Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Wolf And Dog

The deafening gunshots echoed in the street, and the wolves that were rushing stopped instantly, let out a howl, and withdrew to the back.

They had never heard such a terrifying sound before, and for a while they didn’t understand what the creature in front of them was.

In front of it is a creature with four circles under the square and this column behind it, which is so **** weird.

At this moment, another howl came, which made the wolves instantly stabilize.

On the other side of the street, a huge head wolf walked out with the other members of the wolf pack, his eyes emitting a terrifying light.

The alpha wolf was obviously not frightened by the sound of gunfire, but was ready to continue to lead the wolves to hunt!

Shen Feng frowned and took out a submachine gun from the cart.

He didn’t want to go to war with the wolves unless he had to.

After all, the amount of ammunition is limited, and when we arrive at the epidemic prevention center, we do not know what kind of danger we will encounter.

Therefore, it is still based on deterrence.

He then aimed the pistol at a nearby glass window and pulled the trigger again.

“Bah! Whoa!”

The gunshots sounded, and the glass windows shattered instantly, making a huge noise, causing the wolves to riot again, and many turned their heads and wanted to escape.

The alpha wolf let out a low roar again, stopped his companions who wanted to escape, and then lowered his body, ready to forcibly hunt!

He seemed to see that the creature in front of him could not deal with the siege of dozens of beasts at the same time, and wanted to finish it all in one battle!

Shen Feng narrowed his eyes, and wanted to let this evil wolf taste the power of bullets.

“Wow…Wow!” At this moment, there were several barks from the wolf pack!

The alpha wolf, who was still looking fierce just now, stopped abruptly, became much more obedient in an instant, and turned his head to look in the direction of the dog’s barking.

Shen Feng was surprised when he saw that a golden retriever came out of the pack of wolves, and the surrounding wolves all gave way, showing a faint expression of surrender!

One of the golden retriever’s ears is missing half, and there are deep scratches on his face. The hair on his body is also gray, and his body is even much taller than the average wolf. Obviously, he has gone through many battles.

At this time, Shen Feng suddenly discovered that the wolves were different from what he had imagined before.

Looking carefully, these dozens of wolves are not all wolves, and almost half of them have the appearance of domestic dogs!

Alaskans, blackbacks, Doberman pinschers, pastoral dogs, and even huskies!

All medium sized hounds!

When I met them last time, I was too nervous and didn’t have time to take a closer look. Only now did I realize that this so-called wolf pack was actually composed of wolves and domestic dogs!

The wolf he thought was not the leader of the wolf pack, but the golden retriever in front of him.

Obviously, when humans completely disappeared from the city, the wolves that ran out of the zoo, together with the stray domestic dogs in the city, merged into a new group.

There is no reproductive isolation between wolves and domestic dogs, which makes sense.

Golden Retriever walked slowly to the front of the wolves and came to Shen Feng, a trace of docility flashed in his sharp eyes, and then he glanced vigilantly at the gun in Shen Feng’s hand.

Humans, human beings!

They are back! ?

It’s just that this human has a very dangerous aura!

Shen Feng took a closer look, and there was a leather collar on the golden retriever’s neck, apparently once raised by humans.

The golden retriever’s lifespan is generally 12 to 15 years old, which means that it should not exceed fifteen years until the end of the stone statue.

Judging from the health status of this golden retriever in his prime, it should be no more than eight years old.

Waving the gun in his hand, Shen Feng pointed to the distance and said, “Let’s go, I have no hostility.”

Golden Retriever seemed to understand what he said, stared at him for a few seconds, turned around and shouted a few times, and led the wolves away, leaving only a paw print on the ground.

Shen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, put the gun back, and then began to push the cart forward.

If the wolves insisted on attacking him, he might not be able to retreat completely.

After all, there are too many…

Judging from the performance of the golden retriever, he still has a deep memory and nostalgia for human civilization, but he doesn’t know how long this nostalgia can last?

Perhaps in a few years, after the last generation of domestic dogs has passed away, there will be only wild wolves left in this world.

Or, can they use the remnants of human civilization to evolve rapidly and gradually develop their own civilization?

Shen Feng shook his head, these are not things he should care about.

A block away, a 30-story building had appeared in front of him, and the surroundings were quiet without the slightest trace of the activities of large and medium-sized animals.

The epidemic prevention center has arrived.

The surroundings were quiet and desolate, and even the chirping of insects was rarely heard.

Shen Feng was instantly nervous.

The city at this time has completely become the law of the jungle, and only the place where the large beasts survive will be so quiet.

There must be skinners in the epidemic prevention center, and the number will not be small!

He quickly dressed up, hid behind the corner of the street corner, and threw an empty iron box toward the empty street in front of him.

“Bang dang… bang dang…”

The iron box rolled on the ground, making a screeching noise.

There was a roar and crash from some surrounding shops and buildings.

It’s a skinner!

Shen Feng saw with his own eyes that a skinner put his forehead against the glass window of a door, his eyes were full of madness, but he did not break through the door and rush out.

Even when the sun shines, it immediately shrinks back.

These flayers are afraid of the sun!

It’s normal to think about, after all, they have no skin, and the sun exposure is basically the same as putting flesh on a soldering iron and roasting it.

Shen Feng immediately came out from the corner, pushed the cart carefully and stepped into the street.

The rusted wheels made a ‘squeaky” sound, instantly awakening the skinners in the surrounding buildings.

Fierce-faced skinners rushed to the doors and windows and let out a frantic roar, but they were irritated by the sun and did not dare to rush out.

Finally, a skinner couldn’t bear it any longer. He rushed into the sunlight and rushed towards Shen Feng, but was knocked down by Shen Feng.

Shen Feng couldn’t help smacking his lips, these skinners should be considered the most vulnerable monsters.

Walking through the whole street, the roars were heard Both sides of the road seemed to be the cages of hell, Shen Feng finally came to the door of the epidemic prevention center.

On the LED screen at the entrance of the Epidemic Prevention Center, several lines of words kept flashing:

“Great wisdom and courage, bravely fighting the disease, and winning the final stage of conquering stone statue disease!”

Although several years have passed, the smart solar power supply system here is still operating faithfully.

Looking in through the explosion-proof glass at the door, there are dozens of stone statues standing in the hall, and dozens of skinners are wandering around. At this time, they have already rushed to the door, watching Shen Feng in the sun and roaring.

Like a group of evil spirits trying to drag the living into hell.

Shen Feng didn’t rush, first found a few large watering cans and some bottled water from a small supermarket on the street, put a pot on the shelf, and began to boil water at the entrance of the epidemic prevention center.

It is noon now, and the sky is full of the sun, and the sun is so savage that when the skinners come out, their skin will crack and die.

Soon, the water in the pot was already boiled, Shen Feng took out a pack of compressed biscuits and ate them, and then filled all four large watering cans with boiling water.

Putting on a riot helmet, body armor, guns and ammunition, and a large watering can in each hand, I came to the door of the Epidemic Prevention Center building.

Although the automatic sensor door was stained with blood, it was still usable. Just as Shen Feng walked over, the door opened immediately.

A group of skinners inside the door let out a frantic howl, Chaos’s consciousness just wanted to tear this human being different from them, at the very least, peel off his skin!

Shen Feng strode in, expressionless.

Several skinners rushed over immediately!

Come on, let you feel the power of sprayers!

Shen Feng immediately pressed the trigger of the spray bottle, and the hot boiling water spewed out with steam!


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