want to do this?” Jingwei’s slightly teasing voice came, ” Speaking of which, everything you are doing now has become the natural enemy of the liberal little bourgeoisie, but it is somewhat similar to some stigmatized human prophets.”

Shen Feng laughed and said:

“I always believe that an advanced social ideology should be based on the advanced level of productivity, which determines the development of human society. Continuously improving the overall productivity of society is the core driving force for human development. This is the consensus of our Industrial Party. As for other metaphysical things, in front of productivity, it’s nothing but vain… Well, let’s stop talking about it, we should go back.”

While speaking, the surrounding gray tide wriggled and opened a mouth, as if it was a giant beast spitting out treasures, spitting out a piece of black substance and standing in front of Shen Feng.

Shen Feng took a step forward, raised his hand and groped for the smooth surface of this thing, his eyes narrowed.

This is an obelisk.

After thoroughly mastering the reverse Dyson sphere, he used the power of the grey tide to search around the world and finally found this thing.

This black obelisk is made of a special metal. It is very light and extremely hard, even far exceeding the hardness of diamonds. It was dug up by humans in this world at the Wanhu Crater Site on the Moon. That obelisk.

The dense information engraved on the obelisk is the space wormhole technology mastered by the human beings in this world, and the set of position coordinates on it is the location of the wills of hundreds of millions of parallel universes.

It was because of this obelisk dug out of the ruins of the lunar crater that humans in this world opened Pandora’s Box and released terrifying billions of wills through the space wormhole, leading to the occurrence of the dark end of the world, and The loss of the entire human civilization.

Shen Feng carefully observed the obelisk and found that it was impossible to determine the elements that constituted the obelisk.

At the same time, the material of this thing is extremely dense, and it seems that it has been completely and closely arranged at the atomic level. Even the nano-mechanical insects cannot gnaw any gaps in this obelisk.

There is absolutely no way to speak.

This thing is far beyond the level of science and technology possessed by human beings, and it is not a human creation at all.

Shen Feng carefully observed the obelisk, and even took out a quantum force field core, wanting to directly penetrate the obelisk to see if there was anything inside.

In the end, it was found that this is just an obelisk made of special metal. Except for the special material and the dense information engraved on it, there are no other traps.

After doing all this and making sure that this thing is not dangerous, Shen Feng raised his hand and said to the “Real Doomsday Game” bracelet:

“The reason for the dark end of the world has been and all human survivors have been saved. Human civilization is in the process of recovering. The task has been completed. Apply for the task reward…I ask for the task reward to include cross-universe space wormhole technology.”

As soon as the voice fell, the light on the bracelet flickered, and a line of words was projected into the air:

“The task completion rating is… 99%, and the task reward will be issued soon:

1. Quest world space wormhole open permission, ten times.

2. The Quantum Ghost Principle.

3. “Working Substance-Free Spacecraft Propulsion Technology”.

4. “Small Controllable Fusion Reactor Technology”.

If the player’s request for reward exceeds the authority, it will be rejected by the system. ”

Hearing that his request was rejected, Shen Feng was not angry, but narrowed his eyes and walked to the window with a smile, looking at the vast space outside the reverse Dyson sphere.

There, a huge umbrella-shaped mechanical device was quietly suspended in space, silent.

This is the space wormhole generator that Shen Feng found using the reverse Dyson sphere.

Different from the previous space wormhole generator, this wormhole generator can penetrate the barrier between parallel universes and go directly to another universe.


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