Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 536

Chapter 522: Old Middle School 2 Sick

After the purple vines entered, a mixed taste of sweetness and saltiness was immediately conveyed from Shen Feng’s taste buds to his brain.

It tasted like a rusty iron stick mixed with cucumber and tomatoes.

But now Shen Feng didn’t have the time to feel whether this thing was delicious or not, after all, it wasn’t for eating.

His silicon-based brain started to run at high speed, trying to connect with the vine.

When he first began to use the gray tide to devour the city, he had already discovered the particularity of these vines.

Their own materials are extremely unique, more like an organism mixed with metals and animals and plants, and they also carry a huge flow of information.

Therefore, Shen Feng has quickly come to a conclusion.

These vines are the cables that maintain the virtual reality network hidden in the shadows of this world!

Or, these vines are the network itself!

After coming to this world, Shen Feng always had a feeling of being unable to concentrate, and he also had his own guesses about all this.

This world seems to be peaceful, there are no natural disasters, there is no such thing as a virus plague, and even the living humans seem to be well taken care of, but their intensity level is extremely high!

Human civilization in this world is on the verge of complete extinction.

The reason is that the destruction of human self-giving up is the most difficult to reverse!

When every human being has given up the future and chose to self-destruct, even if Shen Feng, the savior of the world, appears, how can the human world be saved?

No one can save someone who wants to kill himself at any time.

The section of the purple vine touched the tip of Shen Feng’s tongue, and a large amount of information flow was directed into his cranial cavity along with the electric current, which was then received by his silicon-based brain.

After the previous body strengthening transformation led by Jingwei, Shen Feng’s body, including clones, all possess some of the cellular characteristics of the World Beast, and can conduct data transmission, which also makes his silicon-based brain even more powerful.

Shen Feng was calm at first, but then suddenly his whole body trembled.

Shen Feng’s eyeballs moved quickly under his eyelids. At this time, he was equivalent to spying on the data in the background mode. At this time, a huge amount of information flow appeared in his mind. This information flow was so huge that he The body has a conditioned reflex similar to dreaming.

“…too…it’s **** spectacular…it’s a quantum computing system…it has a firewall system…the firewall is activated…it’s attacking me!” Shen Feng held the vine in his mouth, closed his eyes and kept rolling his eyes, his mouth was vague said indistinctly.

“Okay, if you keep reading, your brain will burn out. The background mode can’t continue to run. Let me see.” Jingwei raised his hand and touched the hot back of Shen Feng’s head, while pulling the vine out of his mouth. came out.

Then he was not polite, and stuffed the drool-stained vine into his mouth.

“Uh…uh…sure…it’s amazing…too fierce…there really is a firewall…the degree of intelligence is extremely high…” Jingwei also closed his eyes and trembled, his body was also trembling, even the gray tide stand-in It gradually turned crimson and started to get hot.

“Hmm…” Jingwei let out a murmur, pulled the thick vine out of his mouth, and threw it aside.

Just now, her snooping has attracted the attention of a huge network consciousness, and began to attack her!

With the computing power she can mobilize now, once she is attacked, she will definitely be consciously injured.

Jingwei looked at Shen Feng and said solemnly, “This is… a quantum computer in the form of a biological brain, the technology in it has some deja vu, the amount of information in it is really too huge, and I can feel the one controlling the whole Consciousness of the Internet, are you sure you want to go in and have a look? This world…it seems to be different from what we imagined before.”

Shen Feng narrowed his eyes and said with a smile:

“It’s good to find the guy hiding behind the scenes here, and it’s easy to find the master… I still have to go in and have a look, but I can’t enter directly as myself, think of another way…”

Since the other party is using a quantum computer in the form of a biological brain, it theoretically has endless computing power, and Shen Feng will inevitably be discovered if he enters it rashly.

Still have to do a cover up.

Thinking of this, Shen Feng turned around and walked into a nearby house.

This place has been devoured by the gray tide, and only the basic furniture remains.

In the bedroom, there is a person lying in a virtual reality cabin wearing a virtual reality device, described as withered.

From the appearance, this is an old man who is at least seventy or eighty years old. If his chest is still slightly heaving, showing the reaction of life, it would make people think that this is a corpse.

The old man also owns a nursing robot, and this nursing robot also takes good care of him, allowing his master to keep it clean all the time.

At this time, the nursing robot had been completely controlled by Shen Feng’s changed program, and was waiting for instructions.

Shen Feng walked over and pressed the pause button of the virtual reality cabin, then unplugged the brain-computer connector on the back of the opponent’s neck, and directly took off the old man’s virtual reality helmet.

A pair of eyelidless eyes appeared.

The old man who had taken off the virtual reality device seemed to be completely down, so he stared at Shen Feng with his eyes without eyelids, and then suddenly shouted:

“What place is this!? Where am I!? I am the sword saint Valor at the top of the canyon, who traverses the world, has endless glory and seventy-two concubines like angels, is the emperor of the desert oasis empire, and reigns in the world Who are you? You are my nightmare! I order you to die!”

Shen Feng and Jingwei looked at each other, the latter nodded affirmatively.

You are right, the old middle schooler is sick.

Shen Feng vaguely understood what he was going to face.

At this time, the old man who had just left the virtual reality device began to have shortness of breath, and it seemed that he could not stand too much stimulation.

Shen Feng immediately released hypnotic brain waves and said in a low voice:

“You’re in a dream… it’s all a dream… you’re tired… you want to sleep…”

The room had long been covered in grey tides, and the surrounding walls began to glow with a soft white glow.

The light in the eyes of the old man without eyelids gradually dimmed, and then he fell softly on the bed beside him, and fell asleep with his eyes open.

Under this intensity of hypnosis he won’t wake up at all for a short time.

Shen Feng gently opened his finger, took out a few drops of blood, and smeared it on the other party’s brain-computer connector, which was regarded as a DNA key.

He and Jingwei have thoroughly researched this type of virtual reality equipment in a very short period of time, which is obviously lower than the level of the biological cabin with nutrient solution.

And the virtual reality creature pod with a living person they found before is not far next door.

“Jingwei, you can use the biological cabin that just died. Let’s go first and see what it is.”

Shen Feng said to Jingwei:

“See you inside, if the situation is not right, I will use the biological brain to drag us both out.”

“Okay, tsk tsk, I’m looking forward to it. This old man’s virtual identity seems to be some kind of Sword Saint Emperor or something. I don’t know what the dead woman’s virtual identity is. I guess it’s a princess or something.” Jingwei said Then, the gray tide stand-in instantly froze in place, and the conscious body had entered the network through the virtual reality biological cabin next door.

Shen Feng nodded and put the blood-smeared brain-computer connector on his forehead. The silicon-based brain immediately captured the strong signal from the brain-computer connector.



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