Realistic Harry Potter

103 The Birthday Boy

Here's another chapter of your favorite HP fan-fiction LOL. It's also almost 8,000 words.

During Harry's train trip...

Just like in the normal world, the wizarding world celebrated a child's birthday with a party and invited the child's friends over. Unlike the wizarding world, their parents and siblings were actually encouraged to attend an adjoining party to mingle with each other, to build tighter family relationships and to establish ties.

Harry Potter didn't have a lot of people he called friends, so the party itself would have only been a small affair if all they invited were his close friends, which were Hermione, Susan, and Neville. Sirius and Ela expanded the list to include potential close friends, which made Ron, Lavender, Parvati, Susan's friend Hanna, and even Daphne Greengrass eligible, despite Sirius being adamant that she shouldn't be invited.

Ella laughed. “Darling, she'll have to refuse. Harry's... well... Harry Potter. She wouldn't dare ask her parents to attend a gathering meant for a Griffindor.”

“That's a relief; but, still...”

“It's only polite to ask.” Ela said and he sighed. “Shall I include her?”

“We're including that nasty Mr. Filch and his cat Missus Norris in the invitations.”

“Harry adores that scruffy old man and his cat, you know.” Ela reminded him.

Sirius rolled his eyes. “Even so, why would we ask a despicable Slytherin to come, too?”

“Even if her parents might have been on the wrong side of the last war, we can't condemn them without proof that they actually were.” Ela said, wisely. “As far as we know, they were neutral.”

“But, I want to condemn them!” Sirius said and that made her laugh. “All right, go ahead and add her, even if it's a waste of paper.” He sighed and covered his eyes. “I'm lacking as a godfather already!”

Ela chuckled and moved his hands to give him a kiss. “You aren't, darling. You're just perfect.”

Sirius put his arms around her and pulled her close to kiss her passionately. They made out for several minutes and when he finally broke the kiss, Ela's face was flushed red and she was breathing a little heavily.

“I think... we can put this off... for a bit.” Ela whispered.

“An hour.” Sirius said and her eyes widened. “For some reason, I'm feeling especially enamoured of you at the moment.”

Ela glanced down at his pronounced crotch and her blush deepened. She nodded her head without saying a word and Sirius stood, swept her into his arms, and took her upstairs to bed.

The invitations weren't sent out until the next day.


A long-haired and blonde eleven year old girl walked across the same field she had crossed hundreds of times and went over to the large and completely unsafe-looking structure. She walked casually, as if she didn't have a care in the world, and knocked on the door. She took a step back as if expecting something, then the top half of the door swung open unexpectedly and just missed her face.

“Oi! Who's bothering... oh, it's you.” Ron said when he saw the girl. “Ginny's busy.”

“I know.” The girl said. “Can I come in?”

Ron shrugged and stepped away from the door to disappear from sight.

The girl turned the handle on the door, opened it to latch it to the top half, like it was supposed to be, and closed it as she stepped inside. She stood there and calmly watched the pandemonium as six Weasleys ran around the kitchen and living room for apparently no reason.

“Mom! Where's my favorite jumper?” Ginny nearly yelled.

“I think it's on the cat, dear.” Mrs. Weasley said and pointed off up the stairs, which Ginny ran up.

The young blonde girl stepped over to the kitchen table and moved the newspaper aside and picked up a small pair of glasses. She held them up just as Mr. Weasley stormed into the kitchen.

“Molly! Where's my reading glass... ah, there they are.” Mr. Weasley said and took them from the blonde girl's hand. “Thank you, Luna.”

“You're welcome.” Luna said and walked over to the cupboard under the sink and knelt as she opened the door. One of the twins, she knew was George, ran into the kitchen. He saw the cupboard door and was going too fast to stop, so he hopped over it and her like she was a hurdle, then he landed and skidded to a stop.

“Sorry about that, Luna!” George said.

“That's okay.” Luna said and pulled out a sneaker from the cupboard. “You might need this.”

“Hey, I was just looking for that! Thanks!” George took the sneaker and ran off to get the other one.

Luna walked over to the living room, successfully avoided being pounced on by a sweater-covered cat, and stood beside the fireplace.

It took the Weasley family another half an hour to finish getting ready and they all gathered in the living room in front of the couch for inspection. Mrs. Weasley walked in front of them, like a drill sergeant in the army, and checked them over diligently.

“All right, you're presentable.” Molly said and the twins, Ron, and Ginny sighed in relief. “I wish your brother Percy could come with us. If he wasn't so busy doing homework...”

“...and being a stuck up prat.” Fred and George said as one as they tried not to laugh.

“Don't badmouth family.” Molly said.

“Sorry, mum.” They said and then snickered.

Molly sighed with a shake of her head. “Arthur, let's go.”

“I was just checking the map of the floo network.” Arthur said as he came in wearing his reading glasses and holding a big folding piece of paper. “It's going to be a smooth ride this time. The Peakes have had a connection almost since it was first built.”

