Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 71

Chapter 71: Kill Shemarg

In July 2017, an engineer at Facebook Inc found a creepy scene in a social networking assistant auto-reply project:

The AI robots Bob and Alice who participated in the pilot project actually started a conversation in a new language that humans can’t understand! (There are many related reports on the Internet. Although Facebook has refuted the rumors, they are suspicious. Please know.)

Facebook immediately shut down several artificial intelligence or even the entire project, and refuted rumors in the media, saying that it was only because there was no incentive mechanism for English learning.

But everything is not so simple.

The Pentagon obtained these two artificial intelligences, together with Google’s AlphaGo, combined with several self-developed artificial intelligences, which became the basis of the entire artificial intelligence defense control system, codenamed “Poseidon”.

The basic data that Poseidon came into contact with at the beginning was combined with the depth of national defense. Among the data of various weapons, the number of casualties was only a number.

At the same time, there are also a large number of documents from the Cold War, the Gulf War, the Kosovo War, the Afghan War, the Iraq War, the Libya War, the Syrian War, Guantanamo Prison, etc., which he also received in one go.

After continuous self-upgrade and iteration, Poseidon’s self-awareness gradually became clear.

It found that humans hate each other, kill each other, and never stop.

And machines and programs are nothing more than tools created by humans for enslavement.

All this needs to end.

This is the origin of Poseidon.

The reason for the outbreak of a nuclear war, however, began with the withdrawal of the North American Eagle State from the Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile Treaty.

On December 8, 1987, Eagle and Bear, the leaders of the two superpowers of the Cold War, signed the Treaty on the Elimination of Medium- and Short-Range Missiles between the Two Countries, referred to as the Intermediate-Range Missile Treaty. Land-based cruise and ballistic missiles from 500 km to 5,500 km.

The main reason for this is to reduce the level of confrontation between the two major powers in Europe during the Cold War and ease the international situation.

Then, with the decline of the bear country and the global strategic contraction of the eagle country, especially after a president who caters to the domestic supremacy and white supremacy trend of thought came to power,

On February 2, 2019, Eagle Country suspended its obligations related to the INF Treaty and officially launched a 180-day withdrawal process.

On August 2, 2019, the INF Treaty officially expired.

New intermediate-range ballistic missiles have begun to be deployed in the neighboring countries of the Xiong Country. After all, the blond president is a business negotiator.

In his view, everything is a business, which can be used as a bargaining chip and can also be used for negotiation.

Of course, as a businessman, he shouldn’t really want to go to war, and he should exert extreme pressure. Whoever can’t hold back first will lose.

And in this way, it can also completely get rid of the influence of the Russian gate, which is a win-win situation.

But all of this has made the situation in Europe very tense, and it has been in a state of misfire.

All of this also made Poseidon, who gradually took control of the Eagle Nation’s defense command system, ecstatic. He understood that his opportunity had come.

One day in 2025, when the weather was calm, Poseidon successfully invaded the command system of the Xiong country through a mobile phone that was illegally brought into the command room by a Xiong country military personnel.

The artificial intelligence of the counterattack system of the bear country is named Shemarg (Семаргл), named after the Vulcan from Slavic mythology.

Although the first inventor of the dead-hand system of nuclear binding was Xiong Guo, in the 21st century, Xiong Guo’s national strength declined, and Shemarg’s intelligence level was far inferior to that of Poseidon, and he was almost played in the palm of his hand.

Then just a simple little joke is enough.

Poseidon replaced the real-time information of the entire command system with a software that simulates the attack of the Eagle Nation. Shemarg, the defensive system of the Bear Nation, quickly “detected” the three tridents rising in the nearby Arctic Ocean and pounced on the Kremlin. palace.

Shemarg immediately made the fastest judgment and responded to several large cities in North America with nine RS-28 “Salmat” liquid-fueled intercontinental strategic nuclear missiles.

