Realistic Harry Potter

28 The Weasleys

Sorry about missing last night. Here's one to make up for it, and I'll have another in a couple hours.

The first compartment they came across was the one with Ron's brothers in it. The door opened before they reached it and a black kid came out with frizzy and slightly smoking hair, instead of the short afro it was supposed to be.

“That wasn't fair!” The black kid said. “Two on one...”

“When you play Exploding Snap with one of us...” A voice said.

“ play with both of us.” Another voice that was very similar to the first one said.

“Oh, geez.” Ron sighed. “Harry, please don't tell them what happened.”

“Is that the dulcet tones of our little brother we hear?” Fred asked as he poked his head out of the compartment to look at them.

“I swear he gets more git-worthy the more we see of him.” George said and peeked out as well.

“Is widdle Ronnie-kins afwaid of telling his big brothers that he had an accident?” Fred asked.

“Ha ha! Did you pee your pants, Ronnie?” George asked and another voice laughed from inside the compartment, as did Lee, his smoking hair forgotten.

“Don't pick on him.” Harry warned them and flicked his wrist to discretely deploy his wand.

“Oi! Is he your boyfriend, Ronnie-kins?” Fred asked and stepped out into the hallway. He was tall and lanky and loomed over them. “You better kiss him before he gets away!”

George came out and he was just as tall and lanky as his twin. They were both almost a foot taller than Harry. George reached out and grabbed Ron and put him into a headlock, then Fred used his knuckles to rub the top of Ron's head.

“OW ow ow!” Ron exclaimed at the pain.

“INCARCEROUS!” Harry yelled and pointed his wand at Fred.

Fred was immediately restrained as magic ropes shot out of Harry's wand and wrapped around him. He dropped to the floor, completely bound and gagged.

“HEY!” George yelled and let Ron go. “You can't...”

“Incarcerous.” Harry said and George was wrapped up like Fred was and dropped to the floor, too.

“Harry!” Ron dropped to the floor and tried to pull the ropes off. “They're my brothers!”

“I warned them to not bully you.” Harry said and looked at them with an angry face. “That's not how you should treat your family.”

“Relashio.” Percy said and a purple light hit Fred and the ropes loosened and fell off. He did the same to George and released him, too. “I think we need to go see the conductor about this.”

“Why?” Harry asked as he bent down to pick up the released ropes. He hadn't cast the spell before and he wanted to test the things to see if they were actual ropes.

“You just restrained two fellow students for no reason...” Percy started to say.

“YEAH!” Fred and George yelled together and cut him off.

“No reason?” Hermione asked and pointed to Ron's red face. “What did you just do to Ron?”

“We were just carrying on.” The twins said together.

“It's just brothers being brothers.” Percy said.

“That's what they all say!” Hermione exclaimed. “Kids being kids! It's just fun! We're not hurting you!” She said loudly. “Well, I have something to tell you! It does hurt! IT DOES!”

“H-Hermione...” Ron whispered.

“No, Ron! You need to stand up for yourself and you need to tell them that they can't bully you anymore!” Hermione said and glared at him.

“I...” Ron looked at her, then at the twins, then at Harry, and finally at Percy. He never really liked Percy; but, he was family and family is always supposed to stick together. “It's just them having fun.”

“Yeah. We love our brother.” The twins said as one.

“UGH!” Hermione grunted. “Harry, take me to my compartment! I can't stand to look at these menaces anymore!”

Harry wrapped up the ropes and applied a sticking charm to them. He attached them to the inside of his robes, then led Hermione down the hallway and away from the family of redheads.

“Geez, Ron. Where did you meet them?” Fred asked as the two figures walked away.

“He's the guy mom said needed me as a friend.”

“He's Harry Potter?” The three older Weasleys asked as one.

“Yeah.” Ron said and watched his potential friend walk away. He thought about running after them and explaining, then remembered that he had to change into his robes. He entered the compartment and pulled the shades to cover the window, then changed into his robes. All he could think about was the curtain spell Harry had used to block off everyone's sight.


“This is my compartment.” Hermione said in an angry voice.

“Hermione.” Harry said and she turned to face him. “Calm down. There's nothing we can do if Ron won't admit it.”

“I know!” Hermione said and then she took in a deep breath and let it out. “It's just...”

Harry reached out and put a hand on her shoulder. “I know.” His voice only a whisper. “I know.”

Hermione nodded and opened the compartment door.

“There you are. I thought we lost you.” Lavender said with a laugh.

“Oh! I see why!” Pavarti said and pointed to the book clutched in Hermione's arm. “You went looking for a frog and found a book!”

“I need to get changed.” Hermione said and tried to ignore them.

“We're not stopping you.” Padma said and she looked to be an exact copy of the other girl. “I doubt you'll be able to change if you don't let go of your precious book.”

“Hermione.” Harry said and she stepped aside. He waved his wand and two curtains appeared and pushed the other girls in the compartment aside and left a large area in the middle.

“Hey!” “I can't see!” “What's this?” The three girls said together and the curtain bumped and moved with their hands.

“Thanks, Harry.” Hermione said with a smile.

Harry leaned in close and whispered the counter-spell, just in case she didn't know it. Of course she did know it, so she stepped into the compartment and closed the door. Harry walked all the way back to his compartment, ignored the stares from the redheads in Ron's compartment, and entered his.

“What did you lock this thing with?” The boy asked as he sat on Harry's trunk. “Even Alohamora won't open it.”

“That's because it's not locked.” Harry said and swiped at him with his wand.

The boy was pushed off the trunk and back onto his seat. “HEY!” He yelled as he plunked down.

“I told you to leave it alone.” His sister said with a shake of her head.

“I wanted to look inside again.” The boy said and rubbed his backside. “I've never seen a trunk so big.”

Harry popped the clasps and from his robes, he took out the ropes he had conjured from his wand and tossed them in the trunk on top of the boxes of food he had on the top of his bookshelf. He held in his sigh, because he had forgotten to share some of the cauldron cakes with Hermione. He closed the trunk and put the clasps back on, then sat down to wait for the train to arrive at the station.

With luck, no one would say anything to him if he brought the trunk with him. He knew if he left it anywhere, it would stay exactly where it was until he came to get it. Of course, the first thing he thought was, if he left it on the train, would the train be able to leave? Would it count as stealing if the train left with it?

Harry smiled as he thought about the goblins and how quickly they had modified the trunk. The train definitely wouldn't be able to leave. He thought as the train pulled into the station. He got up from his seat, as did the two Hufflepuffs across from him, and they left the compartment without their trunks.

He held in his sigh at the obviousness of letting someone else handle the luggage magically and picked up his trunk by the handle. It was still light as a feather and he saw that no one else had their luggage, either. He ignored the odd looks he was getting as he made his way to one of the many exits, then he was on the platform with the Hufflepuffs.

“It was nice meeting you.” The girl said, gave her brother a pointed look, then leaned in and gave Harry a hug. “Thanks for showing me how fun the Knight Bus can be.”

“Sis!” Her brother said loudly and that got a lot of people's attention, even more than her hugging a boy did. “Stop that! You're embarrassing me!”

The girl laughed softly in Harry's ear and he liked the sound as her breath tickled his ear. “You're embarrassing yourself.” She said and let Harry go. “Goodbye, Harry.”

“Goodbye.” Harry said.

The brother just waved, to his relief, then the boy dragged his sister off into the crowd of people.

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