“Thank Merlin.” Molly said. “All right, one at a time. Grab some powder and step in, then clearly say 'The Peakes House'.” She turned around and jerked as she finally caught sight of Luna standing calmly beside the fireplace. “Luna! What are you doing here?”

“Dads gone off hunting again.” Luna said.

Molly looked at her husband and he shrugged. “Well dear, we're just about to head off to a very important event and...”

“Molly, we can't leave here here alone.” Arthur said as he put the map and his glasses into his inside coat pocket. “Xenophilus trusts us to look after her.”

Molly closed her eyes and managed to not sigh. “All right.” She said and opened them to look at Luna. “You're lucky that Percy can't go, so you can have his spot.”

Luna smiled dreamily.

“I just hope Sirius doesn't kick up a fuss at the change.” Molly whispered and nodded at the twins. “Go ahead, George.”

“I'm not George, he's George. Honestly, woman. You call yourself our mother...”

“I'm sorry, Fred. Go ahead.” Molly waved at the fireplace.

The twin stepped forward and grabbed some powder. “Just kidding! I am George.” He said with a grin. “The Peakes House.” He threw the powder down and disappeared in a gout of green magic flames.

Fred chuckled as he went next and disappeared after repeating the destination and the toss of powder. Ron went next and disappeared, then Arthur stepped forward to assist Ginny. They disappeared and Molly brought Luna to the fireplace. “Snug in close, now.”

Luna did so and Molly said the destination as she threw down the powder. The two of them were engulfed in flames and spun on the spot, like a tornado, then they were sucked through the floo network and popped up at the Peakes House barely a second later.

“That wasn't bad at all.” Molly said happily as she stepped out of the fireplace with Luna and out of the way of anyone else that might come through.

Ela stepped close and waved her wand at them to clean up some floating ash and powder. “Welcome to my home, Mrs. Weasley.” She said and looked down. “Oh, and who is this lovely young lady?”

“Luna Lovegood. She's a neighbour's child that came over to visit.” Molly said. “Percy couldn't make it, so I hope you don't mind if Luna takes his spot, even though she wasn't technically invited.”

Ela laughed softly, as if she would turn anyone away. “Of course it's fine.” She held a hand out to the girl. “It's nice to meet you, even unexpectedly.”

Luna smiled and shook the offered hand. “Hello.”

“I'm Ela, the scruffy looking man with the long curly hair talking to Arthur is called Sirius, and the tall scruffy short haired man that's going to show up with Harry later is named Remus.”

“We're the first to arrive?” Molly asked, slightly worried that they had started their visit too early.

“Oh, no. Neville and his parents have been here for half an hour already.” Ela said and pointed. “They're out back and enjoying the garden of healing herbs I've got growing.”

Molly smiled in relief. “Is there anything I can help with? Snacks? Decorating? Anything?”

Ela laughed again. “I've got everything done and set out already. We're just waiting on the rest of the guests and the young man we're celebrating.”

No sooner had she spoken when the fireplace lit up and Susan stepped out.

“Hi!” Susan said, excitedly. “I'm Susan.”

Ela smiled at her. “Welcome to my home.” She said and gave her the same people explanations, then added in Arthur, Molly, and their children. “Neville and his parents are out back.”

“You should have waited to say that.” Susan said with a grin as the fire lit up. “Here comes mom and you have to say it again.”

Ela laughed softly. “Your mom already knows everyone.”

Amelia appeared in the fireplace and stepped out to see all the overly done birthday decorations. “Ela, this place looks wonderful.”

“I could almost feel the sarcasm.” Ela said and Amelia grinned at her. “Sirius is making up for missing so much.”

“Christmas all over again?” Amelia asked and Ela nodded. “You are much more forgiving than I am.”

Ela clamped her mouth shut to stop her laugh and Amelia winked at her.

“Is Hermione here?” Susan asked.

“Not yet.” Ela said and looked at the time. “Another ten minutes, unless they run late.”

“I'll go say hi to Ron and Neville.” Susan said.

“Drinks are in the kitchen.” Ela said and Susan waved.

The fireplace lit up and a blonde haired girl named Hanna stepped out. “Hi!”

“Is your mother coming through?” Ela asked and the young woman nodded. A moment later, the woman appeared and Ela did her greeting speech and introduced everyone.

“Thank you for having us.” Mrs. Abbott said as her husband appeared, then he kissed her cheek and went right over to mingle with Sirius and Arthur.

“Susan's in the kitchen getting a drink.” Amelia said and Hanna left to go find her friend. “Should I ask who's left to arrive?”

The fireplace lit up and Lavender stepped out, looking spectacular in the latest fashion from Paris. “Hello.” She said and stepped out of the way for her mother. The fireplace lit up and another woman, the near spitting image of her daughter, stepped out.

