Realistic Harry Potter

101 One Shot

I'm not starting up again just yet; but, I had a bit of inspiration while away and wrote this last night. It was too late to post then, so here it is, all 5,700 words of it! You're welcome. LOL

Edit: I finally got around to error checking it.

Harry groggily opened his eyes and he wasn't in his Hogwarts four poster bed like he was supposed to be. The trip home on the Hogwarts Express wasn't going to be until tomorrow, which meant he had no idea where he was. He glanced around into the dimly lit room and he couldn't really see anything.

There was a soft cracking sound and a house elf appeared in front of him. It let out a keening sound as its eyes locked onto Harry's and then it popped away. A few minutes later, the sound of the door opening and closing was heard and a set of footsteps approached.

“Am I still nothing to you, Potter?” A whiny and familiar voice said into the darkness.

“Malfoy.” Harry said with a sigh.

“My father wasn't happy when I told him what you said.” Draco said as he stepped close enough to be seen and Harry noticed the cell bars. “I hope you're going to enjoy staying here for a while.”

“You have to be kidding.” Harry said.

“You're going to wish that I was.” Draco said with a sneer. “It's summer holidays. No one is going to be looking for you until the next school year begins.”

Harry smiled. “You couldn't be more wrong about that.”

“It doesn't matter what you say. I've already had letters sent to your friends and your family.” Draco scoffed. “You can beg all you want and I'm not letting you out.”

Harry gave him a concerned look. “Are you crazy? No one would believe anything you sent.”

Draco laughed. “I've already received responses and they all understand that you want to spend some time alone for a few weeks.”

Harry didn't say anything in response.

“Do you get it now? No one is coming for you.” Draco said, his voice full of satisfaction. “I'm going to have so much fun cursing you this summer.”

Harry waited for him to leave before he tried to search himself for his things. Unfortunately, all of his pockets were empty and he was still wearing his pyjamas. He didn't have his wand up his sleeve, either. That was the worst part. He didn't give up because Draco had miscalculated his scheme on three things.

One, Harry had the cross country train tour with Amelia Bones and her niece Susan for the first two weeks of the summer break. In fact, he was supposed to step off the Hogwarts Express and onto the normal train barely an hour later. No one except Hermione and Neville knew, so there was no way Draco would know.

Two, after a short break back home for a few days, he was to spend three weeks with his godfather, Sirius. They had planned to have Harry's birthday party at Healer Ela's house and it was going to be a huge event, which would end his visit there, and he would return to Privet Drive.

Three, his trunk was still at Hogwarts. If he wasn't the one to move it, then it would stay exactly where it was. When anyone went to his room to look for him, they would definitely see it. The best part was, it couldn't be concealed or hidden. It was one of the anti-theft charms that the goblins had put on it. Trying to hide it from his sight was the same as taking it from him.

The bad part about it all is that he didn't have any idea where his wand was. He missed it already and he hoped that it was okay. Almost anyone seeing a spare wand anywhere would take it. It was a powerful magical tool and a free wand was a free wand.

Harry laid back onto the cot and did his best to not overthink the bad things that could happen to his unattended wand and his owl, Hedwig. She was going to be lost if he didn't pick her up from school. What was funny was that he wasn't at all worried about himself. He was in a locked cell, he assumed in the basement of Malfoy's house, and he had no chance of escape without help.

Harry almost laughed when the house elf popped in with a meal tray and gave him a small bowl of soup and a piece of bread. “Thanks.”

The elf squeaked in surprise and popped away.

Harry had almost laughed because it was a lot more food than what he would get at home from the Dursleys. He ate it all and left the tray beside the bed. The elf popped back in and took the tray, gave Harry a sad expression, and popped away again. He hadn't tried to talk to it, considering it was a house elf. It would only follow the Malfoy's orders and anything he asked for would either be relayed to them or ignored.