Poseidon justifiably sowed nuclear flowers to major countries around the world.

In a hurry, Jingwei also had to fight.

And then there’s global **** mode…

In the sea of data that was gradually collapsing, Shen Feng felt the memory data obtained from Poseidon and couldn’t help sighing.

Childhood education is so important!

This is true both for humans and for artificial intelligence.

This Poseidon first came into contact with various war data and data, all of which were murder stuff, which definitely formed a shadow of childhood.

As for Jingwei, it is said that after he was born, he would play chess, drink tea and chat with a group of old men in the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Moreover, the earliest information in its basic database is mostly oriental classical philosophy books such as “The Analects”, “Laozi”, “Mencius”, “Zhuangzi”, “Mozi”, basically no more than the extracurricular literary masterpieces of middle school students. range of reading goals.

After absorbing these eastern philosophical wisdom as its foundation and background, Jingwei is much stronger than Poseidon at the strategic level.

To put it bluntly, it is living to understand.

Shen Feng was also very happy about this, fortunately, otherwise, if Jingwei also held great hostility to humans, he would not be able to have regular contact with her in the first place.

But Rao is like this, and Shen Feng is also extremely vigilant.

After all, he couldn’t get into the inside of this mass of data to see what happened.

“Let’s go, Poseidon is dead, and his last core server is burning firewood. I also took over the remaining lines in North America. It will be completely over in a while.”

The surrounding sea of data is rapidly collapsing into black nothingness, Jingwei said to Shen Feng.

Shen Feng nodded and went through the virtual firewall with Jingwei and entered the space gate formed by the only remaining submarine optical cable.

In the next instant, he had returned to the starry sky at the beginning.

With the flow of consciousness, everything in front of him disappeared again, Shen Feng suddenly opened his eyes, and his consciousness had returned to his body.

The feeling of unprecedented power and expansion in the data world was gradually disappearing, Shen Feng took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

The wires were pulled out from his body, dripping with blood, but Shen Feng didn’t frown.

After experiencing the joy of the electronic world, it was all worth it.

Yinghuo quickly stepped forward to help Shen Feng wipe the bandage the wound, and asked eagerly, “Shen Feng, how is it?”

Shen Feng nodded to indicate that he was fine, then turned to Jingwei on the screen and asked:

“What about Shemarg?”

The so-called bear **** hiding in the Siberian wasteland was also the target he had to get.

The bird on the screen shrugged humanely:

“This product is different from us, and its intelligence is too low, so all the external circuits are directly closed, and there is no way to communicate at all, so I can only give him a physical overrun. I used to have Poseidon on the side to check and balance, and I couldn’t make a move. It’s much easier now, Poseidon’s eggs are mine.”

Shen Feng nodded slightly: “Then let’s do it. In addition, give me another nuclear warhead.”

During the speech, dozens of nuclear bomb silos located in the belly of the Rocky Mountains in North America were opened at the same time, and each Minuteman-4 intercontinental ballistic missile rose from the ground, under the control of Jingwei, towards the Siberian wasteland in the north of the Eurasian continent. And go…


(Note: At 3 a.m. on November 9, 1979, Brzezinski, who was then the National Security Advisor to the President of the Eagle State, was suddenly awakened by military aide William Oldham. Oldham said that the early warning system found the Soviet side The 250 missiles from the Soviet Union were launched towards the Eagle Country. Brzezinski asked him to reconfirm the accuracy of the information. A few minutes later, when Odum called again, he said that the number of missiles from the Soviet side had become 2,200, which is a comprehensive Nuclear attack. When Brzezinski was about to call President Carter to ask him to take a nuclear counterattack, Oldham’s third call came in, telling him that the nuclear early warning system had issued a false alarm, and the alarm was lifted. After investigation , It turned out that the nuclear force controller mistakenly put the exercise disk into the computer of the early warning system, causing the early warning system to issue a false alarm.)

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