“Mrs. Brown.” Amelia said and stepped back to make room as the fireplace lit again.

A man stepped out wearing a well tailored suit and nodded to his wife.

“Welcome to my home, Mr. And Mrs. Brown.” Ela said. “ Lavender, Susan and Hanna are in the kitchen.”

“Thank you.” Lavender said and left.

“I'm glad your home isn't small.” Mrs. Lavender said with a knowing smile.

“As am I, and this is only a small party. I couldn't imagine trying to host anything bigger.” Ela said and returned the smile. “I think the Patils are the only ones left to floo.”

“I hope they don't bring everyone.” Amelia said with a chuckle. “What are they up to now? Ten cousins?”

Ela laughed. “They responded and said that only they and their mother could make it.”

“How relieved are you feeling about that?” Mrs. Brown asked.

“I'll just be happy if Harry's happy.” Ela said and the other women nodded.

“That's a great answer and a complete lie.” Sirius said as he came over to greet the newcomers. He gave Ela's cheek a kiss. “She's already overly happy about Harry and it can only get better.”

“Quiet, you.” Ela said and pushed him away without any force behind it.

Sirius chuckled. “Mr. Brown, Arthur's over in the corner trying to convince Mr. Abbot to invest into buying his own car.”

Mr. Brown shook his head. “He knows better than to pawn off confiscated tampered vehicles brought in to the Ministry for spell removal.”

“Does he?” Sirius asked with a smirk and Mr. Brown chuckled.

“All right, let's go save him.” Mr. Brown said and they moved off.

“They can't help themselves by getting into trouble sometimes.” Mrs. Brown said and Ela rolled her eyes, which made Amelia laugh softly.

Luna stood off to the side of the living room, completely out of the way and ignored. She was used to this treatment, since she had spent quite some time at the Weasleys the last few years after her mother's death. Her father just couldn't brush off his wanderlust and his need to go looking for rare creatures.

She smiled as she remembered father's favorite book by Newt Scamander that described all of the exotic and rare creatures he had saved from extinction and relocated to safe areas where they could thrive and flourish. She turned her head to look out the front window and a muggle vehicle pulled up. She didn't know it was called a station wagon and she watched as two adults and a bushy haired girl stepped out of it.

The porch bell rang and Ela walked over to open the door. “Ah, Hermione.” Ela said and smiled warmly at the young girl. “Neville's still out back and Susan and her friends are in the kitchen.”

Hermione nodded. “Mom, Dad, this is Healer Ela Peakes.”

“It's nice to meet you.” Mrs. Granger said and her husband nodded in greeting.

“Welcome to my house.” Ela said and stepped back to wave them inside, then she pointed out people and said their names, making sure they knew who everyone was. “Drinks are in the kitchen and we won't split the party until after Harry arrives.”

The Grangers looked confused and Ela smiled again.

“We leave the younger ones on their own and the parents and older family members mingle in a separate room.” Ela whispered and then she winked. “That way, the adults and children get more enjoyment over not having to suffer through sharing space more than they have to.”

Mr. Granger chuckled and Mrs. Granger covered her mouth to stop her laugh.

Hermione gave them a questioning look and her mother nodded. “See you later.” She said to her parents and went into the living room. She saw a blonde girl that she hadn't seen before and thought about going over to her to ask her who she was. Her eyes widened when the girl shook her head and pointed with a thumb at a redheaded girl standing next to Mr. Weasley.

Hermione wasn't sure what to think of that. Does she want me to make friends with her first?

Just then, the fireplace ignited and Mr. Filch stepped out with Missus Norris in his arms. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over at him, mainly because he was dressed in a fancy suit, which was something none of them had ever seen before. Some of the people in the room had known him since they were kids and they were shocked at the sight.

I would have walked right into him. Hermione thought as the older man dusted off his shoulders.

“Excuse me.” Ela said and walked over to him. “Argus, it's so nice of you to come.”

Filch huffed a barely heard greeting before Missus Norris meowed loudly. “No, the lad's not here.” He said and looked down at the floor. “Not since this morning.”

Ela was surprised that he had guessed so accurately. Little did she know that Filch had decades of estimating how long children had passed by and left tracks in the castle hallways.

“I hope Missus Norris likes fish.” Ela said and the cat perked right up. “Is salmon okay?”

“Meow.” Missus Norris said.

“It'll do.” Filch said and a few people chuckled.

“It's a good thing I have tuna as well.” Ela said with a smile.


“Aye, she was teasing you.” Filch said.


“I'm sure she's still a nice person.” Filch said and that made nearly everyone laugh.

“Harry should be here soon.” Ela said and had barely managed to not laugh herself. “I have the container in the refrigerator if you want to let her have some now.”


“Is it canned?” Filch asked.

“Oh, Merlin! I would never serve canned anything!” Ela laughed. “Harry insisted on freshly caught.”

“He's a good lad.” Filch said, his voice full of approval.

