Realistic Harry Potter

44 The Flying Lesson

Defense Against the Dark Arts class was next and Harry and Hermione went right to the back of the room to stay out of the way, rather than take their regular seats. The teacher didn't say anything and the class got to work. Harry taught Hermione the drying spell, or the stream of hot air spell, and she thought it was the best thing ever.

“Why isn't this being taught in school?” Hermione asked in a whisper. “It's so useful!”

“Wizards and witches grow up with them.” Harry whispered back.

Hermione frowned. “But... they don't know them or use them.”

Harry shook his head. “Most of them think that the basic household spells are beneath them.”

Hermione couldn't think of a good reply for that kind of idiocy.

“Unlike them, we know what being able to do magic is worth to us.” Harry said. “I think... no, I know that's why people like us are better at magic than them.”

“People like us.” Hermione repeated, barely above a breath.

“We didn't know magic existed until we were eleven.” Harry whispered. “We actually want to learn how to do it.”

Hedwig have a soft hoot and Harry gave her a quick pet and another owl treat.

“Even Hedwig agrees.” Harry smiled.

“Harry, can you talk to Hedwig?” Hermione asked.

“Not really.” Harry shrugged. “I do have this book that would let me hear her, if I could figure out how to... mediate... no, meditate.”

Hermione smiled. “That's easy.” She said and took out the book he had loaned her. “The book's called Legilimens Creatora, right?”

“How did you know that?” Herry asked, surprised.

“It's mentioned right here.” Hermione said and pointed to a small bit of angled text that was a quote from a wizard. It was at the bottom of a page that was halfway through the book of wizard powers.

“You really do read everything.” Harry said, impressed.

Hermione had a crooked smile. “He says the simplest way to gain a meditative state is to use the Immobulus spell.”

Harry's mouth dropped open. “That's only a second year spell!”

Hermione nodded. “I bet you haven't practised it, either.”

Harry almost laughed. “I did my spell casting in the middle of the night and for a couple Saturdays when I visited Bertha.” He said. “There wasn't a lot of things moving around for me to stop.”

Hermione nodded. “You might want to try and find something to practice on just before going to bed. If you can cast it consistently, you can use a mirror to cast it on yourself.”

“A mirror?” Harry asked.

“You'll be immobilized.” Hermione said. “If you aren't looking at yourself with the wand pointed at you, how would you cast the general counter spell?

“Oh, yeah.” Harry said.

“I'm really surprised you haven't cursed off your toes or something by now.” Hermione chuckled and touched his hand. “I'm really glad you haven't.”

“So are my toes.” Harry said with a grin and Hermione had to cast a silencing charm on herself when she laughed out loud.

After Defense Against the Dark Arts class, it was time for their very first flying lesson. It was with the Slytherins, which was the first class that Griffindor had with the rival House. To say there was animosity right from the beginning was an understatement. Hateful glares, muttered threats, and an unpleasant air surrounded the students as they approached the Quiddich pitch. The back and forth between the other students was actually getting on Harry's nerves.

The worst offender was actually Ron, who openly yelled at one of the slightly fat Slytherins named Goyle. His insult that he looked like his namesake, a gargoyle, got a few uncomfortable laughs and then a punch to the side of the head. It staggered him and then he realized what had happened and jumped on the bigger boy.

“I'll teach you to call me a blood traitor!” Ron said loudly and tried to punch Goyle. He might have been tall; but, he was thin and didn't have a lot of strength. Goyle just laughed at his pathetic attempt.

“All right, settle down.” Madam Hooch said and waved her wand to separate them. “Take care of your problems after class.”

Harry frowned a little at that. Aren't they supposed to help students, not let them handle it themselves?

“Since first years are not allowed their own brooms, we have to use the school brooms.” Madam Hooch said. “They've been distributed randomly, so if you end up with a bad broom with a weak flying charm, let me know. I'll loan you mine or you'll have to share.”

“Not bloody likely.” One of the Slytherins whispered.

Madam Hooch glared at the boy and he smiled at her. “All right. Form lines and stand beside a broom.” She watched them do so. “When you're ready, hover your hand over it and command it to your hand by saying 'UP'.”

Harry put his hand over the old and worn broom and thought about what the broom should do. “UP!”

The broom shot up from the ground and stuck to his hand like glue.

“Whoa.” Harry said happily and Hermione stared at him.