Harry wasn't worried, though. He had a day, maybe two, before two very irate and powerful people would be looking for him. He smiled as he thought about Amelia and Sirius, and how they would both be desperate to find him. He chuckled, because he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they would both react very poorly from Draco's faked letters, especially since it wasn't Hedwig that had delivered them.


“We have to find him!” Sirius spat as he crushed the letter for the hundredth time. He stood in the kitchen of Healer Ela's house and the ball of paper in his hands started to glow.

“Please calm down.” Amelia said as she plucked the nearly immolated paper from Sirius' grip and cast a cooling charm on it. “We have lots of information to go off of.”

“Lots!” Sirius exclaimed and Ela put her arms around his shoulders to try and calm him.

“We have two fake letters, his trunk that's still at the school, and his wand.” Amelia said. “Not only that, none of the portraits saw him leave wearing just his pyjamas and no shoes.”

Sirius grumbled and waved at the kitchen table. “How do we track fake letters?”

Just then there was a tinkle of the little bell, which let them know that someone was on the porch. Ela went to the door and opened it, only to gasp at the bedraggled man in front of her.

“You can't track them.” The man said.

Sirius let out a surprised bark of a laugh as he shot out of the kitchen and across the living room. “REMUS!”

Remus opened his arms to try and catch his old friend in a hug. “Hello, Sirius.” He said and then he was surprised when a fist slammed into the side of his face and he crumpled to the floor in shock.

“Sirius!” Ela gasped.

“What the hell happened to you?!?” Sirius spat and stared down at his old friend. “Ten years! TEN YEARS!”

Remus rubbed his face and sighed. “I can explain.”

“I hope so, because I rotted in prison for a crime I didn't commit while you were out and gallivanting around the countryside!” Sirius said, angrily.

“If I'd known...” Remus started to say.

“You DID know!” Sirius nearly yelled. “When Lily and James were killed by him and I went after Pettegrew, you were supposed to stay with Harry to protect him!”

A tear came to Remus' eye. “I wanted to...”

“If you give me the lame excuse that Dumbledore told you to stay away and you LISTENED to him, after he put me in prison without a trial, I'll hunt you down and skin you alive after you change.” Sirius said, his voice deadly.

Remus opened his mouth to respond and then realized he was actually going to say that. “I'm sorry.”

“BAH!” Sirius spat and raised his arms briefly in exasperation. “You always were weak willed.”

“Sirius, you shouldn't...” Ela started to say and he turned to her.

“Do not finish that sentence, my love.” Sirius said, his voice sweet. “Remus knows he did wrong. He can't excuse himself like he always does when he recuses himself from a situation and hopes it doesn't impact him negatively.”

Ela blinked her eyes a few times.

“It's true.” Amelia said as she came over to them. “Any time there was a conflict at school, he would back away and let it resolve itself. He almost never got involved, even when it was James and Sirius on the receiving end.” She gave Sirius an amused smirk. “Not that the second kind happened much.”

Sirius had to laugh at that. “All right, yes. James and I were hell raisers.”

“You didn't need me to remind you.” Amelia said and held a hand down to Remus. “I'm glad you finally showed up.”

Remus took the offered hand and stood up. “I would do anything for Harry.”

Sirius huffed and Remus gave him a self-depreciating smile.

“You can get back to your horrible friendly reunion later. We need two things from you right now.” Amelia said and waved to the kitchen. “If you would.”

Remus nodded and went into the kitchen. He didn't touch anything and bent down to smell Harry's wand. He shuddered a little and his eyes went a little yellow as he did. He pointed at the flat note and Amelia released the preservation spell on it. He barely had to smell it and winced.

“That's not Harry. It's... it's almost...” Remus shook his head. “I can't place it.”

“Try the other one.” Amelia said and he took a sniff.

“Sirius.” Remus said and Amelia sighed.

“I was upset.” Sirius said as he came over to the table and carefully unwrapped the ball. “Try again.”

Remus took another sniff from the flat part. “It smells like the other one.”

“Neither were made by Harry.” Amelia said and Remus nodded in confirmation. “I've performed my own tracking spells and I can't find Harry. He's behind wards of some kind.”