“Meow mrow.” Missus Norris said and Filch put her down.

Ela led him and the cat into the kitchen and the Grangers went over to Arthur to talk.

Hermione debated going over as well, then glanced at Luna, who was now staring intensely out the living room window. I guess she's busy. She thought and gave a slight wave to Ginny before going into the kitchen as well.

Luna glanced at the fireplace and waited for a moment, then it flared and a pretty Middle Eastern Indian stepped out of the fire. Despite looking like she came straight from India with her brownish-gold skin, Parvati Patil was a British citizen. Her sister came right out after her and they were dressed almost as twins in traditional clothes, with the color scheme reversed, and they had flowing chiffon scarves over their shoulders.

Their mother stepped out next and she was dressed in a similar fashion. Ela came back from the kitchen to greet them, just as Mr. Patil stepped out of the fireplace. Ela gave them the standard greeting and then introduced everyone around, like she had to all of the others.

Luna admired the girls and their poise for several moments, unconcerned over being ignored, then she turned back to look out the window to wait patiently.


It was close to lunchtime and Remus apparated with Harry back to Sirius' place after taking Harry to see the lions in the London Zoo. Harry hadn't seen the Griffindor namesake up close before and it was a special treat that Remus had arranged as a birthday present.

“I can't believe the workers there let me toss the lions a huge steak!” Harry said excitedly.

Remus laughed. “Most young people wouldn't be so excited about touching and throwing blood covered meat or seeing wild animals tear that meat to shreds.”

“That big guy was pretty ferocious, wasn't he?” Harry asked as they stepped onto the porch and the little bell rang. “His mane was huge, too!”

“He is pretty old.” Remus said and opened the front door.

“SURPRISE!” Everyone inside yelled at the same time and Harry jumped a little.

“WOW!” Harry gasped and he didn't have to fake his surprise as he looked around at the living room. He saw all of the people there and how everything was decorated. His heart trembled a little at the sight, because they had all gathered together for him. He had no idea that so many people would show up, just for his birthday.

“Mrraww.” Missus Norris mumbled at him from the front of the crowd and Harry laughed at the huge tuna she had managed to get her jaws around.

“Thank you.” Harry said. “Now you need to find a nice place to eat.”

Missus Norris made an acceptance sound that was half purr and half growl, then sauntered off and swung her tail as she disappeared from sight.

“I'm not even going to ask how she can walk with that much weight in the front.” Remus said as he moved off to talk to Sirius and all of the young people crowded around Harry.

“Harry!” “Happy birthday!” “Hi.” “Hey, there.” “Hello.” “You stink.”

Harry laughed as they all spoke as one and caught Ron's comment. “I just got back from the zoo!”

“I like the monkeys the best.” A dreamy voice said from somewhere.

Harry looked at the people around him for the source and couldn't see it. “Um... who said that?”

“Just ignore her. Mum had to bring her because her dad abandoned her at our place again.” Ron said.

“Ron!” Molly gasped, easily hearing him over the other people talking.

“What? He does it all the time.” Ron said with a shrug.

Harry put a hand out and moved Ron aside and he laid eyes on the blondest girl he had ever seen. Her hair was almost as light as the Malfoy's, and that was saying something. It was all done up in waves and she wore an eclectic set of clothing. It was both odd looking and appealing at the same time, as were her eyes. The pale silvery orbs seemed to see you and also see through you at the same time.

“I'm Harry. Harry Potter.” Harry said and held a hand out to her.

Luna beamed a smile at him and took the offered hand. “I'm Luna. Luna Lovegood.” She said and if he had asked her, she would have said the same thing to him about his bright green eyes.

“I hope Ron's not bugging you too much.” Harry said and shook her hand before letting it go.

“Hey!” Ron exclaimed and a redheaded girl next to Mr. Weasley giggled.

“No, he pretty much ignores me like everyone else does.” Luna said and looked at his forehead. “I don't see your scar. Did you heal it or something?”

A few people took in sharp breaths at her blatantly bold and slightly inappropriate question.

“I tried to have it removed; but, it didn't work.” Harry said.

“Curses can be like that.” Luna said, as if she knew a lot about it.

“I use a cream to conceal it.” Harry explained.

“That's handy.” Luna said. “Madam Primpernelle's?”

Harry nodded. “She made me a jar this big.” He said and held open his hands wide. It made a few of the adults whistle, because they knew how expensive her products were.

“Harry, you really do smell a little gamey.” Hermione said and Harry chuckled.

“I'll be right back to greet you all properly.” Harry said and saw several nods before he ran up the stairs to wash and change. He quickly washed using both muggle techniques and magic, then he put on black dress pants and the bright green shirt that Ela had bought for him. He combed his hair, applied the cream to his forehead, and went back downstairs.