“How did you do that?” Hermione asked.

“I just wanted the broom to come to my hand.” Harry said. “I've seen Hedwig fly a bunch of times and want to know what it's like.”

Hermione looked down at her broom and she didn't actually want to fly. That was just something she never wanted to do, let alone do it on a broom. When she tried to command it, the broom just flopped around on the ground, as if it didn't want her to fly it, either.

“I see a few can't muster enough will, so just go ahead and pick the brooms up. You only need to mount it, kick off the ground a little, then lean forward and touch back down.” Madam Hooch said. “There won't be any actual flying today.”

Several students groaned in disappointment and several sighed in relief.

“Now, boys can mount their brooms in the traditional manner. Girls, if you are wearing pants, can choose to do that as well. Those with skirts must ride side-saddle. There will be no inappropriate behavior in my class. Understood?”

All of the girls nodded and a couple of the boys looked sad.

“Now mount up.” Madam Hooch said and waited until they all did so. “Kick off.”

“AHH!” Neville yelled as he shot up twenty feet.

“Not that hard, Longbottom!” Madam Hooch said loudly. “Everyone lean forward and land!”

The rest of the class did so as Neville flipped over on the broom. It bucked and flipped him back over, then his hands slipped and he fell to the ground. She rushed over to him as his broom landed beside them.

“Ow ow ow.” Neville said and hugged his broken wrist.

“It's all right. I'll take you right to the medical wing.” Madam Hooch said and helped him stand. “Everyone is to keep their feet firmly planted on the ground while I'm gone, or you will be expelled from Hogwarts.”

Everyone watched as Neville was taken away, then a white haired boy walked over to the spot and picked up something.

“Oh, look what I found. A Rememberall.” Draco Malfoy said with a chuckle.

“That's not yours.” Harry said before he could stop himself.

“Oh? What are you going to do about it, Potter?” Draco asked with a sneer and mounted his broom. “I think I'll leave this somewhere for Longbottom to find.” He said and took off.

Harry took a step forward and was stopped when Hermione grabbed his arm.

“You can't fly after him or you'll be expelled.” Hermione said.

“It's all right, Hermione.” Harry said and flicked his wrist to deploy his wand, then poured his will into the spell. “Accio Neville's Rememberall!”

“AHHH!” Draco yelled as he, the broom, and the Rememberall were pulled almost all the way back down to the ground. Draco finally let the Rememberall go when he was ten feet away from Harry and flew off. The Rememberall floated over to Harry and he caught it with his hand.

“Blimey.” Several of the students said.

“Wow, Harry.” Hermione said, awe in her voice.

“What's going on out here?” Professor McGonagall asked as she came out of the castle with Professor Snape right behind her. Several of the students tried to tell her at the same time and she raised a hand. “Mister Malfoy! You are to land right this minute!”

Draco flew down and landed with more grace than he normally did, especially with so many witnesses, and laid the school broom back down onto the spot he stood in before.

“Professor Snape, I trust you to handle this properly.” McGonagall said in her usual stern voice.

“Yes, Minerva. I will.” Professor Snape said. “Malfoy, come with me. We have... much to discuss.” He said and turned, then strode away with a dejected looking Draco right behind him.

“Does this mean class is over?” Ron asked, his voice hopeful.

Professor McGonagall looked at her timepiece and sighed. “Yes, you are dismissed.”

“Yay!” Most of the students said as they dropped their brooms and ran off back towards the school.

“Sorry, Hedwig.” Harry said and stroked her belly feathers. “I wanted to go flying with you today.”

Only Hermione and Professor McGonagall were left on the field.

Minvera gave Harry a look that said to not push her, then she sighed. “I'm sure Madam Hooch would appreciate you gathering up the school brooms for her.” She said and waved towards the locker rooms beside the field. “How you get them from here to there is up to you.”

“Thank you, Professor.” Harry said and waited for the professor to leave before he looked at Hedwig. “Want to race?”

“HOOOT!” Hedwig said loudly and flapped her wings to take off. Harry laughed at the accepted challenge and mounted the broom he had in his hand.

Hermione passed him one of the others brooms. “Be careful.”

“Thanks!” Harry said and handed her the Rememberall and took off like a shot behind Hedwig.

Hermione stood there with another broom, ready for Harry to take it on his next loop around the Quiddich pitch. She smiled as she watched her friend have fun flying with his owl.

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