Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 63

Chapter 63: Martyrdom

“Yinghuo, you are finally back.” There was a hint of wildness in the woman’s appearance, and she could vaguely see the shadow of Yinghuo, and said in a calm tone: “Is this the object of your wedding hunting?”

A trace of panic flashed in Yinghuo’s eyes, she looked at Shen Feng, and quickly explained to her mother:

“No, Shen Feng is just my friend, I… I didn’t go to the wedding hunt.”

“Friend?” The woman’s voice had a hint of coldness, “It can be a sacrifice to the male god.”

After speaking, he walked to Shen Feng’s side, stretched out his slender fingers and stroked Shen Feng, his face gradually showing a happy look:

“This is… Flawless Seed!?”

Her hand was like a dexterous fish, swiping across Shen Feng’s shirt, unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his smooth chest and back.

The surrounding night girls also surrounded, stretched out a pair of smooth*smooth hands, brushing over Shen Feng’s body.

No variation found!

This man in front of him is definitely a precious and flawless seed source!

“Mother! Shen Feng is my friend, I don’t allow you to do this!” Yinghuo shouted loudly, struggling to break free from the shackles of the net rope, but it became tighter and tighter.

The main raw material of this kind of web rope is the cobweb of an underground spider, which is extremely tough and difficult to break free.

“It’s okay.” Shen Feng gestured at Yinghuo, telling her not to be nervous, and at the same time relax his body, without resisting.

He is not in a hurry to start a war with the night girl clan. What really attracts him is this huge underground space!

This place should be close to the ground floor of the Iron Country, which is completely different from the platforms above and looks more like a huge underground warehouse.

It is the size of several football fields, and thick concrete pillars stand up, together with the bricks and tiles of the dome above, supporting this space.

No lights are needed at all, not even fluorescent moss.

Thousands of night girls gather here, and they emit soft fluorescent light like walking night lights.

Their slender figures slid through the darkness, resembling the legendary succubus or elves.

There are no men here, and it seems to be in an obvious matriarchal communal state.

As for the remaining baby boys, it is estimated that they were all exiled to the night girl tribe and gradually formed other tribes.

In their hands they held all kinds of metal tools, wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers, etc., which seemed to be weapons from somewhere in this lost kingdom.

Because there are all kinds of underground metal facilities and rails, the country of iron is not short of metal, but this type of metal tools still makes Shen Feng a little surprised.

The night girls tied Shen Feng tightly with ropes, tied him between two huge stone pillars, and raised their arms like a victim.

These ropes are made of iron wire, spider silk, and tough plant roots, which are very strong. In non-combat form, it is difficult for Shen Feng to even move.

“Redstone, let him go! Shen Feng has a mission to save the world!” Yinghuo said in a panic.

Firefly’s mother, Hongshi, looked at her daughter expressionlessly and said:

“Why, you actually value a lowly and useless man so much? Even a flawless seed source is just a bag of seeds… As for saving the world… absurd! If the hero is here, the world will naturally be saved.”

Firefly said quickly:

“It’s not the world of the Iron Country, it’s the Iron Country plus the outside world, the whole world! There will never be a rebirth, there will never be a new cursed land, and everyone can live safely on the ground. !”

Hearing Yinghuo’s words, the surrounding night girls looked at each other in dismay, and then burst into laughter. The laughter was like crystals colliding with each other, and it spread far in the underground space.

“There is no new cursed land? Can the outside world live in peace?”

“Joke! Those poor **** who live on dirty ground don’t know how much they want to live in the Iron Country and avoid the ubiquitous curse.”

“There is no real Taoyuan Township at all, the Iron Country is Taoyuan Township!”

“Rebirth is bestowed by the gods, can this man still shake the gods?”

At this moment, the shield machine, which had been standing silently on the side, suddenly started, and rumbling forward, it came to a smooth and flat platform.

The platform is entirely made of metal, and there is a huge metal shelf on top of which the shield machine is parked, like a tired person resting on a bed.

At this time, the night girls around showed a sincere look.

Redstone cried out:

“The heroic **** is resting. When it’s time for sacrifice, we need our service! Quick!”

A group of night girls immediately swarmed away and came to the side of the shield machine.

Shen Feng was then shocked to discover that these night girls actually started to beat and repair the shield machine with the tools in their hands!

The tools in their hands beat an original piece of music on the shield machine with different rhythms.

Their techniques are very skilled, and they quickly removed some damaged parts from the shield machine and replaced them with new ones.

Surrounded by more night maidens, crawling on the ground in the dark, swaying their waists, emitting a soft light, illuminating the shield machine, and dancing wild dances at the same time.

Pieces of metal gears were pushed out from the dark, replacing various components of the shield machine.

Even the knife head above the knife plate was removed, and was carried by several night girls with reverence and dragged aside.

At this time, the night girls seemed to have become a group of mechanics, but they were also like a group of priests from ancient times.

Judging from their mechanical techniques, various fixed beatings, and even meaningless dance worship, this is not so much repairing machinery, but more like a religious ceremony.

This scene made Shen Feng watch with relish.

Obviously, these night girls have been inherited from the shield machine mechanics, or they may be the descendants of the former group of mechanics.

It’s just that after hundreds of years and dozens of generations, they have long forgotten the true meaning of mechanical repair, but have completely evolved into a fixed behavior pattern.

Even some of the knocking noises during and some actions that may be inadvertent are considered part of the behavior pattern, or part of the effective program.

This is like a certain dye secret recipe in ancient times, which includes prayer rituals, burning incense and worshipping Buddha, stirring dyes three hundred times and even various witchcraft-like things.

The ancients did not know which process the unique dye was obtained from, so they kept everything until modern times, when it was discovered that the iron filings that fell from the iron jar when the dye was stirred were oxidized.

Another example is that Chinese medicine is most criticized because it is impossible to determine the active ingredients.

Over the years, this shield machine has been maintained through this method, so that it has been able to travel through the country of iron and open up new frontiers.

Soon, those damaged parts were sent to a nearby metal platform.

A group of night girls danced, and the metal platform immediately lit up, taking these damaged metal parts into an entrance.

Immediately afterwards, several robotic arms were raised, and the shiny metal wires were pulled out one after another, and they began to be rapidly wound and solidified to form a new part.

Shen Feng’s eyes widened, this is a metal 3D printer!

This is also part of the shield machine maintenance system!

The parts replacement of the shield machine has been completed, and the night girls touched the cylindrical body of the shield machine for a while, making it start again and roar.

Then Redstone held up a scepter-like thing in both hands with a pious face, which seemed to be a sensor of the shield machine.

She held the scepter in front of her, and the shield machine was following the sensor, roaring towards Shen Feng.

The last step in the sacrifice of the male **** is the sacrifice of living people.

Human sacrifice.

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