Realistic Harry Potter

32 The Argument

When the main meal was done, the food dishes disappeared from the table as quickly as they had come. Including the ones Harry had added.

“HEY! Those are MINE!” Harry said loudly and several people turned to look at him in surprise. “How do I get those back?”

The table was just as suddenly filled with desserts of all makes and kinds, from ice cream to pies to puddings... and Harry noticed that Hermione's box of cauldron cakes was gone, too.

“HEY!” Harry stood up and even the teachers took notice of him now. “I want my food and Hermione's cauldron cakes back RIGHT NOW!”

“Harry, calm down.” Hermione whispered. “I'm sure there's just been a mistake.”

“I've had enough of people stealing from me!” Harry said loudly. “My cousin stole from me all my life! I'm a wizard now and I swore it was never going to happen again!”

“Geez, Harry! It's just food. They make tons of it here.” Ron said, not understanding.

“Whatever magic took those boxes...” Harry stopped talking and took out his wand as he pointed it at the table. “REVELIO!”

The words 'house elves - Switching Spell' appeared above the table for him to see.

“Someone tell the house elves, whatever they are, to switch my things back!” Harry said loudly.

“Mister Potter!” Professor McGonagall said as she strode over to him. “You will calm down right this minute!”

“Or what? You'll take points from me for having my things stolen? Will you give me even more detention for Hermione's cauldron cakes being taken, just because I gave them to her?” Harry responded.

“Those are excellent ideas, Mister Potter.” Minerva said with satisfaction. “Ten points from Griffindor for misbehaving during mealtimes and another week of detention for talking back to a teacher.”

“Teacher? You haven't taught me anything except how horrible you people are!” Harry spat and the entire room fell silent. “I've never seen anything like this before! Ghosts are real? Food disappearing? A talking hat? NONE OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME ANYTHING!”

Minerva's face changed from satisfaction to sadness as she realized her mistake. She had assumed that he would know everything, even though she knew he grew up in a muggle household.

“All you've done is punish me for reacting like anyone would that doesn't know anything about the magic world and then told me to shut up when I tried to explain.” Harry said and finally calmed down, now that he was expressing himself. “Some teacher you are. You won't even listen to your students.”

Minerva reached out to touch his shoulder to comfort him and he jumped back away from her.

“Don't grab me!” Harry said, suddenly angry again and he gripped his wand tightly. He didn't point it at her, however. Even he knew that would be going too far.

“Mister Potter... Harry...” Minerva started to say.

“Only my friends can call me Harry.” Harry interrupted her. “YOU are NOT my friend.”

I wanted to be. Minerva thought, sadly. Her hand dropped back to her side. “Please take your seat.”

“What about my things that were taken?” Harry asked, even though he knew the answer. “I'm never getting them back, am I?” He asked. He never got back the things Dudley took from him, either.

Minerva pointed her wand at the table. Reverte. She thought and several boxes with empty plates and pots appeared. The boxes were open and they were clearly empty, so she sighed.

Harry looked at the cleaned dishes and shook his head slightly. He walked over to his trunk and opened it just enough to toss each empty thing inside. “Hermione, I'll give you another box of cauldron cakes later. I just hope no one will steal them, too.” He said and closed the trunk, then sat down.

Minerva thought about saying something, then changed her mind and walked back to the head table. The feast resumed and everyone started eating dessert.

Ron held out a large treacle tart to Harry. “Harry, do you want some of this? It's really good.”

“No, thanks.” Harry said. “I don't want to eat anything from this table.”

“Harry.” Hermione said. “I'm sorry.”

“That would have been nice to hear from the ones that should actually apologize.” Harry responded. “You can eat the desserts, Hermione. I won't get angry at you.”

“I'm not very hungry anymore.” Hermione said.

The two of them sat there until dessert was finished, then the headmaster stood up and the food disappeared. He raised his hands and the entire hall fell silent.

“Ahem.” Albus cleared his throat and put on a big smile. “Now that we are all fed and watered...” He managed to not look at Harry when he said it. “...I have a few start of term notices to give you.”

Those words garnered nearly everyone's attention.

“First years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all students. A few of our older students would do well to remember that, too.” Albus said and gave a pointed look to the Weasley twins, who chuckled and whispered in response. “I have also been asked my Mr. Filch, the caretaker, to remind you that no magic is to be used in the corridors between classes.”

