Realistic Harry Potter

41 The Discovery

“What just happened?” Harry asked.

“She's gone hunting.” Filch said and stood up. “Put your food away and let's get back to work.”

Harry nodded and packed up the box, took out his timepiece and set the alarm for half an hour before curfew, then got back to work. Filch hummed after a few minutes and Harry joined in. It wasn't quite the same without Missus Norris adding her own sounds occasionally. They worked and cleaned all evening and into the night, right up until Harry's alarm went off.

“It's a half hour until curfew.” Harry said.

“I guess we better stop.” Filch said. “We've got time to drop your things off at my office.”

“Okay.” Harry said and they carried their things back down to Filch's office. When they arrived there and stored their things, they were both surprised when they saw a very happy Missus Norris come down the hallway with something in her mouth.

“What's that you got there?” Filch asked.

“Grrrrr.” Missus Norris growled, which was something Harry had never heard from her before, then she was close enough for them to see that she had a huge rat clamped into her jaws.

“Good girl!” Filch exclaimed. “I haven't seen a rat inside the castle since Dippet was headmaster!”

“Is it dead?” Harry asked. If there was one thing he didn't want, it was a bite from a rat.

Missus Norris shook her head and the rat started to screech loudly in pain and struggled to get away. She didn't like that and growled before she clamped her jaws closed. There was a distinct snap and the sound from the mangy rat was cut off as its neck was broken. She spit it out and bat it with her paw, as if she was discarding it.

“It is now.” Filch said with a grin. “Thank you, Missus Norris. Good jo... BLIMEY!”

The rat convulsed and shook, as if possessed, then it bubbled and grew as it expanded out and out. Right before their very eyes, the dead rat became a dead wizard that was pretty much bald and was dressed in ratty old clothes. He also smelled like an old and frequently used toilet.

“I need to get the headmaster.” Filch said and ran off down the hallway.

Harry just stood there and stared at the body. He hadn't seen a dead body before, or at least he thought he hadn't, because he felt a sharp pain on his forehead and then he suddenly saw a redheaded woman fall to the floor in a blaze of greenish light. Harry blinked his eyes and the vision faded.

Who was that? Harry asked himself and he couldn't place the woman's face from anywhere. He didn't remember her at all or where he had seen her before, even though he felt like he knew her.

“What is all this rubbish about a dead body inside the school?” A woman's slightly shrill voice complained. Harry turned around and was surprised to see both Professor Minerva McGonagall and the Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore walking towards him.

“Missus Norris caught a rat that became a wizard when the rat died.” Harry said, a bit unnecessarily, since Filch had already told the pair that.

“How?” Albus asked and stared at Harry.

“She went hunting.” Harry said with a shrug. “We've been cleaning all evening for my detention and I was about to leave to get back to the Griffindor common room before curfew when Missus Norris showed up.”

“It was a present!” Filch said with a smile. “She's always helped the school and now she's caught a wizard that's been hiding under our noses all this time!”

“What do you mean?” Minerva asked and walked over to look at the wizard's face. “Peter Pettigrew! He... he's supposed to be dead! He died when... when...” She stopped talking and looked at Harry. “This isn't the time to talk about this. You need to get to bed.”

“I still have twenty minutes.” Harry said, reluctant to leave. “Who is he?”

“That's not something a young boy needs to know.” Minerva said and put a hand on his shoulder. “Come along. I'll walk you up to the tower.” She said and pulled him away from the body.

“But...” Harry started to say.

“It's time for bed, Harry.” Albus said and Harry felt a wave of sleepiness.

Harry immediately cast the energize spell and just pretended to close his eyes drowsily. He let the transfiguration professor lead him away and didn't fight against her. He didn't say anything at all as they went up to the tower and the professor stopped at the portrait of the Fat Lady.

“Caput Draconus.” Minerva said and the portrait opened without saying anything. “Go on inside and get to bed, Harry.” She coaxed and Harry went into the common room. “You have a great night's sleep.”

Harry nodded and ignored the people sitting in the comfy chairs, went to the stairs on his side, and climbed up them. He heard the portrait door close and entered his dorm room. Neville and Ron were in bed already, so he cast the curtain and silence. He changed out of his robes and into his pyjamas, moved his trunk to the end of the bed, and climbed into his nest as he banished the curtain spell.

Who is Peter Pettigrew? Harry asked himself and closed his eyes. Even with the energize spell, his body was worn out from cleaning all evening. He cancelled the effects of the spell and fell right to sleep.

The next morning, Harry was woken up by one of the other boys.

“Come on, Harry.” Neville said and shook him. “You're going to miss breakfast.”

