Realistic Harry Potter

54 The Next Week

The next two days passed by without incident. Both the Charms teacher and Transfiguration teacher did the next thing in their assigned books. Since both Harry and Hermione had done them weeks ago, the classes became more free periods for them to practice doing spells.

The biggest change was that two blonde haired girls, Susan Bones and her friend Hannah Abbot, had changed their regular seats and sat next to Harry and Hermione in the classes they shared, Charms and Herbology. They also said hello to him and surprisingly, to Hermione. It was a bit odd to suddenly have someone else talk to them in class besides Neville.

Harry had detention in the evenings and he still showed up mid-afternoon instead of after supper. Filch had stopped calling him 'daft' for doing it and just accepted that Harry wanted to clean and wasn't trying to suck up to him or anything. Missus Norris greeted him with a meow and rubbed her side on his leg each time she saw him. Harry never tried to pet her, though. He knew she wasn't fussy on too much contact and wanted it on her own terms.

On Wednesday, he once again had flying lessons and Hedwig came along during classes. The bickering between the Griffindors and the Slytherins was still grating on his nerves and he walked a little slower to let them get a bit ahead. As the class approached the Quiddich pitch, he had had enough. He used the same wand motion as the healer did to his family and he cast a silent silence spell that silenced everyone in front of him.

Their reactions were priceless.

Some choked, some pantomimed 'no voice', and some rubbed their throats because they couldn't speak. Harry smiled as Hermione beside him and Neville behind him were trying hard to stop from laughing.

“Good afternoon class.” Madam Hooch said as she strode onto the field to start the class and saw most of the students freaking out. “What's going on here?”

Harry cast the generic counter spell and everyone started talking at once, then they started freaking out because they had their voices back. Hermione and Neville had to turn away from them to laugh and not be discovered.

It took ten minutes to get everyone settled down and for the frustrated professor to start the class. It was another basic take off, float, and land lesson. Thankfully, each time they lifted off, she gave permission to go higher. It was a test of control and Harry did exactly what she said perfectly. He didn't waffle, pause, or try to do more than she asked.

Madam Hooch noticed how efficient he was and when class was over, she assigned Harry and Hermione to bring the brooms back to the locker room.

“Do you think McGonagall told her?” Hermione asked as Harry mounted a broom.

“Either that or she saw us.” Harry said. “Ready, Hedwig?”

“Hoot!” Hedwig said and took off with a whoosh as she flapped her wings.

Harry took off after her with a laugh and did a full loop before dropping off the first broom. Hermione used the levitation charm to suspend the next broom for Harry and he zoomed by as he caught it.

“Thaaaaaannnks!” Harry's voice carried as he flew away.

Hermione laughed at him and levitated the next broom. It was great practice for the both of them and Hedwig had a great time, too. Harry was getting faster as he learned more control and could feel the limits of the broom's flying enchantments and charms.

Harry wasn't sure if that was supposed to happen or not, though. He was sharing his magic to assist it, just like he did when doing the side-along apparition, because it felt right when he did it. They finished even quicker than last time and Harry came in for a landing next to Hermione.

“Thanks, Hedwig!” Harry said and waved as his owl flew back towards the owlery.

“That was actually fun.” Hermione said as they walked across the field to put the last broom into the pile.

“You're getting really good at the levitation charm.” Harry said. “Do you want to try the Locomotor spell next?”

“Do you think I'm ready?” Hermione asked.

“You're way past ready.” Harry said and smiled. “I'll even let you practice on our telescopes tonight.”

Hermione smiled back, because she had run off and let him keep hers since last week. “How's the Patronus charm coming along?”

Harry sighed. “I can't get anything past a faint wisp of vapor.”

“You're on par with half of the Ministry.”

“Wow, really?” Harry asked and she nodded. “I need to practice more.”

“You need sleep!” Hermione laughed and tapped the side of his head. “You can't concentrate if you're tired, you know.”

“I have stuff to do.” Harry said with a shrug.

“Your detention ends on Friday, so you've got all weekend for that.” Hermione said. “After you come back from wherever Bertha's taking you on Saturday.”

Harry nodded. “Are you practising with the ghost exorcism spell?”

“Yes, and I've got Neville reading the primer.” Hermione said.

“Great.” Harry said. “I'm glad he told us that the ghosts are avoiding us.”