A few boos responded to that and it was unclear if it was Mr. Filch or the rule they were booing.

“Quiddich trials will be held in the second week. If you wish to try out for the House team, contact Madam Hooch.” Albus said and pointed to the woman in question. “Which reminds me. I would like to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Thorfinn Rowle, who has graciously accepted the post for this year.”

Serverus Snape huffed and did his best to frown at everyone that gave him knowing looks.

“Finally, I must tell you that this year, the third floor corridor on the right hand side, is out of bounds to anyone that does not wish to die a very painful death.”

“WHAT?!?” Harry yelled and shot to his feet. “Are you kidding? Tell me you're kidding!”

“I am quite serious, Harry.” Albus said with a smile.

“Only my friends can call me Harry! YOU are NOT my friend!” Harry spat. “You're not joking? There's really something inside the castle... right now... that can kill us?”

“Yes. On the third floor corridor.” Albus said. “As long as you stay away from there...”

“Forget that! I don't know my way around the castle!” Harry said and grabbed his trunk. “I'm leaving!” He said and looked at Hermione. “We can't stay in a school that we know will kill us!”

“Please, don't overreact, Harry.” Albus said.

“That's MISTER POTTER to you!” Harry said loudly. “This is supposed to be a school! Not a death trap! What are you thinking? Are you mad? Bonkers?”

“Harry...” Hermione whispered and ducked her head.

“What...” Harry looked at her face and she was blushing. “You want to stay?”

“I've been waiting a whole year to come here.” Hermione said and looked up at him. “I have to have a formal education or I can't have a wand and do magic.”

Harry took in a sharp breath, because he had completely forgotten about that rule.

“I have to stay.” Hermione said. “My parents spent so much money to let me come here...”

“Wh-what?” Harry was surprised. “But... I thought... isn't it free?”

Several people burst out laughing.

Harry felt foolish as he saw a lot of people were amused by him. He looked at the Headmaster. “Who paid for my tuition?” He asked. “I know I didn't.”

Albus thought about not responding, then realized he needed to try and regain Harry's trust, not knowing that he never had it. “The money was taken from your vault at Gringotts.”

“WITHOUT MY PERMISSION?!?” Harry yelled. “How much...” He shook his head. “I guess if you can take my tuition, however much that is, you can take anything you want from my vault without my permission, can't you?” He asked. “How many galleons have you stolen from me?”

The entire Great Hall gasped in surprise.

“Harry...” Albus started to tell him to calm down.

“How many times do I have to tell you? ONLY MY FRIENDS CAN CALL ME HARRY!” Harry yelled. “Tell me how much you've taken! Tell everyone!” He said. “Just so you know, I'm sending a letter to Gringotts as soon as I leave this room and I'll find out anyway!”

Albus' face lost its mask of joviality. “There's no need for you to...”

“Right after that, I'm contacting the Ministry of Magic!” Harry said. “If I have to stay in this school, I want it to be safe. I'll have them take whatever it is that you have on the third floor out of here!”

“NO!” Hagrid exclaimed and he shot to his feet, which banged the table he sat behind and spilled all of the teacher's goblets. “Yeh can't tell 'em about Fluffy!”

Harry was surprised that whatever could kill a student was named Fluffy.

“Please, calm down everyone.” Albus said. “I believe that after a good night's rest, calmer heads will prevail.”

A wave of sleepiness overcame the students and Harry felt the magic and staggered a little. Innervate! He thought and pointed his wand at himself. He had used the spell countless times to stay awake at night to practice his spell work. The sleepiness disappeared and he glared at the headmaster. He cast it on Hermione as well and she perked right up.

“What was that?” Hermione whispered.

“The headmaster was putting us to sleep.” Harry whispered back. “I think he thinks I won't send letters if I'm too tired to write them.”

“But, you could just write them tomorrow.” Hermione responded.

“He'll already have sent off his own letters by then.” Harry said, to her surprise.

“I believe it's time for everyone to head to bed.” Albus said with a fatherly smile. “Off you trot!”

“First years, with me.” Percy Weasley said as he stifled a yawn.

Harry and Hermione had no choice but to follow, because they didn't know where to go.

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