“Did you try to trace the wand?” Remus asked and took out his own and performed several spells on the wand. Light wisps of smoke came out of it and nothing else. “Yes, he's definitely behind wards if we can't follow the wand back to him.”

“What should we do?” Ela asked. “He's been missing since last night. He could be anywhere.”

“No, he wouldn't be 'anywhere'.” Amelia said and crossed her arms. “I'm sure if we knew...” She stopped talking and her eyes widened. “Hedwig!”

“Son of a bitch! Why didn't I think of that?” Sirius asked and slapped himself on the forehead.

“Language.” Ela said and kissed his cheek.

“Sorry, dear.” Sirius said. “Amelia, if you could go and get her from the school.”

“I'll be right back.” Amelia said and swiftly walked out of the house.


Harry laid there as another stinging hex hit him, only this one was on the side of his face. He didn't bother reacting to the pain or the impact, because that would give Draco some semblance of satisfaction. Harry was never going to do that and he continued to chant in his head that Draco was nothing and was below his notice.

“I said wake up!” Draco said in frustration and swiped his wand down on an angle and cast the Diffindo spell. A foot long slice appeared in the sleeve of Harry's pyjamas and cut into his upper arm slightly. It was barely deeper than a paper cut and yet the blood started to flow and could be easily seen. “That should make you...”

“I've been awake this whole time, you idiot. I've just been ignoring you.” Harry said without reacting to the cut or wiping at the blood that was gathering on his arm and several drops fell to the floor.

“You!” Draco spat and raised his wand once more.

“Draco.” A cool male voice said from behind him and Draco whipped around to stare at his father's cold expression. “I told you not to come down here until we discussed things.”

“Father, I was just...”

“Enough.” Lucius Malfoy said and used his cane to move his son aside. “Your mother wants you at the table for lunch.”

“Yes, father.” Draco said and gave Harry a harsh glare before he disappeared into the darkness, his footsteps faded as he went up the stairs.

“I'm sorry for how my son is treating you.” Lucius said.

Harry chuckled. “Uh huh. Is there anything else you want to lie about? Like not arranging for my kidnapping or holding me at your mansion in the basement?”

Lucius sighed. “Despite what my son may have told you, I did not arrange this.” He said. “However, now that I do have you...”

“You're not going to have me for long.” Harry said with a smile.

“You are behind very strong family wards. No one can track you here.” Lucius said. “If you come closer, I can heal the damage from...”

“No, thanks. I want everyone to see how your family treats people.” Harry said and rolled onto his side to keep both his face and his cut arm out of sight. “I'm sure it won't be a surprise to them.”

Lucius sighed again. “Don't be stubborn. You're bleeding and...”

“I've bled before.” Harry said without turning around.

There was a soft crack as the house elf popped in and dropped the meal tray on the floor.

Harry turned over to look and it was another small bowl of thin soup and a single piece of bread. “Thank you.”

The elf let out a startled squeak and popped away instantly. Harry chuckled and didn't look at Lucius as he quickly ate the meal, despite the swollen side of his face and then he laid back down to face away from sight again. The elf popped back in, grabbed the tray, and disappeared.

Lucius stood there for another few moments as he gazed at the boy, who wasn't panicking, or yelling, or complained about the poor quality of the food, or even about being hurt. His mind tried to make sense of the situation and he couldn't understand how a boy so young could just stay there and take it calmly. He had counted six stinging hexes before Draco had switched to the cutting charm and Harry hadn't reacted at all.

Unlike Draco, he knew the boy had been awake the whole time, because he saw the tensing muscles as the hexes hit him. He gave one last look at the blood drops on the floor and went back upstairs. He had a few things to plan if Harry wasn't going to react like a normal person. Perhaps even a cramping potion could be slipped into his soup for supper.

If I dangle the antidote in front of him, perhaps he will be more accommodating. Lucius thought and entered the small dining room.

