Realistic Harry Potter

52 The Weekend Part Three

Amelia held Harry for what seemed like forever and she had no intention of letting him go. He needed the comfort and she wanted to provide it. She had known some of the details about his home life and for him to tell her and her niece so much after they had just met, informed her of everything that she needed to know about him.

She knew now that he was anti-social. He had a hard time making friends because he almost never opened up. The whispers and rumors about 'The Boy Who Lived' kept him locked in his shell. Also, his defiance of the professors at the school was just him lashing out at authority. It was something that he would never do at home, for fear of reprisals that he could do nothing about. At the school, he somehow knew that they can't harm him and accepted their punishments as if they didn't mean anything to him.

Amelia hid her gasp from that revelation as a hiccup. The punishments aren't punishments at all. She thought with more than a little surprise. Physically cleaning? He's been doing that for years!

Harry started to stiffen up as his tears slowed down and Amelia knew that this was when she needed to let go. She did so, slowly, so as not to startle him. Her niece let go at the same time and they sat back.

Madam Rosmerta came over and handed each of them some tissues. “So, handsome. What was it like getting hugs from two beautiful witches?”

“Warm and wet.” Harry said without thinking as he wiped at his eyes, then his face and ears turned red.

Rosmerta burst out laughing and Amelia joined in, then Susan couldn't help it and laughed, too. They all dabbed at their eyes and wiped up the streaks of tears on their cheeks. Harry looked at their faces and smiled, because they weren't making fun of him. They had shared a precious moment together, one he would remember for quite some time, and it had been completely out in public. For some reason, that didn't bother him.

“Can we have some tea?” Susan asked.

“Of course.” Amelia said and nodded to Rosmerta. She came back with three teas and served them, rested a hand on Harry's shoulder for a moment, then left to serve someone else.

“I think she might fancy you a little, Harry.” Susan teased and took a sip of tea. “Mmm, Chamomile.”

“She does not.” Harry said and took a sip. He had to admit that it was tasty. “It's good.”

“Susan thinks you're cute, too!” Madam Rosmerta said loudly from across the room. Several people in the bar laughed and Susan blushed. Harry covered his smile with his tea cup.

“Ears like a hawk, that one.” Amelia chuckled and turned to her. “What did I tell you about gossiping?”

“To save it for when there's lots of people around.” Rosmerta responded and plunked an ale down onto a table. “I can't wait until supper, though!”

Amelia laughed and shook her head, then touched her niece's shoulder. “It's all right. You don't have to be embarrassed.”

“I'm not.” Susan said, her face still red.

“If it makes you feel better about it, I like him, too.” Amelia admitted and Susan stared at her. “I know what you're thinking.”

“No, you don't.” Susan said and her aunt chuckled.

“I'm much too old for him to like me back.” Amelia said, then she smiled. “I'm not; but, I can still be someone he needs in his life.”

Susan wasn't sure what her aunt was trying to say.

“Harry, if you're okay with it, I think I want to take a more direct role in your education.”

Susan gasped and Harry perked up.

“What does that mean?” Harry asked. He was pretty sure it was going to be something like what Bertha did for him and he wanted to make sure.

“I'll be making arrangements with the school so that we can spend Saturdays together.” Amelia said and Susan let out a little squeak. “Yes, my dear and precious niece, I would like for you to come along as well.”

“Are we going to be training?” Susan asked, excitement in her voice.

“Perhaps.” Amelia said evasively and Susan let out another little squeak.

“I can't believe it!” Susan said and almost shook. “Harry, we're going to learn under the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement!”

Harry didn't quite understand what she was saying until he realized what the title meant. I'm going to learn under the magical world's chief of police. He thought and let a smile appear on his face. “Okay.”

“I'm so glad you agree.” Amelia said in satisfaction and put a hand on his shoulder. “I'll bring you both back to the school now.”

Harry nodded and the three of them stood. “Wait, what about paying for the food?”

“I'll handle it on the way out.” Amelia said.

“How much is my share?” Harry asked and dug a hand into his money pouch.

“Don't worry about...” Amelia started to say when Harry handed her a handful of galleons.

“Is that enough?” Harry asked and took out another handful. “I haven't eaten out before.”

Amelia stood there, too shocked to respond, as Harry tried to give her even more galleons. I think a lesson on the prices of things will be the first thing I teach him. “E-enough.” She managed to say. “If you insist on paying...”

