Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 92

Chapter 92: Supercavitating Nuclear Torpedo

Poseidon supercavitating nuclear torpedo.

Using supercavitation technology, loaded with nuclear power engines, megaton nuclear warheads.

The range is more than 10,000 kilometers, the maximum speed will exceed 200 kilometers per hour, and the maximum diving depth will exceed one kilometer.

One of the longest-range and fastest torpedoes in human history, capable of reaching any part of the world.

Or it shouldn’t be called a supercavitating nuclear torpedo, it should be called its official name – nuclear powered unmanned underwater vehicle.

Only with such a reckless thinking of the fighting nation, they thought of creating such a thing.

This thing is not used to attack enemy nuclear submarines or aircraft carriers at all.

Instead, it is used to directly attack coastal cities!

Or, in some conventional wars, the enemy fleet is directly targeted, no precise attack is required, and a brilliant release under the fleet is heaven.

This thing, like the intercontinental nuclear missile in the strategic nuclear submarine, is part of the nuclear deterrence system.

And now, a million-ton nuclear torpedo has disappeared!

All the staff present were dumbfounded. The chief engineer Korolev slapped himself fiercely and glanced at the empty boom again. Only then did he make sure that he was not hallucinating from drinking too much vodka last night.

“Class 1… No, a special accident! Report to the Kremlin immediately! Search for nuclear torpedo locating signals!” Korolev almost roared out.

What was lost was no ordinary thing, it was a nuclear bomb!

Once an accident happens, it is enough to cause a chain reaction and plunge the whole world into a dark cloud!

Did the boom fail and the nuclear torpedo fell into the water?

Although he understood that the possibility was extremely low, Korolev prayed for the outcome in his heart.

oh god… it would be nice if it just fell in place…

The staff present immediately began to run wildly and acted.

Dozens of soldiers guarding outside the dock also received the news and rushed over with automatic rifles.

This is an active duty unit stationed at the shipyard, responsible for security work, and the leading major shouted loudly from a distance:

“Mr. Korolev, what happened? Why was the alarm sounded?”

Korolev didn’t have time to pay attention to him at this time, and was sitting down on the chair of the robotic arm console, waiting for the signal to be detected.

In just a few seconds, the signal detection results have come out.

Seeing the light spot on the screen, Korolev only felt his whole body go soft, and sweat soaked his back instantly. Even the low temperature near the Arctic Circle could not make him feel cool.

The signal showed that the Poseidon supercavitating nuclear torpedo had left the Severodvinsk shipyard’s dock, passed through Dvina Bay and entered the White Sea.

And, it is turning to the northeast!

Severodvinsk, where the Severodvinsk shipyard is located, is located on the northern coastline of the Bear Country.

Further north is the Arctic Ocean!

And through the Arctic Ocean, you can reach Canada and the Eagle Country… No, even in those countries in Western Europe, the consequences are unimaginable…

“Mr. Korolev, what’s the matter?” Major Sullivan, who was in charge of security, asked with a frown.

Korolev turned pale and trembled: “We…we lost a torpedo…”

Sullivan frowned and said:

“Is it just a torpedo? If it falls into the sea, it’s fine as long as it doesn’t leave the dock. It’s normal to have a production accident… Isn’t the inner port of the dock closed all the time?”

Korolev took a deep breath and tried to regain his composure, and said slowly:

“When the fire alarm came, the dock gates were open for ten seconds, and… what we lost was a Poseidon supercavitating nuclear torpedo.”

Sullivan only felt as if he was instantly naked in the gale of minus sixty degrees in Siberia, and there was no half glass of vodka by his side.

“Report to the higher-ups immediately! Block the entire factory area!” Sullivan shouted, commanding his men to start deploying defenses.

This situation has completely exceeded his ability to deal with it, and he must act quickly. Even if it is one second later, a very serious problem may occur.

“It’s been reported… it’s been reported…” Korolev murmured, looking at the empty boom.

Who the **** did it?

Chechen remnants?

Middle Eastern fundamentalists?


Georgian guerrillas?

Korolev instantly thought of various enemies, but at this time he secretly prayed that these people took the nuclear torpedo.

After all, no matter how crazy these people are, they will not detonate a nuclear torpedo for a while.

The worst case is that the control program inside the nuclear torpedo goes out of control and becomes a timed nuclear bomb wandering in the sea…

There was a shrill siren in the factory, people running around and shouting everywhere, the chaos turned into a pot of porridge…

This matter is really too urgent. Within five minutes of getting the information, Xiong Guo’s senior management has quickly made a decision and notified several other major powers, especially the nuclear powers, that their own nuclear bombs were lost.

After all, no one wants to cause endless misunderstandings at such a time.

What a nuclear bomb means, no one knows better.

Only three decades have passed since the Cold War, and now the new Cold War is in full swing.

Xiong Guo even directly shared the positioning information of this nuclear torpedo, so that the high-level officials of various countries can clearly see the trajectory of the nuclear bomb.

As a supercavitating torpedo, Poseidon can reach a speed of 240 kilometers per hour in the water, far exceeding most active ships.

Even if you want to intercept it, you can’t intercept it now!

Everyone could only see that after the nuclear torpedo walked out of the White Sea, it bypassed Meijin Bay and entered the Arctic Ocean.

Immediately afterwards, the signal was completely lost and disappeared without a trace.

Obviously, it has entered the deep sea below 300 meters, and the tracking signal has also been blocked.

Everyone’s hearts are worried, and they don’t know where this terrible nuclear torpedo has gone.

It’s just that some people also found that the trajectory of this nuclear torpedo seems to point directly at the Amundsen Basin!

At this time, Shen Feng’s conscious tentacles were attached to the Poseidon nuclear torpedo, which also felt very difficult.

This thing is also called Poseidon. The mythological system of these Westerners is really a little barren…

In the deep sea, ordinary radio signals cannot be transmitted at all, and can only use ultra-long wave Fortunately, he has already set the attack location of the torpedo, so even if the signal is intermittent, it does not matter.

After making the decision to level the remains of the stone statues on the sea floor, he began to look for suitable targets.

Generally speaking, the communication systems of strategic nuclear submarines are encrypted layer by layer. Generally speaking, several high-level leaders of major countries must first issue the launch password together. When the launch command is transmitted to the nuclear submarine, if you want to launch a nuclear bomb, you must pass through the captain and the missile commander. People can manually start it at the same time.

If there is a problem in any of these links, the nuclear bomb cannot be launched.

Even though he now has extremely strong power in the online world, it is basically impossible to hijack a nuclear submarine and force the soldiers inside to launch nuclear bombs.

And he didn’t want to do it either.

After thinking about it, I found a good thing like the Poseidon supercavitating nuclear torpedo.

This thing itself has an independent computer control system, which can be hacked.

And the less loaded into a nuclear submarine, the easier it is to control.

So Shen Feng saw the opportunity, started the engine of this nuclear torpedo directly, and then slipped away.

After using the conscious tentacles to accompany him in the deep sea for a while, the nuclear torpedo has come to the Amundsen Sea, above the stone statue ruins.

Due to the existence of the ice layer and the salt fluid layer, Shen Feng’s conscious tentacles have been completely stripped and shattered.

Just when the tentacles of consciousness were about to be completely shattered, the nuclear torpedo had turned its direction and plunged straight towards the seabed!

At the same time, there was a faint roar of thousands of people chanting from the stone statue ruins on the seabed:

“…billions are one…now is one…”

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