Realistic Harry Potter

72 The Return to School

Harry and Susan had fun duelling for about an hour, then they were ordered to rest for fifteen minutes. After that was another round in the target practice area, another rest, then another hour of duelling.

“All right, you two. It's close to lunchtime.” Amelia said as her students stood back to back again. “Let's get cleaned up and we can go get something to eat.”

“At the Three Broomsticks?” Harry asked.

“Can we?” Susan asked.

Amelia nodded and Harry and Susan practically ran by her to get changed. “Don't forget your cleaning spells!” She said to their backs, then Harry darted around the corner and Susan ran up the stairs. “You don't want Madam Rosmerta smelling your sweat! She'll never let you live it down!”

Both Harry and Susan laughed at that and stripped off. They both freshened up and grabbed normal clothes to wear back to school. Not surprisingly, Harry was finished first and cleaned his jogging suit before tossing it into the trunk and grabbed his thin jacket. He closed the trunk and turned around to see Susan walking down the stairs. She wore new jeans and a bright blue top with her hair tied up into a ponytail.

“Hey, we match.” Harry said and pointed to his blue t-shirt and new jeans.

Susan came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs and she blushed a little. Before she could turn around and run back up the stairs to change, her aunt came over to them.

“Let's go.” Amelia said. “Susan, Harry has the right idea. You should grab a jacket.”

Susan held in her sigh and went over to the rack by the door and took hers. She put it on and Harry picked up his trunk by the handle. They both stepped close to Amelia and she put her arms on their shoulders to hug them. They put their arms around her and around each other, then they shared their magic with Amelia.

They are a bit more powerful with sharing right now. Amelia thought and let their shared magic cover and protect them. “One, two, three.”

They disappeared and reappeared at the edge of Hogsmeade. Once again, Susan was a bit reluctant to let go. She liked getting to hold someone that wasn't her aunt. She tried to convince herself that Harry being cute had nothing to do with it. She wasn't successful and had to admit that she liked him. Just like her aunt had told her, she didn't have to be shy around him. He was easy to talk to, especially when they were discussing spells, and she smiled at him as her aunt let them go.

“Do you have any idea what you want to eat?” Susan asked as she slid her hand away from Harry's waist and took his free hand as the three of them started to walk down the street.

“The sausages and mashed potatoes you had last time smelled really good.” Harry said. He wasn't sure why Susan had taken his hand, just to walk down the street. He didn't pull away, though. He figured she had a reason, so he let her do it.

“Madam Rosmerta makes the best bangers and mash in Britain.” Amelia said. “Before you ask, yes. Susan and I have travelled all over and tried them all.”

“Really?” Harry asked.

Susan nodded. “Auntie has to do tours as the head of the law enforcement department.”

“Every six months we take the trip for two weeks. I have to make sure that people are actually doing their jobs in every town we stop at.” Amelia said.

“It's pretty fun, actually.” Susan said. “We stay at inns all over the place and we get to meet a bunch of people. We also get to eat at all of the local restaurants and pubs.”

“That does sound fun.” Harry said. “When do you go next?”

“Christmas break.” Susan said. “The last week of December and the first week of January, actually.”

“Which means six months later...” Harry tried to think about the dates in his head.

“The other time is the beginning of Summer break. The last week in June and the first week in July.” Amelia said as they approached The Three Broomsticks. She opened the door for Susan and Harry and followed them inside.

“There's my favorite customer!” Madam Rosmerta said when she saw Harry. “I've reserved the best table in the house for you. It's right over there.”

Amelia looked to where she pointed. “It's the only free table.”

“That's what I said.” Madam Rosmerta responded with a laugh. “Go ahead and sit. I'll be right over to get your orders.”

Amelia, Susan and Harry sat down and after a minute of serving ale, Madam Rosmerta came over with glasses of water and took their orders. She left them and Amelia immediately started a discussion of their training that morning. She picked out their flaws and things that the both of them needed to work on, while Harry and Susan did their best to not laugh at their remembered duels.

It had been the most fun that the both of them had enjoyed in a while.

Madam Rosmerta came over with their food and their talk became disjointed as they ate. Amelia reinforced their good points during this time and both Susan and Harry couldn't help but preen a little at her praise. Not only was she an adult, she was also the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. For her to tell you that you did good in something, it was very high praise indeed.

They finished eating and sat back to let Madam Rosmerta clear the table and bring them tea. They sat there and kept talking about what they needed to do to improve and what exercises would be best to keep them fit and healthy between their private lessons.

