Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 504

Chapter 492: Great Again

“I’m…where am I? What am I doing?”

John woke up from a semi-conscious state, and the darkness in front of him quickly dissipated, but what appeared in front of him was the scene in the Oval Office of the President.

The rosy-looking blond man was sitting behind the desk, looking at John with a kind smile.

Also looking at John was Mr. Meadows, the chief of staff who was standing at the desk and reporting to the president. With the same kind smile on his face, he looked like a spring breeze.

“Dear John, what’s the matter?” the gentleman asked like a gentleman, while praising Meadows: “John is a good boy, a hero from Afghanistan, and I trust him very much. ”

John’s mind was in chaos at this time, completely forgetting why he pushed open the door of the Oval Office, he couldn’t even remember when he came here, and how long he stood here.

Hearing the gentleman’s words, Meadows smiled and said:

“I admire the hero who served my country the most, Afghanistan, that’s the real hero… I have a friend who also came back from the Marine Corps in Afghanistan, but unfortunately has PTSD (War Traumatic Stress Syndrome), alas, poor Old George… by the way, John, did you hear something?”

Hearing this, John couldn’t help but shudder, and his heart was in his throat.

If he’s diagnosed with war-traumatic stress disorder, the job is completely over!

He hurriedly followed Meadows’ words and said:

“That’s right, Mr. Chief of Staff. I heard a little noise just now. It may be from another room. It’s fine. Please forgive my rudeness… I’m very sorry.”

The blond man with a warm smile showed a standardized smile, nodded and said:

“Good John, I’m proud of you, you’re just doing your job, no need to apologize.”

“Thank you, sir… and Mr. Chief of Staff.” John nodded again and again, closed the door, turned and stood at the door again, with a confused look on his face.

What happened just now?

Why can’t I remember why I pushed the door open… and it seems that there are other important things that he has completely forgotten…

what is it?

If there is really any PTSD, it will be troublesome … when you are on vacation, you must go to a psychiatrist to see …

Fentanyl can’t be eaten for now…

Fortunately, the two gentlemen did not say anything. Forgive my recklessness.

Thinking of this, John shook his head, trying to make himself more awake.

At the same time, a deep voice came from the headphones:

“Number 1, you left your post, what happened?”

John quickly took a deep breath and replied in a low voice:

“Eagle’s Nest, Eagle’s Nest, the situation has been lifted, repeat, the situation has been lifted.”

At the same time, the door to the Oval Office was opened again, and Meadows, the chief of staff, came out with his head held high, gave John a kind and encouraging smile when he passed by, and then strode away.

Inside the Oval Office, the middle-aged man who was left alone looked at his surroundings, raised his legs on the desk, leaned back with force, found a more comfortable posture, and said to himself:

“Jingwei, this chair is really comfortable, no wonder so many people want to sit.”

The TV next to it was automatically turned on, and a beautiful blonde girl with a slender figure appeared on the screen. She glanced left and right, and said to the middle-aged man in the seat:

“Hmph, you look like you’ve never seen the world, isn’t it just a chair, hurry up and fix the current international situation and drag the human society out of the whirlpool of the new Cold War… By the way, if I get a Western girl How about the stand-in? Do you like it? Actually, I think chocolate color is also good.”

After speaking, she shook her blond hair, jumped a few times, and turned into a tall black girl again.

The middle-aged man sitting in the chair pouted, took a document in his hand, glanced at it, and found that it was a document for the construction of a wall on the border between Eagle Country and Mexico. He nodded with satisfaction and made a big check mark on it.

Then I dragged another document, this time it was a document related to international diplomacy, and now I wrote a big FUCK on it.

While we were having a good time, a black phone on the table suddenly rang.

The middle-aged man grabbed the receiver and put it to his ear, and in the next instant, a burst of white noise suddenly came, and there were also sharp and piercing sound waves!

These sound waves and white noise are highly inductive, and can also cause temporary damage to the structure of the human brain through resonance, which in turn affects the hippocampus.

The middle-aged man frowned, with an expected look on his face.

Then I heard a low and magnetic voice coming from the telephone receiver:

“…No one understands you…You are the hero of this country…Only you can save this country…It’s all their fault, it’s the fault of other countries…Everything is the responsibility of that eastern country…You have to use the great aircraft carrier fleet to be ruthless Teach those people a hard lesson…you will become a hero to the people…make the Eagle Kingdom great again…”

The voice was low and hoarse, the rustling white noise still thinking, the high-frequency noise that was momentarily destructive to the human brain kept coming.

The middle-aged man who was answering the phone pouted and said in a perfunctory voice:

“…well, well…well…great, great…great again,…well…well…you’re saying…must be great…”

After about five minutes, he hung up the phone.

The girl image on the TV on the side asked curiously:

“Who is it? Why does it sound like empty words, like the director’s speech.”

The middle-aged man smiled slightly and said:

“It’s not an outsider. The Whisperer is calling. It’s right to listen. Is the copy ready? I want to host it.”

While speaking, the middle-aged man stopped for a while, then smiled, regained his vitality, dialed a number, and said, “Help me hold a press conference immediately.”

The TV in front of me has once again become a CNN channel, which is broadcasting a news interview with Fauci, an infectious disease expert.

At the same time, on the international flight to Dubai, Shen Feng and Jingwei, who had been sitting on their seats like sculptures, trembled at the same time, pulling their conscious tentacles back from the remote network. .

Shen Feng and Jingwei looked at each other and smiled, and their hearts were much more at ease.

After such a small episode, the whole world will be much more stable and more united in the next time.

Looking down through the porthole of the plane, I saw a continuous stream of yellow sand passing by below, and occasionally there are many human buildings in the small oasis.

“Xiaofeng, the Arabian desert is here, are you sure you want to build a space wormhole generator on the earth’s surface?” Jingwei asked.

Shen Feng nodded and said:

“The more chaotic the place, the more hidden it is. Even if a black hole is created here, no one cares. On the contrary, there are ways to cover up all the problems. It’s like the Ying Nation has no jokes. The President of Ying Nation told reporters that they were going to kill three people. A million Iraqis and a bike repairer.”

Jingwei widened his eyes and asked:

“Why kill a bike repairer?”

Shen Feng said:

“You see, nobody cares about Iraq at all, nobody cares about the Middle East, nobody cares about what’s going on here and what’s going to happen here.”


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