Realistic Harry Potter

82 The Response Part One

Amelia Bones and her niece Susan had a great time going through the book Harry had brought to show them the curses and hexes from it. He had been right when he thought that Amelia would want him to demonstrate them for her. She praised him when every spell he tried worked and Harry tried to not let the compliments distract him, even though his ears went red.

After that and a little rest, Harry remembered to tell both Amelia and Susan about what Neville did to distract Draco and his two goons. He was right again that Amelia was very interested in that technique and asked him to demonstrate it. He had told her in a letter about the encounter but had forgotten to add that detail, so when he showed her, she actually applauded.

“I didn't come up with it.” Harry admitted and his face went red. “It was Neville and...”

“He wouldn't have if you weren't his friend.” Amelia said. “You've helped that boy a lot since you started hanging out at school together.”


“Who taught him Lumos Maxima and how many of these spells does he know?” Amelia asked with a smile as she pat the book on her lap.

Harry couldn't deny that it was him that had provided both things.

“What you did at the hospital today is going to help that boy so much more than you realize.”

“What did Harry do at the hospital?” Susan asked.

Amelia opened her mouth to explain and looked at Harry instead. “I'm sorry, Harry.”

“It's okay.” Harry said and sat down beside her. “She's your family and you shouldn't hide things from your family.”

Amelia reached over and put her arm over his shoulder to give him a one arm hug. “Then I need to thank you again for letting me in on your little secret.”

Harry blinked his eyes for a few moments and then his face went red again when he understood.

“Okay, now you really have to tell me what happened!” Susan said loudly and Amelia chuckled.

“All right, calm down.” Amelia said and put her other arm over her niece's shoulder to hug her, too. She took nearly twenty minutes to explain what she had seen and been a part of at the hospital.

“No... that... how can...” Susan looked at her aunt and then at Harry. “You can perform miracles!”

Both Harry and Amelia let out laughs.

“Not really... and not without some assistance.” Amelia said. “If it was just Harry himself that did it, I would heartily agree with you. He used an ancient and magical device that he found, researched, and then implemented.” She looked at Harry. “I am very proud of you for doing what you did with it, though. Very, very proud.”

“What did he...” Susan's voice trailed off as she thought about it, then she gasped. “You have it! The thing the headmaster was looking for!”

Harry nodded.

“Oh... oh...” Susan took several deep breaths and tried to calm her nerves. “You're going to turn it in to him for the reward, aren't you? A hundred galleons?”

“No.” Harry said. “I have a plan for it.”

“Harry!” Susan gasped. “You can't seriously think that you can keep it!”

Harry turned his head to look at her and saw Amelia's raised eyebrows. “You have to trust me.”

“Harry, really.” Susan said. “Even if you found it, it belongs to the headmaster...”

“No, it doesn't.” Harry said and she took in a sharp breath.

“But... but why...”

“That's why he wants it back so badly. He lost someone else's property.” Harry said and then he smiled as he remembered Sirius' reaction when he told him about it. “In fact, it's been missing since the middle of summer and he only just now noticed it was missing.”

Both Susan and Amelia gasped. After a few moments, Amelia recovered.

“I don't think he's absent-minded, just really busy.” Amelia said. “He's the headmaster of Hogwarts and that's a huge demand on his time, as is the Wisengamut and the International Confederation of Wizards.”

Harry shrugged. “He's not getting it back.”

“A hundred galleons.” Susan whispered.

“Is that all you want?” Harry asked and dug into his money pouch. He quickly counted out a hundred galleons and put them on the coffee table in front of Susan. “There. Happy early Christmas present.”

“Wh-WHAT?!” Susan yelled.

“I was trying to come up with a good gift for you. I guess giving you money works better.” Harry said. “You can go buy what you want now.” He looked at Amelia. “I forgot to ask what a nice donation to the hospital costs.”

Amelia was tempted to not answer and her eyes went to the stacks of gold coins on the table. “It could be anywhere from five hundred to a thousand galleons.”

Harry thought about that. “How big is the hospital?”

Amelia smiled, because she knew where he was going with that line of thinking. “It's four floors for patients and staff and the fifth is the tea and coffee shop with the store.”

Harry nodded. “I'll send a letter to Griphook and have a thousand galleons sent over to the hospital with it divided up between the four floors.”

“Harry!” Susan exclaimed. “You can't be serious!”

“I know. He's my godfather.” Harry grinned and Amelia laughed.

It took Susan a few seconds to catch on to what he said, then she chuckled. “Okay, that was funny.”

“Harry, I was the one that promised the donation.” Amelia said.

“You said that to get me in to see Neville's parents. I would have said it if I knew what to say.”

Amelia chuckled. “I don't think she would have believed you.”

Harry let out a sigh. “Yeah. I guess not.”

“So, don't worry about it.” Amelia said and rubbed his back. “I'll take care of it.”

“No.” Harry looked at her. “I'll just transfer the money into your vault if you do.”

