Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 563

Chapter 549: Sacrificial Ceremony

One by one, the coffins were sent into the Mad King Mansion and entered into the huge underground church through the elevator.

The purifiers of the Purification Society were busy, opening these coffins and sending those still in a coma into the huge iron cage in the center of the church, where they were locked with those who had already arrived.

Those who were already locked inside saw that the iron cage was opened and new people were sent in. They couldn’t help struggling frantically, trying to escape, but they couldn’t break free from their shackles.

The Eucharist candidates who were in a coma were then injected with a potion, and then woke up groaning.

Seeing the surrounding scene, these innocent people who were kidnapped were all terrified and didn’t know what happened.

Some even thought that they were still dreaming, pinched themselves a few times, but didn’t wake up at all, and they were completely panicked.

They all worked, studied, and lived on the trajectory of their own lives, but they did not expect to be kidnapped suddenly, and then woke up and were trapped in a huge iron cage, surrounded by some people wearing robes with strange eye patterns people.

This building looks like a church, but the altar is not a cross or anything, but a giant eye sculpture!

The bald bearded man in the purple-gold robe had deep eyes, as if he wanted to see through them all.

What’s even more puzzling is that the people around them don’t look at them with any malicious eyes, but they also carry some reverence, which is really strange.

At the same time, Shen Feng and Jingwei also projected their consciousness into the two doubles, pretending to wake up from the coma under the effect of the awakening potion.

Shen Feng looked out of the metal cage from the stand-in’s point of view, and he couldn’t help feeling a little nervous in his heart.

How would it feel if these pious purifiers out there knew that the Antichrist they most feared and hated was right in front of them?

And this Antichrist, who hated them in their hearts, is going to give their most revered God of Whispers a treat.

“All Saints, please don’t panic.” Ivanovich said kindly when he came to the huge metal cage.

Having been Kesul for so long, he has completely acquired the demeanor and majesty of a superior, and he has a perfect grasp of emotional control. This smile fell in the eyes of the innocents who were kidnapped, and immediately made them feel like a spring breeze. .

After Ivanovich finished speaking in English, he spoke again in Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and other languages. These Eucharistics came from all over the world, and the languages spoken were different, so it was difficult to communicate.

Fortunately, Ivanovich himself is proficient in more than a dozen languages, so he didn’t take it too much trouble at this time, and kept repeating his words patiently.

There are legends about the gods descending on the mortal body of the body. There are all major religions and myths and legends in the East and the West. Although the Purification Society is a half-wild religion, it is not unfamiliar to it.

Ivanovich understood that among the dozens of Holy Hosts in front of him, one or even a few might be possessed by the Whispering God.

Although they don’t know if their own consciousness is still there after being possessed by the gods, it’s not wrong to show a better attitude now.

“Welcome to the sanctuary of the Purification Society, you are blessed!” Ivanovich’s face showed a sacred expression, and he slowly said with a smile: “The whispering **** has chosen you as the Holy Body. , become the vessel of the gods, today is the big day when the whispering gods come to this world and purify the whole world, and soon you will be with the gods!”

Then he showed a humble expression and said with a smile:

“I also hope that when you receive the glory of God, you can still remember me as a humble servant and give me some of the glory that I deserve.”

After his words, everyone in the cage looked at each other, most of them didn’t understand what was going on, only a few people trembled, watching Ivanovich shivering, and murmured:

“You are the Purification Society! You…you are the Cthul of the Purification Society!?”

“God… There really is a Purification Society!”

“Don’t kill me, don’t kill me! I’m also a devout follower of the Purification Society! I’ve already submitted an application for membership to the Society, and I’m just waiting for approval!”

Obviously these few people knew the existence of the Purification Society, and some were even peripheral members of the Purification Society.

Ivanovic said with a smile:

“Since you know the name of the Purification Society, you shouldn’t have to worry. Today is the ceremony to welcome the coming of the Whispering God, and all you will get is the supreme glory!”

Hearing Ivanovic’s words, the peripheral members of the Purification Society immediately showed excitement and began to comfort the people around them, telling them that this was a matter of supreme honor and not dangerous.

They are just a group of lucky ones, chosen by the whispering gods, and their achievements in the future are immeasurable.

With the appearance of these people, and the respectful expressions of the surrounding members of the Purification Society, the Eucharist candidates in the metal cage gradually quieted down.

I heard people around me say that the Purification Society is a super organization that transcends national borders and nationalities. It is their responsibility to welcome the coming of God and purify the whole world, and these Holy Hosts have a detached status within the Purification Society.

Although the process of coming here is a bit tortuous, it is a great good thing, and there is no need to panic.

For a while, these people were suspicious, but their emotions stabilized.

Seeing that these saints were no longer emotional, Ivanovich snapped his fingers, and the huge metal cage shrouded in front of him immediately rose slowly, and the metal railings were retracted into the ceiling, allowing these imprisoned saints body regained its freedom.

At this time, the Holy Communion discovered that the place where they were located was the center of the entire There were dense patterns and loops at their feet, which seemed to be a circular altar.

And they themselves stand in the center of this altar.

Although it seemed that they had regained their freedom, when they wanted to leave the altar, they were immediately blocked by the surrounding purifiers and could not leave for a while.

Ivanovich looked at the Holy Communion in front of him and said with a smile:

“The ceremony is about to begin. This is a once-in-a-lifetime supreme honor. I suggest you stay in the altar quietly and wait for the whispering **** to come. Believe me, you will get the supreme glory, including eternal life!”

“Squeak…” The heavy metal door of the huge underground church was completely closed, and the lights quickly dimmed, leaving only a circle of candles lit around the altar.

Thousands of purifiers had gathered in the entire church at this time, all of whom were high-ranking members of the Purification Society.

Ivanovich returned to his throne, holding a scepter, his face solemn and solemn, and said in a deep voice:

“The sacrificial ceremony begins!”

As soon as the words fell, the fanatics in the circle closest to the altar shouted and pierced their hearts with daggers at the same time!


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