“How is our unexpected guest?” Narcissa asked her husband as he sat in the seat across from her at the small table.

“Surprisingly stubborn. He wouldn't let me tend to him after Draco's tantrum.” Lucius said and she laughed softly.

“It wasn't a tantrum!” Draco exclaimed. “I was trying to wake him up to eat and...”

“Calmly, Draco.” Narcissa said, her voice deadly.

Draco snapped his mouth closed on his excuse and he looked apologetic. “I'm sorry, mother.”

Narcissa nodded and looked at her husband. “What are we going to do when they realize he's gone?”

“There's nothing they can do.” Lucius said with a smirk. “Draco might not have much experience with such things; but, he did manage to get Potter out of the castle without anyone noticing.”

“I disguised him as my trunk after using the full body bind curse.” Draco said, a bit proudly. “He was all curled up in his bed and it was so easy to slip into the Griffindor tower undetected. No one even looked twice when I carried him out.”

“You've nearly perfected the 'Ignore Me' charm, have you?” Lucius asked and Draco nodded.

“What of your actual trunk?” Narcissa asked, curious.

“Shrunken and hidden in my robes, of course.” Draco said. “I would never leave behind anything you bought for me, mother.”

“Well done.” Narcissa said and her son preened a little.


Amelia apparated to the gates of Hogwarts and tapped them to open them and went inside. She knew where to go and went right over to the owlery. “Hedwig!” She said loudly in the echoing space. She spotted the snowy white owl near the top and waved for the bird to come to her. It let out a hoot and flew down to land on her offered arm. “Harry's missing. I need you to use your magic to take us as close as you can.”

“HOOT!” Hedwig yelled loudly and nearly all of the owls responded with their own hoots.

“I'll give you a message, just to ensure you can deliver it as closely as possible.” Amelia said and slipped a little piece of paper into her leg pouch that said 'we're coming'. She also applied a very strong tracking charm on the pouch and took the bird over to the window. “Godspeed, Hedwig.”

Hedwig hooted as she took off and quickly disappeared from sight.

Amelia nodded and ran from the owlery and back down to the gates. She tapped them, jumped through and apparated back to Healer Ela's house. She didn't even have to explain as Sirius and Remus met her on the porch. The three of them went to the alley and Amelia took out a piece of parchment and waved her wand at it. A map appeared and she saw Hedwig's current coordinates before she showed it to the two men.

The three of them apparated to the spot and saw Hedwig zooming away. They waited for several minutes and Amelia used the spell again. She was getting a good feeling for the direction and they apparated again. They appeared on a deserted street and looked around. It was an upscale neighbourhood and Remus whistled as he looked at the expensive homes.

Amelia used the spell again and saw Hedwig performing large circles a mile away. “Gentlemen.”

The three of them apparated to the street just outside the place and Sirius let out a loud curse.

“What is it?” Remus asked and looked around. He couldn't see anything except a barren field of grass.

“We're at the Malfoy residence.” Sirius spat.

“What? How can that be?” Remus asked and looked again.

“It's spelled to be hidden from anyone that hasn't been there before.” Amelia said as she looked at the large iron gates with the family crest and name across them. “I can't believe they have Harry.”

“I can.” Sirius said. “Remember Harry's letters?”

Amelia took in a sharp breath. “No, they... why...”

“It was a grave insult to call a pureblooded wizard 'nothing'.” Sirius said. “I can just imagine what they are doing to him in there.”

“We have to get in there!” Remus said loudly.

“We can't without a warrant to search the premises.” Amelia said.

“How are we going to get...” Sirius stopped talking when he realized who he was talking to. She was the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. “When can you be back?”

Amelia smiled. “An underage wizard, the savior of the wizarding world, is missing. I'll be back with a dozen Aurors in ten minutes.”

“Go!” Sirius said happily and Amelia popped away.


After lunch, Lucius had just finished making several private calls to check on his options on what to do with his family's guest, when he felt a very strong tremor in the house wards as someone challenged them. “Dammit!” He said loudly when the wards fell as an authority figure used their power to drop them temporarily. “DRACO!”