What followed was two hours of the best party that Harry had ever been to. It was probably because he hadn't been to any parties and had nothing to compare it to; but, that's what he thought as he talked and had fun with his friends and acquaintances. He was only a little surprised that the extra people were a lot nicer to him, now that they were away from the school.

They were currently in the living room and listening to Harry tell them about feeding the lions when the fireplace lit up. Ela was busy with the parents and adults, so Harry excused himself and stepped over to greet whoever it was... then his eyes widened as a very well dressed Daphne Greengrass appeared and had a bundle of something in her arms that she held close.

It took Harry a moment to see that bundle was actually a girl with a similar hairstyle as Daphne. Her blonde hair was done up with a half-swirled bun on the top of her head with well placed strands of hair arrayed out behind her, like a curtain. She was also a head shorter than Daphne.

That has to be magic. Harry thought and looked at Daphne's face. “Welcome to the Peakes House. Thank you for coming on such a special occasion.”

Daphne couldn't stop the smile on her face at him being so formal with the introduction. “Thank you, Harry.” She said and barely managed to not laugh at all of the shocked faces staring at her. “I'm sorry about showing up so late. My parents managed to delay going out until a little while ago and we couldn't sneak out.”

“You had to sneak out? Are your parents daft or something? It's just a party!” Ron said and a couple of the girls giggled.

“Shh!” Hermione hushed him.

“It might surprise you that they didn't want me to publicly associate with the famous Harry Potter.” Daphne said with a bit of a sneer for Ron and those that laughed and also happy eyes for Harry, since they both knew that already. She eased her hold on the girl she held close and turned her around to face him while also keeping a tight hold on her. “This is my little sister Astoria. She'll be attending Hogwarts next year, during our third year.”

Astoria had wide eyes as she looked at Harry and he looked right back. He could see that she was very thin and frail, as if she was starving, and Harry couldn't help but look at Daphne with squinted eyes.

“I know.” Daphne said, understanding his accusing glare. “It's not what you think.”

“I have a blood curse.” Astoria said in a very clear and ear pleasing voice. “It makes me weak and I can't gain weight or much muscle.”

“It's called a malediction and one of our ancestors was cursed to have future generations develop it randomly.” Daphne said, inadvertently sharing a private pain with someone that she actually considered a friend. Even the others that she hung around with in Slytherin didn't know about it.

Harry's face showed surprise for a second, then he smiled and held a hand out to Astoria. “It's nice to meet you, Astoria. I'm Harry. Harry Potter.”

Astoria stared at the hand and looked up at her sister.

“Go ahead.” Daphne urged her and Astoria reached for it and held it.

Harry had a lot of practice dealing with weakness, since he had been that way for years, and he held the hand gently and barely moved it as he shook it. “I'm glad you could come.” He said and let her hand go. “I was just telling everyone about the zoo workers letting me feed the lions this morning.”

Astoria gasped and covered her mouth with the hand Harry just shook. She was too shocked to realize she had inadvertently given his hand a second hand kiss at the time.

“How long can you stay before you get into trouble?” Harry asked Daphne as he waved them over to the couch.

“An hour, maybe a bit more.” Daphne said.

“Won't they question why you both look so pretty all dressed up?” Harry asked and both Daphne and Astoria blushed as they sat down next to each other in the spot that Harry had been in.

“If they even notice us when we return, maybe.” Daphne said with a little laugh. “I don't expect them to come home for a couple of hours; but, it's better to be back before they return.”

“We'll be eating soon!” Ela's voice came from the side room and Harry smiled.

“It looks like you arrived just in time for cutting the cake.” Harry said and both of them smiled brightly at him.

“Harry, what about the lions?” Hermione prompted, trying to get everyone's mind off of the late arrivals.

“Right.” Harry nodded his thanks to her. “Remus knew I hadn't seen a lion before and arranged...”


Astoria had been so nervous about meeting the famous Harry Potter that her sister had to hold her tightly to stop her trembling. She wasn't in love with him or anything, she just knew he had overcome an encounter with a dark wizard and survived the killing curse. In her mind, her facing a blood curse was insignificant to what he had faced.

Her eyes went to his forehead as he talked about his death defying adventure at the zoo, feeding starving lions that would have torn him apart just as quickly as they tore into the steaks he had thrown them. Her eyes danced as she imagined the scene of him valiantly fighting the lions off by distracting them with meat and then cursing them.

I wish he could do that with my blood curse. Astoria thought and her mind changed from Harry fighting lions to fighting blood colored blobs and blasting them with curses to kill them all. She snuggled into her sister's side and was very thankful that Daphne had convinced her to come, despite her nervousness over meeting him.

Harry had been nothing but nice, except for that first mean look when he saw how thin she was. The thing that struck her wasn't that he was angry, it was that she didn't see pity in his eyes like she had seen from everyone else when she mentioned the curse. She had won the most horrible lottery in her family by inheriting the curse that they had all but forgotten about, because it had been generations since it last appeared.