“I need you both to keep working on the Bombarda spell.” Amelia said. “I expect both of your aims to improve by next week.”

“Auntie, we have classes and homework.” Susan said. “When are we supposed to work on it?”

“I get Friday afternoons off and I do it then.” Harry said. “When do you get time off?”

“Hufflepuffs get Friday mornings off and we have double Potions in the afternoon.” Susan said.

“I have double potions in the morning.” Harry said and sighed. “I wish it was switched and we had it together.”

“Why?” Amelia asked.

“We share the class with the Slytherins.” Harry said. “If I have to spend the the whole morning with someone, I'd much rather spend it with a Hufflepuff instead.”

Susan reached over and put her hand on his briefly. “I have Defense Against the Dark Arts with the Slytherins four times a week.”

“What?” Harry exclaimed. “I thought it was bad enough that I had double Potions and then flying lessons with them once a week!”

Susan snorted and then laughed. “You're right, though. I much prefer to have classes with you... I mean the Griffindors.”

“Charms and Herbology isn't enough?” Amelia asked and both Harry and Susan shook their heads.

“It's too bad they don't let us choose our classmates.” Harry said.

“They can't do that!” Susan laughed again. “No one would choose the Slytherins!”

“If they weren't so mean to everyone, people might actually like them.” Harry said.

“Maybe they are mean to everyone because you all treat them the way you do?” Amelia asked.

Susan and Harry exchanged looks and then looked at Amelia. “You've met a Slytherin before, haven't you?” They said as one.

Amelia had to laugh at that. “All right. Even I have to admit that they are full of themselves.”

“Nearly all bad wizards have come from Slytherin house.” Susan said and her aunt opened her mouth to respond. “I said nearly.”

Amelia nodded in agreement.

“You mean the Death Eaters?” Harry asked and Susan nodded. “Then it really is true that all of their kids are attending Hogwarts and were sorted into Slytherin.”

“Unfortunately.” Amelia said. “I don't know if it was growing up with that mindset or if they actually believe the garbage that their parents spout out.”

“If that's all they hear, they would have to believe it.” Harry said. “I mean, you know I didn't know my real name until I went to school and they told me what it was.”

Amelia nodded. “I'm very sorry that you had to grow up like that.”

“Maybe the Slytherins could have been different if given the choice.” Susan said.

Harry shook his head. “No, the hat gives you the choice if your mind isn't already set.”

“What?” Susan and Amelia said at the same time.

“It tells you what houses you could fit into and you can choose.” Harry said.

“That's why it took you so long.” Susan said, her voice thoughtful. “I thought it was having a hard time picking your House.”

“I could have gone into any of them.” Harry said and the two of them stared at him.

“You're kidding!” Susan exclaimed. “You could have been a Hufflepuff?”

Harry nodded. “I chose Griffindor because it seemed like the least trouble.”

“The least...” Amelia shook her head and then she laughed. “Dumbledore asked the hat to sort you into Griffindor, didn't he?”

Harry nodded. “The hat told me so.”

“And you chose it anyway?” Susan asked.

“I didn't know any better and my friend chose it... well, friends now.” Harry said.

“Hermione and Neville.” Amelia said.

“Yeah. Hermione chose it, even though the hat said she should be in Ravenclaw.” Harry said. “Neville said his Nan wanted him to go into Griffindor, even though he wanted to be in Hufflepuff.”

“Neville, too?!?” Susan asked a little loudly and Amelia pat her niece's hand.

“Calm down. What's done is done.” Amelia said, soothingly.

“But... I could be sharing a dorm with...” Susan's face flushed red. “I mean, Hufflepuff could have had Harry as a member. We could have been friends right away...”

Amelia reached out and pet her niece's blonde hair that was unlike her own, at least until she was older and it would darken to be the same as hers. “You can't force a friendship like that. It needs to develop and grow. If you just try slamming people together, you might just get sparks and no friendship at all.”

“Then I'm glad that didn't happen.” Susan said and looked at Harry with a smile.

“Is everything alright here?” Madam Rosmerta asked.

“It's great and we're done.” Amelia said. Before she could say anything else or dig out her money, Harry had reached into his money pouch and held out a closed fist.

“Oh! Is the gallant man offering to pay again?” Madam Rosmerta asked and stepped over to him.

“Amelia told me how much meals are supposed to cost.” Harry said.