There was no answer, which meant he was out of earshot and down in the basement. Lucius ran from the fireplace to the drawing room, informed his wife to expect more uninvited guests, and tried to run down to the basement. Just then, the front door, the back door, and the french doors to the patio opened at the same time and a dozen angry Aurors stormed in with a woman and two men behind her.

“Lucius Malfoy.” Amelia growled as she held out a search warrant. “I have reason to believe that you are holding Harry Potter here against his will and we are here to search the premises for him and for any dark artifacts you may be concealing as well.”

“I can't imagine why you would think that I have the boy...” Lucius clamped his mouth shut when a snowy white owl zoomed in through the front door and over their heads.

“Shacklebolt!” Amelia ordered and the tall black man ran after the bird that flew right over to the basement and somehow circled in the small space with her wings continuously flapping. Sirius and Remus were right there behind Shacklebolt as he broke through the locked door and they ran down the stairs.

“AHH!” Draco yelped as the three large men charged at him and he started to run.

Shacklebolt sent a quick stunning spell at him and came to a stop at the bare patch of wall. “There's nothing here.”

Hedwig flew down and landed on the floor beside him and hooted loudly.

“I know he should be here.” Shacklebolt said. “I can't see any doors or anything, however.”

“Remus.” Sirius said and stepped back as he dragged Shacklebolt back with him.

“I'll try.” Remus said and tilted his head from side to side, making his neck crack a little, then he closed his eyes and growled. When he opened his eyes, they were tinted yellow and he took in a deep breath through his nose. He went down on his hands and knees and smelled along the floor, went back and forth several times, then his back arched and he turned his head right towards the wall that Hedwig was still softly hooting at.

“He's behind the wall!” Sirius exclaimed in surprise.

“Get back, everyone.” Shacklebolt said as he pointed his wand at the wall. “Bombarda!”

Instead of the sound of concrete and stone that they had expected, there was a wrenching and clang of metal. The wall was still there, however.

“What the hell?” Sirius asked and was about to step forward when Harry stepped out through the wall as if it wasn't there.

“I knew you'd come.” Harry said and bent down to Hedwig to pet her. “Another great delivery. Thank you.”

“HOOT!” Hedwig said loudly. Always come!

In Sirius' opinion, Harry looked awful. Half of his face was red and swollen up to twice its normal size and there was a long bleeding gash on his upper arm that he carefully cradled.

“What did they do to you?” Sirius asked and hugged him.

“Draco hit me with a bunch of stinging hexes all on my left side and then used a Diffindo charm on my arm to wake me up.” Harry said.

“That little bastard!” Sirius spat.

Three more Aurors came down and saw Harry. One of them used a pretty creative string of curse words and one of the other two hissed a warning.

“Sorry, sir.” The man whispered back. “It's just seeing a child being abused like this really bothers me.”

“You and me both.” The man said and looked at Shacklebolt.

“It's an illusion wall.” Shacklebolt said and waved at the offending wall. “Gather up the Malfoy boy and take everyone back upstairs to Madam Bones.”

“I'll send Wilkinson down.” The one that revived Draco said and the other two ushered Sirius, Remus, and Harry up the stairs. Hedwig happily rode on Harry's shoulder.

“I'm so very glad you all showed up so quickly.” Narcissa said with a sweet voice as she held out a tray of tea and sweets. “My husband was about to call you.”

“I'm sorry, Lady Malfoy. That just won't work.” Amelia said as Harry, Sirius, and Remus appeared. Her heart broke at the sight of his face and arm; but, she was a professional. It didn't show on her face as she motioned towards him. “As you can clearly see, he was not treated well while in your family's tender care. I sincerely doubt you would have tried to contact us after he had been missing for so long. Not without healing him first.”

Narcissa's face lost the pleasant look and she called an elf to take the tray, since it wouldn't be needed.

