Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 83

Chapter 83: Disciple

What Li Tongchen got was information about a certain terpenoid.

When he saw the basic composition of this terpenoid, he was ecstatic at first, then calmed down and frowned.

According to his current understanding of the stone-like disease virus, this terpenoid should be able to inhibit the spread of the stone-like disease virus.

But that’s about it.

Merely inhibiting the spread of the virus and prolonging the onset time cannot completely eradicate it.

And at most, it can be grabbed for about a month.

The existence behind the game, is there no vaccine at all, only this simple means of suppression?

Even so, Li Tongchen was no longer so desperate.

Even if it can be extended by one day, it is good. If the time is extended, maybe a new solution can be found.

At midnight on the third day, game time is over.

Of the 100 elites in the medical field selected by Shen Feng, a total of 13 people avoided the death of the game characters, and successfully completed the task and obtained some vaccine information.

Among the remaining people, seven game characters died and completely lost their qualifications for the game.

The other players completed the game to varying degrees, but some of them didn’t seem to take the game seriously, or the behavioral patterns they showed were too virtuous, and they were all directly eliminated by Shen Feng.

They didn’t change their minds quickly, and accepted “it’s a doomsday game” from the heart, indicating that these people have poor ability to accept new things, it is difficult to deal with some unexpected situations, and it is not very helpful to Shen Feng.

And those who are too much of the Virgin in the game are also difficult to make the right choice in the disaster of the last days.

Just like the famous railway track problem, a train is coming, there are two forks in total, one person is standing on one fork, but there are nine people standing on the road where the train is going. Do you want to sacrifice that person to save these nine people?

Many people get caught up in moral and value choices.

And if you replace that one person with 10,000 people, and nine people with the rest of the human race, how should you choose?

In such a major choice, people with the character of the Virgin will only consider their own moral judgment, and then kill the vast majority of people.

In a way, these Virgin White Lotus are also the most selfish people, because what they make is not based on rational choices, but first consider whether they will suffer moral judgment and conscience.

After all, the subconscious is still self-centered.

After eliminating these people, there are only seventy-nine people left.

On the game terminals of the seventy-nine people, a line of words appeared:

“Congratulations, you have obtained the title of ‘player’ through the internal test and become a member of the player organization.”

Only then did they know that the player organization was the name of the mysterious power hidden behind the game!

Li Tongchen glanced at the player title on the phone screen, put the phone in his pocket, didn’t take a closer look, but pushed the door and rushed to the laboratory.

He hasn’t closed his eyes for almost three days and three nights, and he walks lightly, as if stepping on cotton.

But these are not problems, he can’t sleep now!

Another three days have passed, and the conditions of the members of the scientific expedition team have worsened.

There is no uniform evolutionary time in the initial stage of lithotripsy, but it varies according to the state of the patient.

The team deputy of the Ice Dragon Scientific Expedition Team is now unable to move normally, and even the skin has cracked symptoms.

In the entire Polar Center building, including those superior leaders, the early symptoms of stone statue disease also appeared at this time.

There are also numerous reports of acute skin and arthropathy in society.

The stone disease virus has spread rapidly.

The highest level, who knew the severity of the stone statue disease, even began to consider blocking the entire magic city.

Compared to Alaska, which has been completely out of control, the execution here is the strongest after all.

It’s just that if the blockade of martial law is really issued, it will definitely cause nationwide and even worldwide panic.

The experimental team had been waiting under his orders for a long time, and soon, according to the information prompted in the game, Li Tongchen had prepared the terpenoid compound and began to use it on several critically ill patients.

Just two hours later, the patient’s symptoms have eased!

Not only did the skin elasticity recover a little, but even the abnormal sound of the joints was slightly reduced.


Li Tongchen did not hesitate, and immediately reported the news to the highest level.

Of course, the existence of the “real doomsday game” was concealed by him.

Immediately afterwards, the Lancet and other international journals were directly contacted to publish the composition and test results of this terpenoid.

What he didn’t expect was that the Lancet published a special issue, which published the reports of thirteen top medical experts from all over the world.

The report is all about the ‘stone statue disease” virus!

Stone statue disease, the name has also completely replaced self-limited acute hemorrhage as the official name for the virus.

Each person’s treatment method is like a jigsaw puzzle, thirteen pieces put together, it is a complete vaccine!

This point, so that Li Tongchen never expected.

And he also linked these experimental reports to the “real doomsday game” for the first time.

But like him, none of these thirteen people mentioned any “real doomsday game”, it seems that they didn’t know it, and they found these methods entirely by their own experiments.

Li Tongchen also did not know whether the other party had a similar experience to himself?

On the contrary, there are five or six figures who are also leaders in the medical field, saying that they have encountered some “real doomsday game”, and the developers of the game are likely to be the mastermind behind the stone statue disease, and let them lose the election and so on.

But when they were asked to show evidence, they said that their computers and mobile phones were all formatted and nothing was left.

Although these people’s words received a little public attention, they were eventually regarded as nonsense by everyone who was jealous of the thirteen doctors.

A few days later, the medical systems of several major countries were at full capacity, and vaccines for stone-like disease had begun mass production.

The public was only just now learning of the horrors of stone statue disease, and the scourge was beginning to fade away.

The thirteen doctors who jointly developed a vaccine for stone statue disease, known as the “Thirteen Wise Men”, became heroes of the whole world for a while.

Ordinary people haven’t felt anything yet, but the entire medical system has completely regarded them as Only people with a certain medical foundation can deeply understand the sinister nature of the stone statue disease virus.

The stone disease virus is finally rated as a five-level infectious disease, under which it is a four-level Ebola virus, and atypical pneumonia is only a three-level.

This is enough to explain the greatness of the stone-like disease vaccine, and the greatness of these thirteen doctors.

But all this has little to do with Li Tongchen for the time being.

After a few days of sleepless fighting, he was finally able to rest, and slept in the dark for a day and a night directly in the office.

After being awakened by hunger, he finally got up and came to the desk again in a white coat that he had not taken off for several days.

A catastrophe was temporarily terminated, and Li Tongchen was even more puzzled about the existence behind the real doomsday game.

Who is it, who is it?

A courier that the assistant collected for him is putting it aside.

Suddenly, the phone rang again.

Li Tongchen immediately picked it up and opened it.

The blood-red eyes appeared again, and a line of words appeared on the screen:

“Congratulations to the player who successfully passed the final test and won the title “disciple”, please sign for the developer’s gift.”

disciple? Gift?

Li Tongchen showed a puzzled look, and suddenly saw a **** eyeball icon on the express box!

He immediately opened the box, and a hundred-yuan bill fell out of the box.

He picked up the banknote and checked it suspiciously, but there was nothing special about it, and he could even pass the inspection of the banknote detector.

What does it mean?

Suddenly, Li Tongchen was stunned when he saw the printing years on the banknotes.


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