“Huh?” Harry opened his eyes. “Neville? What...” He shook his head. “I forgot to set my alarm.”

“I used to do that all the time.” Neville said. “My gran gave me one that is permanently set for the morning.”

“I had to change it last night to get back before curfew.” Harry said and got up. He quickly changed into his school robes and applied the cream, grabbed his books, then left the trunk on his pile of blankets.

“Why do you do that?” Neville asked and pointed to the blankets.

“It's how I've always slept.” Harry said with a shrug. There wasn't a lot of room in the cupboard under the stairs, so he had to settle for a nest of blankets. Sleeping in a big bed just wasn't something he was used to.

“I guess that's why the house elves don't make the bed for you.” Neville commented and left the room.

So, that's what they were trying to do. They weren't trying to steal my trunk at all. Harry thought with a smile. I'm glad that worked out, because I'd have to remake my bed every night, otherwise.

Harry followed Neville down the stairs and they met up with Seamus and Dean. They left the tower and went down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

“Oi! Where's our little Ronnikins?” One of the tall redheaded twins asked.

“We haven't seen him since last night.” The other twin said.

“No idea.” Harry said. “I didn't see him, either.”

“Hi, Harry!” Hermione said as she entered the Great Hall. “This book is great!”

“It is.” Harry said and the table in front of him was filled with food. “I read it twice, even though there's no spells in it.”

Hermione let out a laugh and sat down beside him. “I finally got that cleaning spell to work.”

“Good for you.” Harry said and grabbed some pancakes and syrup. “Did you concentrate on a smaller area like I said?”

Hermione nodded. “You were right. I can't make the effect larger until I practice a lot.”

“The spells get a lot easier with repetition.” Harry said and started eating.

Ron trudged into the Great Hall, his robes dishevelled and his hair a mess. “I can't find Scabbers anywhere.” He said and plopped down onto the seat beside Hermione. “I hope nothing's happened to him.”

“Who's Scabbers?” Hermione asked as she ate her waffles.

“He's my rat.” Ron said and Harry almost choked on a bite of pancake. “He went missing last night before curfew and I've been looking for him ever since.”

“Good riddance, I say.” One of the twins said. “He was a lazy no-good layabout.”

“He was in the family for years, though.” The other twin said. “Percy might not be happy about you losing him.”

Percy looked up from his food to look at them. “I'll have you know that he was a superb rat and performed his duties admirably.” He said to the first twin, then looked at the second. “Scabbers has disappeared for days on end. I'm sure he'll turn up eventually.”

Harry wasn't sure if he should be the one to tell Ron that his rat was really a wizard, then something else occurred to him. “Hey, wait a minute.” He said and they looked at him. “My acceptance letter said I was only allowed to bring an owl, a cat, or a toad. How did you get to bring a rat to school?”

The redheads all had surprised looks on their faces.

“Um... I just... brought him.” Ron said.

“I thought Percy was supposed to be a Prefect.” Hermione said and looked at the older boy. “That's a pretty blatant school rule that you've been breaking for years.”

Percy looked like he had sucked on something sour, stood up, and left without saying a word.

“Hermione, you're our new best friend.” One of the twins said with a huge smile.

“We've been trying to get the twat to shut up for years!” The other twin said. “Thanks a lot!”

Hermione opened her mouth to respond, then she shook her head. “Boys.”

The twins laughed, as did Seamus and Dean. Ron still looked sad, with a bit of trepidation mixed in, and Neville shrugged at the whole thing. Having a rat as a familiar was a bit disgusting to him.

The mail came and Harry wasn't surprised that Hedwig came in. She landed and gave him a letter.

“I knew she couldn't wait for the weekend.” Harry said with a chuckle and let Hedwig eat some of his pancakes. He read Bertha's letter and saw that Fluffy had been 'taken out to the farm'. He was going to ask someone what that meant, then remembered what Bertha had said about the disposing of dangerous creatures. He read the rest and she told him some of the gossip she had heard and asked how he was doing. He folded up the letter and tucked it into his pocket.

“Are you sticking around?” Harry asked and Hedwig hopped off of the table and perched on his shoulder. “We better get to class.” He said and stood up with his books.

“Harry, what are you doing?” Hermione asked and looked at Hedwig as she stood.

“I asked her to spend the day with me.” Harry said. “We're mostly outside today and I miss her.”

There was an 'aww' sound from the other girls at the table and Hedwig gave a soft hoot.

“She's so pretty!” A girl from the Hufflepuff table said.

Harry pretty much led the way as the other first years followed him to Charms class. Professor Flitwick didn't bat an eye at the owl's appearance in his classroom and he also didn't have to remind Harry or the owl to try to stay quiet while the others worked on their spells.

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