“Hi, there!” Harry said and waved at the elf. It let out a startled squeak, jumped and almost dropped the tray, then both the elf and the tray disappeared.

The man holding Draco told Wilkinson to go downstairs to deal with the illusion wall and Wilkinson gave him a feral grin. Lucius and Narcissa exchanged sad looks as the Aurors spread out through the mansion, now that they knew what to look for.

“If you wouldn't mind coming with us. We have a few questions for you both down at the ministry.” Amelia said as two of the Aurors stepped close to Lucius and Narcissa. They let out sighs and nodded, then they were led out of the mansion with Draco to get outside of the anti-apparition enchantment. The three of them disappeared with their escorts a moment later.

“We're taking Harry to Ela's.” Sirius said and Remus nodded.

“I'm sorry, you know you can't just yet.” Amelia said and walked over to them. “Harry, how are you?”

“I'm fine.” Harry said. “Hedwig, you can go ahead to Ela's.”

“Hoot!” Hedwig said and took off. I go!

“Your arm's bleeding.” Amelia said and lifted her wand.

“No, don't.” Harry said and stopped her with a hand. “Don't you need pictures and things as evidence?”

Amelia chuckled and reached to hug him. Sirius let Harry go and Amelia wrapped her arms around him, careful of his injuries. “Such a brave young man you are.” She whispered and kissed the top of his head. “All right. I'll hand the evidence gathering over to Shacklebolt and we can head over to the ministry.”

“There's a whole bunch of barred cells down there behind the illusion walls.” Shacklebolt said as he came up the stairs, as if summoned by his name being spoken.

“I'm turning the scene over to you while I deal with Harry.” Amelia said and gave him the search warrant.

“I expected as much.” Shacklebolt said with a smile. “I think Wilkinson's got his work cut out for him. I can only guess how many secret doors and rooms we are going to find here, now that we know how to look as well as where.”

Amelia nodded. “Good luck on the hunt and don't touch anything directly. Levitation only.”

“You wound me.” Shacklebolt said with a chuckle and Amelia laughed.

“I'm sorry for the beginner orders. I'm a bit distracted.” Amelia said and looked down at Harry, who grinned up at her.

“No doubt.” The tall black man said and held a hand out to Remus. “I'm glad you were here. We might have missed him with the sound barrier and repelling charms in place.”

Remus smiled and shook the hand. “I'm glad I could help.”

“Let's go.” Amelia said and started to walk with her arm around Harry's back. Sirius had a hand on Harry's shoulder and Remus was right behind them as they left Malfoy manor and walked out through the gates. “Here's good enough.”

Harry turned and hugged her tightly as he shared his magic with her. Amelia gasped at the strength of it and looked down at him. He gave her another grin and she shook her head with a chuckle, because he had surprised her on purpose.

“Do you want to side along or are you going directly?” Amelia asked Sirius and Remus.

“Side please.” Sirius said and grabbed Remus by the shoulders to tuck him in next to Harry. “I can't quite remember where to apparate safely.”

Amelia nodded and accepted their help as they shared their magic with her. “One, two, three.” She said and guided them as they apparated all the way to the ministry's atrium.

“Wow, that was a great transition.” Sirius said with a laugh. “I barely felt squeezed at all!”

Amelia chuckled and pat Harry. “Come on, let's get you handled properly and the charges filed.”

“Okay.” Harry said and as they walked along the dark marble floors to the check-in station, the slapping of his bare feet echoed through the atrium.

“Oh, Harry! I forgot to give you something for your feet.” Amelia said and conjured up some slippers for him as the man at the desk checked Sirius' and Remus' wands.

“You didn't have to.” Harry said and slipped them on. “Thanks.”

“Why didn't you say anything when we left the mansion?” Sirius asked as Amelia had her wand checked and told the man Harry didn't have his. The man checked Harry and nodded before he waved them through to go to the elevators.

“It didn't bother me.” Harry said with a shrug. “I didn't even own a pair of socks until I was eight and they were Dudley's old ones. They went right up over my knees, too.”