“She did, did she?” Madam Rosmerta asked with a knowing smile. “Does that mean I won't be giving a certain handsome young man a kiss on the cheek fer tipping so well?”

Harry opened his fist and it had three galleons in it.

Madam Rosmerta laughed as she bent down and plucked the coins from his palm. “Thank ya very much fer your patronage, Mister Potter.” She said, unable to hide her Scottish accent in her excitement, and she planted a big kiss on his cheek. She picked up their empty dishes and walked away, humming happily.

Amelia chuckled and shook her head. “Harry...” She stared to say that he shouldn't encourage the woman like that and saw his goofy smile and his red face and ears. “Come on. I'll walk you both up to the school.”

The three of them left The Three Broomsticks and walked up the road in silence. When they reached the gates, Amelia hugged her niece Susan and told her to be good. She hugged Harry next and told him to be good and to not be so cheeky. She tapped the gates and bid them both goodbye until next week, then she disappeared.

The gates closed and Harry and Susan walked up towards the castle.

“Do you fancy her?” Susan asked, pretty much out of the blue.

“Do I what?” Harry asked, surprised.

“Do you like her?” Susan asked. “You're really friendly with her and...”

“I think your aunt is great.” Harry said. “She doesn't talk down to me or treat me like... well...” He didn't want to mention his own aunt in the same sentence as Amelia, because his Aunt Petunia didn't deserve to be compared to someone so great.

Susan stared at him for a few seconds. “I... I meant... Madam Rosmerta.”

“Oh.” Harry said and shrugged. “She's funny and she likes big tips apparently.”

Susan was quiet for a moment. “Did... did you like her kissing your cheek?”

Harry didn't have to think about that answer. “It was kind of mushy and didn't feel like real lips.” He said and she didn't say anything in response. “It wasn't like yours at all.”

Susan stayed quiet until they approached the large oak doors to go into the castle. He's comparing it to when I kissed his cheek last week! She thought and couldn't help her smile as the oak doors opened for them. “I'll see you on Monday for Charms class.” She said and came to a stop just inside the Entrance Hall.

“Okay.” Harry said and turned towards the main staircase. “Bye.”

“Bye.” Susan said and watched him carry his trunk up the stairs and didn't notice her friend approach.

“Harry's wearing the same outfit as you.” Hannah said from right beside her.

“AHH!” Susan jumped in fright and then glared at her. “Dammit, Hannah! You scared me!”

“You were staring at him.” Hannah said and pointed at Harry's retreating figure. “You like him, don't you?”

“I don't...” Susan stopped before she continued the lie. “Yes, I do.”

“He's not very friendly.” Hannah observed.

“Only because it takes a lot to get him to talk.” Susan said and turned towards the Great Hall. “What happened while I was gone?”

“Oh, the usual. A Slytherin was being a jerk and teasing Justin.”

“Did Ernie MacMillan step in?” Susan asked as they approached the Hufflepuff table.

“Yep.” Hannah said and they sat down. “It's becoming less effective, though.”

Susan nodded. Empty threats of retaliation were just that. Empty. She immediately thought of Harry and what he would do if given the chance. He wouldn't stand for bullying, she knew that much.

What would he do to someone that wouldn't stop, though? Susan asked herself, then she smiled as she remembered one particular duel where Harry had switched her kneecaps around and her legs bent the other way. Her aunt had thought Harry had crippled her niece and didn't blow up at him, which was smart, because it was just a simple hex and it hadn't hurt. It was just really, really weird.

Harry told the both of them where he learned it from, a book he bought in Flourish and Blotts, and he promised to bring it next week, because he had loaned it to Neville and didn't have it in his trunk. They were going to go over the spells inside and discuss the merits and the practical use of them.

Susan suspected that her aunt really just wanted to see if there was anything she could use. Either that, or she wanted access to what Harry had access to. Or both. Her aunt was difficult to figure out sometimes. Like taking Harry on as a student. It was odd for her to do that, and yet, Susan didn't object to it in the least. In fact, training didn't really feel like training at all. She was just hanging out with one of her friends.

“So, what was it like getting back to training?” Hannah asked as she picked up a piece of treacle tart.

“It was fun.” Susan said and smiled.

“Training? Fun?” Hannah asked and reached out to touch her forehead. “Are you feeling okay?”

Susan chuckled. “I'm fine.” She said and her eyes went out of the Great Hall and looked at the stairs that Harry had walked up a few minutes ago. “I'm just fine.”

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