Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 546

Chapter 532: Blind Snake

Shen Feng raised his eyebrows, no wonder the skeletons found in the ruins of those cities were mostly old people’s skeletons, and there was no disease or trauma, they all died of natural causes.

Because they themselves are old and die.

“So, the human beings in this world should thank you?” Shen Feng smiled and said to the villain Shen Feng in front of him.

The villain Shen Feng nodded solemnly and said:

“Nothing, what I need is not gratitude, but a search for human nature.”

I’m so shameless…

Shen Feng and Jingwei looked at each other and rolled their eyes at the same time.

As expected of me (you), I have a really thick skin.

“Searching for human nature? It would be more appropriate to deny human nature. Then, after denying human nature, you can use this to establish your own divinity and find a legitimate explanation for your behavior.” Shen Feng stared at himself in front of him. He said slowly: “In the end, you just want to convince yourself that you are different from these ordinary humans, that you have become a **** and can be completely separated from these mortals, am I right?”

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Shen Feng leaned on the sofa, drank the coffee in the cup, stared at the ceiling, and continued:

“When the Europeans entered the Americas, the native Indians got into the habit of drinking too much. The pleasure brought by the strong alcohol from Europe made people unable to extricate themselves from it. When the East India Company brought opium to East Asia, countless people were infected with alcohol. When you become addicted to smoking, the feeling of being in the air is something that many people can’t refuse. When the African natives get the high-sugar and high-oil foods such as hamburgers and pizzas from modern civilization, they will soon be poisoned by obesity. To be honest , I can’t even quit Coke, let alone other people…”

“Human nature does not have its own attributes. It is the guidance of the human heart that gives it attributes such as good and evil, good and bad. When alcoholism spreads all over the place, the sober part of the people will issue prohibition orders, when opium is rampant. When sober people start smoking, when people eat too much and affect their health, there will be a concept of healthy eating.”

“Individual humanity itself is chaotic, but human beings as a whole have a strong ability to correct themselves, otherwise those Homo sapiens would not have left Africa, and it is estimated that they would have starved to death in drought and famine.”

Having said that, Shen Feng knocked on the table, and the scene around them turned into a reptile pet shop. A small snake with the thickness of a finger crawled out of the glass tank and crawled around Shen Feng’s arm.

While stroking the small snake with the thickness of his fingers, he looked at the villain Shen Feng in front of him, and continued:

“Humanity itself has its shortcomings, but it also cannot hide its advantages, and everything you do is like the snake in the Garden of Eden that tempted Adam and Eve to steal the forbidden fruit, but you are only guiding the weaknesses of human nature and adding fuel to the flames. …”

“Everything you do has just affirmed the plasticity of human nature, and you are not a god, you are just a guy with a despicable character who wants to use all this to cover up your evil deeds, and wants to convince yourself that poor self-esteem…”

At first, the villain Shen Feng was still listening indifferently, but his face became more and more gloomy as he went on.

The only one who can understand himself is himself. Shen Feng’s words directly poke at the deepest dark side of the villain Shen Feng’s heart, which is an existence he is unwilling to admit.

“Shut up!” The villain Shen Feng narrowed his eyes and said sternly, the surrounding environment changed again, this time it turned into a gloomy rain forest, and the sofa under them also turned into a rotten tree trunk.

He was already murderous.

Shen Feng clicked his tongue and said:

“Don’t get angry so easily. When we practiced in society, we already understood that incompetent rage is meaningless, calm down, don’t you think this little snake is cute?”

As Shen Feng said, he had already placed the small snake with the thickness of fingers in his hand on the hand of the villain Shen Feng in front of him.

The villain Shen Feng’s eyes were cold, but he still raised his hand and stroked the little snake lightly.

Really beautiful, with green and shiny scales and a soft body, it was like a piece of jasper. He was even a little surprised that the virtual world he had created could have such a beautiful creature.

Just as his fingers touched the little snake, the mutation was born!

The emerald green snake suddenly raised its head and wrapped itself around the wrist of the villain Shen Feng, opening its mouth and swallowing one of his fingers.

Immediately afterwards, the little snake’s body suddenly swelled, turning into a giant python as thick as a bucket, swallowing all of the villain Shen Feng’s arm!

The body of the giant snake crushed the table and sofa next to it, and it continued to expand.

Shen Feng and Jingwei had long since pulled out, standing at a distance and watching everything in front of them.

“This is… you lied to me!” The villain Shen Feng roared, and a torrent of data suddenly erupted. He wanted to break through the snake’s body, but only made the other party even bigger.

In less than a second, this giant python had reached a thickness of nearly two meters, and suddenly swallowed the villain in front of him, Shen Feng, and the virtual space around him!

A huge gap appeared in the virtual space, and the data flow pouring down inside could be seen.

After swallowing the villain Shen Feng, the giant snake formed a plate, as if digesting the villain Shen Feng who had just been swallowed.

Blind snake destroys subroutines!

This quest reward that Shen Feng had received for a long time finally came in handy at this time.

When chatting with the villain Shen Feng just now, Shen Feng had been controlling the Blind Snake destruction subroutine, ready to appear as a killer.

It’s just that Shen Feng and Jingwei didn’t dare to slack off even though they used the blind snake destruction subroutine to temporarily devour each other, but looked at the giant snake in front of them with a solemn expression.

All over the body of this giant snake, there will be some big bumps from time to time, and it is the villain Shen Feng who has been swallowed into the body is moving!

Although the blind snake destruction subroutine can trap the opponent, it is difficult to kill the opponent.

And this kind of captivity and siege is only temporary and cannot last for too long.

“Quickly locate his body based on the signal!” Shen Feng said loudly, while trying his best to mobilize more computing power to restrain the villain Shen Feng.

Although the Blind Snake Destruction Subroutine is powerful, in the face of the villain Shen Feng, who controls the entire virtual space, it can still only restrict the opponent’s actions for a short time.

The surrounding virtual environment changed again at this time. This time, it became a ruin after the war. There were broken walls and charred human corpses everywhere, devastated.

Jingwei’s face was pale at this time, and his whole body turned into a gust of wind, scattered throughout the virtual space, following the signal released by the villain Shen Feng, trying to find the trace of his body.

“You’re trying to trap me with this outdated code? You don’t even know what I have! You don’t even know what a powerful being I am!”

The villain Shen Feng’s voice sounded inside the blind snake’s destruction subroutine, and he saw that the blind snake’s body began to bulge out one after another, and cracks appeared at the same time.

The other party will soon be completely out of trouble!

At the same time, Jingwei’s appearance condensed again, appearing beside Shen Feng, and said solemnly:

“He doesn’t have an ontology… He is the network itself!”

As soon as the voice Snake’s destruction subroutine has collapsed instantly!

In the city of Baghdad, the Salvation Army led by the regiment commander has come to a square in the center of the city according to the commander’s instructions.

On the edge of the city, the two powerful gray tides are still in a stalemate, and they can’t start at all, and can only obey the commander’s arrangement.

“This is it.” The legion commander looked at the locator in his hand and said.

The commander gave them a total of ten locations, and each location had a team of several hundred people going to it.

At this point they were in one of those places.

It’s just that it’s just an empty square, and it looks like there’s nothing.

Everyone looked at each other, wondering if the commander had made a mistake, and suddenly felt the ground vibrate suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, violent vibrations continued to come from several other places in Baghdad.

The legion commander and others looked up at the scene in front of them, their eyes widened, they couldn’t believe it, and murmured:

“This is… this is…”


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