“I think we would have figured it out eventually.” Hermione said. “I'm just glad someone wrote the chapters to read on the board for the History of Magic class.”

“Someone.” Harry shook his head. “Don't worry, Hermione. He won't be around for long.”

“Harry, do you think...”

“I told you what Madam Bones did.” Harry said.

“I can't believe she didn't say anything to you about it.”

“I think she was too surprised I had the spell ready.” Harry smiled. “Thanks again for finding it so quickly.”

“You're welcome.” Hermione said and then looked at him with a bit of concern. “You're going to start hunting them, aren't you?”

Harry chuckled. “I don't really have to. There's over twenty ghosts in the castle. I just have to stand still and wait.”

“Would that work?” Hermione asked, a little surprised.

“Definitely.” Harry said with a nod. “I won't get them all that way, though. I'm thinking of trying to adapt the Accio spell.”

Hermione gasped. “Harry! That's brilliant!” She said. “No wonder you need someone else to cast the exorcism spell! I can do it while you hold them!”

Harry smiled and nodded again. The two of them went to eat supper in the Great Hall at their House table and discussed a few things not as important as their secret plan to rid the school of all its hauntings.

Harry finished eating and stood up to leave and saw Susan wave to him. He waved back and that got a few people whispering. He held in his sigh and left the Great Hall and went to Filch's office. He did his detention and went back to Griffindor Tower to get his things and to meet with Hermione. It took her two tries and a bit of coaching from Harry to make the large telescope float behind her with the Locomotor spell.

Hermione beamed a smile the whole walk from there to the Astronomy Tower. They climbed it and Harry unstuck her telescope from his. Hermione took the fifth crenellated spot for the best view and set up her telescope. Harry put his beside the professor's and deployed it.

“Is everyone set up?” Professor Aurora Sinistra asked and everyone nodded. “We're going to expand on our exploration of the moon and delve into the many craters and canyons on the surface.” She gave everyone a smile. “It's all right if your telescope doesn't have the zoom lens. It's only really useful when looking at the moon and isn't worth the extra expense, because it's only used for this month's classes.”

Harry's arm twitched to raise his hand, then he changed his mind.

“You have a question, Mister Potter?” Aurora asked.

“Why can't the zoom be used anywhere else?” Harry asked. “There's lots of planets and moons...”

Aurora chuckled. “There's a reason most people buy the basic telescope. Over the course of the year, the other teachers, particularly the Charms professor, will teach certain spells that will assist in seeing farther.”

Harry perked up at that and she chuckled.

“You'll have to wait until it's taught in the curriculum, Mister Potter.” Aurora said and touched his arm tenderly. “I do know the spells myself and Professor Flitwick wouldn't want me to ruin the surprise.”

Harry nodded and she gave his arm a squeeze and let go. “Now, can anyone besides Mister Potter tell me what the largest canyon on the moon is?”

Hermione's hand shot up into the air. “Vallis Snellius.”

Nearly everyone laughed at the name.

Professor Aurora let it go on, because that was the point. They were supposed to have fun with it. “Correct. Five points to Griffindor.” She said and smiled. “It's down in the southeast corner, so go ahead and set your telescopes to get a look at it.” She gave them enough time to do that and spoke again. “It's a whopping 592 kilometres long and points directly at Mare Nectaris to the west-northwest of it. Also, it's about 30 kilometres across and...”

The class went on and Harry learned a lot. At the end of the class, their assignment sheets were handed back and they were to mark out five of the more detailed features they had learned about. The professor wasn't surprised when Harry and Hermione forwent packing up and leaving with the other students to do the work and handed them back in.

“I hope you know that I can't keep awarding you points for being first every time.” Aurora said as she accepted their homework sheets that had all of the features she mentioned and not just the five she asked for.

“Why not? You're the professor.” Harry said with a smile.

Aurora looked at him in surprise for a moment, then she chuckled. “You have a fair point, Mister Potter. Five points each to Griffindor.”

“Yes!” Hermione said excitedly and the professor laughed.

“Get your things packed and get going.” Aurora said and shooed them away. “It's way past your bedtime.”

Harry and Hermione quickly packed up. Hermione did the sticking charm this time to put her telescope on Harry's and then she cast the Locomotor Telescope spell. Aurora was surprised by this and watched as her two best students left the top of the tower and disappeared down the stairs.

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