Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 543

Chapter 529: Demolition Truck


Heartuntethered, Iwaschosen (Heart Freed, Chosen One)


Youseebeyondallmydoubt (Beyond all my confusion and bewilderment)

AllI’mhiding, youbringitout




The passionate music sounded along with the heavy truck in the wilderness. Although many robots of various types who came here also played some music with their own speakers, and some vehicles came, but these speakers added up. Not as loud as the sound coming out of this truck.

And this song sounded very appropriate, making the players who control the mechanical body look sideways.

Shen Feng controlled the nursing robot while driving the truck and asked Jingwei:

“This song is pretty good, why does it sound familiar to me?”

Jingwei lay on his back on the co-pilot, his feet directly on the front windshield, and said lazily:

“This song tells the story of an artificial intelligence who fell in love with a human and felt that he almost became a human being. It is the theme song of “Blade Runner 2049″. Of course, you are familiar with it.”

Saying that, he also hummed the song softly.

Shen Feng couldn’t help but realize, and said:

“I said why it sounds so familiar. I watched this movie twice at first. I fell asleep halfway through the first time, and then I forced myself to watch the second time with coffee. Except for the slow pace, it is definitely a magic movie. .”

Jingwei laughed and said:

“This kind of dystopian movie likes to make a lot of noise. If I want to make it, I will use the male protagonist’s artificial intelligence holographic projection girlfriend as the protagonist, some kind of artificial human or old human being, in front of artificial intelligence robots. They are both younger brothers. When they are killed by the artificial intelligence mechanical army, there will be no more entanglement between human beings and old humans. At that time, as long as they are carbon-based beings, it is estimated that they will be able to live in harmony. ”

The red light flashed on Shen Feng’s iron head, and he said in a loud voice:

“Sister, is this still called “Blade Runner”? You are “Terminator”, okay?”

The two talked nonsense all the way and rushed into the mechanical army on the outskirts of Baghdad.

At this time, the players in the mechanical legion were all curious about the heavy truck that suddenly appeared. They didn’t know what was going on. The other party appeared rashly, and many people did not dare to rush up to check it.

But that song is really good.

At this moment, a cold mechanical sound came from the loudspeaker of the truck:

“This car is the main **** task supply system. Players can receive weapon supplies here on a first-come, first-served basis.”

Hearing this, the surrounding players immediately became uneasy.

Ability to receive weapon supplies on a first-come, first-served basis!

They all knew the power of the pillar of light in the City of Ten Thousand Realms that they came to, and understood that if it was the weapon supply provided by the Lord God, it would be very powerful!

Far more than the junk they picked up from the ruins now!

If you want to kill those invaders, this powerful weapon must be indispensable.

Afterwards, the tens of thousands of robots that were controlled by the player all began to rush towards the heavy truck at this time, wanting to receive new weapons.

Seeing this scene, the legion commander and others in Baghdad City couldn’t help but be stunned, and they ordered to bombard these assembled robots with some remaining shells.

“Stay still, and continue to observe.” Unexpectedly, the commander who had never issued an order suddenly gave an order at this time.

The people of the Salvation Army had to give up and continue to observe the mechanical legions gathered in the suburbs.

“Take a look, take a look, the weapons issued by the Lord God himself, beyond this era, let you have a sassy and heroic appearance on the battlefield, one intruder with one shot!” Shen Feng controlled the nursing robot and climbed to the truck with Jingwei. The roof of the car, said to the mechanical legion gathered around.

Hearing this, the robots controlled by the players became even more energetic. The ones in the vicinity had already been squeezed onto the carriage, and the ones in the distance were still rushing towards this side.

These players are used to being domineering in their own exclusive scenes, and there is no spirit of cooperation at this time. They jumped up and climbed each other, almost forming a mountain of people, surrounded by heavy trucks.

When the Salvation Army in Baghdad saw this scene, it felt even more inexplicable, not knowing what these robots were going to do.

Shouldn’t it be combined?

At this moment, a strong light flashed suddenly, followed by a violent shock wave, and explosions and firelight suddenly exploded in the hills formed by the mechanical legions, swept away in all directions!

A mushroom cloud rose from the spot, and the robots close to the truck were blown into pieces and scattered all over the sky.

Thousands of robots at the center of the explosion were directly blown into pieces and destroyed on the spot.

The robots that were rushing towards the truck outside the explosion were also bombed, and many of them lost their ability to move on the spot, and many lacked arms and legs, turning them into used appliances.

Of the tens of thousands of robots at the scene, only a few thousand were left, and all of them were injured and some were still on fire.

The power of the self-destructing truck has been completely released!

Seeing this scene, “Shen Feng” in Baghdad gave the order:

“Fire and wipe out this wave of enemies.”

The legion commander immediately ordered to fire, and the artillery fire in Baghdad roared, smashing the remaining robots one by one.

At this point, the silver-purple gray tide that originally surrounded the entire Baghdad City finally couldn’t bear it anymore, and suddenly surged like a sea wave breaking a dyke, rushing towards Baghdad City!

Obviously the mastermind behind the scenes was enraged by Shen Feng!

In the city of Abu Shen Feng and Jingwei opened their eyes at the same time, their conscious tentacles had been pulled out of the moment before the explosion and returned to their bodies.

But soon Shen Feng closed his eyes again, and his thinking tentacles came to Baghdad, a hundred kilometers away, following the beast-gold gray tide under his feet.

There was a muffled sound from the ruins of this originally quiet city. The buildings in the city that had been assimilated by the gray tide and the ground instantly merged into a huge silver wave, which greeted the silver-purple gray tide. past!

The two gray tides didn’t have any fancy fighting skills at this time, they just slammed into each other so head-to-head, making a muffled “bang” and shattering all the remaining windows in Baghdad!

A vague human figure condensed on the silver-purple gray tide, standing at the highest point of the gray tide, and said to Shen Feng in Baghdad:

“Humble human beings, do you know that every time you kill a robot, the only remaining human being is brain-dead at the same time? When the substitutes they control in reality are killed, their own spirits also die. You will suffer heavy losses and die completely in reality, that is to say, you are accelerating the demise of human beings in this world…”

Shen Feng looked blankly at the black hand who finally appeared in front of him, and said indifferently:

“Of course I know.”


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