“Thank you.” Madam Rosmerta said as she suddenly appeared and took three galleons from Amelia's hand. “Gallantry is rare in someone so young.” She smiled and gave Harry a kiss on the cheek. “See you next time.”

“Rosmerta.” Amelia said and tried not to laugh as she saw Harry's face and ears go completely red.

“What? I love big tippers.” Rosmerta said as she pat Amelia's arm and walked away laughing.

“That woman.” Amelia chuckled and handed Harry back his money. “Thank you for inadvertently buying lunch for us. You didn't have to do that.”

“It was only a galleon each?” Harry asked as he put the money back into his money pouch. “We need to eat here more often!”

Amelia and Susan were both surprised by his declaration, then both smiled.

“Let's not make too many future plans, hmm?” Amelia said and motioned to leave, then the three of them walked out of the bar and down the road. “In fact, I think a certain someone might be visiting you next week.”

“Bertha?” Harry asked and she nodded. “Do you know why?”

“Yes, and she asked me to only tell you to dress in normal clothes next Saturday.”

Harry understood immediately that he would be venturing into the muggle world with that statement.

Amelia saw the understanding on his face and she smiled. “You're very smart, Harry.” She said and put an arm around him and one around her niece as she walked a little faster. “Let's get you back to the school before your Heads of Houses start freaking out about how long you've been gone.”

“Professor Sprout practically threw me out of the castle to come and meet her favorite student.” Susan said to Amelia's amusement. “I think she said something about being back by supper.”

Amelia laughed. “Only she would think that lunch was going to last long enough to...” Her timepiece beeped at her and she took it out and checked it. “She must have some divination in her background.”

Harry took out his own fancier one and checked it. “It is suppertime.” He said. He had spent a lot of time with her and the day had passed by before he knew it.

“Thank you both for spending this time with me.” Amelia tapped the school gates to open them and gave Susan a hug. “I'll see you in a couple of weeks.”

Susan nodded and held on for a moment, then she let go.

“Harry, be good and do not shout like that in the Great Hall anymore.” Amelia said and saw him start to frown. She smiled and poked the tip of his nose. “You are better than that, so no more outbursts. If you have a problem with anything at the school, owl Bertha or me right away and don't wait until later that night like you've been doing lately.”

Harry opened his mouth to say he hadn't, then realized he had done exactly that. “I forgot the last time.”

Amelia chuckled and took him into a hug. “It's all right to forget sometimes, which is why I'm reminding you to write it down immediately. Then you won't have to worry about forgetting later.”

Harry nodded and she let him go.

“Enjoy the evening.” Amelia said and shooed them through the open gates.

When Harry and Susan were clear, the gates closed, and they watched Madam Bones apparate away. The two of them walked up the road towards the castle.

“Your aunt's really nice.” Harry said.

“Yeah.” Susan said and they fell silent. After a few moments, she spoke again. “Harry?”

“Yeah.” Harry responded.

“I'm sorry everyone's talking about you.” Susan said.

“Me, too.” Harry said and they fell silent again.

When they reached the large oak doors, they opened for the two students, as if welcoming them back, and they stepped inside the Entrance Hall and came to a stop.

“I need to go see Mister Filch.” Harry said and turned to face her.

“I need to go meet my friends.” Susan said and turned to face him.

The two of them stood there and stared at each other for several seconds, then Susan stepped close and put her arms around him and hugged him. Harry put his arms around her waist and hugged her back.

“It's okay now, Harry.” Susan whispered into his ear and she felt his arms tighten. “You're not alone anymore.” She eased her hold on him and he let her go, too. She stepped back for a moment, then she smiled. “Auntie said I shouldn't be embarrassed.” She said and stepped back in close and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I do think you're cute. It's just too bad that Auntie would skin you alive if you asked me out.”

Harry stared at her with an open mouth as she blushed and walked away. Wh-what? A-a-ask her out? To do what? He asked himself and walked almost on autopilot as he went down to Filch's office and knocked.

“Took you long enough.” Filch said and handed him his mop. “If anyone asks, which they won't, you got special detention.”

Harry nodded in agreement and he followed Filch and Missus Norris up to the fifth floor and kept working. Not surprisingly, Harry's preoccupied mind made no difference to his efforts in cleaning. He was just as thorough as if he was paying attention and both Filch and Missus Norris kept their silence to let him brood. After an unknown amount of time, Harry stopped working and looked at Filch.

“Girls are confusing.” Harry said.

Mister Filch burst out laughing and Missus Norris meowed her own amusement.

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