“What did you wear to school if you didn't have socks?” Remus asked and then winced at the glares from Amelia and Sirius. He looked apologetic as he mouthed the word 'sorry' to them.

“I had to wrap tape around my feet to hold Dudley's old sneakers to my feet.” Harry said as the elevator doors opened. “I think it was Dudley's idea to give me shoes so that he could slow me down enough to catch me.”

The three adults held in their sighs at Harry's words as they stepped into the elevator and it took them right to the floor that Amelia's office was on. The photographer took several pictures with rulers next to the damage to measure the cut on Harry's arm and how much swelling there was from the multiple stinging hexes. He had to take off his pyjamas for those pictures and Amelia almost cried at the sight of all that red swelling over the left side of his body.

Tears came to Remus' eyes without falling while Sirius had an angry face and looked like he needed to punch something. Amelia dismissed the photographer and told him to go right over to the Malfoys to take more pictures, in particular the cell Harry was in. After that, he was to photograph everything that the Aurors found.

“I'll have my assistant bring you these pictures when they're ready.” The man said and left at a jog. He knew when to not waste time and now was that time.

“Harry.” Amelia said, tears now in her own eyes as she gave him another careful hug.

“I said I'm okay.” Harry said and pat her back, which made her chuckle.

“I'm supposed to be reassuring you, not the other way around.” Amelia said as a few tears rolled down her cheeks.

“You're the one that's crying.” Harry said with a smile and she had to laugh as he wiped at her tears.

Amelia called for a healer and while they waited, Amelia handled the cut easily enough and wiped up the blood before the healer arrived.

“Goodness gracious.” The woman gasped when she saw Harry. “Why aren't you screaming your head off?”

“That wouldn't help me at all.” Harry said. “Plus, it's not so bad. I can barely feel it.”

The healer gave Amelia a brief incredulous look and then she got to work. Fifteen minutes later, the swelling was gone and the healer said that the redness would fade over the next hour or so. It was only an irritation and it would be unnecessary to use a creme to heal it.

“Thanks.” Harry said and started to get dressed.

“Hold on there.” Sirius said and waved his wand at the clothing to change them into jeans and a button-up shirt. “There, that's better.”

“Thanks!” Harry said happily and used the cleaning and freshening spells on himself before he got dressed.

“Now for the paperwork.” Amelia said and got to work herself as the healer left.

After half an hour, everything was filed, statements were taken and verified with a witness (Amelia's secretary), and the photographer's assistant had even delivered the pictures. Boy, oh boy, they looked really bad.

Harry looked at them and laughed. “I look horrible! Isn't that great?”

Sirius, Remus, and Amelia exchanged concerned looks.

“What? There's no way the Malfoys can claim I wasn't hurt or Draco kidnapping me was a harmless prank, right?”

The three adults had to laugh at that outlook and Amelia took them back to the ministry's atrium that was used for apparating.

“Sirius, get him back to Hogwarts to grab his trunk.” Amelia said.

“Bones! You can't honestly think that Harry can go on a trip right now, not after...” Sirius started to say.

“Not only do I expect him to, he wants to.” Amelia said and looked down at Harry. “Although, I fully expect you to hug me tightly tonight and tell me every little detail, even if you don't want to.”

Harry opened his mouth to respond and saw her growing glare. He ducked his head a little. “O-okay.”

Amelia slid her arms around him to give him a hug and kissed his forehead. “I just want you to know that you can tell me anything and you don't have to be embarrassed, all right?”

Harry nodded and she let him go.

“I'll see you on the train platform in three hours.” Amelia said and Sirius and Remus hugged Harry close, then they disapparated.

Amelia looked at the spot for another second, then she went back to the elevators. She had three very guilty suspects to interview and only two hours to do it. The third hour she would need to gather up the paperwork for her trip. She didn't want to disappoint her niece by delaying their departure any more than she had to. Susan would complain non-stop if she did.

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