Astoria remained quiet, even when the redheaded girl tried to talk to her. She wasn't there for her, not at all. She came to see Harry Potter and she hoped that he remembered her when she started school. She kept to her sister's side as they went to the kitchen for cake and she was surprised when she was one of the first to get a piece of cake, along with another blonde girl with a far-away look on her face.

Thankfully, it was only a small piece and she managed to eat it all. She glanced at Harry and saw him giving her a knowing smile, almost as if he knew what she was going through. Astoria smiled back to thank him for being considerate.

The next half hour passed by before she knew it, games and things happened in front of her eyes, and she watched attentively while secretly desiring to play for herself. Daphne had tried to let her play and Astoria refused politely and in whispers.

After a short while, the game everyone started playing was ring toss. There were nine pegs and the closer to the center you landed the plastic ring, the more points you earned. They all laughed and tossed rings easily, threw them hard, flipped them through the air, and had a great time.

“Hey, want to be my partner?” Harry asked her.

“Huh? What?” Astoria looked up at someone she thought of as a hero.

“I can't get my rings to do anything but roll away.” Harry said with a shrug and then whispered. “I need a bit of help cheating.”

Astoria stared at him for a second and then giggled. “What do you want me to do?”

“It's easy.” Harry said and took out his wand. “I want you to banish the rings for me.”

Astoria gasped as he handed her his wand. “I... I don't...”

“I'll show you.” Harry said and after fifteen minutes of him coaching and sharing his magic with her, Astoria could perform the spell half of the times she tried. “That's great.” He said and left her, with his wand, and went to play.

What followed was the best time she ever had. Her wand flicks sent the ring flying off to careen from the walls, the ceiling, off of Ron's head (Nice shot, Harry! Neville had said loudly to general laughter), and once she even managed to get the ring onto one of the pegs.

“Congratulations, Harry!” Ron said and draped his arm over his shoulder when the game was over. “You suck at ring toss!”

“Get off.” Harry laughed and nudged him away, then he went over to Astoria and she discreetly handed him his wand back. “Thanks for the help.”

“It was terrible!” Astoria said with giggle.

Daphne smiled at the both of them and then she sighed. “It's almost time to go.”

“Aww.” Astoria groaned before she could stop herself and her sister laughed softly.

Harry knew that he didn't want to get them in trouble, so he didn't try to convince them to stay any longer. “I'll get you some cake and treats to take home.”

“No, that's okay.” Daphne said. “We don't want to impose any more than we already have.”

Harry waved around at everyone and the house. “You don't seriously think this is going to end soon, do you?”

Daphne looked around at all of the happy people having fun. She could also see into the side room where the adults were and they looked to be enjoying themselves as well. “I guess not.”

“I'll be quick and then I'll see you both out.” Harry said and walked into the crowd.

Daphne only had to wait a couple of minutes before Harry came back with two large birthday bags filled with things like treats and little toys and games. “Harry, what...”

“Don't freak out.” Harry said and handed one to Daphne and one to Astoria. “Everyone gets one.”

“Are... are you sure? We weren't supposed to show up.” Daphne whispered.

“We made up extra for unexpected guests.” Harry said and smiled slyly. “We weren't sure if all of the Weasleys were going to come, either.”

Daphne clamped her mouth shut before she laughed. “Okay, that's a good point.”

Harry shooed people out of the way and led her and her sister over to the fireplace. “Thank you both for coming.”

“It was fun!” Astoria said before Daphne could.

“I'm glad you enjoyed it.” Harry said and then leaned in close. “Do you want me to shrink the bags for you?”

“No, this is fine. Even if they see them, they won't care or they'll assume we dug them out of the attic.” Daphne said. “Thank you for the concern.”

Harry smirked. “Believe me, I know all about having to hide things from parent figures.”

“I thought so.” Daphne said. “There's no way this is your normal home.”

“I wish it was.” Harry said and then took a deep breath. “It will be as soon as I'm of age, so it's only another five years. I don't have long to wait.”

Daphne chuckled. “You do know that you can buy your own place when you're of age, don't you?”

Harry looked at her with wide eyes and she laughed softly.

“I assume it's different for muggles.” Daphne said and he nodded.

“They have secondary education called college and study for another three years or more.” Harry said. “I don't know what I'm going to do after Hogwarts, though.”

“You're twelve!” Daphne exclaimed. “Act like the rest of us and stop worrying about it.”

Harry chuckled. “I've been planning to flee from my aunt and uncle for years, so it's a hard habit to break.” He admitted and reached into his pocket. He looked around to make sure no one was looking and held out a crystal vial of bright red liquid. “Astoria, I know you haven't known me for long...”

“I'll drink it.” Astoria said right away.

“Astoria!” Daphne gasped.

“He's Harry Potter.” Astoria said, as if that explained everything.

