Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 94

Chapter 94: Make Us Great Again

The UN Security Council consists of five permanent members and ten non-permanent members.

The five permanent members are China, the United States, Russia, Britain and France, commonly referred to as the five hooligans.

The ten non-permanent members serve two-year terms. According to the principle of geographical distribution, the five newly elected members each time should include three countries from Asia and Africa, one Eastern European country and one Latin American or Caribbean country.

Elections require a two-thirds majority of the general assembly.

In the conference room of the United Nations at this time, in addition to the representatives of the five permanent members, there are also representatives of the non-permanent members of Belgium, Côte d’Ivoire, Dominica, Equatorial Guinea, Germany, Indonesia, Kuwait, Peru, Poland, and South Africa.

There were only thirty or forty people in the entire conference room, all of whom were diplomatic elites from various countries.

Everyone’s phones were ringing, but they were seeing different content.

Representatives of several small countries such as Equatorial Guinea, Poland and Dominica took out their mobile phones and glanced at them, and cursed involuntarily:

“Isn’t the security of information within the United Nations guaranteed? Why are we getting the **** casino information here!?”

“The protection of information security cannot be delayed! Today’s nuclear torpedo accident is a warning!”

“I want to protest to the Secretary-General! This…”

What appeared to be harassing text messages they received.

And hearing this, Vasily, who was about to speak, immediately turned off the screen of his mobile phone, silently put the mobile phone back in his pocket, and echoed:

“Yes, but we have to ask our Yingguo friends, is there a problem with your 4G network? If you knew this, it would be better to cooperate with Huaguo, and 5G has been built.”

The diplomats present couldn’t help but burst into laughter, and they all turned off their mobile phones and didn’t say anything.

It’s as if everyone received a harassing message.

It’s just that among the more than 30 people, almost 20 people’s eyes became a little hesitant, as if they were thinking about something.

At this time, the Poseidon supercavitation nuclear torpedo has been completely detonated, and an emergency can be considered invisible.

The council meeting that was originally convened to deal with this matter urgently was no longer necessary.

After the meeting, the diplomatic elites from various countries all greeted each other with humble smiles and left here.

As for whether the heads of the countries they represent are getting in touch through other channels and reaching some agreements, this is not something they can know.

But if such a big thing happened, the leaders of the five major countries should have a meeting, or directly hold a closed-door meeting.

Vasily hummed the “Katyusha” ditty, quickly left the United Nations Building accompanied by his assistant, got in the car and headed to the airport, ready to return to the Xiongguo embassy.

Through the one-way glass, he also saw the representatives of several other major countries leaving in a hurry, as if the destinations were their respective embassies.

A few hours later, Vasily had returned to the embassy.

The ambassador is not in the embassy, but is invited to an international event.

After greeting several Xiong country embassy staff, Vasily came to his room.

He first closed the curtains, and then fumbled around the carpet and the corner of the sofa to confirm that he found nothing. Then he came to the bathroom and turned on the shower and bathtub faucets.

The sound of water was loud, and Vasily tore off his tie and took off his suit, but instead of taking a shower, he sat on the toilet and took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

His hands were shaking slightly.

Gently click on the screen, a blood-red eye immediately appeared on the screen, followed by a few lines of text:

“Welcome to the real doomsday game, there are currently two mission maps in this game.

1. The end of the stone statue.

2. Nuclear war wasteland apocalypse.

After completing the stone statue apocalypse mission, you can unlock the nuclear war wasteland apocalypse.

Вперёд, товарищи! (Go ahead, comrade!

Vasily only felt a little dry in his throat, and his hands kept shaking because of excitement and excitement. He directly grabbed a cup and took a glass of water from the faucet, drank it, and calmed down a little.

He has heard rumors about the “real doomsday game” before, and even saw relevant reports on TV.

However, at the time, I only thought that the losers in the medical world had made up such a rumor out of jealousy of the thirteen noble doctors.

After all, the thirteen doctors jointly developed a vaccine to curb the spread of the stone statue disease virus, which almost saved the entire human race.

It is normal for other academic leaders to be a little jealous.

It was not until a few days ago that he met Professor Shevchenko of the Pavlov Medical College in St. Petersburg after a meeting of the Xiong State high-level officials.

This Professor Shevchenko is also one of the thirteen great doctors. Although he has made dazzling achievements and saved countless people, he is still humble and kind.

When it comes to the stone-like disease vaccine, Professor Shevchenko immediately denied that he invented the vaccine, and only said that he discovered the information about the vaccine.

Then, Vasily and Shevchenko were received by the highest level at the same time, and it was also at that time, through the conversation between Shevchenko and the high-level, that Vasily knew that the real doomsday game really exists!

No one knows where this game came from, but it was with this game that the thirteen medical giants found the final vaccine for stone statue disease and lifted this terrifying plague.

And now, it has found itself! ?

“Why… why me?” Vasily murmured.

No, no, it’s not just me…

Vasily suddenly realized that in the conference room of the United Nations Building just now, many of the people present showed strange expressions.

What they received must not be any spam, but it is very likely that it is also an invitation to the “real doomsday game”!

People in other countries may have already started, and they must speed up their progress!

Moreover, the information in this must be reported to the Kremlin!

Vasily took a deep breath, and immediately clicked on the stone statue doomsday option, ready to start to experience what this legendary game really is like…

Meanwhile, a high-level military meeting is taking place inside the Pentagon.

People in suits and leather shoes and in military uniforms are on both sides of the conference table. A tall man is standing in the speaker’s is a famous hawk general of the Eagle Country and the spokesperson of the Eagle Country military-industrial complex. Taylor.

At this time he was wearing a headset and loudly preaching his point of view:

“…Gentlemen, there are still a lot of mysteries about the nuclear torpedo incident, and we can’t yet be completely sure that there is no hostility in the bear country, nor that it was a planned demonstration.

Gentlemen, war has never left us, all we have to do is to use the strongest shield to keep the disaster out of our homes, protect our homes, and protect our children!

Therefore, we must speed up the improvement of the National Missile Defense System (NMD for short) and Theater Missile Defense (TMD for short)!

At the same time, the two major defense systems, including the national combat system, should have an ultra-high-precision brain as the center to respond immediately in the face of danger.

This brain is far faster than a human’s reaction speed, and can make optimal choices within 1 microsecond!

This will be our strongest brain and strongest shield!

Let’s welcome the arrival of Zeus Smart System! ”

On the screen behind him, there was a group of flickering rays of light, which was the prototype of the latest intelligent combat system.

At the same time, a hoarse and low voice came from Taylor’s earphones, strange and erratic, and continued to say as before:

“…Let’s be great again…”

Like a marionette, Tyler’s eyes suddenly widened, and he shouted loudly with a red face:

“…Let’s be great again!”

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