Amelia gave him a bit of a stern look and he gave her one right back. “You're not going to let this go, are you?”

“No.” Harry said. “Sirius told you to do what you could to help me do what I wanted. I wanted to get into the ward and you helped me do that.” He took her hand and held it.

Amelia took a deep breath and let it out. “All right. I'll let you take care of the donation... on one condition.” She said and waited for a moment before speaking. “I want you to come with us on our Christmas break tour of the countryside.”

Harry's mouth dropped open in surprise.

“MOM! That's brilliant!” Susan said loudly and hugged her. “We usually have so much fun and now Harry can, too!”

Amelia's face flushed red at her niece's yell and she hugged her back with one arm.

“You... y-you want me... to go t-travelling... with y-you?” Harry asked, his voice unsure and shaking.

“Of course we do!” Susan said before Amelia could and let her aunt go, then she came around the couch to where Harry sat and hugged him, too. “It's amazing and fun and you have to come!” She pressed her cheek to his for a moment and leaned back. “Please say yes!”

Harry's face was red and he couldn't quite speak. The emotions going through him had frozen his tongue, so he just nodded.

“YES!” Susan yelled and kissed his cheek. “I promise that this is going to be something you'll never, ever forget! I promise!”

“You said promise twice, Susan.” Amelia observed.

“I have to make sure that he understands!” Susan said with a laugh and let a very red-faced Harry go. “Oh, I can't wait!” She hopped up and almost did a little dance. “I'm so hyped!” She reached down and took Harry's hand. “Come on! We need to do target practice!” She yanked on his arm and dragged him over to the hidden door before Harry knew what had happened.

“No Maxima spells!” Amelia said after them.

“We know!” Susan said with a laugh and the door closed behind them.

Amelia sat there for several seconds before she heard two loud explosions. “Dammit, girl!” She put the spell book aside and walked over to the hidden door and opened it. “I said no Maxima spells!”

“Sorry!” Susan said excitedly and blew another target apart with Bombarda Maxima.

“At least adjust your aim for the center!” Amelia nearly yelled.

“Okay!” Susan responded and blew up another target with her maximum firepower by hitting it in the head.

Amelia sighed and shook her own head as she stepped into the room and let the door shut behind her.


The Head Healer did her best to track down Amelia Bones. She used the floo network and tried the Ministry and her office, the Auror office, and then called the woman's secretary directly. She learned that Madam Bones was off for the day and was at home. After a brief conversation and expressing the urgency of the call, she was given a brief window to talk through Amelia's home fireplace.

“Madam Bones?” The Head Healer's face asked from the green flames in the living room fireplace. “Madam Bones? I'd like to speak to you, please!”

She looked around the room as she waited to see if anyone was going to come and her eyes saw the stacks of gold coins on the coffee table in front of the couch.

What in the world? Why does she have stacks of galleons on her table? She asked herself. She tried to yell for Madam Bones once more and failed to contact her. She pulled her head out of her own fireplace and let out a sigh. There's no point in going over there and knocking on her door if she isn't there.

The Head Healer stood up and dusted off her Healer's White robes. She sent word to the long term care ward and asked the healer to come visit her. After another conversation with her, she learned of the donation that Madam Bones had promised the hospital and that the boy's godfather was Sirius Black.

“Thank you.” The Head Healer said and the healer returned to her ward. That explains the galleons I saw. She thought and stood up with a smile on her face. Donations were always welcome and she could use that money to spruce up the place. The meals would take a significant upturn as well for a while.

The Head Healer left her office to go up to the third floor to visit Healer Ela and her sole patient, Sirius Black. She desperately wanted to find out who the boy was and how whatever happened had happened. She needed to know and she quickened her pace as she went up the stairs. In only a few moments, she would get to the bottom of this mystery if it was the last thing she ever did.

She approached Room 303 and didn't bother knocking. She tried the handle and the door was locked, so she waved her wand and the door opened onto a scene that would forever be burned into her memory.

One of the hospital's patients had buried himself deep inside one of her healers. They were both completely naked on the bed and covered in sweat and other things. The grunts and moans permeated the air and filled her ears as the sight of their bodies slapping together filled her eyes.

“Wh-what... what are you doing?” The Head Healer asked.

“Hush, woman!” Sirius barked. “I am thoroughly thanking this beautiful woman for taking care of me.”

“Ohhh... ohhhhh Sirius!” Healer Ela moaned as he made passionate love to her.

“I've got ten years of sexual frustration for you to heal for me, Ela.” Sirius said and kissed her.

“MMMMMMM!” Healer Ela moaned into his mouth because he said those magic words and she wrapped her arms tightly around him.

The Head Healer stood there for nearly a full minute before she realized she probably shouldn't. “I'll come back later.”

“Tomorrow.” Sirius said.

“Oh, Sirius.” Healer Ela shuddered and pulled him back down into a kiss.

The Head Healer walked out of the room and locked the door. As an afterthought, she waved her wand and made a Do Not Disturb sign appear on it.

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