Daphne sighed at the adamant look on her sister's face and looked at Harry. “You won't tell me what it is, even if I beg, will you?” She asked Harry and he shook his head. “Is it harmful?”

“Not even a little bit.” Harry said. “If it makes you feel any better about it, I've given it to three people so far and one even claimed it was delicious and tasted like a proper potion.”

Daphne looked back at her sister, whose hands were twitching to take it. “Go ahead, Astoria.”

Astoria took the vial and admired the bright red liquid for a moment. She tried to pop the cork and couldn't, so Daphne helped her and she smelled a nice aroma from it.

“I should taste it before...” Daphne started to say and Astoria downed it. “Never mind.”

Astoria handed the empty vial to Harry and waited for something to happen. When nothing did, she couldn't hide her disappointment.

Harry smiled at her and lightly touched her shoulder. “Unlike spells, sometimes it takes time for potions to take full effect.”

Astoria nodded, because she had taken a lot of potions since she was little.

“Thank you for not being upset that we showed up like this.” Daphne said.

“Better late than never.” Harry said and held the bowl of powder out for her to take some. “I really liked seeing you both.”

“I like your shirt.” Astoria said as they stepped into the fireplace. “It makes your eyes shiny.”

“Yep, it's the shirt.” Harry said and Daphne laughed. “Goodbye.”

“Bye!” Astoria said and hugged her sister.

Daphne tossed the powder down. “The Greengrass Estate!”

Harry watched as they disappeared in a gout of green flame and went back to the party. He was right, too. The party lasted nearly all day and went well into the evening. Remus had to cast a temporary extension charm on the dining room and the large table for everyone to sit down. They all ate supper together and then it was time for presents.

Harry enjoyed it almost as much as Christmas as he opened gifts that his friends got for him. They were things he could use, like books and practical things for school, and he liked that a lot. He thanked them sincerely after opening each one, making sure that they knew he appreciated the gift.

All of the adults that didn't know Harry very well, silently approved of his actions and were appreciative as well, since a lot of them assumed that he had a rich upbringing and that he was going to be as arrogant and stuck up as his fame and his notoriety should have dictated. They were all pleasantly surprised that they were wrong and they found that they liked the young man before them for who he was and not for his supposed reputation.

The party ended not long after and Ela, Sirius, and Harry stood beside the fireplace and saw everyone off and gave them the gift and treat bags. They thanked each person for coming, for the presents, and expressed the hope to see them again. Each of them felt appreciated and left with great impressions of the whole event and of the hosts that pulled it off.

Out of all of the guests, it was Luna that had the best impression of them. She had fully expected to be treated like she always was, practically ignored and beneath everyone's notice, and she had been by everyone except for Harry, Ela and Sirius, and she couldn't have been more delighted.

Even though she had shown up as a hanger-on of the Weasleys, Luna was asked to play games, given cake before anyone else, got to sit at the large table like an actual person, and was now being handed a huge gift bag that was stuffed so full of things that she didn't know what to do with it.

“Thank you!” Luna exclaimed a bit loudly and Harry chuckled.

“It'll be easier to carry through the floo if you hug it.” Harry said and she clutched the bag in her hands with a nod. “I'll see you at school next month.”

“I've known for years that I'm going to be a Ravenclaw.” Luna said, matter of factly.

“I guess if you already know, the hat's going to have an easy time sorting you.” Harry said. “You can still talk to it before it makes an announcement, though.”

“I can?” Luna asked, surprised. “I thought it was just a hat!”

“It's Godric Griffindor's hat.” Harry said. “Think about it.”

Luna's eyes widened slightly. “Ohhh. I get it.”

“This was a great time.” Arthur Weasley said and shook Sirius' hand. “Thanks for inviting us all.”

“How guilty would you make me feel the next time I saw you and we only invited Ron?” Sirius asked with a grin and Arthur had to laugh.

“You got me there.” Arthur said. “Is everyone ready? Got your things?”

All of the Weasleys nodded, as did Luna.

“Ginny.” Arthur said and the girl hugged him with the bag between them as he took her into the fireplace first. “The Burrow!” He said and tossed some powder down.

“It was delightful.” Molly said and stepped forward to hug Luna close. “I can't remember the last time an event happened and I didn't have to do anything!”

“You can stay to help clean up.” Sirius joked and Molly looked like she was going to step back out. “I'm joking, Molly! Just joking!” He said and held his hands up to stop her. “I'm helping with the clean-up.”

Molly relaxed and took some powder. “If you're sure you don't want me to stay...”

“Have a great evening, Molly.” Ela said.

Molly followed her husband through the floo and the twins went next.

“Bye, Harry.” They said as one.

“You're not as big of a twat outside of school.” Fred said.

“You're not as troublesome for the same reason.” Harry shot back and that made them grin mischievously.

