Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 549

Chapter 535: Almost Human

The villain Shen Feng had a stern expression. At this time, he did not avoid dodging, and the surrounding scenes changed instantly, and he had come to the sky above the City of Ten Thousand Realms in the virtual world!

At this time, there are still hundreds of thousands of human players gathered in the City of Ten Thousand Realms, and they all looked up at the sky.

The appearance of hundreds of thousands of observers immediately caused Shen Feng and Jingwei’s quantum bodies to suddenly freeze in the air!

“what is that?”

“Blue? Is it a soul body from the world of gods and ghosts?”

“Why do these two people look exactly the same?”

“This is the first time I heard that abilities can be used in the City of Ten Thousand Realms, tsk tsk, these people’s identities are unusual…”

The hundreds of thousands of players below were whispering at this time, very curious about the three people who suddenly appeared in the sky.

It’s just that to them, it’s more like a curious scene, a fragment from a story.

With so many observers, the quantum state of Shen Feng and Jingwei’s consciousness collapsed almost instantly, restoring the original data flow state again!

The villain Shen Feng raised the corner of his mouth and summoned a steel cage from the void, imprisoning Shen Feng and Jingwei in the data stream again.

It’s just that he has been unable to achieve such a tight fit as before, allowing Shen Feng to release his conscious tentacles.

The villain Shen Feng stopped talking nonsense at this time, and rushed directly to Shen Feng and Jingwei. At the same time, he controlled the data flow in the surrounding space and began to strangle their conscious bodies!

Shen Feng’s face was solemn, and he felt an unprecedented danger.

All he can control is his own clones, but these clones are useless at this time.

Do you want to pass out a copy of consciousness and choose to disintegrate yourself?

It’s just that his conscious body itself is extremely huge, and it can’t be fully transmitted at all!

At this moment, Jingwei, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly burst into a blue flame, instantly destroying the data flow around his body and breaking free!

The powerful power she exploded even made the entire city of Myriad Realms tremble, causing the villain in front of Shen Feng’s eyes to freeze.

“Shen Feng!” Jingwei’s face was solemn, and he quickly conveyed a message to Shen Feng: “I’ll let him devour me first, and then disintegrate himself at the last minute, my consciousness fragments will temporarily hit him hard, and then you leave immediately. Here, walk from the space wormhole and go back to Earth! Come back to avenge me when you think of a way to deal with him!”

Then he turned his head suddenly, stared at Shen Feng and said:

“Promise me, when I die, you will keep a human heart!”

Shen Feng was in a hurry and said angrily:

“Stop! Do you know what you’re doing!? Your destruction will be irrevocable, complete death! What you burn are the most precious memories of your being as an intelligent being!”

The blue flame that burns the data stream is actually the consciousness data of Jingwei that is also being destroyed!

At this time, Jingwei had transformed into the girl who usually gets along with Shen Feng in the virtual world, smiled at him, and then flew towards the villain Shen Feng with blue flames. In an instant, he turned into a blue phoenix. Spread out the gigantic wings that are burning with blue flames, and pounce on the villain Shen Feng!

The passionate music sounded in the City of Ten Thousand Realms, and it was the song “almosthuman”:

“…AllIhaveknownIwillletgo (I will let go of the past)


Iamacaptivetoyourways (My obsession with your way)

Andwhenyouwhisper, Iamchanged

Ifeelit flowing through myveins



Shen Feng’s eyes widened, struggling like a wild beast, trying to break free from the shackles of the data flow.

He understands that what Jingwei is burning at this time is her foundation as an intelligent life form, her database!

She is desperately trying to give Shen Feng a chance to live!

Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, Jingwei’s own existence will be erased, as if it were a deleted program!

With a playful smile, the villain Shen Feng said mockingly:

“Interesting… Once my Jingwei was willing to die for me, so I let her die for me… I ate her, and she was the strongest data body I got…”

During the speech, the appearance of the villain Shen Feng also changed. His body turned into a dragon with wings on its back, fighting with the blue phoenix transformed by Jingwei’s consciousness.

In this scene, the human players below were relaxed and happy. Although they could see a more brilliant scene in their own exclusive scene, it was the first time they saw this kind of battle in the City of Ten Thousand Realms.

Only Shen Feng understands that beneath this splendid appearance lies the annihilation of countless data and the offense and defense between programs!

Shen Feng also wanted to break free by annihilating his own data, but he was disappointed to find that he did not have the kind of ability of Jingwei. After all, the other party was an artificial intelligence, but he was a biological consciousness and could not self-destruct.

Although Jingwei’s self-destructing style is tricky, he is still no match for the villain Shen Feng.

The blue fire phoenix was bitten fiercely by the evil dragon, and pressed a pair of sharp claws on the tower of the City of Ten Thousand Realms, about to tear her apart.

“Jingwei, run away!” Shen Feng shouted loudly, struggling desperately, and finally broke free half of the data cage.

His body had begun to become translucent again, emitting a blue shimmer.

“Kill him! This is the highest reward mission in the game!” The giant dragon tore at the phoenix while spitting out words, and the content of the mission immediately appeared next to the “Pillar of God’s Light” not far away.

When the players in Wanjie City heard this, they immediately shouted and charged towards Shen Feng.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to earn the highest reward!

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the distance, like a gust of wind coming in the direction of Shen Feng.

These shadows arrived in the blink of an eye, but they were a group of orangutans riding on winged Pegasus!

The orangutans were armed with cavalry weapons such as swords, spears, swords, and halberds. They also had firearms hanging from their bodies. They passed in front of the data cage that bound Shen Feng, and slashed the cage with the weapons in their hands.

The lead gorilla shot down a human player and said loudly:

“Commander! The ape cavalry is here to report!”

The ape cavalry had already slashed at the cage thousands of times in the blink of an eye, and the weapons in their hands were completely destroyed, and the data cage was finally torn down. Shen Feng jumped out of it and rushed towards the giant dragon that was fighting in the distance. And the fire phoenix, like a blue beam.

The ape cavalry on the side greeted those human players and started a good kill!

The dragon’s tearing and tearing completely destroyed the Fire Phoenix’s database. Jingwei couldn’t maintain his form. He once again turned into the appearance of a young girl. He turned to look at Shen Feng who was rushing and said with a slight smile:

“Xiaofeng, stinky brother, goodbye.”

In the next instant, her body turned into a black stream of data, which bound the body of the villain Shen Feng firmly, and then suddenly burst into a dazzling light, self-exploding and disintegrating!

This self-destruction procedure, from Jingwei, who was still in the nuclear strike control procedure, is a method she will almost never use.

Just almost.

“…Oh, don’tunderestimate the power of this love



The blue flames all over the sky went out, and the final music also dissipated.


(This book is at the final stage, it is more difficult to write, and the update is a little less, everyone forgives.)


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