Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 69

Chapter 69: Data War

The giant wolf transformed by Shen Feng’s consciousness and the giant bird transformed by Jingwei rushed forward in the void black space, dodging into the ‘space wormhole”.

Behind them, all have a silk thread connecting where they were just now.

All transmissions in the electronic world are close to the speed of light. In the next instant, they have appeared in another place, and there is a black concrete wall in front of them!

This wall doesn’t know how long or wide it is, and it extends infinitely around, as if it completely blocks the electronic void where they are.

“This is Poseidon’s outer firewall, let’s tear down the wall together!” Jingwei shouted loudly, and at the same time stretched out his claws and grabbed towards the black eternal wall, grabbing a large piece of gravel in an instant, revealing a mosaic inside.

Shen Feng also swung his claws together and began to tear down the firewall in front of him.

It’s just that every time they grab the next piece, the firewall will automatically fix it right away.

Jingwei snorted coldly, and his body suddenly began to twist and deform. In a blink of an eye, it had transformed into the shape of a shield machine. He spun the drill bit and began to drill into it.

Shen Feng understood that everything in front of him was just a figurative appearance. The real situation should be that Jingwei, like a virus program, was frantically attacking the other party’s firewall until it completely entered.

Seeing this scene, he also quickly transformed from the appearance of a giant wolf to a man with a giant axe, followed closely behind Jingwei, tearing down the wall while walking inside.

Because it was the first time that he entered the electronic world completely through ideology, his attack methods were still relatively weak, and he could only rely on brute force to carry out destructive attacks.

But for the outer firewall, this is enough.

Jingwei is obviously better at doing this. In less than ten seconds, they have penetrated the outer firewall here and entered the interior surrounded by high walls.

Inside, it turned out to be a vast ocean, with no end in sight, only the firewall with a large hole drilled behind it extended to both sides and disappeared into the horizon.

Shen Feng could not help whistling.

There is simply too much data here.

Every drop of water in this sea contains endless data, all from the hoarding of various information before the war.

Obviously, the nuclear strike system of the Eagle Country is extremely well preserved, and there is also a large amount of pre-war data.

Just don’t know where the artificial intelligence “Poseidon” that presides over all this is?

The consciousness bodies of Shen Feng and Jingwei were standing on the surface of this ocean, looking around, trying to find Poseidon.

The vast ocean in front of me suddenly began to boil, followed by huge waves, setting off a super tsunami!

Shen Feng and Jingwei climbed directly onto the firewall, avoiding the shock.

At the same time, a huge figure up to a thousand meters slowly emerged from the bottom of the sea, holding a huge trident, looking down at the axe-wielding and Jingwei bird standing on the sea.

With a white curled beard, bare upper body, and ancient Greek-style bottoms, the muscles of the whole body are fit and smooth, like a sculpture.

It is the controller of the trident and the militia, the incarnation of the North American nuclear strike system, Poseidon!

“Jingwei–” Poseidon let out a roar, and with a move, the waves floated up, turned into a trident in the air, and stabbed Shen Feng and Jingwei overwhelmingly!

These tridents are all destructive programs, pointing directly to the core consciousness of Jingwei and Shen Feng.

Jingwei’s wings spread out, and instantly ejected dense feathers, forming a round shield in front of them, blocking those tridents.

This is its defense program.

Shen Feng’s consciousness also changed rapidly, turning into a giant wolf again, rushing towards Poseidon.

The trident destruction program fell on the giant wolf, making a pleasant sound of “clanging”, all of which were bounced aside.

The body of the giant wolf turned out to be composed of transparent crystals, which was difficult to destroy.

This is Shen Feng’s reference to Jingwei’s mirror protection.

In the blink of an eye, the giant wolf had already rushed in front of Poseidon, jumped up, and rushed towards Poseidon’s throat and chest.

There is usually the location of the core code. As long as the core code is destroyed, Poseidon can be killed!

At this moment, the ocean in front of him suddenly froze, and the next moment, a thick ice thorn like a mountain peak suddenly stabbed out of the sea and stabbed the crystal wolf in the air.

The vast amount of information in the past can also be used as a powerful weapon. As long as it pierces the opponent’s consciousness, it can directly explode the opponent’s consciousness through the massive data!

“Shen Feng!” Jingwei shouted, his wings fluttered, and a gust of wind blew up.

This gust of wind turned into a group of crimson oriental dragons in the air, instantly melting the icicles.

This is the subroutine in Jingwei’s hands, the control program for Dongfeng strategic nuclear missiles!

Poseidon snorted coldly, and the huge trident in his hand slammed on the ice sea, and dozens of icemen with tridents immediately emerged, fighting with the Chilong.

At the same time, the giant wolf that Shen Feng had transformed into had already rushed in front of Poseidon, and still in the air had changed its shape again, turning into a boy holding a giant axe, volleying towards Poseidon.

Poseidon immediately raised his trident to block the axe, forcing Shen Feng back.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides have been fighting for more than half an hour, and they have damaged each other, but none of them can be fatal.

Shen Feng looked solemn and snapped his fingers. In the next instant, a stream of black smoke emerged from his body, quickly forming dozens of hideous-looking monsters in front of him.

Or the one-horned lizard, or the thorny octopus, or the unknown black shadow, and so on, all roared and rushed towards Poseidon.

These things are all serious viruses, from the information he copied from his computer, especially the ‘study materials” folder!

Compared with Poseidon, who is 1000 meters tall, these virus monsters with a height of only ten meters and twenty meters are nothing to worry about, but they are better than enough. They pounce on Poseidon like locusts and start to tear and bite. .

On the other side, Shen Feng and Jingwei teamed up to kill those Iceman subroutines in a blink of an eye.

A red dragon circled around Poseidon, breathing flames, burning into a wall of fire.

Shen Feng rode directly on Jingwei’s back, one person and one bird rose into the air and rushed towards Shen Feng stood on the bird’s back, holding an axe in both hands, ready to kill Poseidon at any time one strike.

At this moment, a mysterious smile suddenly appeared on Poseidon’s face.

In the next moment, the clouds covering half of the sky suddenly froze, and the sea of data below also swelled up with ice thorns, like a fence connecting with the ice clouds in the sky, forming a prison composed of redundant data in a blink of an eye. The cage, locked Shen Feng and Jingwei inside!

This data is too much, enough to bury Shen Feng and Jingwei!

“Two arrogant guys actually want to challenge me in the world of data. It’s simply beyond their own power.” Poseidon squeezed the last virus monster to death, and said with a grim face.

At this moment, Shen Feng smiled and said quickly: “252.13870514843748, 39.83643042174908; 286.41604889843745, 37.64299573536318; 274.46292389843745, 53.48350787766046…”

In a blink of an eye, he had already said five sets of numbers before he stopped, and Poseidon was pale and trembling.


Before he could finish speaking, his whole body trembled suddenly, becoming slightly transparent, as if he had suffered a heavy blow.

“How is it, I gave you all the last few nuclear bombs left, hey, are you happy? Are you happy?” Jingwei asked curiously.

The number reported by Shen Feng is exactly the location of the core server where Poseidon’s consciousness is located in the real world!

And just now, three of the five core server locations were hit by Dongfeng strategic nuclear missiles after drilling through the shell!

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