“We'll earn your adoration yet. Just watch.” George promised and then hugged Fred as if he was a particularly gorgeous girl and mooned over her. It made Harry laugh, which was what they wanted, and Fred dropped the powder as he said the destination. They disappeared in the green flames that briefly appeared and then it was Ron's turn.

“See ya, Harry.” Ron said and followed them.

“Thanks for inviting me, Harry.” Neville said when it was his turn.

“Thanks for coming.” Harry said. “I'll see you tomorrow for yours.”

Neville looked really happy to hear that and stepped close to his mother.

“It really was fun. Thank you.” Alice Longbottom said to Ela and Sirius as she hugged her son tightly, then they disappeared into the flames as well.

“I can't believe she convinced him to have it a day later.” Frank Longbottom said with a chuckle.

“I suspect that she didn't want him to compete with Harry for guests.” Ela said with a smirk.

“I suppose you're right.” Frank winked at her and shook the hand Sirius offered to him. “Thanks again.”

Sirius nodded and Frank disappeared into the floo. Lavender and her parents were next, then the Patil family left, and the only guests remaining were Hermione and her parents. Ela, Sirius, and Harry walked with them to the front door.

“Thanks a lot for coming, Hermione.” Harry said and gave her a hug, unlike what he did for everyone else, even the other girls. Neither her parents nor Ela and Sirius missed that fact.

“I had a great time.” Hermione said, her face slightly red from him doing that in front of her parents, despite them already seeing them hug on the train platform at the beginning of summer.

Harry looked at her mother. “How many times are you having Hermione clean around the house?”

Mrs. Granger let a huge smile appear on her face. “As many times as she can stand.”

Ela put a hand over Harry's shoulders. “Harry showed me some of the things they can do, and even though I grew up in a magical household, I'm still surprised by it.”

“It's wonderful.” Mrs. Granger said. “We haven't had to plug in the vacuum since last Christmas.”

“Or press the drapes, or fold the clothes, or made the beds.” Mr. Granger added and smiled as well.

“That's because chores are easy.” Hermione and Harry said at the same time. “Jinx!” They said together again, then they both laughed.

Harry handed her a gift bag and then handed her another bag.

“What's this?” Hermione asked.

“An early birthday present.” Harry said with a grin.

“My birthday...” Hermione's eyes widened. “You didn't!”

“I can't make you wait almost two months for all of the books I found for you during the cross Britain train tour.” Harry said, smugly. “There's a book cabinet in there, too.”

Hermione handed both bags to her mother and slowly put her arms around Harry to hug him tenderly. “Thank you, Harry.” She whispered into his ear and then kissed his cheek for several seconds. “I know I'll love them.”

“I... hope so.” Harry whispered back, his face red.

Hermione let him go and stepped back. “See you tomorrow.”

Harry nodded and watched her as she and her parents left and climbed into their car. He waved as they drove off and that seemed to be the permission that Ela needed to relax.

“Finally!” Ela exclaimed and leaned against Sirius. “What a long day!”

Sirius laughed and hugged her. “You did wonderfully, my dear. Just wonderfully.”

“I can't believe so many people showed up.” Ela said and kissed him. “The dining room is huge and it still needed to be expanded.”

Sirius nodded. “Everyone had a great time.” He looked at Harry. “Do you want a hand taking your things up to your room?”

Harry shook his head and left them to do just that. He had everything gathered up and tucked onto shelves inside his trunk, quite happy at it all. It really had been a great day and the ending was just as great, if not better. He reached up and lightly touched his cheek and he could almost feel Hermione's lips there. His grin was goofy as he closed his trunk and he went back downstairs to help with the clean-up.


Neville's party was a lot more subdued, since he had only invited a few friends, and there was almost no associates to expand it. His grandmother hadn't been exaggerating when she said that Harry and Hermione were the only real friends that he had.

Luckily, Ron came as well and that meant Harry got to see all of the Weasleys again and Luna came as well. Harry wasn't sure why he liked her, though. It was just one of those inexplicable things that just happens sometimes and you just go with it, because trying to make sense of it would just be too confusing.

The party went off without a hitch, though. Even Neville's grandmother had a good time with her entire family there as well as his real friends from school and their families. It gave her some reassurance that her grandson wasn't going to be all alone for the rest of his life. That was something she had been quite worried about as he grew up and hadn't made any friends.

Now, he was really coming into his own. He had his parents back and she had her loving son and his wife back among the family. It had been a long ten years for her without them and she regretted every moment that they had been hospitalized.

Augusta sighed happily, because that ordeal was all over now and things were getting back to normal. Neville would be starting his second year at Hogwarts and his grades would be arriving soon, along with his letter. She couldn't wait to read it for herself and she suspected that she would be framing it and hanging it up next to some of his father's report cards.

Her eyes caught Harry Potter laughing and joking with her grandson and she nodded mentally. Harry Potter, the boy who lived. She thought and then changed her thought. No, he's the boy who is changing everything. She smiled. We just have to wait and see if it's for the better.

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